Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Where to Buy HCG Without a Prescription

By Amelia Handley

Have you looked everywhere for where to buy HCG without a prescription? Do you feel like everyone is trying to trick you by not allowing you to have access to the amazing results you've seen other people enjoy? Do you need the weight loss, but not the hassle and expense of regular doctor's visits to a "specialist" that will charge you an arm and a leg to tell you what you already know? Well...look no further. You're almost there. You know where to buy HCG without a prescription. You're already buy it online.

You're not the only one looking to buy. Purchasing HCG online is a standard procedure. People just can't pass by the amazing results: 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss per day! Who could pass that up? There are no invasive procedures or recovery times or doctor's visits or extensive time or money requirements. So people are jumping on the chance to take advantage of the benefits offered by the product.

When deciding where to buy HCG without a prescription you have to consider the company you're dealing with. Make sure you are working with a reputable company. Never consider ordering from an individual without any credentials. Do not consider buying HCG off of Ebay or Craigslist. Leave those two for your used furniture purchases.

Also keep in mind that you want to work with oral HCG. HCG injections and oral HCG products offer the same weight loss results. But the injections come hand in hand with a few medical considerations that really require a professional. Oral HCG products like the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula offered by HCG Diet Direct have all the same benefits without the prescription or the needles or the required doctor's visits. You can handle the oral HCG programs in your own home, on your own time easily and conveniently.

HCG Diet Direct's formula is available online and delivered directly to your doorstep. You use the oral dropper to take the formula 3 times each day. You can purchase enough for 25 days or 40 days depending upon the amount of weight you want to lose and the number of days you are willing to stick to the program. You are provided with the diet restrictions (and they are strict) that you must follow exactly!

And by following the rules you lose weight. It's as simple as that. Not only will you lose weight, but on average HCG dieters lose 1 to 2 pounds per day. These amazing results could be your's within the week and all because you were looking for where to buy HCG without a prescription. This is one search that is going to end positively. - 17268

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Juicer Recipes - Juicing Benefits

By Darren Haynes

Juicing is an easy way to provide yourself with a high level of quality nutrition. It is a practice taken up by many people who are health conscious, who claim how great it is. So what is it about juicing we all rave about?

Three reasons that juicing is so beneficial are:

1) Juice requires little digestion so all the nutrition is quickly absorbed into your body

2) Juicing requires you to use more fruits and/or vegetables that you could eat in a day resulting in a drink that is densely packed with vitamins, minerals and other plant nutrients.

3) Detoxify your liver

The following points are some of the health benefits received from juicing:

Improves the heart and cardiovascular systems:

- Antioxidants vitamins E and C help to prevent damage from free radicals on arteries by preventing your blood from sticking and clotting. They also keep the blood non-toxic. Vitamin C is found in most vegetables and fruit and vitamin E is found in blackberries, asparagus, kiwi and spinach used in juicer recipes.

- Blackberries are also a good source for potassium and magnesium which are essential for proper heart function and regularizing the heart beat.

Detoxifying the liver " this is fundamental for good health:

- The liver performs 100's of essential functions. Cleaning blood and removing toxins and metabolic waste is one of its main functions. It is extremely important to keep our liver clean so it can do its job keeping us clean and the way to do this is to remove the toxins we deal with everyday.

- Certain nutrients are needed for liver cleansing. Antioxidants beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and N-acetyl cysteine are potent liver cleansers. In addition, B-vitamins riboflavin and niacin also aid liver cleansing. Cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower have been found to be great for the liver.

- Helps with hair, nails, skin, and eyes:

- The antioxidants vitamins E and C prevent damage to the skin from the sun because of their ability to neutralize free radicals. Juicing blueberries and blackberries will give you a great source of both vitamins C and E if used together.

- A deficiency in riboflavin (vitamin B2) can cause cracked lips, hair loss, dermatitis, greasy looking skin and other skin problems. Putting kale, spinach, and asparagus in your juices will provide you with vitamin B2.

