Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, February 2, 2009

Improve Your Health with This Unique Ocean Super-Nutrient

By Lenette Nakauchi

Are you interested in providing your body with an increase in energy and internal strength that will build up gently each and every day? Raw, fresh, enzyme-active Marine Phytoplankton from Elements for Life could be your dream superfood supplement. The famous Jack Crusoe was the first major scientist/researcher to tell us the Marine Phytoplankton is the basis of the worlds entire foodchain. He said that the future of the nutrition is in the ocean. This is Marine Phytoplankton, the basis of the world's foodchain. The entire planets ecosystem relies on it as the original source of omega-3 fatty acids and phospho-lipids that end up in fish and then fish oil. It contains Omega 3, 6, 7, and 9 and 92 macro and trace minerals, complete protein, and antioxidants.

Some benefits noticed by those using this Marine Phytoplankton as a daily superfood supplement are enhanced brain function, improved immune function, antiviral/antifungal/antibacterial effects, improved cellular repair, radiation protection, detoxification support, anti-inflammatory support, antioxidant support, improved circulation, improved heart function, allergy/asthma relief, suppression of symptoms stemming from degenerative disease, and a residual grounding energy overall.

This unique super-nutrient from the ocean provides the body with instant usable energy. The Omega 3 fatty acids found in hemp, flax, and chia seeds are Alpha-linolenic acid. These types of Essential Fatty Acids need to be converted in our bodies via a multi-step process before we can utilize and benefit from them. With marine phytoplankton, the Omega 3 fatty acids are immediately usable in the body. All those benefits and no digestive work. The nutrition is delivered right into our blood stream in seconds.

Place just one dropperful of Elements for Life Marine Phytoplankton in a six ounce glass of water, and you will see just how nutrient and chlorophyll-dense this product is. Chlorophyll is detoxifying for the blood, liver, and entire digestive tract, it improves oxygen uptake, fueling muscles and improving performance endurance, and is good for all around energy and health. The more "green" you can get in your diet, the better!

One species of marine phytoplankton was determined to be the most optimal for human use by a team of doctors, microbiologists, and botanists in Europe. This original strain of marine phytoplankton was taken from ocean, isolated, then grown in a giant bio-reactor in Europe, where they replicate in, and are harvested from, an ocean-like environment. This ensures there are no contaminants or environmental pollutants in the product. From there it is bottled in a living-state in a concentrate ocean water solution.

Currently, there are two other marine phytoplankton products sold in health food stores to compare this brand to. So what is the difference between Elements for Life Marine Phytoplankton and these other products? I decided to do a "dropperful in a glass of water" test to see the difference in the pigmentation, the chlorophyll concentration. When I added the same amounts of the marine phytoplankton products into three 6 ounce glasses of water, the differences were clear. The Elements for Life product created a "cloud" of green in the glass while one product was actually completely clear and the other made the water look pinkish; hardly any pigmentation. These other two didnt taste nearly as potent either. One tasted like slightly salty fruit juice and the other reminded me of hard alcohol. I definitely didn't feel a difference either.

This is a medicine that represents the future of healing. It is only living product that you can buy that contains all known minerals that can be used in human metabolism. Its so powerful that you only need 4 drops per day or twice a day. Just one drop will knock your socks off though and give you a difference in energy you can feel. One bottle will last well over a month with this type of usage. Other options to take it if you don't like the salty taste are to add it to a smoothie, orange juice, water, coconut water, or your favorite juice. It doesn't get any simpler than that! - 17268

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Supplements and RDAS

By P.G Mayora

When you go to the supermarkets or health food shops looking for a multi vitamin/mineral and you pick one up and on the label it says vitamin A 100% RDA, vitamin D 100% RDA and so on , so you think Ill take this one as it has the full amount of RDAS for all these vitamins.

But!.. The thing is that these guidelines set by the government and health experts are basically the bare minimum for each of these micronutrients to stop diseases such as scurvy (vitamin C deficiency), beri-beri (thiamine deficiency), pellagra nicotinic acid and tryptophen deficiency), rickets (vitamin D deficiency) and so on, although these amount are the bare minimum needed to keep these diseases at bay, it is by no means enough to stay in peak condition, the distance between a diet to prevent these conditions and a diet to stay in the best of health are a million miles apart.

