Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How to Deal with Constipation

By Katie A. Price

If you're having a hard time passing out your stool, then most likely you have a condition called constipation. Generally, if you lack exercise and your diet is low in fiber, then you are prone to develop constipation. Hemorrhoids are often the resultant illness of constipation due to straining or forcing the stool to come out.

Some causes of constipation include a low fiber diet, low fluid intake and dehydration, medications such as diuretics, problems in the anal sphincter, and a low metabolic rate. Certain diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract such as tumors and diverticulitis can also cause constipation. If a patient has just undergone surgery, there is a great risk for constipation due to the cessation in the normal digestive process upon administration of general anesthesia.

In order to avoid having constipation, you need to eat foods that are rich in fiber. Examples of these foods are fruits and vegetables. Fibers are bulk formers, therefore increasing the bulk in your stool. This needs to be accompanied by adequate water intake, which is about eight glasses per day. Water is important in softening the stool. A low fat diet is also advised to avoid constipation.

Mobility promotes better digestion; therefore, physical activity is required to promote digestion and prevent constipation. Instead of just watching the television all day together with eating chips, try doing some jogging in the morning or even brisk walking to promote circulation. Good circulation is helpful especially to the organs because the more blood they receive, the better they can function.

Usually the management for constipation is preventing it from happening. However, if constipation is caused by other factors such as illness, then the approach would be slightly different. For people who have developed constipation due to an operation, ambulation or encouraging the patient to move about is recommended. Administration of laxatives and stool softeners are also possible to relieve constipation.

If constipation is caused by bowel obstructions, colonic irrigations are performed. These would include the administration of enemas to soften the stool and manually irrigate the colon. Sometimes, digital extraction is also done if the causative factor for constipation is blockage of hard stool in the anal pathway.

A lot of foods are known to relieve constipation. Usually, these foods are rich in dietary fiber that aids in digestion. These foods should be eaten on a regular basis so as to keep the stool soft but formed. With constipation present, straining is most likely to be done. Straining is bad because it can trigger vagal stimulation causing the heartbeat to become slower. This condition is very risky and life threatening especially to elderly patients.

If you are having constipation for a long time, you should consult your physician immediately. Chronic constipation often causes other serious complications such as hemorrhoids from straining, indigestion due to feeling of bloated which is caused by collection of stools from within the large intestine. - 17268

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Sucessful Weight Loss

By Claire Heeley

Hey there. Today I am going to talk about healthy weight loss. When it comes to losing weight keeping healthy is extremely important for your bodies future. I am going to show you how to lose weight in a healthy way.

When you see these celebrities you may be surprised at how quick they lose weight and want to know how they do it. Well it is likely that they are starving themselves and working out too much which is a dangerous combination and should never be copied.

First off it is important to know that we need to eat 5 small healthy meals a day. Now 5 may seem odd being that we want to lose weight but the keywords here are small and healthy.

Now I'm sure you already know the importance of vitamins for your body so the next thing that you need to take care of is that you get enough vitamins in your diet so you can lose weight. Eating healthily should do the job but make sure you take some extra ones in the morning just in case your not getting enough.

The next thing that will help you with weight loss is to make sure you drink only water. From now on cut out all fizzy drinks and you can actually cut out soft drinks too as they can contain a lot of sugar. Make sure you drink at least eight glasses a day.

The amazing thing about water is that it is a supressant and drinking it can make you feel full up causing you to eat less. It will also flush out the toxins in your body leaving you healthier and it will also flush out all the old water weight in your body causing you to lose weight.

So the last thing that you should be doing everyday to lose weight is exercising. Now this may be your worst nightmare but it's so effective. You could try walking everyday non stop for half hour. Or you could try a half hour swim. Swimming is the best exercise you can do to lose weight. If you can do it everyday then you will notice the pounds drop off. When it comes to weight loss you can't beat exercise. - 17268

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Can You Lose Weight Fast On Slim Fast

By Ron C

For anybody to lose weight you first need to understand that you need to take in fewer calories than you use up. The Slim fast diet, like a lot of other weight loss diets, follows that basic plan. Here's a short glimpse at the Slim fast diet.