- Vitamin A is the most important nutrient for healthy eyes, but it is not found in plants. Orange colored vegetables and fruits carry beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is processed by the body and turned into vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for the retina and to help prevent night blindness. Vitamins A and C both reduce the risk for AMD or age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. The best source for both of these vitamins is carrot juice.

Blood cell rebuilding:

- Yes that is correct! It is possible to rebuild blood cells by the amazingly healthy chlorophyll which has so many health benefits that it deserves its own article!

Under a microscope, chlorophyll looks almost identical a component of the red blood cell called hemin. When you assimilate chlorophyll, scientists have discovered that by way of a chemical shift, the chlorophyll actually becomes hemin. Broken down in layman's terms, this basically means you are getting a blood transfusion when you take chlorophyll.

The reason plants are green is because of chlorophyll. This is why it is so important to put green vegetables in your juicer recipes! It is important to note that the darker the green, the more chlorophyll that vegetable contains.

Improving your immune system:

- Regular and varied juicing is the most beneficial way to give you adequate amounts of antioxidants important for healthy immune systems. The antioxidants from vegetables and fruits include vitamins plus a large range of chemicals called phytochemicals that are derived from plants. Phytochemicals have a variety of health benefits, the most notable being anti-cancer properties. - 17268

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Weight Loss Diets: Where To Start?

By Philip Alexander

In today's world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering fast weight loss tips for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed.

Weight loss programs typically focus only on physical factors related to weight loss. You begin to think of yourself as a student of change as you learn to incorporate structure into your daily life and apply new strategies to the world around you. Weight loss doesn't make us happy. Being happy makes us physically and emotionally healthy and when we are healthy we make better choices that lead to natural weight loss. Weight loss can be achieved by different methods, but what about Sleep Diet? Several researchers in different states have proven that this really works and people lose weight just because they sleep enough.

Weight loss is simple, burn more calories then you consume. If you can fully understand that then you are on your way to losing weight. Weight loss is just one of the reasons this berry is being called the number one 'superfood'. The following sections describe how this super food will help you to naturally lose weight. Weight loss may be temporary or may continue at a life-threatening pace.

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about quick weight loss tips. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

Acai vital provides amazing weight loss support, basically due to several important fatty acids, fiber and amino acids, fixed together especially to help rid the body of fat and shed pounds. These key fatty acids naturally increase your general metabolism, followed by appropriate and faster wealth loss. If you try to lose weight, cardiovascular exercise is that one of the things you need in your toolbox of weight loss. The question is, as you have, how difficult the work and the best cardiovascular exercises. With the proper weight loss procedure, we can find that lost confidence and feel great about ourselves again!

Combine dieting with exercise over a long period of time and you can reach your weight loss goals. There are big differences among all weight loss pills, that's why we provide you our complete review here. You can find books on healthy eating for weight loss, books on fast weight loss, and a variety of other relevant topics.

Weight loss simply does not address the long term reasons why we gain weight. Weight loss only erases the symptoms of persistent issues to weight control such as aging, processed food, metabolism damage, eating behaviour and the fact we all spend long periods of time 'out of it' with respect to weight loss and fitness.

Take time to consider the points presented above on fast weight loss tips. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action. - 17268

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The Truth About Six Pack Abs - Detailed Review of Truth About Abs

By Joseph Cog

A lot of men these days desire six pack abs; washboard abs that make them look more engaging and feel more fit, making them feel better as a person generally. They could have even had these abs a long time ago, but recent slacking has made them in losing the abs they'd. A large amount of times, our fast-paced lives leave small room for us to be able to exercise. Thankfully , "The Truth About Six Pack Abs" is a book that will permit you to get your abs back and keep them. Read on to learn as much as you can about The Truth About Six Pack Abs.

Michael Geary, as well as being the author of this favored book, is both a professional fitness tutor and nutritionist with a degree in Bachelor's of Science from Pennsylvania's Susquehanna school. Mr. Geary is a very qualified individual concerning fitness and exercise, and his knowledge is really displayed inside this book. In contrast to the promises manufactured by other "miracle program" books, his system is rather easy without any hype or exaggerated guarantees. Michael Geary simply demonstrates clear exercises that may be used to attain the results you need.

