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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So You Want to Build Bigger Muscle?

By Harley Radowski

Aside from having a healthy body enormous numbers of people, both men and women, are trying to build bigger muscle maybe because they also wanted to spice up their self confidence and get attention as well. Nowadays the public are researching and discovering the best muscle building techniques that are applicable for them.

The human body has various muscle types, from simpler to a more complex one. These muscles give the body its frame and shape. When it comes to muscle growth, the macronutrient that is always associated with that is protein.

Protein is essential if you want to build bigger muscle mass but protein alone is not adequate. Carbohydrates and fats can also help in building a much leaner muscle. Your caloric intake must depend on your body mass but the required intake is usually 3000-6000 calories per day. It should be balanced and should not be only delicious but must also be healthy and/or nutritious. Your diet can play a huge factor in building muscle mass.

Creating a comprehensive physical training routine coupled with a balanced diet is the most popular technique to build bigger muscle. Training in a gym for few days per week is now common. The training should not exceed approximately an hour for each session.

It is important to keep your workout no longer than one hour due to danger of tearing your muscle strands making them weak and brittle. At first, try to keep your workouts around key exercise movement - bench press, leg press, etc. - then proceed to more vigorous training such as lifting a few weights when your body is totally adjusted to your training.

Overtraining causes sore muscles. Sore muscles indicate muscle growth but it is advisable not to continuously train muscles that are sore. Provide time for rest and allow soreness heal. Rest in between workouts gives your muscles a chance to grow.

Do you believe that muscles actually grow while you sleep? Sleeping stimulates your brain's pituitary gland to release growth hormones which includes tryptophan, glycine, ornithine, and arginine. It is necessary for you to have an ample time for rest because this is the time when your muscles and even your bones are beginning to augment.

Getting enough rest is as essential as dieting and physical training. You can get a lot of benefit in sleeping for six to eight hours every day. Adequate rest is also needed even if you are undergoing a vigorous physical training. Resting is actually the time when your muscles are starting to grow and enhance.

Training for muscle growth also includes the superset system. This training involves the use of three or four different types of exercise for the same muscle. This will also give you an ultimate pump in the muscle belly and an increase in muscle size and strength will be achieved with repetitive training sessions. However, do not favor a single body part when working out as this can cause muscular imbalances.

I'm sure you would agree it would be odd to have a big upper body and skinny legs or vice versa? That's an example of muscular imbalance. It is therefore necessary to balance not only your diet but your muscle training as well. Achieving proper muscular balance involves paying attention to the muscle which lacks mass or leanness.

Cardiovascular exercise is another important thing while having a workout. It should be carried out either before or after your vigorous training as it helps in providing a maximum heart function. You only need to perform this exercise for a minimum of once a week to a maximum of once every two weeks.

However executing cardio more often than this is exhausting and can take away the quality of your muscle gains resulting in a much smaller muscle size which is certainly not what you are trying to accomplish. Cardiovascular exercise is usually done in the early morning more often than not before breakfast.

Falling in trenches during the muscle building process is expected. It is advisable to control your impatience when working out. Lack of patience is the biggest and most common hindrance of novices or even the hard gainers. Their eagerness to gain muscle mass early on only hurts them.

Patience is the only key to success. You should also keep in mind that consistency, discipline, knowledge and determination will also help you in achieving your goal. - 17268

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4 Tips For Developing A Wide And Muscular Back

By Ricardo d Argence

For most aspiring lifters, an impressive physique is all about a huge chest and arms. Week after week they slave away on endless sets of bench presses and barbell curls in search of the rippling muscle gains they want so badly. Not surprisingly, those gains never appear in any significant form.

Believe it or not, there is an intricate muscle group that people tend to forget about when they are in search of gaining the perfect physique. Most people focus solely on the arms and the developed chest, but it should not end there.

