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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Health And Fitness Information - What Is Right For You?

By Jose Bautista

There are so many conflicting theories and rules thrown out into the health and fitness industry today, that it will make your head spin if you don't know what to believe. Every diet, program, and product has a following with dedicated consumers, yet they all conflict with one another. How can they all be right at once?

It turns out you really can get too much of a good thing. There are so many health and diet related products and programs out there as well as a ton of information circulating for free online, that most people are in sensory overload. They don't know where to turn or what to take as the truth.

Are you ready to cut through the confusion and make sense of all this information you are hearing and reading? Good, because it doesn't have to be as complicated as it may seem right now.

Let's think of it in this way: what may look like conflicting information on the surface may actually be effective health strategy seen through different eyes. It turns out what is best for your body may not be the best for someone else's body.

Our bodies may be made up of the same basic parts, but our systems are all different. One person may find it easy to cut down on their carbohydrates and drop 100 pounds, while someone else does the same thing and their energy crashes and the weight loss stalls.

Instead of talking down about things that have not worked for your body, why not accept that those were just not the right methods for your system? Someone else will definitely find them the missing link to their health, but you have to let it go and find your own missing key.

Let's look at the health and fitness industry in a different light. Instead of a mass of information that makes no sense altogether, it is actually a whole new world of information that somewhere includes they key to your own health and wellness. It is not all connected nor can it be taken as one big puzzle that fits together.

It's about finding what works for you and allowing someone else to enjoy everything else. - 17268

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Create A New Body By Fighting Free Radicals

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

Aside from the acai berry being an unsullied, mouth-watering, organically grown fruit- it is also rich with antioxidants. Antioxidants are nutrients as well as substances that slow the oxidation damage to our body.

When the body's cells consume oxygen, it creates free radicals (or by-products) that can cause a lot of problems to our body. Antioxidants play an important role in preventing, repairing, and removing the damage done by these toxic by-products. Having a daily supplement of antioxidants is the best way known to protect yourself from these harmful free radicals.

When free radicals are left unchecked, they can wreak all kinds of havoc to our bodies. Free radicals are responsible for the breakdown of our DNA as well as causing cancer. These by-products can invade our cells and cause them to break down or even worse stop functioning all together.

Depending on where the damage was created by these toxic radicals, the range of destruction can lead to neurological damage all the way to hormonal problems. The acai berry produces enough antioxidants that when taken as a regular part of your diet can prevent and fight off these free radicals.

Studies have revealed for years that when antioxidants are taken as part of a regular diet, the body has the ability to repair, and maintain resistance to free radicals as well future attacks.

The acai berry was recently introduced to the mainstream audience by a Doctor by the name of Nicholas Perricone who wrote a book entitled the Perricone Promise. In this book he goes into detail about how the acai berry is what he calls the most perfect food on the planet known today.

When it comes to a food that will make you look and feel young, Dr. Perricone says that the acai berry has all of the ingredients needed to accomplish this. Also, when looking for a diet that will revitalize your health and slow the aging process Dr. Perricone says look no further than the acai fruit berry.

Acai berry is categorized as a super food because it contains all the nutrition your body needs in fighting dangerous by-products in the body like free radicals. Be sure to research this amazing fruit further if you are looking for a diet that will provide your body with the strength needed to fight and remove these harmful toxins.

The acai berry is the perfect food to improve overall health, reduce aging, and fighting free radicals and could be just the missing supplement your body needs to creating the new you.

A group of scientist in Arkansas found that fruits that are dark purplish in color such as the acai berry fruit, could possibly hold the key to preventing obesity.

The scientist concluded through animal studies that the extract of the fruit is more effective than actually eating the fruit when it comes to weight loss.

Dr. Prior who is part of this research team stated that a compound found in these purple fruits known as anthocyanins, prevented obesity when tests were conducted on mice fed a diet high in fat.

Anthocyanins are found in grape skins, blueberries, blackberries, acai berry, and other foods. The mice also had other healthful changes in disease-related substances found in the blood.

The mice were fed for two months a high calorie diet on top of drinking water and extracted anthocyanins from acai berry gained less weight and had a lower body fat level than the other mice.

Anthocyanins fed as the whole blueberry did not prevent and could have possibly increased obesity, the study found. However, feeding purified anthocyanins from blueberries or strawberries reduced obesity.

The article "Whole Berries versus Berry Anthocyanins: Interactions with Dietary Fat Levels in the C57BL/6J Mouse Model of Obesity" can be read in full in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Colorful pigments found in the skin of blueberries, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables may help prevent obesity, according to recent animal studies from the USDA Agricultural Research Service. - 17268

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How Cells Function in the Body is the Key to Youth

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

The human body is comprised of various kinds of cells and by looking at the body from this perspective is the best way to comprehend what free radicals are.

