Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, February 16, 2009

Peruvian Fishtale Shiploads

By Dr. Bill

I took a break in South Carolina yesterday, stopping at one of those great southern breakfast joints where the biscuits are as addictive as good pain medication. (I managed to stop at two, while my brain kept crying out, "Just one more!") While I was waiting for my food I cracked open my computer, and lo and behold there was a fish oil salesletter, and it wasn't mine.

This one was from a doctor who has been in the vitamin business for quite some time. If I didn't know what I know about this business, this letter would have scared me to death. But since I didn't just fall off a turnip truck, (I learned that phrase here in South Carolina from a waitress), I started laughing about a third of the way into the letter.

Look, I don't mind bragging if it can be backed up. But this ad was doing the bragging part right, and missing out completely on the second half of the equation.

So the good doctor says he sources the fish oil in southern Peru and Chile - because of the "non-industrial waters". Uh huh. Last time I checked ocean water is ocean water.

He makes the claim that fish sourced in European waters contains 8 times more dioxins than fish sourced off Peru and Chile. The information comes from something called the Scientific Committee on Food. I tried looking up this committee, but couldn't find it.

High quality Peruvian fish oil is what he says he has. I don't know about you, but I don't think you get high quality products from places where you can't drink the water. Just a little common sense here is all it takes when you think about it.

There are a lot of comparisons made in the letter that appear to be scientific, but they're not. There's even a classic straw man chart, where Peruvian fish oil is compared to other oils in the market, and "Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!" just like Gomer Pyle used to say, Peruvian Fish Oil wins all the categories.

Nowhere on this chart does he say the fish oil is pharmaceutical grade. Just a comparison of commercial grade fish oil to other commercial grade fish oils.

In summation: Stick with pharmaceutical grade fish oil. You won't get it from Peru. - 17268

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Vegetarianism - Good Or Bad?

By Nate Rifkin

To eat or not to eat meat, that is the question.

Well, here's the answer: We should eat what the human body was designed to eat. What's the easiest way to tell? Look at other animals.

Let's take a look at the characteristics of MEAT-eaters versus herbivore animals.


1. Have forward-facing eyes for hunting.

2. Have sharp teeth for tearing into meat.

3. Have relatively small stomachs because meat is easy to digest.


1. Have sideways-facing eyes to watch out for predators.

2. Have many more blunt molar teeth for chewing tough plants.

3. Have larger stomachs to extract the nutrients from plants.

So do you have eyes on the sides of your head or the front? Sharp teeth up front or a mouth full of molars? A stomach the size of a beach ball or a softball?

Humans are supposed to eat meat. If you wish not to because of personal reasons, more power to you. Just don't spread the gospel that abstaining from meat is healthy.

Are there studies showing vegetarianism as more healthy than eating meat? Yes. But that's almost certainly because restraining yourself from eating meat shows you have self-disclipline compared to the average person. And being more healthy than the average person is not exactly a big feat.

However, look at someone with the same self-discipline and allow them to eat meat, and that's another result altogether.

You must, however, stick to eating healthy meat that isn't stuffed with preservatives. Whole Foods makes great burgers which have ruined me for regular meat. If you go natural, the healthier stuff really does taste better. - 17268

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Achieving The Body You Want In 2009

By Nate Rifkin

Here are 5 secrets to help you get in shape this year:

1. Keep your goals PRIVATE.

You don't want other people who aren't as committed to their health to bring you down with their negative energy. If the wrong person finds out you want to lose a few inches from your waist or exercise every day, this could happen. Don't let it.

2.Figure out WHY you want to accomplish your goal.

Since you've made a resolution to get in shape, think of your reasons why. This is more important than you realize. You need to figure out what personally motivates you and gets your juices flowing. Do you want to look better in the mirror, have more energy? Attract someone new into your life? Whatever the reason is, you must know.

3. Keep this reason in mind when things get tough.

Whenever it gets tough maintaining your new habits day after day or you start to prioritize other things, keep this reason in mind. Focus on it and you'll be back in action in no time.

4. Get around likeminded people.

This means avoiding your friends who overeat if you want to clean up your diet. And getting around active people if you want to exercise more. Like it or not, its a lot harder to accomplish something alone.