It is impossible to say that such and such is the amount for the RDAs for everyone on the the planet. Every single person needs different and varying amounts of each vitamin and mineral, and this all depends on sex, age, where you live (country or city), what medication you are on, which country you live in , weight, fitness, activity, what exercise you do, your job, anything you suffer from (any conditions, ailments or diseases), family history, allergies, diet, if you smoke or drink the list goes on and on, as there are hundreds of factors that contribute to your well being.

Lets take a couple of examples: If you live in a busy city as opposed to out in the country, then one of the things you will need more than the ones who live in less polluted areas are antioxidants. There are way too many antioxidants to list, but whereas RDA,s tell you vitamin A 800ug, vitamin C 60mg and vitamin E 10mg, it really should be more like vitamin A 2,500ug, vitamin C 1,000- 2,000mg and vitamin E 300mg as a much stronger level of anti oxidants will be required to fight all of the extra free radicals from exhaust and pollution.

But increasing your vitamins and minerals is only part of the story. Another thing that people may not realise is that certain vitamins and minerals help each other and are needed in certain combinations and certain ones work against each other. Pretty much everyone knows that calcium is needed for strong bones and teeth, but this does not make the slightest bit of difference unless there are suitable levels of vitamin D, magnesium and phosphorus because these all work together for the maximum uptake by the body.

Iron needs vitamin C to increase absorption, potassium needs magnesium to hold it in the cells, sodium works with potassium in order to maintain water balance and proper nerve and muscle impulses, and then on the other side of the coin zinc and copper are highly antagonistic as they stop each other working properly and phosphorus is hindered by high levels of iron, magnesium and aluminium to name but a few. - 17268

Is the 3 Day Diet Good Or Bad

By Ron C

The 3 Day Diet dates back to 1985 and today can be found all over the Internet and on book store shelves. The three day diet and its variants promise quick weight loss, a cleansing of the system, lower cholesterol and increased energy all through a specific metabolic reaction that no version of the diet has ever proven.

The diet goes on for three days and then off for four or five with lots of specific and cryptic steps so that when it fails to lose the required weight the dieter can be held responsible for doing something wrong.

Breakfast on the first day begins with coffee (no sugar), half a grapefruit, and a portion of toast with one tblsp of peanut butter. For lunch, you are to eat a can of tuna, a slice of toast, and black coffee. Dinner consists of 3 ounces of chicken or lean meat, a cup of green beans, one cup of carrots, one apple, and one cup of regular vanilla ice cream.

The other two days of the three day diet are pretty similar in meal quantity, though the specifics change, for example Day 2 recommends two beef franks for dinner in place of three ounces of lean meat. The diet crows that weight loss of 10 pounds is achievable over the 3 days that the diet lasts.

Hogwash is the answer. The issue is what is a specific reaction to that claim? As stated the metabolic reaction has never been examined much less proven. Any weight loss would be mostly water loss due to a lack of carbohydrates in the body which help the body to hold the water that we all need. At the end of the day this can lead to dehydration which is not desirable for our bodies to function correctly.

Because of binge eating after such starvation and because most of the weight lost is from water, the weight will hastily return after the three days. Furthermore, such water loss could result in some serious medical problems. But hey, then you'd lose some real weight in the hospital.

If something sounds too good to be true it is. The 3 day diet sounds too good to be true. - 17268

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Tips to Help Get Six-Pack Abs - Monitoring What You Eat and Drink

By Rob Molloy

If I were to say to you that you can get six-pack abs straight from your kitchen in four steps, the chances are you'd think I was joking. When I first heard this I also had my doubts but if you think about it, it's absolutely true. After all, you can work out as much as you like and exercise as often as you wish in order to get a rock hard six-pack, but if it's hidden behind belly fat, you won't be able to see it and neither will anyone else. The only way you're going to be able to flaunt your six-pack, is by getting rid of any belly fat you have.

Going back to that phrase, 'six pack abs are made in the kitchen', the key to getting there is going to be through diet and a lot of hard work. To get to a point where six pack abs can be seen you need to have a very low body fat percentage. Your body fat needs to be less than 10% for men and 14% for women. This isn't going to happen for many of us unless we make some serious changes in the way we eat.

So, how is it possible to get six-pack abs straight from the kitchen in 4 easy steps? Let's take a look at calories first. The most effective means of getting rid of fat is by depriving ourselves of calories. Providing your daily calorie intake is less than your body requires in its present state, you'll lose weight. For example, if your aim is to lose one pound of fat each week, then you'll need to ensure you're eating 500 calories less each day than you do presently. This is based on the fact that a pound of fat contains more or less 3500 calories. Also, the more exercise you do, the more energy your body requires and if you're not providing sufficient calories, your body will be forced into burning fat instead, in order to meet the demand for energy.