I am, of course, talking about the major muscles of the back: the lats, traps, spinal erectors, rhomboids and lower back.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret, if you want to appear as wide, thick and powerful as you possibly can, nothing will allow you to achieve this goal faster than a well developed back. In fact, 70% of your upper body muscle mass resides in this area!

So get up off the bench press and put away the EZ-curl bar and follow this simple workout that will allow you to build the back you need to achieve the look you want.

There are just four movements that you will need to concentrate on in order to properly develop your back muscles.

1) Deadlifts: These are extremely important as there is not an exercise out there that can even come close to matching the effectiveness of this. You should perform 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps of the bent-legged barbell deadlift.

The deadlift is a workout that will work everything and it is the key to ensuring that you develop the strong back muscles you want.

2) A vertical pulling movement: These exercises mainly target the lat muscles and will help you to attain that wide, v-tapered look from behind. Examples of vertical pulling movements are chin-ups (overhand or underhand), lat pulldowns and v-bar pulldowns. Your workout routine must include 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps.

3) A horizontal pulling movement: Otherwise referred to as "rows", horizontal pulling movements place their emphasis on the upper/middle portion of the back and also stimulate the lats. There are a ton of different rowing movements to choose from: bent over barbell rows, dumbbell rows, seated machine rows and cable rows just to name a few. Your gym workout routine must include 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps.

4) A shrugging movement: Even though this may not be as important as the other lifts, it is still one that you should include in your workout. It will target the upper traps and give you the diamond shaped look from the back. You will want to add 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps.

It may not seem like a lot, but as long as you take every set to muscular failure and focus on quality rather than quantity, this routine provides more than enough stimulation for maximum back growth.

Perform this workout once per week with full effort and I guarantee that your upper body will appear thicker, wider and more muscular than ever before. - 17268

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A Guide to Building Muscle Quickly to Increase Your Bench Press

By Ricardo d Argence

Most people know that in order to build up muscle in the upper body one of the best exercises to do is the bench press. A frequent question bodybuilders ask each other is how much you can bench press. Let us examine what it takes to build muscle and how to achieve a bigger bench press. This can be done in a few very effective ways that will make a noticeable difference fast.

Grow your triceps. As much as two thirds of the complete muscle mass on your arms is made up of the tricep muscle. The best exercises to build muscle mass on your triceps are using barbells and dumbells: close grip bench-presses and skull crushers. Isolation exercises are not as good as they isolate the muscle completely. They will definitely help add weight to your bench press.

Work your triceps separately. The majority of bodybuilding regimens advise that you workout the chest in the same session as the triceps. If you train the triceps separately, you can concentrate on them and get the muscle growing very quickly. Try this over a few weeks and then have a look at how many more kilograms you can bench press.

Variety. Have you been doing that same old workout routine for months now? When your muscles have done the same workout a few times, they have already been able to adjust to it and so the need to grow bigger is not there. Keep changing your routine, it can involve little changes such as changing the grip width or even reversing the order of your routine or they can be bigger changes such as doing super sets or compound sets and more.

Do not over do it. Most of the time more is better, but in regards to muscle building that is not the truth at all. If you over do it and over train your chest, then you will find it difficult to recover and to grow further. Instead, focus on intensity, technique, and not quantity. A short vigorous workout is much more effective than a long one.

Solid rest. Your muscles are not going to grow in the gym! At rest is when they grow. If you don?t give enough time for growing then you simply won?t grow. Of course do not workout again when your muscles are still, a fair rule of thumb is to limit yourself to 6-9 sets each session for each muscle group, any more and you risk overtraining.

Take a break from training. If you find yourself reaching a training plateau, then think about taking a complete break. This will allow your body recover from all the strain you have put on it. After you have taken a break for a couple of weeks, you can return to your workouts with more conviction.

Look at your diet. Are you eating 6 meals a day with a minimum of 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight you have? If you are not, then you are most likely limiting your gains by not following a muscle building diet. Following a proper muscle building diet is essential in building muscle mass, so in every meal try to consume 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, and the rest can include fats.