5. If you miss a few days, don't pout.

If you don't exercise as consistently for a few days, relax. If you eat a few too many cheat meals, don't worry. Feeling bad won't do any good. Just keep moving forward and you'll be all the better for it.

Arm yourself with these five strategies and youll get halfway through 2009, look back, and realize youve transformed your body for the better. - 17268

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How Much Weight Should I Gain During Pregnancy?

By Ricardo d Argence

Many women do not mind becoming pregnant, what they do mind is the weight gain they have to experience during the 9 months and a couple of extra months after the pregnancy. Gaining weight during pregnancy is a must, it helps give the embryo its vitamins and minerals to ensure a healthy growth pattern.

In years past weight gain was considered detrimental for the pregnant woman, but now it is accepted as a normal part of embryo development. Actually, the huge problem of pregnant women is, how much should they ideally put on weight while they are pregnant.

Some exercise and a proper diet is extremely important for the mother and her child. The weight gained during pregnancy is distributed throughout a woman's body; most of it is the baby, some the placenta, some to the breasts (for milk production), and some as extra fluids needed during pregnancy.

The average pregnant woman should be prepared to gain approximately 15 lbs. Skinny women who gain 45 or 50 lbs is still considered a good weight during pregnancy.

Usually with the help of a ultra sound some women find out they are going to have more than one baby. Because both embryo's need nutrition, it is natural for the pregnant woman to gain even more weight. Women who tend to maintain their weight usually have problems with the development of the embryo, which in turn can cause problems for the newborn baby and possibly make them quite sickly.

More than 300 calories per day,pregnant women do not need to eat. Junk foods are not really good for pregnant women. Most expectant mothers gain the most amount of weight later in the pregnancy, with only a little bit of gain seen early in the pregnancy.

Losing weight when you gain too much weight is definitely not a good idea. You should not eat salt while you are pregnant, as it could cause the baby some future troubles.

If a woman is overweight while she is pregnant she will most likely have higher blood pressure readings and be at a risk for gestational diabetes along with many other issues. They also increase the chances of having a miscarriage.

With her doctor's approval, the pregnant woman can engage in light exercise, including swimming. Swimming is a great way to burn calories; for further help in proper pregnancy development you can also take short walks or perform some of the exercises that your pediatrician can instruct you on.

Never forget that proper diet and exercise is important to facilitate healthy growth. - 17268

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Getting Fit After 40 And Taking A Healthy Energy Drink

By Julieanne van Zyl

Simply put, cardiovascular fitness means the capacity of the body to give oxygen and blood flow to the muscular areas. "Can I enhance cardiovascular fitness over 40?" is the question some people ask. The answer is, "yes, you can." Over 40 cardiovascular fitness can be achieved by, insistence, patience, dedication and tough work.

Although, it need not be difficult work because a healthy energy drink like Verve can assist. It will give you energy to keep you healthy by improving your immune system and reducing any inflammation around joints that you may get from new exercise and make it easier to exercise.

One must boost their physical activity enough to get their heart pumping and boost their respirations to obtain an enhanced cardiovascular system. This is not tough to do, but it is work, which many of us are not particularly keen on. This can be done through consistent efforts of exercise and a quality supplement like the Vemma mangosteen juice could assist you when your physical activity is increased.

Over the age of 40, people are taking more of an interest in their health. This could be out of fear, for health reasons, or the reason is they just want to look and feel better. Whatever the cause may be this is a very attainable expectation.

In their attempt to increase their cardiac fitness most people are also looking to lose weight as well. If this is the situation, you will want to increase your cardio by exercising about 3 to 5 times a week for 20 to 40 minutes straight. You should start out slowly when first attempting this, beginning with the minimal requirement of 3 times a week for 20 minutes. This should gradually be increased, as you are able to tolerate, working up to 5 times a week for 40 minutes at a time.

You really do not need to attempt any cardiovascular fitness exercises if you are trying to put on weight, which I believe is the rare case. However, it will not affect your weight if you do just a mild workout of 20 minutes time at 2xs per week.