In reality, his system is appropriate for both men and women, though men are far more inclined to use this system. The system is based essentially on the suitable way to consume fat, and attempts to explain and refute fitness legends like once an individual is fat, he / she will always be fat or any troublesome areas on one's body are predetermined at birth and there is simply zip to be done for it.

apart from the aforementioned fitness myths, he tries to refute many others, some of which are severely hazardous. Geary continues to clarify why additions are merely meant to be an addition to a correct diet and exercise routine. These should not be used to help shape abdominal muscles or any other area.

He also demonstrates that your fitness is not based on the price or newness of your exercise equipment, but by exercising correctly in conjunction with your diet. He recommends against intense, short workouts, which can be deadly to those that are not already in top physical shape, and explains what you need in addition to diet in order to tone your muscles reasonably.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs is one of the most elaborate muscle-toning systems out there. The book goes into issues such as nourishment, proper exercise habits, and life changes that most trend exercise books have a tendency to ignore. This system can help you tone your muscles and keep them toned for life. - 17268

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Six Ways For Losing Belly Fat

By James Hopkins

Weight Loss

Everyday we heard people mentioned about losing belly fat. However, what will the best way to lose belly fat? Thus are these way safe to implement? Are them consists of any health risk? Let?s take a look of the below tips on how to lose belly fat fast.

Drink Plenty Of Water

You will not get rid of belly fat if you refuse to take water. Water is the compulsory beverage for losing belly fat. Drink a glass of water every early morning when you wake up. Water is the best medium helps to chase away toxin from your body. Thus they also plays a vital role in weight control.

Avoid Sugar

Reduce the sugar intake everyday if you wish to reduce belly fat. Stay away from sweetened bottle drinks especially sodas. Thus avoid taking sweetened desserts like cakes, ice creams and chocolate puffs. You should be alert that these sweetened foods are the barriers of losing belly fat.

Healthy Diet And Eating Habits

Practice healthy diet and eating habits speed up the process of losing belly fat. Your diet should include fresh ingredients like vegetables and fruits. Try to avoid high calories food like pizzas, burgers and fries. Take more high fiber food like grain and oat.


There are several types of exercises to lose belly fat. These exercises are inclusive of swimming, jogging and surfing. However most of them are considered as cardio exercises. Train yourself to familiarize with these exercises. Make yourself believe that they are one of the key factors that help you to get rid of belly fat.

Take Weight Loss Supplements

Another solution for losing belly fat fast is through taking weight loss supplements. There are many types of weight loss supplements offered in the market. These supplements are inclusive of like fat burning pills, fat block drinks and weight loss teas. However these supplements might cause sight effects to your health in long term.

Weight Loss Surgery

Try to avoid taking this unless you have no solutions for losing belly fat. However they have been recognized as one of the best ways to lose belly fat fast. In terms of weight loss surgery option, fat liposuction always becomes the priority. You are required to watch up your diet for certain period after the surgery. - 17268

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Muscle Builders: NO2 Is Here to Help!

By Ruth Jackson

Flex those muscles! Would you want these to be well-defined and chiseled? Body builders have discovered a wonderful supplement in Nitric Oxide. This "muscle builder" provides you with improved lean muscle mass. Not only that, those who take nitric oxide are also known to enjoy an increase in libido and erectile "staying power", as well as an ability to recover faster during injury.

What does nitric oxide or NO2 do to build lean muscle mass? During your exercise, nitric oxide is released into the body for a short time. As nitric acid is released, it causes the muscles to contract. Thus the "highway" by which the blood and the nutrients can pass to get to the muscles, particularly the skeletal muscle. This is known as hemodilation.