Pay attention to your technique. Are you bench-pressing the proper way? It is imperative to pay close attention to your technique and to use proper form when doing your exercises. If you practice bad technique it can take away focus from the chest muscles and can put you in great risk of injury as well. Make sure you are not lifting your feet up off the floor and that your hands are not grabbing the bar too close together. These are the two most general mistakes people make when bench pressing.

By following the guidelines above you will be giving yourself the best chance to build muscle mass on your chest fast. - 17268

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Day To Day Disorders Are Sometimes A Warning Sign

By Richard Ealom

A few would consider it odd, that at a time when a lot of people are more educated, they do not take care of their bodies as well as their material goods. In fact the body is frequently injured by the purposeful, or airborne, intake of contaminants, to the degree that it compels you to query whether education is on the right track.

It appears to fall short, as far as the subject of natural health is the issue, and also hasn't encouraged citizens to avoid health troubles, which are frequently of their own making.

Everyday disorders are often trying to act as a warning system, even though infrequently they could be symptomatic of other health ills. For instance a headache could indicate, that our work, requires us to consider longer or more numerous breaks. This might be a indication that we are spending too much time at the computer or having no time for relaxation. Indigestion may result from eating food that does not agree with us, or from food consumption without taking a break.

It is simple to pop a capsule but that is not as a rule the best answer. To care for your natural health, you will have to begin to interpret what your body is telling you, and do whatever is in your best health needs.

Life really is what you make it, and it could be a long and challenging experience, or a journey of discovery, because of the numerous health advantages from all of the five continents. Natural health procedures involve a wide variety of therapies, a number of which were developed in Eastern nations, including Yoga, Acupuncture, and Transcendental Meditation, to name just a few. Please make it your objective to find out as much as you can, although it is best to commence a natural health way of life as soon as you can, it is seldom too late, to receive some gain.

Your natural health springs into action, on the day you are born. These days, in the self-styled developed world, a great percentage of children are born fit and well. If they are not so lucky, first-rate care and services are usually available. Able-bodied people should be convinced to assume a measure of accountability for their individual health, and not constantly deem themselves as patients to be dealt with by medical doctors.

We would all agree that it is good to know that a doctor is obtainable if an urgent situation occurs, but preferable to avoid that possibility by living a natural health existence, and doing all you can to use what you come across, and harvest the benefits.

Of course getting a sufficient amount of physical activity, is a neccessary element of a natural health existence. Human bodies were created for activity, and if they don't get sufficient amounts, they will turn out to be unproductive. Parents, who are aware of the rewards of healthy exercise, are liable to look after children's needs in a related manner.

Fortunately, we were born into a day and age when there are lots of opportunities to engage ourselves in pursuits, such as hiking in the great outdoors, athletics, playing football, racket games, or many other enjoyable pursuits. Natural health is a way, of keeping well through synchronizing with our wonderful planet. Not every person is fortunate enough to go through life without being ill, but there is a great deal you can do to strengthen your bodily resources. - 17268

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The Frustrating Link Between Toxins And Weight Loss

By Alex Ariel Sanders

Chronic obesity and weight problems have led to serious outcries in recent years, specifically in the United States. Many feel it's the fault of fast food outlets and rather laid-back, sedentary lifestyles, but actually research has shown that there are quite a few factors that can be traced back to environmental toxins as well as toxin build-up in the body as a result of artificial preservatives. The link between toxins and obesity has shown that the two are directly linked in what appears to be a spiral, mutually feeding of each other, that's actually getting worse.

It has long been known that overweight or obese people have a slower than normal metabolism that allows toxins to build up in their bodies. These toxins lead to illnesses, such as heart disease and high blood pressure, as well as increasing the risk of developing degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis and diabetes.