If you are just wanting to maintain your weight and enhance your cardio and you neither want to lose or gain weight, you can exercise for 20 to 40 minutes approximatelythree times a week. This should be enough for this purpose.

For optimal cardiovascular fitness reasons heart rate has to be checked. For maximum weight loss you would want to aim for a goal and include a high-intensity workout in your plan.

In your cardio fitness workout you may include training with weights for even more success, but this should not be attempted until proficient in the basic cardio fitness regime. When this becomes less difficult to you then you can advance on to training with weights.

You should always ask your medical practitioner regarding any precautions or limitations that you should follow as with any exercise regime. Over 40 is not only highly possibly, but definitely an achievable goal in your health plan to enhance cardiovascular fitness. - 17268

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Products to Lose Weight During Menopause

By Ricardo d Argence

Apart from the bothersome symptoms of menopause, weight gain is very common during this time in a woman's life. This weight gain is often unexpected, and happens even in women who haven't made any dietary changes or reduced their activity level.

As you might imagine, there are a lot of weight loss products aimed at menopausal women. But are these products really worth it? Let's take a look into a variety of products and their strengths and weaknesses, the mechanism for weight gain during menopause, as well as risks related to overweight in the menopause.

Gaining weight during menopause is common for several different reasons. One is sluggish and inadequate digestive function that is the result of aging. More nutrients in your body is processed when food is kept in your digestive tract longer, ensuring that you absorb more nutrients from your food, including fat and calories.

The hormonal changes of menopause, principally decreased estrogen levels, also cause weight gain. This is because estrogen and fat production are linked, fat cells help regulate estrogen production. When estrogen levels decrease in menopause, the body may try to hold on to as much fat as possible to counteract this drop in hormone levels. Hormones and body fat work together in an intricate biofeedback loop that affects appetite, metabolism, and fat storage.

The risks of weight gain are amplified for menopausal women. More weight at any position of life risks, such as the increase in high-risk high blood pressure, high cholesterol, breast and reproductive system cancers, diabetes and heart disease. As estrogen is a proactive reason against the cardiovascular disease, the chances of suffering from heart disease enhances when the estrogen level goes down, even if the women going through menopause phase don't gain extra weight. The risks of these health problems are compounded, for women who are overweight after menopause.

So, should you contrivance menopausal weight loss deficit produces to save emphasizing avail in menopause? Let's take a look into a few of these products:

Estrin-D: This product contains a number of metabolism-increasing stimulants. These are xanthine (caffeine) derived formulations like yerba matte, caffeine, and guarana, along with some other innocuous herbal ingredients. While the product does indeed rev up metabolism, there are many risks associated with stimulant-based products. Also, the high levels of caffeine and other stimulants in this formula can cause tachycardia, high blood pressure, a feeling of 'edginess', and excessive perspiration. Caffeine is also thought to contribute to hot flashes during menopause. These considerations make Estrin-D a less-than-ideal choice for menopausal weight loss.

Zalestra: Zalestra will not only relieve some of the negative menopause symptoms but it's blend of natural ingredients also workes to increase your metabolism. Unlike products that contain caffeine, this will not have any negative effects on your health.

Estrolean: This product is similar to Zalestra, with a low amount of thermogenic ingredients. It does contain natural estrogen, which is thought to help control some of the hormonal imbalances that often accompany menopausal weight gain.

They will not cause you to lose weight without eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise, while some of these preparations may have benefit in reducing menopausal symptoms. At worst they can have dangerous and unpleasant side effects,and at best, they might help a little with weight loss.

During menopause, it is vital to eat a diet rich in fiber, eat whole foods, and keep your fat intake at moderate levels to achieve optimum weight control. Along with adequate amounts of vital nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fats,a healthy diet that emphasizes fruits, veggies, grains, and lean sources of protein. There's no better way to lose weight during menopause. - 17268

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Can You Lose Weight Fast With Atkins And Get Results?

By Christine G. Shannon

Most people have heard about the Atkins diet but who exactly was Atkins? He was a doctor called Robert Atkins, who was overweight himself. He revised a diet he found in the Journal of the American Medical Association to suit his needs and called it the Atkins diet. Robert Atkins wrote several diet books about his success in the nineteen seventies.

