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Monday, September 28, 2009

Understand Proper Nutrition For A Pregnancy

By Henry Poperfield

There are many things a woman can do to grow a healthy, full-term baby. Eating a healthful, well-balanced diet is the most important of them all. Proper nutrition helps you avoid a premature birth, preeclampsia, eclampsia, or gestational diabetes. Diligence in this will pay off with an easier pregnancy, an easier delivery, and a healthy, happy baby. If you can't afford to follow a good diet, apply for the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program, which is available nation-wide. These coupons can be used at all grocery stores and many farmers markets.

What should you eat? It's really pretty simple. Imagine your dinner plate. Divide it in half. One half should be filled with vegetables of assorted colors: green, yellow, red, white. Things like peas, broccoli, green beans, dark, leafy greens, and asparagus are green. Corn, sweet potatoes, and yams are yellow. Bell peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant are red. Cauliflower, mushrooms, and potatoes are white. Technically, some of these things are not vegetables, but for our purposes, this is the category they go in.

The other half of your plate is divided in half again. In one section, you put your protein. This can be chicken, beef, pork, lamb, and other meats, seafood, or vegetarian options such as tofu, cheese, or beans. For the most part, be careful to choose lean cuts of meat, or low-fat versions of cheese.

The final quarter of your plate will be filled with a starch. This can include items from the vegetable category, such as the potatoes and yams, or beans, which are also a protein. Other items are rice, bread, pasta, and other grains. The most important thing - and this is really important - is that you choose whole grains. Your breads should be made with whole grain flour (it will say so on the label), your rice should be brown. Other excellent grains are quinoa (also high in protein), kasha, wheat berries, and whole grain cornmeal. Steel cut oatmeal is practically the best thing you can eat for breakfast.

Every day, be sure to drink a quart of milk or eat milk products, such as cheese or yogurt. Have two eggs every day. Include a serving or two of fruit. Eat small amounts - three meals, and a snack between each meal and before you go to bed. Salt your food to taste, and drink eight glasses of water or other liquid each day. It also helps to know what should not be included in the pregnant woman's diet. This includes the obvious, such as alcohol, to the not-so-obvious, such as caffeine, sugar, and junk food, to the disputed, such as processed food. Do your best to avoid refined foods of any kind. - 17268

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Organic Raw Milk - Life Giving Milk

By Kathryn Barry

You keep hearing the mantra "Raw Milk is Dangerous because of Bacteria". The one and only time I remember becoming deathly ill from drinking milk was when I drank some low fat pasteurized milk. I thought I was going to die! So much for pasteurized milk being a safe alternative and organic raw milk being dangerous.

What's left in low fat processed milk anyway?

This is What is Happening to Milk and Your Health

Enzymes are extremely fragile and will be lost at temperatures of 145 Degrees for 30 minutes or longer. This process is called pasteurization and renders a food lifeless. This process creates a drain on your pancreas and only creates more work for this organ to help digest your food.

Milk fats are destroyed by a process called homogenization. These fats then go on to create cholesterol blockages in your arteries and scar your vital blood vessels.

Ultra-Pasteurization heats milk to 280 degrees, rendering it completely indigestible and ultra-pasteurization will also create MSG - a Neurotoxin.

Now Let's Look at Organic Raw Milk

Great source of important minerals such as calcium, vitamin B12, essential fatty acids, and good bacteria. The nutrients are much more easily absorbed because of the enzymes still present in this milk. Enzymes such as lactoferrin are responsible for protecting you and milk from pathogens.

Raw Goat Milk is Good and Nutritious

Raw goat milk is a great substitute for cow's milk for those people who cannot deal with lactose. Goat's milk is less allergenic and it does not contain the complex protein that stimulates allergic reactions found in cow's milk.

Unlike cow's milk, goat's milk does not contain agglutinin and therefore, the fat globules in goat's milk do not cluster together - making them easier to digest. The fat molecules are smaller than cow's milk and doesn't separate - it's naturally homogenized.

Goat milk contains beneficial fatty acids that are short and medium-chained. This is another reason why goat milk is easy for your body to digest.

