Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, August 15, 2009

How to Get Big Pecs Naturally

By Frank Hommes

When you picture some of the great male figures in history, movies or sports, what is one of their most noticeable features? There's nothing nicer than a great set of pecs to really make a man get noticed. Large pectorals make a guy look imposing, confident, and very fit, maybe more so than well-developed abs or arms.

You might be asking what's the secret of getting big pecs? Well, there isn't one simple method that will promise that you'll suddenly have huge pecs. Building your pecs will require a lot of work and time to get the to the point you want them to be. You will probably have to do more than just changing your workout routine, however, that plays a vital role.

The first thing that you should do if you want to build pecs is to eliminate straining yourself. So many people think that if they work their pecs to exhaustion, they'll build up quickly. However, it can actually be very detrimental to do this.

If you already have a heavy work out routine, then you're not going to improve your pecs by just working out more. You'll only burn yourself out and likely harm your muscles without seeing any positive gain. Instead, it's better to figure out how to increase the efficiency of your work out.

You can do this by switching from the traditional press movements and focusing more on exercises that isolate specific areas in the pecs for maximum gain. Flys are a great way to do this, as they provide a more thorough workout than straight presses. To do a fly, just take a pair of dumbbells and lift them up parallel to your body. This can be done in a number of different positions, from standing to flat on a bench to inclined.

"How to get impressive pecs" isn't a question that can be answered by any one change. Modifying your diet and making other positive lifestyle changes can also be important for building up this group of muscles. - 17268

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Will a Regular Walking Routine Really Help Me Prevent Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you decide that you want to take up a regular walking regimen, you will often be congratulated for making such a healthy decision. Walking will help you improve your cardiovascular system, and improve your endurance. You will lose fat while increasing the amount of your muscle mass but, you probably are not aware that your walking routine can also help you to reduce bruising easily as well?

As we grow older, we do tend to become much more subject to easy bruising. It seems as if at any particular moment, we can look down and see bruises on our arms and wrists and be unable to recall lightly bumping into a kitchen countertop a few days ago. Our collagen level decreases as we age, and some of our blood vessels can become more fragile, with the result of bruising that is particularly spectacular when judged against the bruise's modest origin.

Easy bruising is not a condition that you have to endure. If you want stop worrying about covering up your bruises, and you'd like not having to see bruises at all, now is the time to consider what a dedicated walking program can provide you. Walking can become an important aspect of keeping maintaining your health, so give appropriate consideration to the benefits available.

If you establish a proper walking regimen, you can enjoy the benefits of aerobic exercise. You are improving your cardiovascular health as you participate in the aerobic workout you can get from walking, which means that you will be causing your blood vessels to get stronger. Healthier and less fragile blood vessel walls will mean that as they become stronger, they will be much less likely to rupture and cause bruises by some light contact.

Walking will cause you to increase your muscle mass. This muscle growth can help you become more graceful and balanced, which will allow you to exercise more control of your body so that you are less likely to bump into things nearly as much. Even when you do bump into something, toned and healthy mass will help prevent so much trauma from taking place.

Regular exercise should be an important part of anyone's life, but remember that it can also help you with the bruising that you might be encountering. Maybe you are just getting a few small bruises here and there or maybe it feels that every time you turn around there is a new black and blue spot that you need to deal with; a good walking program can help.

Before you start up any new exercise program it is advisable that you should speak to your personal physician. He or she might have recommendations to make about your beginning intensity level and how quickly you should progress. Get good walking shoes, and if at all possible, try to find a good track to walk upon, rather than concrete sidewalks. If you walk just on sidewalks, it can be surprisingly tough on your body, particularly the knees if you're not focused on the hazards.

A dedicated walking program is a terrific way to help start preventing your bruises, but don't overlook a daily, natural supplement program. As an example the uniquely formulated blend of supplements found in Bruises Be Banned has been proved to be effective to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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How To Look Taller Naturally

By Shaun Davids

Have you always wondered how to look taller? You will be shocked how a simple change in attitude and your clothing can make you gain height. These are not the only techniques to make you taller - getting the right nutrients and straightening your posture can also protect you from bones diseases and from shrinking in your old age.

Let us first talk about your wardrobe. You already be dressing to make you biggest assets stand out, but did you know you could use your clothes to make you look taller too? You could do this by wearing clothes of a similar color, particularly darker ones. And for even more of a height enhancer you could add thin vertical stripes to give you more length.