By supplementing with NO2, you can enjoy an "extended release delivery" so that there is a lasting "muscle pump". The blood vessels remain open for longer, thus more muscle building nutrients and oxygen are released into the body. As a result, the muscle grows and become stronger, faster.

Now before you rush to your local health store for some NO2 supplements, please remember that there are those who are better off not taking NO2, since this may cause adverse reactions. NO2 supplements are rich in arginine. Those who are suffering from asthma should avoid this since L-arginine can cause the inflammation of the airways. Similarly, those who are suffering from herpes or any similar viral disease should not take NO2, since this will further allow the virus to grow and multiply.

There are also people who simply cannot tolerate significant amounts of L-arginine in their body. These, as well as those who are pregnant and breastfeeding, should not take NO2. Please consult your health practitioner before taking the supplement.

NO2 also causes some side effects such as diarrhea, stomach cramps and disorders, fatigue and hot flashes (even men are known to experience these!). The extent of these side effects really varies from person to person. - 17268

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Are Multivitamin Supplements Really Essential to Your Health?

By Hien Chung

Are multivitamin supplements really necessary? In fact, yes; that's especially true if your diet is deficient and doesn't provide adequate nutrition, because they'll fill in the nutritional gaps your diet doesn't provide. That doesn't mean you can eat unhealthily all the time and get away with it, but multivitamin supplements can give you nutritional support if your diet is less than optimal.

Multivitamin vitamin supplements include vitamins as well as minerals. The minerals included are important to everyday health, and many people can be deficient in them. They include magnesium, iron, calcium and zinc. Multivitamin supplements also contain many different vitamins, as listed below.

Vitamin A is found in many multivitamin supplements. Deficiency in vitamin A is uncommon unless you are elderly. It is vital for your immune system to function optimally, and it is sometimes taken to prevent bone loss and certain types of birth defects. But vitamin A should never be taken in large doses because it can be dangerous.

Beta-carotene is another supplement found in multivitamin supplements. It functions as an antioxidant and can also increase white blood cell count; it also boosts your immunity. Beta-carotene and vitamin A also are important to eye health.

Folic acid is especially important during pregnancy and is included in prenatal multivitamin supplements. Folic acid deficiencies can lead to low birth weight and an increased risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida in babies.

B vitamins, too, are important to good health, and most are usually found in multivitamin supplements. Folic acid is among the B vitamins, with pyridoxine another. B12 and pyridoxine are important to control levels of homocysteine in the blood; high levels of homocysteine can cause strokes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin B12 can also fight memory loss, anemia, and heart disease. Thiamine, or B1, is important for optimal brain function. Niacin, also called vitamin B3, helps prevent the disease pellagra. It's relatively rare to get pellagra, but this niacin-deficient disease can cause inflamed mucous membranes, scaly sores on the skin, mental confusion and diarrhea.

Vitamin C boosts the immune system and is an antioxidant, and also helps keep skin healthy; it also helps to heal wounds and prevent scar formation.

Vitamin D is necessary to properly absorb calcium, a mineral. If you're deficient in vitamin D, you can experience fractures, bone loss, and a disease called rickets, which can lead to extreme bone pain. The body can manufacture Vitamin D if you have enough sunlight exposure, but it's usually included in multivitamin supplements because it can be difficult to get. However, it's toxic in large doses, so be careful how much you take.

If you shop around, you can find multivitamin supplements that contain vitamin K. Deficiency in vitamin K can cause bleeding and leads to easy bruising and osteoporosis (brittle bones).

Vitamin K, vitamin D and calcium (a mineral) are found in many multivitamin supplements; calcium is necessary to build and maintain proper bone mass. If you consume enough calcium (along with vitamin D and vitamin K), you can reduce the risk of bone fracture once you get older.

Multivitamin supplements can provide more than 100% of the recommended daily allowance of some vitamins, but in most cases, it's not safe to consume very large amounts of any vitamin or mineral by itself. The levels included in multivitamins are usually safe, but if you take too many supplements in individual form and too much of them, extremely large doses could be unsafe.

