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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Excellent Best Muscle Building Techniques Professional Trainers Use

By Emmanuel Palmer

Exercise is just one of the best stimulants there is don't you agree? It's proven than when you exert effort in physical activities, your body produces hormones that give you a natural high. Moreover, you don't only exercise your physical body, but your mental discipline as well. Think about it, with every drill you are performing, you need to concentrate on having the right form and position to complete the necessary reps properly. All this while feeling extreme soreness that weight training programs seem to cause. Sometimes you think you're crazy-but when you see the results (and they will come when you don't give up), forgiveness for your trainer comes easy enough.

Now are we raring to get some action? Great. Let us have a survey on the best muscle building regimens that aim to give you your beach ready body quickly and properly. You will find that there are two basic weight training methods that are being practiced today: high intensity training and periodization.

This type of training will push your body to its limit without the luxury of time. This means that while you have to warm up and stretch to prepare your body for the session ahead, you will immediately proceed to a workout that demands maximum physical endurance. High intensity training is working out two to three times a week, making the most out of the 60 to 90 minute workout regimen. You will periodically increase the weight loads or reps in the succeeding sessions. When your body is required to perform a certain standard, it inevitably delivers and you will see faster results.

Periodization, on the other hand allows your body more time to get accustomed to the physical strain you are subjecting it to. This method of exercise trains you in phases: three weeks of light training, two to three more weeks of medium training and followed by heavy training. The thrust of this philosophy is to gradually build up your strength and muscle mass over a period of time. By giving your body more time and different levels to work with-- over training is avoided and the body remains engaged with the different phases it has to grow into.

While both high intensity and periodization training have its own advantages; the best muscle building strategy is to get what is most effective for you personally and use it in your workout. Experienced trainers can all attest to a three or four day split workout, this infuses each session with high energy and challenge without too much volume that makes for over training. Vary the weights and drills every so often for maximum productivity.

You can try some of these exercises to get you started in your fitness goals: For stomach: crunches and leg raises For the back: barbell shrugs, seated rows, deadlifts, hyperextensions, rope pull downs For the chest: flat or incline or decline bench press, dumbbell flyes For the arms: barbell or dumbbell curls, wrist curls, triceps extensions For the legs: squats, lunges, leg presses For the shoulders: dumbbell shoulder press, military press

The best weight training programs to have are those that are difficult because you are pushed to push the envelope of your own physical capabilities. Your health, appearance and strength will benefit from a great workout session. Continue to strive for the next level and you won't be disappointed. - 17268

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Here's Why Weight Loss is Killing You

By Owen Scott

Have you tried to lose weight in the past? Why? I bet you wanted to look better and/or feel better. Right?

Weight Loss. Why is everyone so fascinated with weight loss? When are people going to realize that weight loss is NOT important. What??? Let me say it again -- Weight Loss is not important.

When people attempt to lose weight, they don't even care what type of weight they are losing as long as the number on the scale decreases... and that is SAD. Weight loss comes in the form of water weight, muscle mass, body fat, or any combination. The majority of the time -- People end up losing more muscle mass than anything else. And that is not good -- Yet, people believe they are successful because they lost weight.

Weight loss is not important. The number on the scale is NOT IMPORTANT...

The numbers that show up on your scale are not important. You should not be focusing on decreasing that number as quickly as possible. Why? Because you do not want to lose your precious muscle mass. You should focus on losing body fat and not muscle mass.

Muscle loss is bad. When you lose muscle, your metabolism slows and you must eat less food to simply maintain your current body weight. When you start to eat more food, you'll gain weight fast and that weight will come in the form of body fat. Lose muscle mass and in order to lose more weight, you'll have to eat less food.

And that's what people end up doing -- they eat fewer calories each day until they trigger the starvation response from their bodies. When this happens, the body will react by holding onto all of its fat stores.

Don't threaten your body -- your body will win.

The human body is amazing. It's job is to help you survive, and that's exactly what it does. When you start eating less, your body will hold onto fat stores because it has been threatened. More body fat will allow you to survive for longer periods of time. So when you attempt to lose weight on a low calorie diet, you are only losing muscle and keeping all that unwanted body fat.

When you decide to lose weight with some low calorie diet program, you've told your body that it's okay to burn your precious muscle mass and eventually replace it with more body fat. You end up in worse shape than ever before. You feel bad and look bad all due to some weight loss program that was supposed to help you -- instead it did the exact opposite.