Many people may not know that the list below is responsible for accumulation of toxins in the human body:

* pesticide laced produce

* meat from animals fed grain that contains pesticide residues and animals shot with hormones

* processed foods with loads of artificial ingredients and preservatives. These chemicals stick to tissues and paralyze the body's ability to function normally

When our body is bombarded by toxins in quantities it cannot handle, it tries to protect itself from contamination by these substances by encapsulating them in pockets of fat and storing them until it is able to process these toxins and remove them.

The greatest problem is that these toxins are pushed at us in such large volumes that the body cannot catch up to process and eliminate what has already been previously accumulated. Instead, we keep on storing more toxins in our body while we always keep on waiting for just the right opportunity to get rid of it!

This fat accumulation again slows the metabolism down to such an extent that it allows for even more build-up. Just shows you how the cycle becomes self-sufficient, resulting in an early grave due to numerous chronic conditions and problems that have developed in the process. Now we get stuck in a rut with a question similar to that of the chicken and egg mystery. The answer is simple. Obesity can lead to toxin build-up in the body and toxin build-up can lead to even more obesity.

While the precise link between toxins and obesity may not be transparent, the solution to the obesity problem can be found in the consumption of a healthier diet consisting of lower toxic substances and higher fiber and nutrient content, which the body needs in order to eliminate as well as burn fat at a faster pace.

An increase in natural fruits and vegetables washed thoroughly to remove traces of toxins such as pesticides is absolutely essential. Red meat processed through commercial feedlots must also be reduced. In addition, processed foods full of artificial ingredients and preservatives should be avoided. Caffeine, cigarette smoke, and chemically treated water consumption should be eliminated or cut significantly, in order to reduce the volume of toxins attacking the body while aiding detoxification of the body. - 17268

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Latent Viruses Cause Cancer - Stop Latent Viruses with Gene-Eden, an Antiviral Supplement

By Lynda Rowen

The immune system is powerful, yet delicate. Many events outside or inside our body can damage it. For instance, are you stressed? Are you taking medications to lower your cholesterol or blood pressures, or to control other long term conditions? Do you use your cell phone extensively? Do you live or work next to a cell phone antenna? Did you pass the age of 40? Stress, medications, radiation (UV, x-Ray, cell phone, etc), and aging damage your immune system.

Why is and efficient immune system important to your health? Since, among other things, it controls the number of chronic viruses that reside in your body. A few of the most common viruses that infect almost everyone, and stay with us for life, are the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Herpes Simplex virus (HSV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Varicella Zoster virus (VZV), Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV).

What happens when the immune system is weak? These viruses multiply and cause major diseases, such as arthritis, heart disease, asthma, cancer, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or even accelerated aging. (See scientific research on the link between chronic viruses and these diseases at

How do viruses cause major diseases? And what can you do to stop them?

Let?s start by taking one disease, cancer, as an example. The process in the other diseases is similar (see below). Scientists believe that cancer results from a genetic mutation. For instance, they believe that breast cancer results from a mutation in the BRCA1 gene. This belief makes sense, since the BRCA1 gene produces a protein (with the same name) that stops the cell from replicating, and therefore, prevents it from turning into a tumor. However, here is the mystery. Only 5% of the breast cancer patients have a mutated gene. What about the other 95% of the patients? What causes cancer in the patients that don?t have a mutation?

Since 2003, when Dr. Hanan Polansky published his ?purple book?, the cause of cancer in the non-mutated patients is mystery no more.

Hundreds of scientific papers showed that most people are infected with chronic viruses. (Do you want to know which chronic viruses reside in your body? Ask your doctor for a simple blood test, or visit the Gene-Eden website at for detailed instructions.) According to Dr. Hanan Polansky, these viruses are genetic parasites. They compete with the human genes for a scarce genetic resource. In high numbers, the viruses win the competition, ?starve? the human genes, and disrupt their production of proteins. Starved human genes behave as if they are mutated. (They are not, but to a puzzled scientist they look like they are mutated!) And without the needed proteins, the cell stops functioning properly, and the infected host develops a major disease.