By wearing two-toned clothing-such as dark pants with a white shirt-you draw a line across your waist where the two colors meet, which makes you look shorter, especially if your pants are high on your waist. For how to look taller, avoid patterns such as plaid or polka dots. Most of all, try to choose clothing that fits you well and makes your limbs and torso seem long rather than short.

Your shoes can also have an effect in making you become taller. Wearing heels and height increasing insoles can make you look taller. Wearing large shoes, such as clogs, boots, and tennis shoes, can also aid in the illusion, as they make your feet look bigger.

Believe it or not, your hair helps you how to look taller. By wearing your hair long, you blur the space between your ears and shoulders, which makes your neck look shorter.

Maintaining an upright posture will also improve your height. Having a straight back with shoulders back not only makes you look taller, but it makes your core muscles, back and bones stronger, helping you maintain more of your height as you age.

And lastly your attitude can have a profound effect. This is harder than it sounds, but if you can be confident and be cheerful around people, they will respond positively to you.

In contrast, if you are miserable, uncertain, and negative, those you interact with will notice this as well, and it will affect your appearance of how to look taller. - 17268

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How To Go Sleeveless In 7 Days By Not Doing The Following 4 Mistakes

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Being sleeveless in 7 days requires a laser-like approach to nutrition. Yet most women do not know how to get that laser-like precision because of all the confusing advice out there.

Even worse, many women do not know what experts to listen to. In reality, unless you have a PhD in nutrition, it's almost impossible to navigate through all the false information out there.

And many of the common practices women follow, are not beneficial towards losing arm fat. Why is this the case? Because many useless nutrition myths have been perpetuated for so long that women see them as rules. This is not a good scenario if you want to go sleeveless in 7 days.

So without further ado, here are 4 things you shouldn't do if you want to be sleeveless in 7 days:

1. Seeing saturated fat as evil. Saturated fat is only evil when it's more than 10% of the calories in your diet. Otherwise, don't worry about it. Moreover, the healthiest sources of fats also contain small amounts of saturated fat. Thus, it's impossible to completely avoid it.

2. Copious amounts of super foods. Don't buy into the whole magic bullet culture. While certain foods are definitely healthier than others, combinations of foods are the healthiest. A bowl of oatmeal with blueberries, strawberries and raspberries, for instance, is much healthier than a bowl of oatmeal with a heaping mountain of blueberries. In this case, the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts.

3. Assuming eating out at a healthy restaurant is healthy. If you're serious about going sleeveless in 7 days, eating at restaurants should only be done in moderation. Also know that most of what is marketed as healthy is actually NOT healthy. Do not fall victim to all the hype and glossy images!

4. Steering clear of pleasure foods. It's ok to have your cake and eat it too as long as you minimize the damage. How do you do this? By having a salad or vegetables before indulging. This will slow down the digestion of whatever you're eating. You will not gain arm fat or lose your ability to go sleeveless in 7 by having a treat here and there.

If you are doing any of the above please stop now! Following outdated practices is not good for losing arm fat. Going sleeveless in 7 days requires and up-to-date nutritional approach. So stick with what has been proven by research and disregard all the lies! Good luck! - 17268

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The Sanyo Zero Gravity DR 7700 Massage Chair

By Anthony Vineta

The DR 7700 is the luxury massage chair from Sanyo. Sanyo makes other models of massage chairs as well. The DR 7700 is also a zero gravity recliner. This does not make you wait lists, but it is supposed to distribute the weight of your body better across your back. There are many advanced technologies integrated into this massage chair recliner. Whether it is the undulating sole shiatsu foot massage or the over the shoulder gripping massage, the Sanyo DR 7700 is loaded with features.

There certainly are a number of choices when it comes to plan massage chairs. Sanyo has developed the DR 7700 massage chair has its planned model. This model comes with the latest technological goodies from Sanyo.

Sanyo is introducing an exclusive new roller pad system. The roller is responsible for massaging the back, neck and shoulders areas. Normally, the rollers are driven by a series of motors. Each motor allows for different movements or massage techniques.

Sanyo developed the exclusive GK rollers for the DR 7700 massage chair. The GK roller system is designed to emulate the grasping and the kneading motions of a master masseuse. These thumb-like rollers provide a firm grasping action.