When you see some weight loss diet advertised you now are equipped with the knowledge you need to say no. Jenny Craig doesn't work. Slim Fast doesn't work. Weight Watchers doesn't work. Yeah, you might lose weight, but you look and feel worse in the end. Don't do that to yourself. Nutrisystem doesn't work. Low carb diets don't work and so on. They will only hurt you.

So what's the solution to all of this?

Instead of focusing on weight loss, you should be focusing on building muscle and burning body fat. Then, you'll get the body you want. Your body will look better and you'll feel better. No one cares about that stupid number on the scale. You don't carry a scale around and say, "Look what I weigh!" People look at your body -- not the number on the scale. So start building muscle and burning fat and STOP worrying about weight loss.

The solution to your weight loss problems is a combination of weight lifting or strength training, a healthy diet, and aerobic exercise. If you learn how to combine those 3 components correctly, you'll be on the right track to a great looking and feeling body. - 17268

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Discover The Advantages Of Super Foods Including Acai Berries

By Helen Harris

Fruits and vegetables are a central part of a good for you eating habits. Comparisons between different fruits and vegetables have found a category that are so advantageous that they are deemed to be "super" or super foods and super fruits.

These super foods are foods that have an extreme total of nutritional value based upon the calories that they supply. Many fruits and vegetables fall into this exclusive category such as spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, tomatoes and many more. Berries are virtually all considered to be super fruits, especially blueberries, cranberries and the acai berry from the acai palm in Brazil. All of the super foods boast a high ORAC level. That is the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a measurement of the facility of an antioxidant to defuse oxygen free radicals in a test tube.

These good for your health and nutritious fruits contain some of the highest ORAC values on earth. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a measurement of the antioxidants contained within the fruit's power to neutralize oxygen free radicals in a test tube.

Free radicals are an unsteady molecule that is deficient an electron. They are organically developed anytime our bodies utilize oxygen for any process, which is virtually every process in our bodies. When you are living and breathing you are instinctively creating free radicals every minute. Antioxidants are particular compounds that are found in food that bestow the missing electron to a free radical and defuse them.

The harm caused from free radicals shows up bit by bit. Diseases usually manifest over the course of years and they do not happen overnight. The same thing happens with gray hair, wrinkles and sagging skin. The damage happens gradually but it all adds up.

The damage from free radicals is sinister. It shows up slowly but surely. Most disease come about after a lengthy course, few if any show up instantly. A disease manifests after a long development. Same with wrinkles and gray hair, very few individuals wake up one day utterly gray and totally wrinkly. But a gray hair here and a line there all add up.

On the other hand, nature provides a instinctive and natural way to neutralize the mutilation that free radicals instigate in our bodies. Antioxidants from beneficial foods come in and provide the omitted electron to the free radical. It thereby neutralizes the molecule and helps to put off additional harm.

In order to have the best outcome, antioxidant high foods should be eaten every day as part of an in general good for your health and nutritious diet. Continuous investigation into the advantages of antioxidants are confirming how very advantageous they are. So be smart and eat your blueberries, take your acai berry supplement and be strong to the finish and eat up your spinach. - 17268

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Eating Plans and Tips for Beginning Bodybuilders

By Bradley J. Teele

Muscle strength, size, and endurance development result from a proper nutrition program and a regular workout regimen. The training programs of professional bodybuilders and athletes are usually segmented into different phases, with each phase having a different workout goal and nutritional diet. Most muscle gains take place during the off season phase. This is a time when an athlete should eat large amounts of protein spread throughout small meals in the course of a day.

There are other phases besides off-season and a transition from another phase requires changing the diet of a bodybuilder to match his or her objectives for each phase. It is crucial for every athlete to understand the dynamics of every training phase to come up with an effective training plan.

Off-Season Phase - As stated above, athletes in this phase are mainly concerned with building up muscles as much as possible. Luis Burke, author of the book "Practical Sports Nutrition", explains that high amounts of protein with healthy carbohydrates are essential to a bodybuilder during off season. Bodybuilders schedule their eating habits to monitor their protein intake and may even schedule their meals based on their training sessions for better results.

Hypertrophy stage - The objective for this phase is to increase strength without any increase in weight. A typical practice during this phase is to follow a restricted eating diet every 2 to 3 hours. Great care must be taken in selecting the right muscle-building foods combined with healthy carbohydrates for energy.