Interested in a more detailed presentation of the ?Starved Gene? discovery, specifically designed for the non-expert? Visit the website.

A starved BRCA1 gene and the resulting breast cancer represent just one "cause and effect" example. When a chronic virus starves another gene, called CD18, the host develops atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and stroke. When it starves the TF gene, it causes autoimmune diseases, such as juvenile diabetes, lupus, arthritis, Crohn's disease, and the list (unfortunately) goes on and on.

Why is Dr. Hanan Polansky?s discovery important?

It is important since it motivated the scientists at polyDNA to develop the antiviral supplement Gene-Eden, which, for the first time, targets the cause rather than the symptoms of the major diseases.

Gene-Eden is an all natural, broad range, antiviral dietary supplement that targets many of the most common viruses during their latent or chronic phase. The Gene-Eden formulation includes five natural ingredients. To identify these ingredients, the scientists at polyDNA used a unique process. First, they collected thousands of scientific papers. Then, they analyzed the content of these papers with their in-house, proprietary bio-informatics program. Finally, they used the results of the computer analysis to select the five most powerful, yet safe antiviral ingredients. Do your want to read some of the papers identified with the computer analysis, which were published in scientific journals and show the powerful antiviral effect of the five ingredients? Visit the Gene-Eden website. In addition, and as would be expected from the scientific process used by the scientists at polyDNA to identify these ingredients, users of Gene-Eden describe great health oriented results. - 17268

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Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 8 - Begin a Low Impact Exercise Program!

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are going to move forward to eliminate your existing bruises while making sure that new bruises don't take their place, you are going to need to give some thought to how starting a low impact exercise program could help you. Exercise of any kind strengthens your body, and the foremost advantage of exercise is that it increases the capability for your heart and your blood pressure to work efficiently.

Another thing that you will realize though, is that not only is doing low impact exercise going to help you heal your bruises up quickly, it will also help you move forward and make sure that you don't get bruises as often in the first place. Exercise will help you become more graceful and less inclined to bump yourself or to fall, and you will also discover that it will let you improve your muscle tone, which is important for preventing bruises.

Think about the fact that good exercise is something that is good for you across the board. Not only are you activating your metabolism, you will also find that you are making sure that your body processes are kicked into high gear. That means that you are going to be able to heal your body faster, and that your body will be operating in tip top shape. This can be essential when you want to get those bruises gone.

You have a wide variety of low impact exercise routines to choose from that will enhance your resistance to bruising easily. Select a routine that you can really enjoy, and then be certain to follow it regularly. Regardless of whether you practice three times a week or you do it every day, just keep in mind that for your program to be effective you maintain consistency. That being said, which exercise program is most appealing to you?

You can begin by simply taking a brisk walk. If you have been avoiding exercise for a while, walking is a great place to start, because there are numerous other things that you can do while you are out walking. Walking is easy on your joints, and you'll have an an excellent excuse to catch up on new music or books on tape while you are enjoying the fresh air.

Another great low impact exercise that can help you prevent bruising is going to be swimming or any activity that you do in the water. In the water, you will be working harder because you are dealing with water resistance and the water will also cushion your joints at the same time. Take a moment and think about how much fun you can have with gentle activities in the water.

Whether you go to the gym or you have your own machine at home, elliptical exercise machines are an excellent way to get your heart really pumping without stressing your knees. Elliptical machines provide a perfect solution to vigorous exercising combined with joint safety.

Low impact exercise is a great way to prevent bruising so see which exercises will best serve you. Any exercise program or regimen is only as good as how consistently it is practiced. To get the full benefits of your exercise routine, you should add an all natural, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which has a unique formulation that can help you overcome bruising easily and help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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Citrus Juices and Their Health Boosting Properties

By Jade Howarth

Many people are aware of the positive aspects of juicing but don't know the significant positive aspects that citrus juice has to offer. Most people are aware of Vitamin C and some of its positive aspects. Human beings are one of the few species that does not make its own supply of Vitamin C.