Raw Goat's Milk contains vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, trace elements, enzymes, protein and fatty acids that are utilized by your body with ease.

This milk alkalinizes your digestive system and it actually contains an alkaline ash that does not produce acid in your intestinal system.

Even though my first love is raw cow's milk, I would be just as happy to drink raw goat's milk. It would be nice to be able to purchase either one in the location of your choosing.

If you are lucky enough to live in a state that provides Organic Raw Milk, you are lucky. This is one of the hardest health foods to find in most states.

I often wonder why securing a supply of nutritious raw milk has been made so hard. Some raw dairies are subjected to such harassment and unfair treatment. It's time to stop treating these dairies like they were drug dealers.

My hope is that one day this milk will be made available to the general public, but that will only happen when enough people demand raw milk. - 17268

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How to Get a Six Pack in a Month

By James Statham

Do you want to shave of your belly fat and get cut abs? I'm going to reveal to you how to get a ripped six pack super quick, without having to break your back! Do you know that sit ups are useless if you want quick results? Read on for more tips.

Know this, we all have six packs! That's right, however, if you press down on your belly now, you'll probably feel a soft, spongy layer covering your abs. This is the layer of fat you need to get rid of if you ever want to get a six pack. I'm now going to show you what you need to know about how to get a ripped six pack.

You need to raise your metabolism, to burn fat quickly. Your metabolism determines how quickly your body burns calories whilst resting, so it's important to raise this. Do to this, target high intense compound exercises only. Compound exercises involve lots of different muscles, rather than targeting only one muscle area. This means your exercising more of your body and burning more fat! This is how to get a ripped six pack of your own by exercising, but you also need to be doing something else too.

I have to mention this, but unfortunately, you have to sort out your diet! You haven't got to starve yourself though, but you do have to cut down on all the rubbish foods you currently consume! If you don't then your only harming your chances of getting rid of that layer of fat. Also, try cutting down the size of your meals, but increase the frequency you are eating. If you do this, then you will be less likely to snack on rubbish foods, whilst giving your body a constant supply of nutrients.

Aim to eat foods that are high in protein. Protein is considered the essential part of building muscle, so you'll want to be making sure you include this in your diet. Foods such as meat, fish and eggs are all good. - 17268

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Aloe Vera Jell

By Palti Shipard

Aloe vera Barbadensis is a helpful plant, that has the appearance of a cactus but is in the lily family and related to onions, garlic and asparagus. The Aloe family has four hundred different species. The Aloe vera plant is sometimes used as a herbal medicine. The gel from the leaves contain carbohydrate polymers, like glucomannans or pectic acid, and other healthy compounds that are thought to have positive effects on the body.

The juice and jell has been consumed by many people for thousands of years and has been employed in cosmetics more than any other plant. Aloe Vera is hypoallergenic and has no known complications. It is safe for children, adults, seniors and even pregnant women.

There are no known reactions with substances, so Aloe vera products are safe to take with medicines. There are folks who are allergic to aloa vera, go slow initially to be sure you aren't one of these people. Contact dermatitis can occur in sensitive individuals,test a small area of skin, for a reaction before more use. The juice and jell can be employed topically as well as taken internally. Many people keep a potted plant in the kitchen for use at any time, the plant is easy to grow. A leaf can be cut open and the gel applied immediately to a cut or burn. The jell has anti-viral and anti inflammatory properties and benefits the skin by adding amino acids, minerals and B1, B2, B6 and C vitamins.

Almost all of the packed aloe vera gels that you purchase are thickened with carrageenan. Carrageenan is a food grade thickening agent which is naturally found in sea kelp / Irish moss. Aloe Vera is utilized in hundreds of commercial products including sunburn treatments, juices, shampoos, creams, cosmetics, lotions, as well as other numerous beauty preparations. Aloe vera has been used for centuries for a number of treatments and to keep the skin healthy.

Aloe vera juice is frequently used to help clean the gut and help the inmune system. The juice is a natural detoxifier, it increases good abdominal flora, eases and repairs damaged and inflamed tissue both internally and outwardly. It is utilized to increase bile flow, reinforcing appetite, for treating bronchial infections and for uterus, liver and colon problems.