The Atkins diet or low carb diet, as it is often called, involves restricting carbohydrates, but allows all the protein you want. Some of the items you can eat on the Atkins diet are meats, eggs, cheese and butter, which is why many people try this diet. Of course, you can eat all the seafood you want and vegetables, except for the high carb ones, such as corn, dried beans, and of course, potatoes. You also have to eliminate any bread, pasta, rice and high carb fruits.

Salad vegetables, eggs, some dairy products and most fats are allowed if you are following the Atkins diet. You can also have sugar free salad dressing and some other condiments. You have to be careful with sweeteners and drinks. The Atkins diet also restricts most fruits, apart from unsweetened cherries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries and grapefruit.

Atkins has come out with prepackaged food, shakes and other items to go with this diet, if you can afford it. The 14-day starter kit is to help learn what is allowed on the Atkins diet. The main problem with this diet is, to be successful, it involves a lot of research, reading books and labels of carbohydrate gram counts, and can take a while to figure out what is low carb and what isn't.

Since you are mainly counting carbohydrate grams on the Adkins diet you do not have to count calories. There are various stages, first is the induction phase. The induction phase severely restricts consumption of many foods, and involves hardly any carb grams. The next phase you can gradually begin to add more carbohydrate grams back, but it is still very limited.

The Atkins diet support system involves gaining the support of those around you as well as online support by the means of discussion groups, a newsletter, recipes, sample menus, topics of frequently answered questions and a research library.

The Adkins diet is a good plan for many individuals to lose weight, but does not work for everybody. Some people are unable to avoid bread, potatoes, rice and pasta and can't stand it anymore and break down and cheat or just quit. They have to find another diet program that will work for them.

Maintaining a healthy weight or keeping the weight off can be the hardest part of any diet, especially if it is in your genetics or heredity. The main way to succeed in maintaining your weight loss is by committing to a diet plan and changing your habits of eating and your lifestyle. Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below may be just what you are searching for. - 17268

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Your Child's Health - Who's Responsible?

By Michael Byrd

Can A Person Sue His Parents For What Was Fed Him As A Child?

Scenario: Two or three decades from now, scores of adults with health problems like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity will be suffering serious self esteem issues and spending tons of money on medicine and treatment. This will have been caused by what they were fed in their daily activities during their childhood.

These obese adults burdened by mountains of bills and feeling ostracized by their healthy peers will then band into support groups and in their frustration look for someone to point an accusing finger at- their parents. Looking for a way to lighten the medical expenses, they then press lawsuits against the ones responsible for the bad diet and lifestyle habits they formed in their youth- their parents. You know what? They might even win because given the number of junk food-eating kids these days, the judge will most likely be obese and sickly too.

Such a story may be funny, but believe it or not, it might really happen. Young adults these days have been blaming Mom and Dad for their current problems and health and dietary issues might easily include this. One thing's for sure, the US government or the American fast food industry won't be taking the blame for it.

Believe it or not, the diet of a lot of babies and toddlers these days are as actually as bad as those of their chip n dip munching teenage counterparts who dine mainly on fast-food. The American Dietetic Association published a recent study proving this in one of the journals.

It's sad, but most of the respondents that did report having a vegetable as part of their diet thought French fries qualified as one. A third of the children surveyed by researchers from the Tufts University School of Medicine did not even have fruit and vegetables in their daily.

Quite shocking that in the survey, carbonated beverages, found to be the main cause of obesity along with the health complications it brings, were even given to infants poured in baby bottles. Since most of these soda-suckling kids spend most of their time being couch potatoes, all that sugar obviously doesn't get burned-off.

No big surprise that over a quarter of the youngest members of today's society have ailments that stem from obesity. Also, since the majority cases of diabetes and heart disease are linked to eating junk-food and less than healthy lifestyle habits, statistics are bound to get worse.

So can parents during these times of fast-food, marathon online games and cable TV do anything about this unhealthy trend? Of course! We all have the capability of influencing our offspring's lifestyle habits dramatically. Being good role models for our children by adopting healthy eating and exercise habits is a good start.