Competition Preparation - This phase starts 6 to 16 weeks before a competition. Calorie intake is restricted for a consistent weight loss leading up to the event. This is done to preserve all the muscle built up during off season while reducing body fat. This is easily achieved with a low-fat, high protein diet scheduled around each training session.

Cutting - The cutting phase takes place a couple of weeks or days before a competition. This involves a higher degree of calorie restriction than competition prep to burn fats rapidly. Most bodybuilders depend on supplements for their nutritional needs as they reduce their calorie intake. Circuit training sessions are often done during this phase coupled with an increase in resting time to help the body recover.

After the Competition - It is ideal for an athlete to adjust smoothly to a healthier diet after the competition. This is a crucial phase as many bodybuilders go on an eating spree and gain weight rapidly after following a restricted diet for months. It is important for anyone to ease back to eating normally after a competition for health purposes and to maintain some of the results built up during the other phases.

Maintaining a steady nutrition program is difficult with the different phases that most bodybuilders go through. However, sound nutritional principles and working with a nutritionist or dietitian throughout training can help you increase your chances of long-term success. - 17268

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Body Building Tips To Get Bigger and Stronger Spending Less Time in The Gym

By Ricardo d Argence

You get better results when you put more effort into achieving something. The widely accepted truth that applies to most areas of life. The longer you spend learning to play an instrument, the better musician you will become.

It only makes sense that when you spend more time in the gym the stronger and more muscular you will appear, isn't that correct? Contrary to what you might think, the answer to this question is an absolute no! In this particular area of bodybuilding, conventional wisdom is flung far out the window. Are you wondering, "Can I really get larger and stronger while spending less time in the gym?" I will say yes to that! When the muscle-growth process from its basic roots is examined, the case becomes clear.

In every way, the body is naturally geared to keep live and healthy. We feel miserable when we have not eaten or drank fluids for some time, we get a suntan because of the excessive UV rays presence, calluses are produced to safeguard our skin, etc. What would occur if we chance to split our muscle tissue in the gym? You are right if you are thinking that the muscles will get stronger and larger.

You can cause harm to your musculature if you push yourself against a resistance that is not within your muscles capacity at that time. The body recognizes this as potentially harmful and as a natural adaptive response the muscles will increase in size to protect the body against this threat. Increasing your workload every week will help your body adjust and grow.

Appear easy? Well, it is. Muscles will only grow bigger and stronger if they are allowed sufficient recovery time; this is the most important thing to realize. You must allow yourself enough recovery time, otherwise your muscles just won't grow.

Training with the minimum amount of volume needed to get a good response should be your goal. Once you have pushed your muscles beyond their present capacity and have triggered your thousand-year-old evolutionary alarm system, you have done your job. In order to keep the time your body needs to heal to a minimum, avoid putting unnecessary stress on it.

Far more sets and training way too hard is often a problem. Most people don't understand that a high intensity weight lifting program produces high stress levels on the body. Workout programs are often structured in a way that hinders the gains and prevents progress that is deserved.

In order to get maximum gains, you must follow 3 guidelines: first, do not train for more than three days a week. Second, Limit your workouts to 1 hour only. And third, perform 2-4 sets for smaller muscle groups (shoulders, biceps, triceps, calves, abs) and 5-7 sets for large muscle groups (chest, back, thighs).

Proper exercise requires completion of the required sets to a level of concentric muscular failure. If you consistently train hard, training longer and more often than this will be counteractive to your goals and gains. - 17268

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How Obesity Can Kill You

By Patsie Adams

Obesity comes with serious health risks. Aside from dealing with things like finding clothes that fit or fitting into an airplane seat or just being unhappy with the way you look, being obese puts your life at risk. Obesity puts you at a higher risk of diseases that can kill - like heart attack and stroke.

A person that weighs 40 to 75 pounds above their ideal is considered obese. 100 pounds overweight puts you in the category of morbidly obese. The health risks apply to both categories.

Obesity gives your body an undue amount of stress and pressure - affecting bones, muscles and joints. That's because you are constantly lugging around too much extra weight. Imagine if you had to carry around an 80 pound sack of potatoes the entire day?

The joints are what carries the brunt of all this extra weight. And these happen to be the most delicate parts of our frames. Hips and ankles are at risk, but most especially the knees. The knee joints have to support majority of our body weight.

Joints are actually the body's weakest spots since separate bone pieces come together with them. Obese people commonly have trouble with their knees as this very complex joint faces wear and tear with every single step we take.