The DR-7700 massage chair comes with four full body sensor automatic massages. These are full body preprogrammed massages. They work off a single button and provide you with different types of massages to suit different needs.

Sanyo has incorporated in a repeat feature for the continued massage of a specific area. Just hit the repeat button and the massage will roll back and perform the last few minutes of the massage program. This enables you to target a specific area during the course of an automatic massage program.

The DR7700 massage chair comes with a stiffness sensor. The stiffness is determined by taking a reading of your pulse rate and perspiration. This is accomplished by cupping your hand over a secondary remote control. This information is then read and inputted into the massage chair computer.

The new stiffness detection sensor is an electronic feature I could probably do without. It is interesting to do the first time, but after that I just want my massage. Perhaps, the stiffness detector actually shows you the degree of stiffness as well. It seems like lot information when all I need is a good relieving massage.

One interesting feature is the multipoint leg and foot shiatsu massage. This system works off of the airbags which are specifically designed to perform a gripping motion. Also, soul airbags are used to massage the bottom of the feet. These also include shiatsu nodes to stimulate the trigger point on the bottom of your feet.

The DR-7700 massage chair by Sanyo performs a multitude of different massages for the back and shoulders. These massages are much lighter, softer and subtle than other chairs which penetrate more deeply. This is one concern for those who like deep penetrating massages. You cannot later make the chair stronger.

Sanyo makes a solid line of massage chairs. Each model contains many of the same technological functions such as the stiffness detection system and the body shape sensor. Make sure that the level of massage intensity will suit your needs down the road. The Sanyo DR 7700 massage chair is one of the better luxury models available. - 17268

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Will Acai Berry Drink Help You? - Full Health Assistance From This Fruit in Juice, Smoothies, Teas & More

By Earl Cabo

One of the most refreshing and nourishing drinks in the world, Acai Berry drink from juices, smoothies, health teas and more is regarded as the easiest and most common use of Acai fruit. In simple words, this Acai Drink is starting to become a sensation originating from the Amazonians from the South America all the way to the Western and Asian societies. But what exactly is so special about this drink? Aside from the obvious reason that this comes from Acai fruit which is so full of major vitamins and minerals, this drink is good for every one because of these four reasons:

1. Acai drink offers an assortment of amino acids and vital minerals which helps in our muscle activities and tissue repair especially if you live a very rigorous and active life.

2. It holds more proteins needed by our bodies to make our hormones, organs, and muscles tough and well.

3. Acai drink boosts our immunity providing us extra energy to combat diseases as we become more and more involved in our social or even daily life.

4. It boosts our mood as Acai berry drink from juices, smoothies, health teas and more also helps us relieve our stress and improves our stress levels. Whether you are feeling blue and down because of work or love life, this drink will be your best buddy during these stressful times in your life and will definitely cheer you up and gets you going again.

Further studies are still ongoing at the moment to detect other diseases that an Acai drink from juices, smoothies, health teas and more can reduce, if not completely eliminate. Not only will this Acai drink can keep you young but it will also definitely gives you the opportunity to live life to the fullest as you stay stronger and healthier with just one Acai berry drink a day. So what are you waiting for? Start now for a healthier and longer future. - 17268

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The Neat and Clean Way to Make Compost

By Gerry Sankus

Most people who choose to garden are aware of the benefits of composting and know the basics of creating good compost, but often are unsure if any special equipment, if any, is actually required.

The most basic form of a compost pile is exactly that, a pile of vegetation, garbage and scrap items such as leaves and grass, which then may be or not be surrounded by an enclosure. This simple system works very well, but requires a fairly long period of time and a certain amount of maintenance to ensure a good final product.

Finished compost should appear like fine loam with a sweet earthy aroma and should not be a slimy glob of muck. An important process in achieving this quality is turning the pile over regularly in order to mix and aerate it and let oxygen enter into the compost to create aerobes, which are the microbes that hasten the breaking down of your pile into good compost.

The disadvantages of a pile are obvious. They are rather ugly, they may attract vermin and small animals such as raccoons, dogs and rats, they may have an unpleasant odor, and they will also probably irritate the heck out of your neighbors if you live in a fairly well populated area. As a matter of interest, many municipalities now ban compost piles because of the above reasons. The one advantage of a pile is that it is fairly easy to pitchfork the raw compost over, in order to mix and aerate it, also larger amounts of compost can be processed at one time.