Theoretically, your diet is supposed to be sufficient to provide 100% of your recommended daily allowance of the basic vitamins and minerals, but the person who eats a balanced diet with adequate vitamins and minerals every single day is rare in today's fast-paced world. There are many multivitamins available, and it may take some research to decide which kind is best for you. If you start taking a multivitamin supplement and experience any side effects, it is a good idea to stop taking them and see if the problem goes away. If so, you should ask your doctor to recommend a multivitamin supplement.

There are about a dozen different vitamins and minerals recognized as important for humans to consume. If you are shortchanged on any of them for a significant amount of time, you could begin to experience deficiency symptoms. And again, multivitamin supplements can prevent these types of deficiencies, but are still no substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle, one that includes good nutritious food and exercise, too. - 17268

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Use Essential Oils to Live a Healthier Life

By Lyn Meloni

Health is all over the news. It seems like everyone is looking for things they can do to improve their overall health. Sure, we all know about eating right and getting exercise, but what are some other things that you can do to improve your overall health and well-being? Let's talk a little bit about essential oils and the role they can play in living a better, healthier life.

Let's talk first a little bit about what an essential oil is. Plants have oils in them, and when these oils are removed through a distillation process you get essential oils. They are called essential because they maintain the distinctive scent of the plant that they came from. These oils are used in many products these days such as bath products, perfumes, and also as skin and cancer treatments.

Some people don't know this, but essential oils have been used for many purposes throughout history. In the Bible you can read about oils being used to heal and anoint the sick. Other civilizations have been using oils for similar purposes for a long time as well.

In today's world essential oils have found many good uses as well. They are used in nutritional supplements, massage therapy products, aromatherapy products, and other personal care items. And they are still finding ways to use these oils to benefit people's lives!

While there are a lot of different oils out there, some of the more popular ones include eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint. Both lavender and eucalyptus can be used as antiseptics. Eucalyptus is also used to increase awareness, and lavender is used to relieve tension and headaches. Peppermint is used for similar purposes.

Now that you know a little bit about essential oils and their health benefits, you're probably wondering where you can buy them. There are plenty of stores such as Bath and Body Works that carry lines of oils, or you could go with companies like Young Living that focus on high quality products. The Young Living products were developed by the company's founder D Gary Young.

So if you're ready to start reaping the benefits of using essential oils, either head to a local store or buy some of the Gary Young essential oils. Once you starting seeing the benefits of these products you'll be happy you started using them. - 17268

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What's Up With the HCG Diet in Arizona?

By Amelia Handley

The HCG diet is enjoying near overnight popularity. But nowhere is it more popular than Arizona. The HCG diet in Arizona is a staple. HCG sales to Arizona residents make up a big chunk of the HCG sales overall for online HCG companies and programs. You might be wondering why...but if you think about it you'll find that the answer is pretty obvious. Arizona is a popular destination and residence for a reason. What is it?

Arizona is known for its amazing weather. Its unceasingly HOT summers. Its mild winters. It's not strange to see families wandering around visiting in shorts and a tank top on Christmas Day. The weather just doesn't get very cold.

And what does the weather have to do with the HCG diet in Arizona? The connection to dieting should be pretty obvious by this point. What do people wear when it's hot or even just warm outside? They wear less clothing. They wear less clothing so they won't be hot and the less clothing people wear the more obvious all the little imperfections and extra pounds become.

You might even say that the amazing Arizona weather inspires people to dress in shorts and tank tops. And you might go from there to say that the shorts and tank tops inspires people to be aware of the negative aspects of their body. And you might be inspired to say that from there they are inspired to fix it by losing weight. Many see the HCG diet in Arizona as a drastically effective, all natural method that will solve all their body image problems quickly and inexpensively. It doesn't alter their mood like the popular energy pills. It doesn't involve invasive procedures like the other "drastic" weight loss methods people opt for.