Cells are comprised of various types of molecules and these molecules consist of one or more atoms of one or more elements held together by a chemical bond.

The composition of an atom is: nucleus, proton, and electrons where the sum of the protons determines the total amount of electrons that will be around the atom.

The primary role of electrons is for chemical reactions that occur inside the atom and the substance that holds the atoms together to form molecules. Electrons revolve around the atom in one or more shells

When the innermost shell has two electrons, it is considered full. When the second shell is full with electrons the process starts all over again.

The most important thing in determining the structural characteristic of an atom is the number of electrons in the outermost shell.

A substance that has a full outer shell tends not to enter in chemical reactions. Ultimately, atoms seek to reach a state of maximum stability, an atom will try to fill its outer shell by:

Gaining or losing electrons to either fill or empty its outer shell

Attaching to other atoms in a attempt to share electrons to have a complete outer shell

The typical way an atom achieves maximum stability is sharing electrons with other atoms. This allows the conditions to for the atoms sustain the molecules in the most efficient way.

Most of the time, these bonds do not tear apart in a way that leaves an atom with an odd, unpaired electron. When this does occur however, free radicals are formed; they are very unstable and react swiftly with other compounds in attempt to gain the needed electrons for stability.

Free radicals like to attack by locating the closest cell that has maximum stability and begins to steal electrons. Eventually these attacked molecules become free radicals themselves. The process will continue until eventually cellular damage occurs.

The process of metabolism is frequently when free radicals occur and sometimes even when fighting off viruses and bacteria. Other producers of free radicals derive from pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, and pesticides.

Typically, the body is able to handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Most importantly is that free radical damage accumulates with age. - 17268

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Food Alkaline, the way to go!

By Anthony Gutierrez

Food can be either acidic or alkaline and it is hard to tell which it is. An example of this is when lemons are digested the are more alkaline. Lemons are acidic before this digestion. To have a balanced raw food diet it is important to eat a significant amount of alkalizing foods.

First Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, collards, mustard greens and broccoli are great alkalizing agents. Next dandelion and wild edible grasses are also alkalizing.

Parsley, cilantro, basil, garlic and grasses such as wheat, and barley grass, sprouts and sea vegetables like kelp, nori, dulse, spirulina, blue green algae are alkalizing. To make the body more basic you should eat medicinal mushrooms like shitake, maitake and reishi.

Life is about balance. Universal truth is profound when it comes to the body pH levels. There has to be a certain pH level for the human body. A scale from zero to 14, where zero is very acidic, 7 is neutral and 14 is very alkaline is used to measure the pH levels.

A slightly alkaline level of 7.35-7.45 in the human body is where the blood must remain. Some of the body's other fluids are maintained at different pH levels to keep you healthy and maintain the blood pH. The cells and organs are constantly working and filtering what is eaten to sustain pH levels throughout the body.

It has been found that pH balance plays an important role in your total well-being because bacteria, viruses, yeast, and other harmful organisms thrive when the blood system is more acidic. So, maintaining a pH balance on the alkaline end of the scale can create an uninviting environment for the very things that might make you sick. Thats why consuming more alkaline foods than acid foods can be very beneficial to your overall fitness.

Consumers learn about nutrition and realize that a specific ratio of alkaline foods to acid foods determines pH balance and good health. On the pH scale human blood registers about 7.4. This means it is naturally alkaline. The body needs the proper balance of alkaline foods to acid foods is needed to maintain this level. - 17268

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What Makes A Good And Effective Gym Program

By Peter Mason

With increasing awareness about fitness and the health advantages of staying slim, several people are going for a gym membership. However, if you have already achieved the target of being lean, the second step is to pump up your muscles to get an attractive physique.

If you are really serious about bodybuilding, you have to register with a well equipped gym. You will get sufficient guidance in a gym and also the essential exercise machines and the combination will enable you to stay enthused and make good progress to realize your fitness goals. After you have registered with a gym, you should go by an appropriate exercise regime so that you can extract good benefits out of your efforts.

Planning an exercise routine that you will conform to is the first step in this regard. A trainer from the gym can assist you with creating objectives and the plan that you need to follow to achieve them. You should make sure that your whole week is properly planned, including what workouts you will do, how much weight you will lift and what number of times you will be repeating a specific workout on any given day.

You must first make yourself mentally prepared before you begin your daily workout session. You must shrug off sluggishness and a lethargic attitude, as these will hamper your efforts and may even pose health risks. Total dedication and a strong spirit of competition are needed in order to stick to your regime without breaking it.