Compost bins are designed for the home gardener. They should be vermin and child proof, be odor free (if you provide the correct proportions of carbon and nitrogen in loading the bin this is not a problem) and visually more pleasing. A bin can be problematic when you aerate the compost because it is usually difficult to turn the compost over efficiently. Another drawback is the emptying of the bin if it does not have an access door at the bottom. Also if a bin sits directly on rough, sloped or uneven ground or is designed as a ball which has to be rolled in order along to mix the contents, that system mixing operation could be extremely difficult. Aerating need to be done on a regular basis, so the easier, the better.

A compost tumbler is probably the best system. Tumbling the contents provides aeration without the use of tools and also speed up the decomposition time. Do not believe the claims of "compost in just a couple of weeks'. This sounds good but Mother Nature works at her own pace and we can speed her up just so much. The great advantage of a tumbler is the ease of turning and aerating the compost, which should provide a finished product in about 10 weeks.

Things to be aware of:

Dark colored containers to absorb the suns heat, especially important in cooler climes.

Well built with sturdy stands or legs, a full composter can weigh over 150 pounds or more.

Can you easily relocate the unit if necessary, in order to be closer to the garden area worked currently being worked on.

Does the tumbler have a method of collecting the compost tea which collects on the bottom and if saved and utilized, is a fantastic product to pour on your planting beds or directly on the plants as a fertilizer

Other considerations:

Depending on the size of your garden, will one composter be enough? New material can always be added to your composter, but the process is quicker if one load is processed at a time. It is extremely convenient to have "ready to go compost" when you need it.

Hide a kitchen composter pail in a handy location to toss your daily scraps into. - 17268

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What To Eat To Lose Weight

By Selene Foong

One of the main components in any weight loss program will definitely have to be the food intake. Food plays the most important part in any weight loss program as it could either make it a success or turn it into a big huge failure. So, whatever you put on your plate is very important.

Do bear in mind that this is not about counting calories only but also about the quality of the food you eat. What you choose to eat for your meals is more important than counting the calories of every single morsel you put in your mouth. This is because some foods are healthier and could work in your favor even though the calories may not be that low. While there are some low calorie foods that are not healthy and do not give your body any benefit.

Why eat food that are bad for your health or do not even provide any benefits to your body even if it is low in calorie? It is better that you choose foods that are not so low in calorie but is nutritious and good for your body. It is when you eat healthy food that you will be able to provide the fuel to your body to assist you in your weight loss goal. If you only consume zero calorie foods with no nutrition whatsoever, it won't help your body to lose fat at all. An example are zero calorie drinks that are not nutritious and not good for you. But if you compare that to milk, milk has calories but it also has nutrients and vitamins that are good for you.

Milk is one of the best beverage for you to get the protein you need for your body. Not only is it healthy, it is also delicious and easy to drink. You can even the low fat kinds. Although popular diet programs always say you must cut down on dairy products, a glass or two of low fat milk will not spoil your diet. On the contrary, it might give you a boost and help you to cut down on your food intake.

This is how it works. Milk is a type of protein, thus it is filling. After drinking a glass of milk, you will be less hungry and in the end, feel less inclined to binge or over eat later. This is the same with eating foods like oats or whole grains. These type of foods are what we would term as fat burning foods as they have the ability to keep you full longer and you will consume lesser calories.

Choosing healthier foods is always easy as you need to go for natural first and reject most processed food. Natural means loads of fruits and vegetables, especially fresh ones. Even frozen ones are better than you choose for processed food. When it comes to choosing your food, you should know not to only look at the calories but also the fat content and the nutrients. Always go for those that has higher vitamins and nutrients but is also low in fat and calories. This way, you will ensure that you are providing your body with the nutrients it needs in your weight loss journey. - 17268

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The Things You Need To Know About Core Back Strength in Bodybuilding

By Ricardo d Argence

There are quite a few things that are involved in bodybuilding. However, the first thing you must do in order to achieve your goals is to gain good core strength. This lies in your abdominal muscles and your back, so this article will show you what exercises to do and what muscles to workout.

Your back and spine are the primary stabilizing muscles in your body, and the ones easiest to injure when lifting weights. From a biomechanical perspective, your back consists of the spine, the ribs, the scapula and the ligaments that string them all together, like parts of a mobile or kinetic motion structure.