First let's examine the basics of the Slim fast diet. The mainstay of the diet is drinking Slim fast shakes in the place of two of your daily meals. The dieter can also eat a regular meal for dinner, as well as two slices of fruit and one Slim fast nutrition bar. At 1200 calories everyday this diet is about 500 calories down from an average female's diet, and 1000 down from an average male's diet. Add exercise and you're sure to lose weight on this diet.

This Slim fast diet is easy to use, that's its focal point. If people can maintain a diet without much difficulty, they're likely to be successful. Another healthy aspect of the Slim fast diet is drinking a lot of water 6 to 8 cups everyday.

The Slim fast diet is deficient in some of the vitamins required, minerals and other necessary nutrients of a healthy diet. By replacing two meals with shakes, it's easy to miss these things. It's also very easy on this diet, and something that many people have done, to drop out that sensible meal. As they want to lose weight even quicker. That's a formula for disaster because a person doing this will be basically starving themselves.

On occasion people eat two regular meals and replace one with the Slim fast shake a modified Slim fast diet. Many people tend to eat junk food at lunch, so replacing that meal with a shake is a good idea.

As long as you maintain a healthy amount of food, Slim fast diet can work for you. - 17268

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Boosting Your Immune System, with Tea

By Christoph O Conner

Throughout history many cultures have used tea as way to stay healthy and disease free. Drinking tea is a great way to boos your immmune system and fight off disease. Tea is not just a drink anymore.

Green tea is a great example of how tea can benefit ones health. Green tea is rich in antioxidants including EGCG. It helps in fighting many diseases such as cancer and can really boost a persons immune system.

The way tea is processed really impacts how strong its health benefits are. For example Green tea is has the least amount of processing, therefore it contains the most health benefits of any tea. The lack of processing contributes to why green tea is so good for immune system.

Although tea has been known to have great health benefits often people can be skeptical. For this reason studies have been done that show how beneficial it really is. L-theanine is an amino acid that strenthens the immune system and keeps us safe from amny infections. L-theanine is also found in tea.

Tea has many health benefits other than just boosting ones immune system. Tea can help with digestive problems, high blood pressure, cancer etc. The antioxidants found in tea can greatly help with serious health problems. Tea also contains a large amount of fluoride which helps strengthen teeth.

Tea not only boosts your immune system but also has practically zero calories and is a very healthy alternative to most drinks. In order to gain the benefits of most tea a person should drink about two to four cups of tea day. People who drink tea have been found to have higher levels of anti-bacterial proteins than those who don't.

People who drink tea regulary can count on a healthy immune system as well as strong defense against many diseases. Tea is a great way to stay healthy and prevent future diseases and health problems. Since it cant really hurt, its a good idea to try and incorporate tea into your life in some way. - 17268

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Boosting Your Immune System, with Tea

By Christoph O Conner

In many cultures tea has been passed on through generations as a health benefit rather than a beverage. It has been found that certain teas contain many health benefits that help boost our immune systems and help our bodies fight disease.

Green tea, for example, is rich in EGCG which is a very powerful antioxidant. Green tea has been known to fight cancer, lower cholesterol and greatly repair a persons immune system.

The way tea is processed really impacts how strong its health benefits are. For example Green tea is has the least amount of processing, therefore it contains the most health benefits of any tea. The lack of processing contributes to why green tea is so good for immune system.

Although tea has been known to have great health benefits often people can be skeptical. For this reason studies have been done that show how beneficial it really is. L-theanine is an amino acid that strenthens the immune system and keeps us safe from amny infections. L-theanine is also found in tea.

Tea is great for the immune system but also plays a strong role in helping with many other ailments. Tea helps keep our digestive tract in order and kills of bad cells that cause cancer. Not only is tea rich in antioxidants but it also helps keep our teeth strong.

Unlike most beverages such as sodas, tea is low in calories. Tea is a healthy drink that boosts your immune system. It is recommended that person drink about two to four cups of tea a day. This way you can get the most benefits out fo the tea. Tea also contains a high level of anit-bacterial proteins which is found in high levels in people who drink tea.