Here are 4 things that you can do in the kitchen to put you in that calories deficit and make it more likely for you to have your six pack abs revealed.

1. Carbohydrates are a source of fuel for the human body. Likewise, your body will always use the carbs you're providing it with before turning to its fat reserves so the less carbs you provide your body with; the sooner it will start burning fat. The disadvantage of this method though, is that for those trying to build muscle; carbs are a very important and much needed source of energy. However, if your goal is to lose weight, then cutting back on carbs is highly effective.

2. Perhaps one of the most common problems people face when they go on diet, is that they tend to lose muscle as well as fat. Essentially this is because while on a diet, one is most often depriving one's body of much needed fuel. The best way to counter this negative result of carb deprivation is by including a lot of protein in your diet. Of course, as I've mentioned earlier, you need to remember that calorie intake must however still be kept at a level which is less than your body requires, which in essence means that you need to eat less than what your body needs. Under normal circumstances, those who are trying to increase muscle mass would need to ensure that approximately twenty to thirty percent of their diet consists of protein. On the other hand, if you're cutting back on carbs as part of your diet, then you should increase your protein content to about forty percent.

3. Cut back on bad fat and eat more good fat. Of course you need to be cutting the bad fat out as much as possible but you don't need to be cutting out all fats. Bad fats are the saturated and trans fatty kinds which can be used for energy and your body tends to store. The good kinds of fat are monounsaturated fats which aren't stored by your body, aren't used as energy, but are great at increasing your metabolism. Increased metabolism means helps bring about fat loss making it easier for you to see your six pack abs.

4. When one considers that the human body is 70% water, it stands to reason that it requires lots of water in order to remain healthy. Of course, everyone should drink plenty of water as it helps to clean the body and if you're on diet, then you need to also understand that your body will store water for later use if you are not drinking enough in the first place. Of course having water stored is certainly not something you want when you're trying to make that six-pack show through. Another benefit of drinking lots of water when on diet is that it makes you feel full as well. - 17268

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What YOU Must Know about Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle!

By Caitlin Ryan

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle author Tom Venuto is going to be popular around here at Your Health Reporter! I just bought the book and already I can tell you that Tom Venuto is rather impressive and receives a big nod from me and definitely KNOWS what he is talking about!

A natural, competitive body builder in rock hard shape, Tom has a remarkable 3.7% body fat. He has been in many competitions and has won championships. He has been featured in highly recognized fitness magazines like IRONMAN and Mens Fitness. He is wonderfully fit and a professional at it, but that is not why I am putting him at the top of my list!

Tom Venuto is the author of many published fitness articles and he is involved in organizations such as the American College of Sports Medicine. He is well educated with a bachelors degree in Exercise Science. He knows and understands fat loss, muscle building and proper nutrition; yet, that is STILL not why I think his book is going to be amazing!

Tom Venuto receives a thumbs up from Your Health Reporter because he has spent the last 19 years educating himself, training his body, and most importantly, trying virtually every diet and supplement known. He has taken that knowledge and spent 14 years testing and developing his program, Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.

There are literally thousands of weight loss products, programs and supplements on the market. Very few of them ever have this much knowledge behind them. Very few of them have an author or developer that has poured so much of his life into what he believes. Most weight loss and fat loss companies would just assume their product did not work. If they all worked, sooner or later, people would lose weight and keep it off and then who would feed the billion dollar a year weight loss industry?

Tom Venuto tried virtually all of the weight loss or fat loss products and gimmicks. He knows through experience that though weight loss is possible with most of those diets and pills, FAT loss or body fat and keeping that body fat down is NOT possible with most programs.

We want to lose the right kind of weight (BODY FAT!) and keep lean body mass so that we look sexy and lean, not scrawny and flabby. You cannot accomplish this without proper nutrition and exercise.

Tom also knows all about metabolism and how we need to stop the yo-yo dieting if we are ever going to lose body fat and keep it off. Most diets force your body to lower your metabolism. When your metabolism is low, your body naturally stores more fat. In a sense, as Tom Venuto points out, most diets actually make you fatter! You may have lost weight, but it was not necessarily body fat that you lost. - 17268

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