When someone is obese, theres much more pressure on the knees than normal. So each step puts twice, triple, sometimes four times the normal pressure on those joints. This causes the joints to wear out prematurely and is the reason heavy people often develop pain and abnormal knee conditions.

All joints are at risk when you are obese - including hips and ankles. But normally, it is the knee injuries that manifest first.

The body's organs and system are also affected by what constitutes as obesity. Fat can crowd the insides of our bodies.

Too much body fat can affect internal organs by putting pressure against them. This pressure can cause the organs to start working inefficiently, and can interfere with body functions.

Because the extra weight requires more work for the body to keep going, blood pressure is often elevated and the heart abnormally strained. This can be a factor in heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

Obesity also reflects a poor diet that is high on calories from unhealthy foods. Consuming too much sugar and processed foods can lead to diabetes. And the diabetes can lead to damaging blood vessels, nerves and eyes.

Poor circulation due to diabetes can even lead to losing one's eyesight or losing an arm or a leg! But don't worry, even the already obese can avoid or overturn these negative health effects.

The good news is that once an obese person starts losing weight, diabetes and other conditions can be reversed.

If you are obese there is hope. But you need to get cracking on eating right ant getting started on an exercise program. A lot of people have done this successfully. So can you! - 17268

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Restore Your Smile and Improve Your Confidence

By Shelton Graham

Taking care of your smile is tricky to do when you have missing or damaged teeth, stained teeth, or other dental issues that take away the confidence you feel every time you smile for an image or show your teeth while laughing. You may not be inspired to care for your teeth properly anymore, which will lead to further dental problems. This develops into a vicious cycle and all of a sudden, your grin looks to be ruined beyond correct. If this is the case with your grin, you may have the choice of visiting a best Dallas dentist who can fix teeth and enhance your confidence.

If you feel that your grin should be utterly restored, consider visiting a dentist which will fix teeth and help enhance your overall appearance. Due to new advances in the field of dentistry, there are plenty of options available which will permit dentists to mend teeth with a minimum of discomfort. These new techniques can also allow your Dallas pain free dentist to fix your teeth in less time and with less appointments for procedures than ever seen. This makes visiting the dentist a more comfy and convenient experience for anyone who wants to boost their smile.

Whether a best Dallas dentist is ready to fix teeth in your mouth will depend upon a number of factors. If you want to boost your smile due to marking, the procedures selected will rely on the seriousness of the marking and the level of results you wish to achieve.

If you have missing or broken teeth, your dentist may consider using dental implants or other kinds of cosmetic and restorative dentistry to improve your grin and take away the appearance of defects that have been draining your self-confidence.

If you have other dental issues, they might need to get corrected before you may have your smile restored, but the time you spend taking care of your dental health before your smile restoration procedures will pay down in the future when you are able to see your beautiful new grin. After you are ready to have the restorative procedures performed on your teeth, you may need to go to your dentist only once due to the arrival of the introduction of gentle dentistry and sedation dentistry.

These methodologies allow dentists to perform more work in one session meaning you?ll be ready to see quicker results with fewer appointments. If you'd like to experience a great new smile, visiting a Dallas dentist is one of the best things you can do for yourself. - 17268

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4 Reasons For Trying Blue Light Acne Treatment

By Jason Cartwright

Since acne vulgaris is the most widely held skin condition, have you ever considered blue light acne treatment? Though not life-threatening, acne can be disadvantageous to teenage and adult skin and can damage the self-image of the acne victim.

Caused by the extreme frequency of acne, there are more acne cure treatment solutions than ever known to man. The practice of dermatology has developed into being vastly specialized and there are scores of cosmetic dermatologists operating at the moment to not only help cure acne but furthermore to cosmetically remove acne and acne scars.

It is known as photodynamic therapy or blue light acne treatment. An acne patient lies or sits down in front of a special light for roughly 15 to 30 minutes, every week for three to eight weeks straight, until the acne is removed. It works by focusing a blue light-wave which zaps bacteria known to cause acne.

A topical gel called Levulan might moreover be applied in tandem with acne light treatment. Levulan will cause the skin to turn pink and crust though it is also assumed to help in the whole reduction of acne and acne scars. Blue light therapy has been round since the 1970s, although as an acne treatment it is a recent addition to cosmetic dermatology practice.

So why should you use blue light acne treatment?

Blue light acne treatment is still relatively new and the long-term side-effects are not known. Though, there are a lot of immediate benefits to this class of skin therapy.