People who drink tea regulary can count on a healthy immune system as well as strong defense against many diseases. Tea is a great way to stay healthy and prevent future diseases and health problems. Since it cant really hurt, its a good idea to try and incorporate tea into your life in some way. - 17268

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Will Fish Oil Help With Arthritis

By Dr. Bill

Yesterday I got a question about arthritis and fish oil. The person wanted to know what supplements to take and what foods to eat to ease her arthritis.

I always recommend eating foods as close to their natural state as possible. Whole grains, lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and some dairy are all good. Notice how processed foods didn't make the cut. No fast foods either.

When you go to the grocery store you should only shop in 3 areas, at most: The area for meat/poultry/seafood, and the vegetable and fruit areas. All the rest of the packaged products can just just sit on the shelf, undisturbed by you.

That's a good goal, but often unrealistic. You are going to eat some processed food at some point. (Or maybe more than a bit.)

Keep in mind that the elements that provide real nourishment for your body, like enzymes, vitamins, fatty acids, minerals, amino acids, and other elements, are usually stripped from processed foods.

Not getting any of these items, in the proper amounts, particulary the correct balance of fatty acids, often results in inflammation.

Long chain omega-3 fatty acids are essential to combating the pain and joint stiffness of inflammation. They do this by helping to block dietary omega-6 fatty acids, which are high in the Western diet.

Food manufacturers usually strip out the essential elements you need for a very simple reason. It's called "shelf life." They don't want their product to spoil, so they take these essential elements out to retard spoilage.

Eating the right kind of food isn't always easy. But what I've written about should help. - 17268

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A Wu-Yi Green Tea Success Story with Jill

By Wu-Yi Source

Its one thing for us at Wu-Yi Source to tell you all the benefits with using green tea for dieting. It's another thing for you to hear from one of our many happy users of our system just how much success they have had using the Wu-Yi green tea dieting system.

Jill lost over 55 pounds using Wu-Yi Green Tea

About 4 months ago my step-mother gave me Wu-Yi Green Tea. Ive tried every diet that exists, and I didnt put much faith into this product either, but it was after all, just green tea, so why not? I truly went into this with no expectations whatsoever

I weighed 210 pounds when I first started drinking green tea and after the first month I lost 10 pounds. I know, 10 pounds is not much to lose when you weigh 210 but 5 months later I lst another 45 pounds. Having tried so many different diets in the past I would of written the Wu-Yi Green Tea dieting system off as another fad diet.

I still have more weight to lose, but I know I will. Im no longer stressed about my weight. For all those people who are like me, and very skeptical, I can only say, try it.

Jill O.

The days of buying expensive dieting foods and counting calories are over. Step one in losing weight is to decide that you are going to lose the weight and with Wu-Yi Green Tea, together we will take off the weight. - 17268

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Advance Wellness Research Special Deals

By Linda Kemp

Are acai berries really as good at helping people lose weight as they are made out to be? Considering the number of people testifying how great these supplements are, the answer seems to be yes. There are so many people who are claiming that they were finally able to lose weight just by adding Pure Acai Berry to their diet that it definitely seemed like a worthwhile quest in order to try this idea out.

To determine for myself whether acai berry is worth taking as a weight loss supplement, I decided to add Pure Acai Berry to my diet for a month. I choose this particular supplement because it seemed to be the most pure and the most concentrated. Having a free trial offer of it also helped because I knew that I would not be wasting money if I didn't like the results! Not knowing what I would experience, I was definitely not very certain at first if this would be worthwhile. However, I was exceptionally pleased with the results of supplementing my diet with this berry.

Before starting my acai berry supplement routine, I was carrying a modest amount of extra weight- just like most people in this country. I knew that summer was coming up and I was really hoping to find a way to get rid of the extra weight so that I would look good in the summer clothing that I wanted to wear. However, all of the diets I had tried left me hungry and cranky and never helped me lose weight because I would go off of them too quickly once I got tired of them. And other diet supplements I tried were horrible too, because they left me jittery and feeling strange. But this berry was not at all like any of those other weight loss experiences. I felt no ill effects while taking it and I started noticing results right away.