Could the HCG diet in Arizona be a phase? It could be, but it's not likely. It actually solves a real problem. And it's not a recent phenomenon. It's been around and in use for over 50 years. The overnight popularity is a phenomenon, but that's a different story. The original diet was introduced as a cure for obesity. Arizonans see the diet as a cure for their discomfort in their own clothes and bodies during the heat. Poolside parties, picnics and outdoor barbeques are just not fun if you're worried about how you look in your swimsuit.

So the fact that people enjoy "mild" winters doesn't mean that they wouldn't be able to enjoy them more if they could just lose 10-30 pounds. It's way more fun to feel the sun on your face if you're not sweating up a storm in your long sleeve T-shirt and loose jacket. Other popular aspects of the program besides the extreme weight loss results of 1 to 2 pounds average weight loss per day are: short duration of the program (as little as 25 days), and the adaptation of cooking and eating styles to a more healthy level. This makes it easier to maintain weight loss after the program is complete. The HCG diet in Arizona is definitely there to stay. You might as well take advantage of it. But'll probably have to splurge on a new wardrobe when you're through. Your clothes won't fit anymore! - 17268

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Watch Out for the Acai Berry Fraud

By Caitlin Ryan

One of nature's miracles, acai berries are loaded in nutrients. They contain antioxidants, protein and many of the B vitamins. Phytochemicals, sometimes called vitamin P, are also present in acai berries. The phytochemical family in acai berries are called anthocyanins. Phytochemicals in plants protect the plant from disease and damage, and those protective properties are transferred to us when we consume the plant.

Acai berry nutrients are thought to prevent disease, aid in weight loss and slow aging. More than likely, this is a direct result of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nature of the various nutrients.

The antioxidants neutralize free radicals and repair the damage already done. Inflammation alone is responsible for many disease processes such as atherosclerosis. Both free radicals and inflammation are behind the aging process.

Unfortunately, you cannot head to the local supermarket and purchase whole acai berries in the produce department. These gorgeous purple berries are grown in the Amazon, and the only products available at the grocery store are juices and frozen mixes meant for drinks or sauces. Be sure to check the label to see how much of the product is acai berries and how much is sugar or corn syrup. You might be able to find a powder form as well.

Much of what is found in acai berries is in the form of supplements: pills, powders and liquid extracts. You can find these in health food stores as well as the internet. The touted benefits of acai berries have lead to the development and sale of many acai supplements. And, as with anything that becomes really popular, acai berry fraud became rampant.

One of the more popular frauds is a "free trial" offer fraud. Not all free trials are fraudulent, but many customers have reported companies who offer these free trials and then sign the person up for an auto-shipment of more acai berry supplement. Some of these companies charge more than $50 for a bottle of acai berry supplements, and the charge ends up as a surprise. It is also quite difficult to get out of some of these acai berry frauds because when the person calls the company to cancel and seek reimbursement, the operators put them on hold for 20 minutes or more and continually transfer them from one department to another.

Another common acai berry fraud is the "weight loss" magic bullet approach. Most of us would like to find a pill to promote weight loss and a fit, trim body, but without the work of following a weight loss plan and exercising, you will not find any miracles in acai berry supplements alone. They can aid in weight loss, but they do not act alone.

Ultimately, you need to research the company a bit. Look for certifications of good business practice such as seals offered by the Better Business Bureau. You should consider making a phone call. If you get put on hold right away, this is likely another acai berry fraud! If someone wanted to buy something from you, would you put that person on hold? - 17268

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Colloidal Gold is a Super Food Supplement

By Kathryn Barry

Colloidal Gold is gaining recognition as a super nutrient valuable for its broad spectrum support of a healthy high performance body, mind and mood.

Commonly Reported Experiences and Benefits:

Motivated with a sense of optimism

Increased overall sense of well being

Focus, memory, and concentration levels increased

Increased ability to cope with or release stress

Feeling more rested upon waking from sleep

Sense of energized yet calm zen-like awareness

Ability to remember dreams

Supports your mood during the winter

Support in relief of cravings and addictions

How was Gold Used as a Supplement in History?