It helps to improve bowel regularity naturally. Aloe vera is looked at by many herbalist as a panacea because it has so many uses, there were many studies of its use. There's some proof the extracts might be helpful in the treatment of diabetes and raised blood lipids. These effects are thought to be because of compounds like polysaccharides, mannans, anthraquinones and lectins.

Aloe vera is not much problem to grow if you do not over water your plant. Let the soil become fully dry before giving the plant a cup or 2 of water. In the summer months, the soil should be totally saturated, but then let it dry out before re-watering. The leaves contain a supply of water to help it survive through times of drought. Aloe Vera spreads by offsets and root sprouts.

Aloe plants are 95% water, because of this they are extremely frost tender. They can be grown outdoors in warm climates, they should be planted in full sun, or light shade. The soil needs to be moderately fertile, and fast draining. The plants are made to survive droughts.

Aloin was a standard ingredient in purgative products in the States before 2003, when the FDA ruled that aloin was a class III ingredient, thus banning its use. Processed aloe vera juice doesn't contain major amounts of aloin and is often used as a digestive healer. - 17268

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How To Prevent And Get Rid Of Tummy Fat

By Stelios Appleby

What is the most effective work out to get rid of belly fat? What is the most effective belly workout to get rid of the stomach fat? This is a question that is asked all the time and depending on whom you speak to you will get a range of varied answers.

If you truly want to get rid of this issue then one thing you are probably going to have to face up to is that you might actually be doing the incorrect type of workouts. You might actually want to lessen the amount of tummy specific workouts you do and instead focus on a different kind of exercise.

If you want to get that six pack as rapidly as viable then you need to concentrate on doing workouts that are essentially going to burn the body fat that is on your waist line. Only doing specific workouts that are focused on your belly area will only get you so far, you also need to concentrate on doing exercises that will improve your metabolic rate and burn off the excess fat.

That doesn't mean that you should avoid doing the belly workouts all together. What you do have to try and do is to vary your work out routine a bit more. You need to concentrate on what is going to have the largest impact. Rationally you might think that doing a thousand sit-ups a day is what you have to do, but the truth is that the best part of those sit-ups might be a waste of time and might not be beneficial to you at all.

But, unless you do some cardio work, consume the right diet and concentrate on doing some total body exercises when you are at the gym, you are going to struggle. You may get close to getting your six pack, but you will most likely not get the preferred result you want, there will most likely always be that layer of body fat covering your stomach muscles.

If you really want to succeed at getting your tummy muscles toned or ripped then you need to make certain that you are keeping a close eye on what you are consuming. Having unhealthy eating habits is one of the main reasons, people do not see the improvements they want to, when trying to get six pack abs.

Getting toned tummy muscles does take a bit of work. Very infrequently will you be able to take short cuts if you want to have toned tummy muscles. If you do not get your diet right and if you eat lots of garbage food or merely the wrong types of food, then you are making it almost impossible for yourself to truly get the body you desire.

The truth is that the change is undoubtedly going to be more mental than physical. You have to adjust the way you think and feel in relation to food to be equipped to sustain a enduring healthy diet change. - 17268

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Foods That Help Men Live Longer

By Steve Stone

Here are five healthy foods for men. Regularly eating them will ensure you're on your way to a longer lasting, healthier life.

Tomatoes. This fruit contains a powerful nutrient called lycopene. This has been shown to be beneficial in preventing prostrate cancer in men. To see the complete health benefits of it the tomatoes should be condensed, so go for either tomato juice or tomato sauce (without additives or sugar) as opposed to whole tomatoes.

Oysters. This superfood is a superior source of protein that is perfect for helping to build lean muscle. They also provide omega 3's and zinc (which many men are known to be deficient of), and aid in testosterone production.

Brazil Nuts. Nuts in general are a great nutrient snack full of fiber, healthy fats and protein. However, Brazil nuts stand out from the others in that they are packed with selenium, a mineral that is crucial in antioxidant production to fight off disease. Eating just a single one will give you your RDA of it.