Basically, after a month of taking Pure Acai Berry, I was feeling and looking noticeably slimmer and I also felt very energetic. This was sure a different feeling than I've had on other diets! I am actually looking forward to summer this year and to trying on bathing suits, especially after continuing the supplement routine for another couple of months! Plus, because I've had more energy ever since taking this supplement, I've also found the energy to exercise. This has really made a difference since I look more toned and fit and the weight is coming off even easier than ever before.

What has really surprised me about acai berry is that weight loss is not the only benefit I've felt. I've just felt overall healthier since starting to take it and my improved body image is really starting to show in my confidence in myself. I am also very impressed with the amount of nutrients that this berry contains and know that getting plenty of antioxidants, fiber, omega fatty acids, and other nutrients will really help me stay healthy over my lifetime.

After my trial period of taking Pure Acai Berry, I am definitely sold on the effects of this superfood. I will continue to take it in order to keep my weight under control and for all of the other great health effects and I sincerely urge everyone else to do the same. Do your own trial of this supplement and you are sure to find out, like I did, that it really is a miracle food. - 17268

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Losing weight with natural suplements

By Jessie Caldhurst

Before ever buying a weight loss supplement you should always do a bit of research first. There is currently over 400 different types of supplements a person can get online.

With there being so much hype online over certain dietary supplements its hard to figure out which ones may actually work.

The right combination of ingredients can really make a supplement worth while and here is a list of some of the best ingredients used in today's supplements.

1. Hoodia Gordonii - which comes from Africa, is the best natural appetite suppressant ever used in dietary supplements.

2. Fucoxanthin - which comes from the sea of japan - is known for having some of the best fat burning properties around.

3. Green Tea which in recent years has been proven to carry amazing levels of antioxidants also contributes to increased energy levels which helps in losing weight.

4. Pomegranate - Many food and dietary supplement makers have found advantages of using pomegranate extracts (which have no sugar, calories, or additives), instead of juice, as healthy ingredients in their products. Many pomegranate extracts are essentially ellagic acid which absorbs into the body after parent molecule punicalagins are hydrolyzed.

These are just some of the various products that you can use to lose weight. Please consider the following.

It is up to you to do your own research. Look for these tips when you consider what to buy:

Some natural supplements may pose serious side effects. Check and see if there is any bad press for the product. Note - not all bad press is bad press either - if there is a recommendation of another product to use after you read a bad press article - chances are you are just being steered to buy someone else's product.

If you can't find any contact information for the product you are researching - would not recommend buying it from them.

Is your investment covered by any sort of money back guarantee? - 17268

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The Problems With Rapid Weight Loss

By Vic Quincy

A great deal of harm can be done with rapid weight loss, yet this is the way many people approach dieting often using weight loss pills to accelerate the process. Nutritional experts now believe that safe weight loss is the way forward and incorporates a whole range of dietary regimes that have an emphasis on losing weight using more natural processes. e. weight loss tablets, appetite suppressants and force physical exercise are now viewed as the opposite of safe weight loss.

Whenever you start a diet, you have to set some definite goals that are to be achieved at the end of several stages so a dietary program is not a body torture. This way by making small adjustments in your safe weight loss program they will become more of a habit and be accepted by the body as you gradually lose weight.

There are some natural supplements that can help this process including green tea but only if it is used with ginseng, extract from the Hoodia plant and foods containing guarana can also help. you might also like to try finding some cheap Leukidrol or Hemogex for your health supplements. The combined effort of these natural products will provide more energy, a lower appetite and ensure the body does not get sick.

In case you suffer from diabetes, any heart disease such as arrhythmia, high cholesterol or other problems, it's best to talk to your doctor before you buy any supplements as safe weight loss programs involve personal comfort and an encouraging health status. Provided you do not have a specific health condition then safe weight loss exercises include certain activities that are designed to burn calories. So for overweight people that have heart problems then they will only be able to carry out walking as an exercise and this for only short periods.

This is not meant to be a form of exercise where exertion is necessary and it is quite ok to sit and rest when you feel the need and to help with this it is suggested that regular massage sessions will help with your safe weight loss program. However, if you prefer, swimming is an excellent form of exercise and even those with a heart condition can pursue this safely. Remember that some weight loss pills should be avoided, especially those that contain ephedra or bitter orange.