We'd never know, but down the road, 20-30 years from now, babies that have had the good fortune on having parents that helped them form healthy eating habits and lifestyles will become smart, fit and successful adults. These healthy members of society may even recognize and show some appreciation for the thoughtfulness their parents had in helping them form healthy habits in their childhood. Doesn't this sound like a way better alternative to a lawsuit? - 17268

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Is Organic the right choice?

By Kiiera Success Group

Since organic food started to gain popularity in the late 1990s, people have been skeptical about the superiority of organics. Many people claimed that the benefits of organic over traditional products could not be proven. The truth is that there had simply not been enough testing done to prove the benefits of organic products or the drawbacks of traditionally produced food.

There have been various studies done to show the improved nutritional value of organic agriculture by analyzing the vitamin, nutrient, and mineral content of both organically and traditionally grown produce. There are significantly higher levels of various components in organic products, including:

* Chromium, prevents hardening of the arteries and type 2 diabetes * Calcium and Boron, build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis * Lithium, a common chemical in antidepressants and mood stabilizers * Salicylic acid, an anti-inflammatory which can prevent heart disease * Antioxidants, protect cells from damage * Magnesium, helps prevent death during a heart attack * Selenium, helps prevent heart disease and certain cancers * Vitamin C, builds the immune system

While this list seems rather long, its not complete. While these nutrients have been found organic produce, they arent the only ones. This list could also get longer as more research is done about the nutrient benefits of organic food.

While its important to look at the beneficial properties of organic food, we must take into account the harmful effects of traditionally grown foods to fully understand why organic food is superior. When many of the chemicals used in farming were approved, there had been little research to show whether or not these chemicals we harmful. Research has since found that most of these chemicals have negative effects on humans. Non-organic foods have been analyzed and have been found to contain harmful chemicals, heavy metals, solvents, and various hormones. Some of the conditions linked with these substances include:

* cancer * heart disease * osteoporosis * migraines * hyperactivity * decreased intelligence * impaired hearing * less growth in childhood * anemia * Alzheimers * multiple sclerosis * rheumatoid arthritis * early puberty * increase in antibiotic-resistant disease strains

Again, this list is just part of the harmful side effects of these chemicals. There are likely many more conditions to be added to this list after more research is done. Also, most of the research has been done on the affects of single chemicals, and not multiple offenders as are normally found on conventional food. While several of these chemicals have been banned, they are still present in regular and organic food. This is because they linger in the soil; some have been there for over 20 years.

While there are obviously many benefits to organic agriculture, it is not without its faults. First of all, organic products are more expensive. Depending on where you buy organic food, it could cost twice as much as regular grocery store brands. There is also concern that natural fertilizers such as plant material and manure could contain harmful organisms, such as e coli. Although this can be rare it can also make consumers very sick.

Even with the drawbacks, organic food production is proving to be much safer for consumption than other foods available. Along with the health benefits, organic agricultural practices also benefit the environment; keeping it viable for years to come. - 17268

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Vemma Mangosteen Juice and Cholesterol Natural Remedies

By Julieanne van Zyl

Vemma Mangosteen juice may assist with high cholesterol symptoms. You hear so much talk these days about "lowering your cholesterol", but do we even know what it is?

A majority of people know that it is bad for your health and that it is related to fatty intake, which is to some extent, correct. A fatty substance. Yellow in color, soft, it clings to your membranes and cell walls throughout the interior of your body systems.

In order to stay healthy your body does need cholesterol, but since your body produces it we definitely do not need to add to it. There are things that you can do to keep your cholesterol in check and to keep your body healthy without use of medications, unless your cholesterol is critically out of control. Some cholesterol natural remedies have quite a bit to do with lifestyle changes.

You can maintain optimum cholesterol levels by doing the following:

If you are overweight take measures to reduce or maintain your weight if it is already optimal. Not only does excess weight cause your cholesterol levels to rise but it also keeps it imbalanced. high levels of cholesterol can and do clog up your blood vessels. Excess fat carried around the abdominal area and is a significant indicator that your cholesterol is too high.