Broccoli. There is considerable evidence pointing towards the anti-cancer benefits of this superfood. It's full of minerals and antioxidants that both clean your blood arteries and maintain strong and healthy cells

Flaxseed. Flaxseeds are an ideal source of nutrients, healthy fats and fiber and they help the body get rid of toxic compounds. For your body to absorb the full health benefits of them they must be ground prior to consumption. Once ground they can be added to shakes, cereal and oatmeal.

There are of course other healthy foods for men but the ones listed here are a good start. Begin by increasing your consumption of these, and then add additional healthy foods to your regular diet month by month. - 17268

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Which Should I Choose? Acai Berry Pills or Acai Berry Juice?

By Travis Van Slooten

Should you go for acai berry pills or acai berry juice? Long ago, choosing the best way to get one's supplements was fairly easy. The options were very minimal and often times, consumers were left to choose pills as the way to get their healthy boost. Supplement aisles displayed hundreds of pill bottles and you just pick the pill which best suits your needs. Meeting your nutrient needs for the day wasn't so hard too. All you had to do was pop a pill in your mouth and you should be good to go. Today however, the choices have not only grown more, they have also gotten to be more appealing, usually covered in different enticing flavors and juices which can be blended into shakes and smoothies. Given this, many consumers are left wondering whether to go for the good old pill or let their palate enjoy the new tastes.

Let's face it, people love to eat delicious snacks. So the best way to get people to eat healthy, or at least the best way to sell healthy foods, is to cover them in our favorite flavors like salts and sugars. Acai berry is still a fairly new supplement to the American market, but it has already received the full treatment. While fresh acai berry is out of reach, you can find acai berry drinks and ice creams and all sorts of appetizing options. But do these options really offer you the same bang for your buck that you expect from a health supplement?

First, let's talk about the acai berry juice. While yes, it can be flavorful and enticing as compared to taking capsules, acai berry juice may be giving you a little less than what you would expect from an acai product. In addition, while acai berry has yet to be proven as an aid to weight loss, more and more people are taking the acai berry as a supplement that can help with weight loss programs. The thing is, some of these juices may actually contain fillers and sugars which may bring detrimental impacts to your body. Another downside to drinking acai berry juice instead of taking acai pills is that you may be getting only a fraction of the nutrients as compared to what you get from the pills.

As you can now see, taking the pill form of acai supplements can give you a more complete daily dosage of supplement ? without any added sugars or chemical coloring which you are likely to find in food supplement options. A single pill has pretty much everything that you need for your daily dose of acai. And even if you aren't too concerned of the concentration, you'd still likely be concerned about the cost. More supplements don't come cheap and acai isn't any different. So for the same amount of money, you could be getting more nutrients from a bottle of pills than acai berry juices which may contain the added ingredients of water, sugar and possibly other fillers.

The biggest advantage of going for acai berry juices is that you get to enjoy their delicious flavors with your daily meals. Nevertheless, if the nutrient concentration is what you're after, a single acai pill can offer you so much more, while you can still have a glass of orange juice with it. Above all, you get everything you need minus the extra calories and added ingredients. - 17268

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You Want the Best Abs?

By James Statham

Ready to get the best abs around? In this article, I am going to be revealing to you the way that you should be going about getting a six pack. There are three specific factors that, if you use correctly, will give you rock hard abs! These are the three components. Your diet, your work outs and your dedication. By the end of this article, you will have gained the basics of what you need to know to get ripped!

Now the biggest mistake guys make, when trying to get the best abs, is doing traditional abs exercises. I'm sure you know what I'm on about! Crunches, leg lifts, sit ups etc. These are all hailed by the so called experts, but are actually some of the least effective abs exercises around! This is because is order to get ripped, you need to raise your metabolism and lower your body fat levels. Now crunches, and the like, will not do either of these, and will only waste your time!

In case you didn't know, your metabolism determines how many calories your body burns whilst resting. You need to be making sure this is high if you want to have a six pack. Fortunately, there are abs exercises around which will both raise your metabolism, and burn body fat! By performing these exercises rather than the crunches, you will see much better results!