A lot of the illnesses we suffer from today, such as cancer and viruses, are often thought to be caused by the lack of Vitamin C in our diet. This is in large due to the fact that this chemical destroys a lot of the free radicals that enter and attack our body by harmful the cells. We ate much more fruit in the past than we do today. We have hands that are made to pick and grasp fruit and so this was an easy food source for us to obtain.

Our body, it is believed, started to produce less and less Vitamin C, as we were able to obtain it from the diet. In the modern diet the amount of fruit we eat has decreased substantially. The modern diet contains substantially less fruit then in the past resulting in an inadequate intake of this chemical for us all.

Juicing has become a fast, enjoyable and refreshing way to boost our health. It is also quickly, enjoyable and refreshing and even your kids will like it. There is no need to spend a lot of money regularly on expensive vitamins and supplements.

Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling has been 1 of the greatest supporters of Vitamin C and the health benefits it has to give. He was a firm believer that many of the illnesses we suffer from today were due to a lack of this chemical. He did, however, recommend very large amounts which has been generally thought nowadays not to be required.

Fruits like oranges and lemons contain a large amount of Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. Every orange contains about 50mg of ascorbic acid per 100 grams of fruit and about 70mg per slice. The recommended daily allowance is only 60mg. This is the minimal amount to prevent scurvy, the classic illness that causes bleeding gums.

Many people buying a citrus juicer or fruit juicer such as the Jack Lalanne Juicer are investing in their own health. As you can see from this article, many of the essential nutrients we require can be obtained in this healthy, natural way. - 17268

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Discover The Truth About The Acai Berry Diet

By Jacqueline V Long

Anyone who is researching diet plans and weight loss programs recently has no doubt heard about the amazing acai berry diet plan. The claims are that you can just consume this yummy little berry that is purported to taste like blueberries dipped in dark chocolate and the weight will fall off your body. You would believe that the acai berry is a magical solution to weight loss.

So what is the truth? Well an acai berry from the Brazilian rainforest will not help you lose weight any more than a blueberry from the state of Maine. It is not a magical bullet. It is not a supernatural potion that instantly makes the pounds melt off.

Nevertheless the acai berry can be valuable to your weight loss efforts and it can be of help when it comes to the prevention of diseases, the slowdown of the aging process and the reduction of inflammation in our bodies since this tiny little berry is one of the most nutritious foods ever found in nature.

The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or the ORAC score is the way the antioxidant capacity is measured in foods. The acai berry has one of the highest ORAC scores ever found in a food. It actually has more than 10 times the amount of antioxidants as red grapes and even twice as much as blueberries, which are another powerful fruit.

Acai berries are in addition very high in amino acids and healthy fats. About 50% of the edible pulp of the berry is composed of fat and that fat is composed of the very healthy essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. The fat found in these berries is also rich in monounsaturated oleic acid, which is similar to olive oil, another remarkably healthy oil.

Astonishingly this tiny little powerhouse berry also contains 19 amino acids, which are the building blocks to protein. They also contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E along with potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper and zinc.

The acai berry has only come into vogue in the past few years since it is extremely perishable. It cannot be shipped fresh as it must be processed within 24 hours of leaving the tree to keep its nutritional integrity. There are various processing methods although the best way has been proven to be a freeze-drying method.

No, the acai berry is not a magical fruit that will help you lose weight but it is an extremely healthy food that can aid your body in achieving optimal health and wellness and when you do that your body responds in a positive manner to diet and exercise and the weight can then more effortlessly come off. - 17268

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Are Sodas with Pure Cane Sugar Really Better for You than High Fructose Corn Syrup?