Keep track of your progress after you have initiated yourself into a gym schedule. This will help you to proceed in an organized way and make you realize that you are holding the reins of your programme. Moreover, when you can clearly see on a piece of paper how you are progressing, you will be able to develop inspiration to reach your goal.

If you have registered with a good gym that keeps seasoned instructors, then they will teach you all the techniques that are assigned for particular exercises in your programme. But if your trainer is new to the profession, then you should check out bodybuilding sites on the internet or consult a good book on the topic to find out if the technique you are using is recommended by specialist instructors in the field and is safe enough.

Lastly, one should concentrate on his diet, which forms a crucial feature of any gym programme. All good gyms have qualified dieticians, who can advise you on what and how much to eat so that you get adequate quantity of carbohydrates and proteins to support your exercise plan. - 17268

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Health, Your Key To Your Future

By Vincent Roumou

It has been said that if you have got your health, you have everything. While this may not be totally true, it is true that good health is a key to success in life.

Losing your health may bring about financial ruin. People with health problems often have trouble remaining employed. If you miss too many days at one job, it may jeopardize your search for a new job. Persons who constantly call into the job sick are the first to go when the economy begins to tighten up. Even in a strong economy, employers do not want to keep these people on the payroll as it can cost the company a substantial amount of money in benefits.

The following ideas may help you to remain healthy in order to better your life.

Eat right. Everyone can benefit from a healthy diet. A balanced diet includes the correct amount of food from each food group. It involves avoiding overeating and avoiding weight gain. Obesity, is a growing health problem. The health risks associated with being overweight are numerous.

You got to move it, move it... That is right, exercise is good for your health. You may feel that you are so out of shape that you cannot exercise. Begin somewhere, even if you must sit in a chair to exercise, toning those muscles helps your body to be a more efficient machine. In the long run, you will be a healthier human.

Take some time with friends. Do not become a loner. There is built within us the need for companionship. Even in the bleakest of situations, friends can help us to see the light at the end of the tunnel. If we are able to give as well as take from friends, their value on our health is even greater.

While health is not all that is needed to get ahead in life, a lack of health can cause great setbacks. - 17268

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Using Food To Relieve Constipation

By Jean Johnson

Today there seems to be so much advice given with regard to diet. Eat this, don't eat that, don't even think about smelling that! Many foods seem to lead to one result-constipation. If you have experienced this problem know all too well the discomfort and embarrassment this can cause. The number one question may be, which foods would bring relief.

There are numerous foods that can prove beneficial in the relief of constipation symptoms. We can benefit greatly from exploring these options. Two of these foods are dates and figs; they are very high in fiber and thus useful to constipation sufferers. Being high in minerals and fiber, these fruits aid the digestion process and can banish constipation within hours.

Grape lovers will be happy to note that one or two pounds of their favorite fruit daily can provide them with relief. The fact that grapes are full of vitamins, fiber and minerals may account for this effect. The skin of these beauties also contains an antioxidant called resveratol which only adds to the health benefits of this fruit.

The humble papaya is also effective in this regard. It is high in fiber and in its ripened state is easy to digest. Enzymes contained in this fruit (papain and chymopapain) are designed to digest protein and also do a wonderful job at keeping your system free. Vitamins and antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene produce superior results in inflammation reduction and overall health improvement. This delicious fruit can be used as a snack, can be added to luscious smoothies or can be eaten as a part of a healthy breakfast.

The persimmon is another fruit that is high in Fiber (3.6 g per 100g) and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. It is also high in vitamins A, C and folate. These nutrients in persimmons make them very different from substances which only have a laxative effect. Instead of just relieving constipation, the persimmon gives relief and also replenishes the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function optimally. Adding this fruit will definitely enrich your diet.

Raspberries are added to this list because they are rich in vitamins A and C. It also contains high amounts of minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. These tasty little fruit can relieve constipation quickly and replenish your vitamin reserve.

Last on the list are prunes. If there ever was a fruit superpower, this would be it. These babies are incredible for constipation relief. I think just about everyone has heard of them for that same reason. Each prune is forty percent insoluble fiber which makes life very easy on the lower intestine in waste elimination. Prunes outrank any existing vegetable or fruit in antioxidant content, not to mention the eighteen body fortifying vitamins and minerals. Among them are folic acid, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin A, zinc, selenium, thiamine, potassium, sodium, riboflavin, phosphorous, pantothenic acid, niacin, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and calcium. Ounce for ounce no other food can outdo the prune. So introduce yourself to the prune and enjoy a free flowing colon. - 17268

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4 Arm Toning Mistakes

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Are you confused about proper nutrition for getting rid of flabby arms? Do you get a massive headache when thinking about getting toned arms?