Another big mistake most people make when attempting to get the best abs, is not following the correct diet. A common belief was that to burn fat, you need to follow a low carb diet. Wrong! In fact, by following this diet, you could end up adding to the excess layer of fat around your stomach! Instead of this, you should be eating foods that are high in protein, such as meat, fish, cheese etc. These foods are great for muscle building, and also should be eaten if you want to get ripped!

Avoid typical cardio workouts. Stay off the treadmill! A long drawn out cardio workout is not only boring, but isn't intense enough to burn fat sufficiently. To get the best abs, the cardio workout you should be doing, should be short and sharp. A high intense, half hour cardio session will be so much better for you in the long term than simply jogging for hours on end.

Once you have gained information about diet and exercising, there's one more thing needed to really get the best abs, and that is your dedication. As long as you can stay on track, and not give up, then you will have the results to show off to the world! - 17268

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How to Buy Acai Berry Products

By Maxine Paine

Acai berry is the newest of grails in the search for nutrition. With such a focus on the little fruit, figuring out where to buy acai berry products isnt easy. It seems like everyone is ready to push their new scam on you, and you cant possibly wade through all the offers around.

Traditionally used as much for its hearts and leaves, the acai palm is now primarily harvested for the berrys potential benefits. Rapidly growing trees, they produce two crops of berries each year.

When you head online to look at acai berry product try to remember that no matter what claims are being made, you need to look at the research. Research indicates that the acai berry has reasonable levels of antioxidants, fiber and numerous nutritional elements.

It is shown in some studies to be effective in preventing the growth of experimental leukemia cells and against some of the inflammatory enzymes associated with early cancer. That said, it isnt capable of defying scientific knowledge and performing all the remarkable things it is currently touted for

If you chose to buy your acai products online use a reputable distributor. If their claims seem outrageous, they are. Acai stands quite well on its own abilities. It wont make you thin overnight, neither will it cure anything specific on its own.

It is a good supplement for a healthy diet and has many beneficial components. Locate a website that is honest, and will tell you specifically what is contained in their products and also that have a flexible customer service policy.

Find out how the product was processed and how much of it is actually acai. Why should you give money for 5% acai juice present in blueberry juice? You arent going to get the benefits of acai. Researching your provider will give you more confidence and allow you to make a better decision regarding your purchase. - 17268

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Study Looks into Free Radicals and Acai Fruit

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

The acai fruit is a tasteful, fresh, organic fruit that comes with a wealth of antioxidants. In order to prevent damage to the body as well as slow the aging process, antioxidants are needed as part of a regular diet.

When the body's cells consume oxygen, it creates free radicals (or by-products) that can cause a lot of problems to our body. Antioxidants play an important role in preventing, repairing, and removing the damage done by these toxic by-products. Having a daily supplement of antioxidants is the best way known to protect yourself from these harmful free radicals.

Free radicals have been the factors behind various types of neurological problems to hormonal damage. Acai fruit has been found when taken on a regular basis to contain enough antioxidants to fight off these dangerous by-products.

Free radicals have been the factors behind various types of neurological problems to hormonal damage. Acai fruit has been found when taken on a regular basis to contain enough antioxidants to fight off these dangerous by-products.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

The acai berry was recently introduced to the mainstream audience by a Doctor by the name of Nicholas Perricone who wrote a book entitled the Perricone Promise. In this book he goes into detail about how the acai berry is what he calls the most perfect food on the planet known today.

Acai berry is categorized as a super food because it contains all the nutrition your body needs in fighting dangerous by-products in the body like free radicals. Be sure to research this amazing fruit further if you are looking for a diet that will provide your body with the strength needed to fight and remove these harmful toxins. Study Shows Acai Fruit Fights Radicals

The acai fruit is known as a super food that contains every nutrient your body needs in fighting harmful free radicals. If your goal is to improve your overall health, as well as strengthen and maintain your body, then you should look further into the numerous benefits of the this amazing fruit.