The first is that patients can choose a blue light acne treatment clinic instead of other therapies which have known side effects. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed to control acne but long-term use can cause patients to become resistant to antibiotics in general, putting them at risk of infection. Accutane is a further acne medication which can cause severe depression, suicidal ideation, and birth defects. Women of child-bearing age using Accutane must have monthly pregnancy tests.

Secondly, with blue light acne treatment, you do not have to worry about sticking to a regimen of applying lotions or taking medication.

Number three - it is also a great option for people who have had no luck with another acne cure treatment. So if your body struggles with acne lotions or medications, you have more options available.

Fourthly, light acne treatment can now be used at home. These inexpensive kits can help treat your acne from the comfort of your home. However, these kits are not as potent as professional blue light treatment, so their effectiveness is still unknown.

Blue light acne treatment is only one of the many acne cures available. Before you waste money and risk your health trying antibiotics or various treatments, it is always best to try a natural cure for acne first. - 17268

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Free Body Building Programs to Improve Your Physique

By Ricardo d Argence

Lifting weights is one method of increasing both your endurance and muscle mass. You can also use a lifting program in order to tone yourself overall.

Many people are out there in search of free body building programs. Almost all kinds of people, especially people in adolescence and youth, will have great ambition to have an appealing physique.

Development of a well-balanced program for the whole body is especially important for beginning weight lifters. Since they can add new moves to their existing program, both moderate and advanced lifters gain from free programs.

Everyone benefits from free body building programs by saving money. There are many free weight lifting programs, all of which are geared to get you into the shape you want to be in.

Where is it possible to find free body building programs? Health and fitness magazines often have plenty of free lifting routines within their pages. Even more general magazines can offer routines, especially as it gets closer to summer. Borrow magazines from friends or from the library, or check out their websites to see what they offer in terms of body building routines.

Published books on free lifting programs are also great options. If you can get hold of a book, which has got many good reviews, you can surely depend on it. While doing the body building exercises, you should monitor your progress to see that you are doing it perfectly right. Check your local library.

If you know how to use it, internet is a real treasure and knowledge bank of free body building programs. It is so simple. You can get hosts of free weight lifting programs with few mouse clicks. There are many websites offering you great tips on free body building programs.

You can read many testimonies who has benefited by these programs as well from the sites. Some body building sites offer video clips demonstrating how to practice these programs.

Free body building can be added to your normal exercise routine to help bulk up and shape your muscles. Dedication and patience are the keys to achieving your fitness goals. Set your muscle mass improvement goal, and follow through. You will succeed in gaining a magnificent appearance. - 17268

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Find The Best Ways To Build Muscle Fast

By Emmanuel Palmer

People usually go to the gym to lose weight; but there are a special few who have a passion to get massive muscles and a packed physique. Is this more up your alley? If it is, then here are helpful tips on ways to build muscle fast.

Building muscle mass presents a different challenge than weight loss programs; whichever path you decide to pursue, retain the unrelenting attitude of a winner who will not take less than success in their training. For optimal muscle development, exercise only around 2 to 4 days a week and take the rest of the days off getting quality rest. That's right-it's time to start going home more because a permanent gym residence won't get you to your destination faster. Rest is actually an important body building factor. Sleep repairs torn muscle tissues and grows them back stronger and bigger than before.

As you lift weights, use momentum in ascend and control in descend. This increases your body's muscle mass, stamina and strength. Always check that you execute the exercises in the correct form so that you do not risk straining parts of your body. Many times you only need a shift in position to considerable improve your drills.

If you are a beginner, the trainer will most probably start you off with higher number of reps and lower weight loads. Before long, your body gets accustomed to the physical challenges you are inflicting on it; periodically increase the weights or reps so your body gets continually pushed to perform better. When you get to the heavier loads have a professional trainer or spotter on hand to assist you as much as possible. Always practice gym safety.

Naturally, your muscles will experience soreness when you begin high intensity training-expect it like the rising of the sun the next day. If you're doing your exercises properly, this pain means you're doing it right. Do not try to exercise that particular muscle when it's still sore, train the other parts instead. Split training your muscle groups is an effective method many trainers can attest to. An example would be training your biceps and back on one day; and your chest and triceps another day. Take a rest of 1 to 2 minutes between sets.