If so, don't beat yourself up over it. After all, it's all the marketer's fault, not yours. They have successfully created a giant tornado of arm fat confusion.

I was once a victim of said confusion.

Luckily for you, I've cleared up the confusion though years of research and trial and error.

So without further ado, here are 4 flabby arm pitfalls to avoid:

1. Having too much protein. Once you have more than 30% of your calories as protein, the negatives outweigh the positives. And if you take your protein intake to an extreme, your energy levels will plummet and you'll lose your ability to recover from exercise.

2. Assuming whole grains are key to arm fat loss. Whole grains are healthier than most processed alternatives. However, whole grains are not optimal for someone that is very sedentary. If you're just starting out with losing arm fat, then whole grains are ok. But eventually you'll want to transition into legumes.

3. Assuming supplementation is fine. I have some shocking news: supplements are not regulated in the U.S. There could be anything in that bottle. Just because there is some certification on the label doesn't mean it's healthy.

4. Letting more than 5 hours go by between feedings. For maximum arm toning you want to eat every 3 hours. And to prevent any negatives make sure you never let more than 5 hours go by between meals. Why? Because your metabolism will sink.

Your quest to get toned arms should be as short as possible. The longer you have to plug away the higher the chances of abandonment. And if you avoid the above mistakes, you can save yourself a lot of time and headache. After all, getting sexy arms should be relatively fun, not a pain in the butt. Good luck! - 17268

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Fat Loss, Anti-aging And More From The Healthy Acai Berry

By Virginia G Green

If you have completed any investigation on weight loss, anti-aging or disease prevention in the last five years, you may have seen advertisements that brag about the unbelievable acai berry and how it can assist your body with each and every one of these things. The exposure on this diminutive berry has exploded in the past five years.

Differing to what it may seem the acai berry is not a brand new miracle. It is actually a fruit that is located on the Brazilian acai palm tree and it has been a basic in the nutritional regime of the natives of the vicinity for centuries. Still, this little berry is very perishable and it has only become available for the remainder of the world in the past five years because of advances in processing methods.

The acai berry is one of the most wholesome foods ever found in nature. It is full with an profusion of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, amino acids, fiber and phytosterols. These are all crucial and important nutrients that aid your body to work at maximum levels. These are vital nutrients for fat loss and optimum health.

As a complement to a regular exercise program and a healthy diet, the nutrition enclosed in the acai berry can be exceptionally useful for weight loss. The fiber in the acai can help you to stay fuller for a longer cycle of time and it can also promote a healthy digestive system.

The acai berry is a full source of Omega fatty acids. These are essential fatty acids that can't be created by the body and can only be obtained by the fare that we eat. Omega fatty acids are essential to many of our bodily functions and study is ongoing on the benefits these essential fatty acids give including helping with weight loss.

You can also find 19 amino acids enclosed in the acai berry. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and protein is essential for many functions but notably for building and maintaining muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is metabolically more active than any other type of tissue in our bodies and having more muscle automatically makes us burn more calories just in daily life.

The acai berry also contains an plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Antioxidants are important in assisting your body to protect itself against free radical damage. Vitamins and minerals present the nourishment you need to have the vigor and stamina required to constantly maintain an active exercise regime and consume a beneficial nutritional regime in order to drop fat.

The acai berry and its correlated products can be an particularly wholesome addition to a nourishing lifestyle. With the optimum nutrients from this little berry you can lose fat, fend off the typical declines associated with aging and sustain your optimal health. - 17268

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Discover The Positive Honesty About Acai Berry Supplements

By Karen Jackson

If you investigate the Internet you can find supplements that are being marketed for everything from weight loss and acne to anti-aging and disease avoidance. Unfortunately, many of these dietary supplements are utterly worthless.

The dietary supplement marketplace can be a very profitable industry. The fact is that many persons are looking for a speedy repair when it comes to difficulties and of course, what could be easier than taking a supplement that will work out all of your problems? However, no singular supplement can solve all of your tribulations, as there are always many contributing elements.

The acai berry has a brief but colorful history as a dietary supplement. It has been promoted for everything from weight loss to disease prevention and anti-aging. However, there have never been any genuine studies about the acai berry and how valuable it can be for any of these ailments.

The benefit of the acai berry and its correlated supplements is that it is a organically occurring fruit that is located on the acai palm tree in the Brazilian rainforest. Just like a blueberry, a cranberry, a raspberry and other well-known berries, the acai berry has natural nourishment that makes it nourishing and beneficial.