The acai berry is the perfect food to improve overall health, reduce aging, and fighting free radicals and could be just the missing supplement your body needs to creating the new you. - 17268

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Home Workout: Flatten Your Belly with a 10-Minute Routine

By Travis Hunt

At first glance, a full-proof 10-minute home workout to flatten abs might seem a bit unbelievable to you, especially if you have been so used to at least 45 minutes of intense exercising. But what if I told you it IS possible?

When I first heard about it, I was just as skeptical as the next person. Nevertheless, I said to myself, what would I lose if I give it a try? Absolutely nothing, that?s what. The idea of just getting six pack abs in the shortest time possible was more than enough motivation for me. And I assure you, this one is definitely a no-lose case.

True enough, it did work for me! Let me share with you the details of the 10-minute home exercise that helped me flatten my abs.

For you to have six pack abs, you must be willing to do anything to achieve your goal. I am not suggesting, however, that you buy any exercise equipments or get an exclusive membership in a prestigious gym because there?s really no need for all that; that is not what I am trying to point out at all.

Here?s the deal: It will definitely provide you a shorter time for your workout routine. But for you to reap all the benefits in that shot period of time, you need to exert more effort. You simply need to work just as hard, if not more, if you want to save on time.

First, you should start doing your home workout before eating. Why is that? Just think of a time when you were so tired from doing something strenuous, you had this strong desire to replenish your strength.

The same goes with your muscles; later in the course of an extreme workout, it will long for replenishment, and when you satisfy the hunger of your muscles, you will enable them to build greater mass. So the best macronutrient you should include in your meal is protein.

For the training routine, lay down on a flat surface and do 50 simple crunches. Do this at a quicker pace yet keep your rhythm.

Do not get too excited. It does not end there. When you are done with the crunches, do 25 leg raises, then go for another round of 50 crunches. When you are half way doing this you will feel your muscles contract; that is a sign that it is working.

Soon after the crunches, perform about 50 reps of the bicycle exercise. That makes 25 reps per side crunch and knee-bend. As you wrap up your routine, have one more round of 50 crunches. It?s as simple as that.

The beginning could pose as very challenging to you. But you?ll soon get used to the home exercise like I did. Just 10 minutes everyday and you can get a super flat set of abs in no time at all. Push yourself, give it your all, and you?ll soon don the midsection you?ve always wanted. - 17268

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On Your Way To Health With Your iPod

By Thom Yarborough

Strange as it might sound to you, but your iPhone could actually be the way to good health. There are numerous ways in which you can learn how to stay fit and healthy through the hundred or so apps that can be found on iTunes. While most of these apps offer plenty of helpful hints to stay healthy, there are some which are quite useful and once you get the hang of using them, you might even make out a perceptible difference in the way you live! Here's a list of few of these apps:


You know you want that hot bod; the one that's fit with those oh so awesome abs and biceps. But the case is always, that you don't know what the right exercises are and trying random exercises isn't very advisable now is it? And to top that, hiring a personal trainer could be a bit too heavy on the pocket.

One simple and absolutely free app can pave your way to fitness. With iFitness you will be provided with images of people taken while they perform over 230 exercises that focus on the body region and muscle. Just double tab the image to read up on the instructions and single tab your way to view videos of the ore tougher ones.

Meditation Timer:

If you're someone keen on mediation, and if you wouldn't like to miss it even if you're not at home, then you need to download the Meditation Timer app for your iPhone. This app gives you a timer, which can be used to set the required amount of time for your daily sittings. It's available in two gentle color sequences and you even get a recording of some soothing music that can be played. If you'd rather not be disturbed during your sitting, you can just turn the vibrator on your phone, to vibrate gently and save yourself the disturbance.

7 Day Detox:

Imagine if you could follow a perfect diet program which will help you lose weight and even flush out all the toxins from your body? It's true that there are plenty of these plans available on the internet. But it's not easy to follow these programs because we don't really know what exactly has to be done. Download the 7 Day Detox program for your iPhone and you will be given day by day instructions about what to eat or drink and in what intervals. - 17268

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