While bitter orange can be very good, it doe rely on the correct minute dosage which is often not the case when certain products are purchased online. This is particularly true of Hoodia which is rare and costly but a very efficient natural appetite suppressant with no side-effects but the name is often used on products that do not contain any but a safe weight loss program relies on the weight loss being natural and who knows what is in these pills? - 17268

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Cilantro A Tonic With Many Benefits

By George B. Siba

Cilantro is a popular Mediterranean herb used in cooking and an effective tonic with many benefits. Cilantro is a leafy green herb is used in many of the worlds cuisines, the seeds are known as coriander. Cilantro leaves are similar to parsley leaves, but lighter green and more aromatic.

Cilantro is a perennial herb with tender green fruits, which have a sweet-smelling aroma. They turn a brownish yellow when ripe. Cilantro flourishes in black soil and arid regions like the Mediterranean.

You can find cilantro in Indian, Mexican, Chinese and even your local grocery stores. Cilantro leaves contain protein, fat, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, and water. The juice is rich with vitamin A, B1, B2, C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, sodium, potassium, and oxalic acid.

The leaves work as stimulants and tonics. They are often used to strengthen the stomach and support digestion, boost secretion and discharge of urine and help in the removal of phlegm. Cilantro leaves act as an aphrodisiac, the seeds decrease fever, and give a feeling of coolness.

Dry Cilantro is used to treat diarrhea. The seeds are acknowledged to ease excessive menstrual flow. An effective remedy for pimples is to mix a teaspoon of coriander juice with a pinch of turmeric powder. The blend should be applied to the face after washing every night before going to bed.

Cilantro water is used to help lower blood cholesterol. Boil the dry coriander seeds and strain them after cooling. It makes a descent tasting tea. Traditionally, freshly dried cilantro has been made into an eye-wash, and used in treating the burning and pain of conjunctivitis.

The leaves and soft stems of coriander plants are used in chutneys, sauces, curries and soups. The oil is used for flavoring and in medicine. Dried coriander is an important ingredient of curry powder and is also used in pickling spices, seasoning, and for flavoring spirits, for the most part, gin. Dry coriander should be used in moderation by people with bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Chutney is a variety of sweet and spicy condiments, usually involving a fresh, chopped primary vegetable or fruit with added seasonings.

To make a cilantro chutney, start with a bunch of fresh cilantro leaves, wash well and cut off any hard stems, keep the soft ones. Puree with 1-2 cloves of peeled garlic, and 1 green chilli or de-seeded jalopeno. Puree until smooth. Add salt and the juice of half a lemon. Serve immediately or refrigerate until needed. This recipe has many variations; this is one of the simplest.

Taking into account its healing properties, its no surprise coriander is frequently used both internally and externally. - 17268

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Advance Wellness Research Promotional Offer Information

By Linda Kemp

Imagine never missing taking a dose of your favorite health supplement because you ran out and forgot to get some more. Advance Wellness Research knows how frustrating that can be, which is why they offer a convenient auto-ship program. With auto-shipping, you choose what product you want and when you want to receive it.

Then, Advance Wellness Research delivers it to your door according to your schedule. AdvanceWellness Research offers a variety of products designed for your health and wellbeing. Products like: Acai Berry and the Bright Teeth Whitening are just a few.

What about safety? Advance Wellness Research puts every product they offer through a strict screening process to ensure their high quality and safety. They promise never to sell anything that they wouldn't give to their own families. If you're still not sure,

Advance Wellness Research offers all of their products on a risk-free trial basis. This ensures that you're getting only the products that benefit you the most.

Your Health - Your Schedule - If you're using health supplements to lose weight, feel better, look better or have more energy, then you know how frustrating it is when you get off schedule because you're supply is out.

Getting to the store can be tough with a hectic lifestyle, and ordering online can take weeks for delivery. Advance Wellness Research, Inc. wants to be sure that you get your health products when you need and according to your schedule.

You can choose to receive your products once a month, once every other month, or whatever suits you best. And, you can cancel the shipments any time you want.

Most health experts agree that whatever you do for good health, it's best to stick to a schedule. Advance Wellness Research will make sure that you do. Start now. Find out what you have been missing. - 17268

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