In trimming down, you must adhere to a high cardio, low calorie diet; in building muscle mass the complete opposite. You need to gain weight. Depending on your body type, you should be consuming about 3000 calories per day. A nice, round number that bespeaks of cheeseburgers, pizza and chocolate sundaes right? Wrong. Healthy food choices should still be your choice of fare. Get as much protein, carbohydrates and fiber as you can in your meals. Look out for recommended muscle building supplements you can take, and protein shakes you can take to help complete dietary requirements.

Do not be taken in by every fad and promised benefit of fitness products and programs out there. Remember, many are the ways to build muscle fast, but you have only one body to keep. Take care of it and it will take care of you the rest of your life. - 17268

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Antioxidants of the Acai Berry

By Russell Knight

There have been many claims made for the acai (pronounced as "ah-sigh-ee") berry which was discovered on the slopes of the Brazilian rain forest. Many claim health benefits far beyond any other fruit or berry and scientists have taken it upon themselves to do more research into this small insignificant fruit.

Besides the extra advantages such as making insulin stable, reducing blood pressure, supporting the intake of various vitamins, fats and other nutrients, properties of the berries are beyond imagination. Scientists are now testing this berry extract on cancer cells and leukemia cells with positive results. It is the darkness of the berry which holds all the health giving products and this berry in particular is jam packed with all good stuff.

This berry which is buried in the ancient stories of North Brazil is called 'the fruit that cries'. All report that, when they take it on a regular basis, they receive an amazing energy boost and have used if for its health giving properties for many years. This fruit is the talk of the era as prestigious television shows are not tired of highlighting the benefits on a regular basis.

This small berry has health value 30 times more than the red wine or olive oil. Of course, it is much easier to take than wine and oil and you get to see the results much faster and without the detrimental effects of too much wine! Earlier this fruit was available only in juice form in shops, now it is available in many other forms. It can be taken in the form of capsule, freeze dried and puree. Whatever meets your need, most likely you can find it. Many outlets sell direct to the public promising delivery in a matter of days.

Check the newspapers regularly for announcements regarding the new 'super' food. It seems that different claims are being made on a regular basis " so much so that scientists are now taking in very seriously. Whatever they discover, you could be taking it right now, why waste time? - 17268

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Body Building, Weight Training Program for Beginners

By Ricardo d Argence

Are you generally beginning to gain a reputation as a muscular guy that people aspire to look like? Have you packed on at least a good 15-25 pounds of clean, muscular body weight since you began your muscle building program? Have you added at least a couple of inches or more to all of your major muscle groups?

If the answer is not "yes" to all of the previous questions, then you really don't need to be concerned about the insignificant details of your body.

Eliminate these types of questions from your mind until after you have a considerable amount of muscle mass and are no longer in your bodybuilding "youth".

What is the reason? Don't let trivial matters divert your attention from your immediate and important task. What is the crucial thing to accomplish at this time? The goal is to place as much muscle and strength on your body as possible.

That's right; forget about the nitty-gritty details of whether your biceps match your triceps or whether your chest is on par with your back. These are issues that you can worry about later on, but until you've thickened up your entire body as a whole to a significant degree, it's simply not worth worrying about.

There is not need to obsess over details if you're still a beginner and have been consistent in your training for less than a year. Alternatively, focus on the basic apparent issues at hand. In order to be successful in weight training, you must give yourself a realistic schedule and be consistent.

Write down every single workout that you perform and place every ounce of energy you can muster on adding as much weight to the bar on a consistent basis as you possibly can. Grind out all of the biggest, most difficult compound exercises and blast through those discomfort zones with passion and intensity.

Start off to self cook in the kitchen by yourself on each and every day, every week, every month and try to prepare properly at least 5 or 6 balanced muscle building meals.

Take your supplements when necessary, get rest, and drink plenty of water. Another way to say it is: PAY YOUR DUES IN THE BEGINNING!

If you're in this for the long haul (and you should be, as there are no temporary fixes to be had here), then get yourself on to the most efficient path possible. And the most efficient path possible is the one that focuses on the fundamentals first and the details later.

You must bring this mentality into your bodybuilding program. You don't want to attempt to fine-tune and balance your physique until you have a considerable muscle foundation to work with. You can't play that awesome guitar solo before you know basic chords, after all.

Developing a well muscled body isn't brain surgery, but it does require a disciplined and determined mindset. And not until you've put in the work and effort, because impressive and muscular bodies have to be earned. Stop spreading out your focus onto every single minute issue that pops up. Continue your training in the gym! - 17268

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