Injuries to the back are almost always compression or rotation injuries ? they're damage to the soft tissue that lets your back move. Good weight lifting practices and muscle group isolation are key to avoiding back injuries, many of which won't show up for years after you've done them to yourself.

Muscle groups that you need to work on in the back are your traps, lats and deltoids, and you need to take them slowly. Yes, you can get a ripped looking back by overdoing it, but it's better to focus on practical strength increases over physical appearance and muscle building when dealing with your back.

If you go to the gym, you are more than likely to see someone there that has big muscles around their neck. These are called the trapezius muscles, and these are an iatrical part to the strength in your back. The best exercise is to take a dumbbell in both hands and shrug your shoulder up as high as they will go, and bring them down very slowly, create more resistance.

Once you workout your trapezius muscles, the next muscle is the deltoids. When you are at a gym you will see many different exercises that you can do for deltoids, either by free weights, or nautilus. One way with free weights is to take a dumbbell in your hand, with your elbow at your side, and make sure that your forearm is out level with the map. Then you simply extend your arm out until it's at shoulder height so you are able to look straight down your arm at the dumbbell.

The next muscle that's important in core back strength is your lower trapezius muscle. This is probably the easiest exercise to do, because all you need to do is to do a v-bar pull down so that you isolate the muscle thoroughly.

Building definition, and most importantly, strength, in the lower back requires shoulder arches. Hold a light dumb-bell over the back of your neck and lay down on your front. With your hands clasped, arch your back, lift, and hold for a count of three, then lower slowly. Do these sparingly; it's very easy to overdo them.

As with all muscle building exercises, it's important to do stretches and a bit of cardio before and after doing them to maintain flexibility. - 17268

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Dry Facial Skin Treatments

By Linda Robison

Home remedies for dry skin are very popular because they are less toxic than typical dry skin lotions and creams. Here you will find the best tips for dry skin using natural and safe ingredients. Many people combine these natural remedies to make the best treatment for dry skin and sometimes find a permanent cure for dry skin.

Dry Skin Care Tips - Home Remedies for Dry Skin "

One of the most important home remedies for dry skin is to stop using SOAP! It doesnt matter if you have normal, dry, or oily skin " nobody should ever use soap on their face. All facial cleansers should be pH balanced. This means that your facial cleanser cream should have a pH that measures around 7 which is neutral.

The pH measures the how acidic or alkaline your cleanser is. Normal healthy skin is usually in the range of 4.2 to 5.6 and a good facial cleanser cream should also be within this range. At this level, the acid mantle (the skin surface) is in good condition and is able to protect the skin from dehydration and other damaging elements of the environment like wind, sun or bacteria. A pH below 7 is considered more acidic and above 7 is more alkaline.

Another great natural home remedy to help cure dry skin is to massage either olive or emu oil into your skin. Emu and olive oil can not only moisturize the skin; but can also heal and protect it. You should apply the oil after washing your skin, with a pH balanced cleanser, every night before bed. Its best to apply the oil while the skin is slightly damp.

Dry Facial Skin Mask

Once a week or so give yourself a nice mask facial for dry skin. This mask will also help tighten the skin " so consider using it before going out for big night. Your skin will look fabulous! Here is what youll need for the Dry Skin Mask:

- 2 egg yolks - 1 teaspoon of honey

Mix the egg yolks first, then add honey and mix completely. Massage onto skin and let it sit for 30 minutes, then rinse off and apply a good quality moisturizer.

Home Remedies For Dry Skin - Diet

Surprising, dry skin responds well to a healthful diet. When people look for a cure for dry skin, they hardly ever look at their diet. But just remember if you are obsessed with low fat diets and you suffer from dry skin, you might need more essential fats into your diet. Make sure to eat several servings of fruits, vegetables, and small amount of good fats such as olive oil, flax seeds, or avocados. Also, consider taking a good, quality fish oil supplement. Fish oil can also help reduce weight, cholesterol, arthritic conditions and even improve mood for those suffering from depression.