2) Do Regular exercise. Getting regular exercise, ideally four times a week for 30-minutes is a a great way to keep your overall health at optimal condition. Regular exercise has been found to lower your cholesterol. By exercising regularly you are able to enhance your good cholesterol, HDL, and lower your bad cholesterol, LDL. As well, by exercising regularly you will be able to lose weight at a faster rate and to keep your weight maintained once you have lost it. Although some forms of exercise are better than others just concentrate on any form of exercise to get you moving.

Foods that lower cholesterol are:

Nuts, such as walnuts and pecans Whole grain cereals Olives Fish Fruits, such as grapes, mangosteen, citrus fruits, strawberries, and apples Chicken Seeds Lean meats and more.

Levels of cholesterol greater than normal, will cause a great deal of harm to your body. It will cause health complications, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. If you have high cholesterol, confer your doctor about additional ways of lowering your cholesterol. a few lifestyle changes pertaining to weight, exercise, and dietary modifications and you can be healthier sooner than you think. It takes work, patience, self-control and lots of ambition, but it can be done. your cholesterol levels can be returned to good health by following these natural remedies. - 17268

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Side Effects of the Acai Berry

By B. Moffett

The Acai berry is a small berry fruit that is produced in Brazil. It is a staple diet component of the local population and has been grown, harvested and eaten for many centuries. The Acai berry fruit is not only found in South America, traces of its use have been found in ancient medicinal practices of almost all the great civilizations, and almost all continents.

Over the last few years, the acai berry has skyrocketed in popularity, due in large part to diet and nutrition experts who have heralded its anti-oxidant and even appetite suppression properties.

As demand across the US has increased, more and more Brazilians are raising the berries that have transformed into a virtual cash crop. This trend is likely to continue as processors get even better at dealing with the fruits incredibly short 24 hour shelf life.

Adoption in the US in bars and restaurants as a preferred alternative to wheat grass drinks have given the Acai berry fruit as the choice of health conscious connoisseurs. There are a lot of medicinal benefits of this tasty fruit, some of which are:

Acting as an aphrodisiac

Increased stamina and energy

Reduction in fatigue and soreness

Fights disease and improves immune system

Improvements in digestion

It helps with weight loss.

As you can see, the acai berry packs a powerful punch in terms of health benefits.

There is however, one fairly noticeable acai berry side effect. It doesnt pose any sort of danger to the heart and other body organs like the liver or kidneys. It has just been found to lead to a slight loss of appetite for some people. This side effect is also an after effect of many pills. Infact, there are medicines in the market with just this purpose. This side effect of the acai berry is negligible when it comes to the nutritional value this fruit provides. It is a great cleanser because of its high fibre content. It helps remove toxins and replaces these harmful substances with healthy vitamins. It is this effective cleansing ability that helps one slim down, which is a direct result of a decreased appetite.

Even if the acai berry doesnt help you eat less, that side effect is does not occur in everyone, its also high in fiber and anti-oxidant properties that will help you become healthier. If for no other reason than the powerful anti-oxidant properties, you should highly consider adding acai berries to your healthy lifestyle. - 17268

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Mind Power For Burning Fat

By Nate Rifkin

When I was in high school, I did weight training every other day with a friend. During one of these sessions, another friend of mine named Jason joined us. He would never return again.

"I can't stay motivated," Jason said. "I can't workout unless I listen to the soundtrack from Rocky."

It was funny to hear. But then I started thinking to myself: So what?

If he needed to listen to Eye Of The Tiger or Hearts On Fire EVERY time he trained, then why not just listen to them every time?

If it works, do it.

I work out a little after I wake up. Mostly I say others should do the same. But if you're more of a nightowl, make that work for you.

Some people can't eat before a workout - I prefer not to. But maybe a little food helps you.

I also like a warmer gym. Some people like to blast the air conditioning. I like heavy clothing when exercising, others go for spandex.

The key point here is to stop thinking, I can only do such and such in a BAD way. Whatever conditions allow for you to succeed " make sure you follow them. If you need air conditioning, loud music, and heavy sweat pants to get a great workout at night, do that every time. If you prefer to sweat in lycra with dead silence in the morning air, stick to that.

Blasting Gonna Fly Now included. - 17268

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