Acai berries are one of the most healthy foods ever located on the planet. In a comparison with other foods, the acai berry has one of the uppermost antioxidant capabilities of any separate food. These berries are encumbered with healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. All of these great dietary components can be beneficial for weight loss, anti-aging, disease prevention and more.

Nonetheless, at this point in time it is not feasible to partake of fresh acai berries beyond of Brazil. These berries are unusually perishable because of their high fat matter and they must be processed within 24 hours of being picked from the trees in order to conserve the crucial nutrition. Many different processing solutions are used on acai berries but some methods are better-quality to others when it comes to preserving the essential nutrition.

At this point the most valuable means to process acai berries is through a freeze-drying system. There are other applications being used, but they are inferior to freeze-drying when it comes to preserving the essential nourishment. If the acai berry product has been processed in any other mode, much of the necessary nutrients have been lost.

Other essential things to look for in an acai berry product are the amount of real acai berries enclosed in the products. Many products out there maintain to be acai berry but in fact enclose a higher dilution of other elements such as grape or pear juice than definite acai berry. Some products also contain a "proprietary blend" which actually makes it impossible to know just how much acai berry is in the product.

As a result, while acai berry products can be exceptionally constructive, you may not be getting the full possible benefit unless you are very discerning with the product that you are buying. If you want the peak intensity of benefits you will need to examine the label and know precisely what you are buying. - 17268

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Things To Look For When Choosing A Gym

By Brown Young

The gym has become the modern day hub of health and fitness, attracting people who are willing to put in the hard yards to stay healthy and well-toned. In the last decade, we have seen a massive increase in number of gyms and fitness centres across the world, all housing sophisticated equipment for the benefit of their patrons. They have a constantly growing number of patrons, and the list is not restricted to body builders or sportsmen. There is a much greater awareness about the need for staying fit, so men and women from all age groups and professions are registering for the membership of gyms.

However, some unscrupulous profiteers try to cash in on the gym culture by opening amateur centres that have no proper equipment, and people can risk their health by frequenting such places. Hence it is critical to keep a few key points in mind while selecting the right gym for yourself.

To start with, the location of the gym is very significant. It is always convenient if the gym is near your workplace or home, as having to travel too far can affect your motivation adversely. Things like organization of equipment, air conditioning, and how helpful the employees are, should also be checked before enrolling in a gym. Furthermore, the place should be large and convenient. The standard of the gym in terms of state of the art machines and facilities must be verified as working on sub standard equipment can be very risky.

Additional facilities like steam baths, massage parlours etc are always welcome in a gym. Some gyms even have special day care centres that keep children in good humour while their parents work out in the exercise area.

Gyms with personal training facilities must always be chosen above those that don't have them. Personal training is an excellent way to get yourself a customized fitness routine and to stay focused. Commitment, concentration and easy availability of personal trainers are crucial so that you get the best value for your money.

A gym whose membership fee exceeds your budget or seems to be much higher given the services it offers must not be selected. Flexible and long term packages may be easy on the pocket, but you should be cautious about lock-in periods that may bind you and stop you from pulling out.

At the end of the day, the thing to keep in mind is that your gym must be a place where you feel the urge to go everyday and feel rejuvenated at the end of every session, and this idea will make your decision easier. - 17268

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4 Benefits Of High Protein Diets For Toned Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Picking the right diet for getting toned arms can be almost impossible. There is simply too much marketing hype out there for the average woman to make an informed decision.

I was once in this exact same situation.

Even more confusing is when the top experts can't come to a consensus on what nutritional approach is best for losing fat. If they can't agree, how are you supposed to make an informed decision?

The good news is that I've already gone through all the headaches for you. I know what works and what doesn't.

So without further delay, here are 4 key things to consider about high protein diets:

1. Simplicity: This may be the biggest benefit of low carbohydrate diets: all you have to do is cut out carbs. And simplicity increases levels of adherence.

2. Fastest weight loss: Although mostly water, this type of diet will produce the fastest weight loss. So if watching the scale move quickly is your thing, this diet may suit you.

3. Massive hunger reductions: Once you go into ketosis from the high protein intake, your appetite will virtually disappear. Seriously.

4. Lowest insulin levels: Insulin is the arm fat loss gatekeeper. And with no carbs in your diet, insulin will be as low as possible. Low levels of insulin allow you to get rid of flabby arms very quickly.

Is it time to throw out the carbs and buy a bunch of meat? Probably not. You see, high protein diets come with a lot of negatives. And I believe the negatives outweigh the positives. Unfortunately, I can't cover everything in a single article, so keep your eyes peeled. And always remember to do solid research before going on an extreme diet. Good luck! - 17268

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