By David Marcheschi

Most beverages consumed by the average citizen has some sort of added sweetener. This can include products like sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners like Ace-K or aspartame. Although taste is important for most people, the safety of consuming many of these sweeteners is under the debate by food manufacturers and health officials; as well as the FDA. As a result, beverage makers and distributors have come out with new all natural versions of many products. This a good development in light of research that suggests that some sweeteners have led to health problems. However, not all natural sweeteners are as natural as they seem.

What is Pure Cane Sugar?

All natural sugar, or unrefined sugar, is one of the healthier options for use in sweetened beverages. Although it contains very little nutritional value, it comes without the harmful potential side effects of high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners because it is generally unprocessed and left as close to its natural state as possible. There are also usually not additional chemicals added. Pure, unrefined cane sugar is brown in color and can often be found in health food stores. Fortunately, due to growing concerns about refined sugar and artificial sweeteners, its popularity is growing and chain grocery stores are beginning to stock natural sugars alongside the more traditional refined varieties.

High Fructose Corn Syrup: Uses and Misinformation

The use of high fructose syrup, also known as HFCS, has skyrocketed in recent years because of its wide availability and cost efficiency. It is comprised primarily of corn syrup that has been stripped down and heavily processed to increase the fructose content. This leaves it with a taste that is far sweeter than that of regular cane sugar, thereby allowing much smaller quantities to be used. It also has a longer shelf life than sugar, especially all natural cane sugar which contains no preservatives to extend its use. This makes high fructose syrup very attractive to manufacturers of nearly all food products, especially beverage companies.

HFCS can be found in everything from soft drinks to canned goods, even if the item is labeled "all natural". For this reason, it is important to check all food labels to be sure that the "natural" product you are purchasing is actually made from natural ingredients. If HFCS is labeled, the product is not entirely natural.

Heated debates regarding the safety of high fructose corn syrup have been waged by many health organizations, primarily because it is believed HFCS may be a huge contributor in the current obesity epidemic. This is because high fructose corn syrup is processed differently by the body than sugar, and due to its unnatural composition, causes the brain to fail to recognize a feeling of fullness. This results in overeating when consuming products which contain HFCS, and because so many products have this sweetener in them, its hard to know which foods are safe. It is also theorized that HFCS may cause the body to produce more fat than usual, resulting in weight gain.

Some studies fight against these claims, however, stating that high fructose corn syrup is no more harmful than table sugar and that all sweeteners, regardless of where they are originated, should be consumed in moderation. This, in fact, is true as only 10% of daily caloric intake should be comprised of any sweetener, including natural varieties.

Ace K

Acesulfame potassium, more commonly known as Ace-K, is another widely used sweetener that has been targeted at the center of a growing debate. Ace-K is an artificial sweetener comprised of a cocktail of chemicals and additives and is in the same category as sucralose (commonly marketed as Splenda) and aspartame. Artificial sweeteners contain no calories, making them appealing to dieters, diabetics, and anyone who wants the sweet taste of their favorite treats without the calories and fat.

In many products, like soft drinks, Ace K is used along with other 0 calorie sweeteners like sucralose or aspartame because the blend of these sweeteners makes a more palatable taste than any one of them used alone.

Ace-K and similar products are especially beneficial to diabetics because they do not raise blood sugar the way sugar does. They also do not contribute to tooth decay. However, despite these benefits, all artificial sweeteners should be used in moderation.

Although some sweeteners are more harmful than others, it still stands that all should be consumed in small quantities. Whether sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners like Ace-K; each has its own effects on the body and the waistline. That said, it is important to check food labels before buying soda or other foods and beverages to ensure that you know which sweeteners are being used and the amounts in which they are present. - 17268

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Weight Lifting Techniques and Weight Training Programs

By Wakelin Smith

Weight lifting is a popular strength training activity for people who want to lose weight, improve strength and bone density, increase muscle tone and build muscles. Many people who weight lift do not know how to do so safely.