Tonics made from gold have been used for rejuvenation, maximization of potential and well being for centuries.

The Mayan culture has revered gold for thousands of years. It is interesting to note that it seems that they used this precious metal to a high degree for their eating utensils.

Could this be based on drinking glasses, plates, and bowls made from gold enabling microscopic amounts of gold to be absorbed by the human body?

Paracelsus the modern forefather of Pharmacology studied alchemy and created metallic minerals such as gold for use as medicines.

He was a bit ahead of his time and had a reputation of curing patients that where beyond the help of a "normal" physician.

Is a Super Food Made from Metal Safe?

Yes,-- of the most crucial nutrients in human metabolism are metals which include magnesium, manganese, iron, selenium, and zinc.

This noble element is non-toxic and will not chemically interact with any other chemistries within your cells or even medications.

People with allergies are told to wear high quality gold jewelry because allergies to gold are almost non-existent.

Is Colloidal the Best Type of Gold Supplement?

Yes, you must be able to ingest and absorb gold if it is to be of any value to your body.

Your cells can absorb colloidal forms of gold easily.

Smaller forms such as ionic supplements of gold are being pushed as a better form of gold because of its smaller size.

It is true that ionic forms of gold (Angstrom Gold for example) have an even smaller particle size than most colloids.

This truth doesn't necessarily make ionic more desirable.

At the cellular level, the ionic form of gold behaves more like a drug. It has had electrons removed and has been radically altered.

Ionic charged particles will seek out atoms in your cells that have a negative charge and bond with them.

Just like the rush you get from coffee, eventually this form of gold will cause an over sensitization of your nervous system.

You Can Find Pure Colloidal Gold at Elements for Life!

Gold Rush is made in small batches with maximum commitment to the creation of an exceptional product that exceeds the expectations of even the most educated and discriminating element connoisseur.

The concentration of this gold is 10 ppm or parts per million and has a particle size of 1.2-3nm which makes it almost 100% bioavailable.

Gold Rush is not an ionic gold supplement.

It has a light ruby pink color which only comes with real Colloidal Gold.

It has a very smooth yet tasteless sensation and needs no refrigeration. - 17268

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All and Sundry Say - "I Need to Drop off Fat Fast!"

By Nik Tartin WS

It's so silly that it's a joke. Almost everyone on this planet has said these words at least once in their life time "Aaargh! I need to lose weight! I look fat!" But if you look at it we don't in reality do anything to drop off all that baby fat! But no matter, how Many diet books we read, or diet tips we pick up, you will not lose any fat unless actually you try out to motivate yourself to commit to your diet.

Motivation is the key to any task. You may not like dieting, or exercise and unless you motivate yourself to lose weight you are not going to get anywhere. Remember that life is short and it's something you should enjoy when you are youthful. If you are overweight and tired all of the time then you would not be able be able to do all the things you have put-up for yourself.

Set a reward system for your self which works. You have to keep in mind that if you are going to lose weight you have to keep restating to yourself "I have to lose weight." rate yourself in your chosen plan (it may green tea fat loss, running for weight loss or even abdominal weight loss regimes).

If your weight loss has been appreciated, don't rest on your laurels but up the fat loss regime instantly. If such a small amount of fat loss can get you so much appreciation; then imagine what would happen when you drop off at least ten pounds! Remember that you cannot jump proper into a hard weight loss and exercise routine if you have never exercised before. Just be slow and steady and you should be fine. Keep your goal in mind and with the correct attitude, you will be able to adhere to your fat loss regimen.

Even if you drop off a single pound try out to remember yourself and tell every one of your success. People would value your success and try out to follow your weight loss routine. But follow a healthy pattern of eating by eating small meals rich in fruits and veggies.

Do not try out to starve yourself, as which does not work. eat the right food at the right time and you will drop off fat. Ultimately there will come a time when you follow a fat loss routine not to drop off fat but to be healthy and in shape. Motivate yourself to drop off fat and you will be fine; you won't be telling yourself "I need to drop off weight"! - 17268

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