Home Remedies for Dry Skin -Dry Skin Moisturizers

In some cases, home remedies for dry skin may not be enough to cure dry skin symptoms and some people find they need a little extra help by using a good dry skin cream or lotion. The best lotion for dry skin is one that wont rub or wipe off right after you apply it and is noncomdegenic (wont clog pores or cause breakouts). After months of researching we found a therapeutic dry skin lotion that is clinically tested and guaranteed to meet pharmaceutical standards. Plus it contains natural soothing botanicals and protect against sun damage. - 17268

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Natural Bodybuilding Facts & Tips

By Ricardo d Argence

Natural Bodybuilding is the most commonly used term when performance enhancing drugs, such as anabolic steroids, human growth hormones or other restricted drugs, are not used to aid in the building of muscles by a bodybuilder. Following a natural bodybuilding routine is the best way to build muscle the right way.

Steroid and supplement-filled workouts are not as fulfilling as natural bodybuilding. You will obtain desirable and steady results and gain a greater self-esteem for what you have done, in contrast to depending on monthly invoices to maintain your figure.

Although you may not see results as quickly as you might like, it is very important to be persistent during the course of natural body building, because the results will appear and will last longer. Adding natural muscle mass is time-consuming, therefore you need to be patient with it.

Besides being patient, it is crucial to establish objectives that are clear and concrete. You need to set goals so you have a means to measure the results in your body. Committing to achievable goals helps you on your path to natural body building.

Having a consistent and well planned routine is the best way to get results in bodybuilding. Developing a routine is worth your time because you won't have to worry about unnecessary exercises, injuries, or lack of motivation. Make a plan and stick to it.

Nutrition is another important part. Eat a diet rich in lean protein, fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In general it is recommended to eat 12-13 calories per pound of your body weight or to loose 17-18 calories per pound of your body weight. It is an imperative to keep a track on what your are eating. 30% of your calories should come from protein, 20% from healthy fats like olive oils, flaxseed oils ,and the rest 50% of calories intake should come out from natural carbohydrates.

Sugary and processed foods should be avoided as they usually result in fat gain and not muscle gain. Protein is a very important dietary component for hard core muscle building regimes that break down muscle fibers. The protein is needed to rebuild and strengthen those fibers.

There are no shortcuts, but at the same time there are many obstacles. But at the end when you achieve results you will be satisfied that you did it all naturally, without taking harmful steroids that can prove lethal for your body. - 17268

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Body Building Supplements, Creating your Own Weight Gainer

By Ricardo d Argence

Weight gainers can be extremely expensive. If you are hoping to gain a lot of weight and you are really thin then you might consider making your own. The importance is that you understand the nutritional information and exactly what you need to gain the right amount of weight.

For the most part, weight gainers are obtained from stores which sell supplements and other nutritional products. Such weight gainers are designed to enable you to gain considerable weight in order to have the muscle mass you want.

The important thing to remember is that not all weight gainers are designed for the same person. For example, a bodybuilder has the weight they want but they are working for more muscle mass to what they already have. If you are really skinny then you need to add meat to the bones first and then the muscle mass.

For those who are looking to save a bit of cash, making your own weight gainer is an option to be considered. Not only is it easy to do, but in the long run they're probably better for you as an individual that those you can purchase from a shop.

Of course, as you can imagine, some weight gainers are of a superior quality when compared to others. Generally speaking, those weight gainers which contain isolate whey powder are considered to be the best, followed by those containing regular whey powder, and finally in third place, those containing Soy.

Casein is for example an extremely high quality protein which you should seriously consider adding to your weight gainer. Casein is well known for being digested slowly rather than rapidly.

One of the most critical things you need to pay attention to with regards to weight gainers, is the breakdown of carbohydrates. This is essentially because maltodextrin should be your primary source of carbohydrates due to the fact that it will help to replenish your body's glycogen stores.

Never use a weight gainer that has a large amount of fructose or any type of sugar. You need to be sure the sugar content is as low as possible because it will only cause you to crash hard with fatigue, a headache, and possibly jitters.

One of the most productive things you can do if you want to save money while you're gaining weight, is for you to make your own weight gainers at home because it is not at all difficult to do.

You will need to mix the best quality protein with maltodextrin. These can be found at your local vitamin or supplement shop and even a grocery store. Raw oats are the best solution to mix with to make a shake. The oats are effective to provide for slow burning of the carbs so the shake lasts longer and you are adding more calories to the drink.

Contrary to what you may have heard, it is best to drink weight gainer shakes after you finish with a workout. You can also add more calories to the shake in order to increase the fat level. Because the body digests the shake relatively slowly, nutrients are distributed to the muscles over an extended period of time. In order to increase fat content, you can consider things such as nuts, oils and peanut butter. - 17268

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