First and foremost, one of the key principles you'll need to master is what the appropriate weight amount you should be lifting. Know that, if you are not comfortable lifting a weight at least 15 times, you probably have the wrong weight. The best thing you can do is take it slow, lifting a single set of 15 repetitions making sure your weight amount is correct. This will go along way towards you building up strength in a fast and effect manner. If you start out lifting the incorrect weight amount, you will only wind up hurting yourself.

Secondly, you should engage in warm-ups. People tend to overlook warm-ups because they do not realize that it is important before any sporting or aerobic activity. Before attempting to lift weights you should take a few minutes to stretch and perform some aerobic activities. Stretching helps to increase flexibility and reduces the risk of injuries. Additionally, you should choose weight lifting techniques that will work all the major muscle groups such as the legs, arms, shoulders, chests and abdomen.

Proper form should be mastered while utilizing the correct weight lifting techniques. If you don't have proper form you can risk injury. In addition, the exercises will not be effective and may work against you. Good form is essential to building muscle mass correctly, and it proper form is one of the core principles of the sport.

If you have pain, don't attempt to work through it. Pain is a sign that something is going awry. As you progress in your workout, pain should not be a part of your practice. It usually means you are not dong something properly, and you should stop the lift, lower the weight value, wait for later or seek out someone more experienced for advice.

Rest is a part of the sport. Practicing at the correct weight with good technique and proper form requires that you give your body a chance to rest. Weight lifting is vigorous, and you don't want to overwork muscles by doing the same thing every day. It is essential that you give your muscles a chance to rest. Vary your routine and work on different muscles for the best result.

Take your time. Many people hold in their breath while performing weight lifting techniques. This is very dangerous and can cause a sharp increase in your blood pressure. Keep your breathing regular at all times during techniques, making sure to breathe out as you are lifting the weights and breathe in as you are bringing the weights down.

By adhering to these simple tips on how to lift weights safely, you will reduce the risks of common injuries such as fractures, sprains, joint dislocations and long term injuries such nerve damage, bone stress, muscle overload and rotator cuff damage. - 17268

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A Washington, DC Fitness Coach Can Help You Save Money

By Josef Brandenburg

These days more and more people are inclined towards working out. A lot of them are prepared to spend a huge amount of money on various methods instead of investing it on a good Washington, DC fitness coach. Most people feel that you need to hire a personal trainer in order to benefit from your workouts. This may not always be true.

A Washington, DC fitness coach would be a much wiser decision. Having a fitness coach will not only ensure that you are getting the best workout possible, but you will save a lot of money as well. No matter who you are or what the economy is doing, it is always nice to save money since there are so many other things that you can do with it.

Is hiring a baby sitter going to do you any good in the weight loss department? Are you not paying money for someone to count your reps - something that you could easily do yourself? Instead, you should get someone who really knows what hes doing - A Washington, DC fitness coach can help you in areas that you really need help in.

The fitness coach will draw a plan which when followed perfectly will produce guaranteed results. These plans are proven to yield the best results and they will be regularly checked by the Washington DC fitness coach. These checks will ensure that you are on the right path leading to success.

You can also have a one on one session with your fitness coach. And because the setting is semi private and you are not chaperoned through out your workouts, it brings down the costs when compared to hiring a personal trainer. So, plan on how to spend all the money that you have saved using a fitness coach. Maybe you can treat yourself by going out or buy something for yourself.

You still need to make sure that you choose the best coach for yourself, and look for someone you are more comfortable with and who has a pretty decent track record. If you are not comfortable with your coach or with his training program, then the chances of your success are very limited. You have to develop confidence in your coach in addition to yourself in order to make the workout effective.

Once you have started, you will notice some spectacular changes in yourself. The efficiency and effectiveness of a fitness coach is so much better than that of a personal trainer. The gap is so huge that you would be surprised to notice it. Within a short span of time you will realize that all your dreams have come true. You have nothing to lose but weight, so give it your best shot and look at its impact on your lifestyle. - 17268

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