Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Your Own Body Is The Equipment For Building Your Body

By Jerry Lan

A visit to a muscle building gym will reveal many items of body building equipment with people sweating away at each particular item that is the latest in bodybuilding equipment where you can tone, sculpt as well as carve your body to achieve perfection. But, you should wonder whether this is indeed the most desirable course of action since you can choose to have a bodyweight bodybuilding program instead.

The body is your best bodybuilding equipment, which is far superior to any machine and by using bodyweight bodybuilding you can achieve far better results than any fancy bodybuilding equipment can give to you. Your own bodyweight bodybuilding program can be used to derive benefits that no body building equipment can hope to provide.

To begin with, your bodyweight bodybuilding program should address achieving a balance that is far superior to what bodybuilding equipment can give since you will be working your muscles much harder on your own as compared with using bodybuilding equipment, where the emphasis is on not crashing the equipment and hurting yourself in the process.

With bodyweight bodybuilding, you will see that your muscles will work in a natural way as compared to the machine-like functioning when using a triceps machine, or some other piece of equipment. While you are on the floor you can perform twists as well as tweak your exercises so that they are well defined, which a body building equipment cannot provide considering that your range of motion will be rather limited.

Also, with bodyweight bodybuilding you will work yourself to exhaustion much faster than a piece of bodybuilding equipment in which you will basically just be plunking your backside on a bench while exercising on your own will mean using your weight as resistance thus requiring more effort from your core muscles.

Also, with bodyweight bodybuilding you do not have to wait in line waiting for the bodybuilding equipment to be free since most popular items of equipment are generally in use by a number of other bodybuilders. In addition, you won't be able to make excuses about not exercising, which means that there should be nothing stopping you from hitting the floor and beginning your bodyweight bodybuilding program. In addition, you get a much-improved workout and more benefits than a piece of equipment cannot ever match. With bodyweight bodybuilding, you will be using your core muscles more since they are targeted even when they are not in use. - 17268

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Learning The Differences In Dietary Fats

By Beth Hoover

Food fat fact number one is that there is bad fat good fat and it's in your best interest to understand the difference.

Limiting dietary food fat intake to not more than 25% to thirty percent of your total calories is one of the best things you can do for your fitness. Eating blubber causes weight gain and chubby and obesity increase your likelihood of high blood pressure, diabetes and certain specific cancers.

But losing weight isn't a straightforward as just eating fat-free foods. The basic law of weight reduction is you want to burn off more calories than you eat. You can do this by exercising more and eating less, particularly fat rich foods such as bacon, sausage and potato chips.

Eating less fat is important because one gm. of fat has about 9 calories while protein and carbohydrates have only about four calories per gram. This suggests you can eat twice as much protein and carbohydrate as fat for a similar quantity of calories.

Many fat foods, such as bacon, sausage and potato chips, are also not that nutritious since they contain a lot less vitamins and minerals per calorie. Put simply, many high fat foods are not particularly nutrient dense foods.

Diet fat also has the capability to raise your blood cholesterol level, which is a notable risk factor for heart problems.

Set a goal to limit your total fat intake to no more than 25% to thirty percent of your total calorific consumption. If you're eating two thousand calories a day, eat not more than about seventy grams of fat.

But understanding of the difference between bad fat good fat shows it's important to limit your cholesterol intake from saturated animal fats, butter, coconut and palm oils to less than ten percent of your total intake of calories or about twenty grams for a two thousand calorie diet.

Getting lots of omega 3 rich oils from greasy fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel is also crucial. Omega 3 trans-acids have been shown to help lower cholesterol and triglycerides, reduce possibility of heart problems and relieve arthritis agony and support weight loss.

When selecting foods, choose lean meats, fish and chicken, low fat diary products, low fat plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds. As much as possible, avoid butter, sour cream, heavy sauces and gravies. Use low-fat dressings on salads. And, for dessert, select fresh fruit instead of cookies or ice cream. - 17268

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Knowing Which Fats Are Good For You

By Beth Hoover

Diet food fat is critical to your condition. Most nutritional authorities recommend that 25% to thirty percent of the total daily calories consumed by adults be food fat.

But the difficulty is that not all fats are created equal. Some fats are good for you and some are bad for you. Some fats can heal and other fats can kill. That's why you need to have a fat list handy at all times. Knowing the difference between good fats and bad fats is crucial for good health.

Let's first have a look at the bad fats fat list. Fundamentally, there are 2 bad fats. They are saturated fat and trans fat.

Saturated fat is present in animal products such as red beef and whole milk dairy products - butter, cheese, ice cream, for example. Saturated fat adds to the flavor of food, but too much saturated fat can raise cholesterol, clog up your arteries and seriously contribute to the onset of heart problems.

Saturated fat intake should be kept to less than ten percent of your total daily calories. Avoid bad saturated fats by eating lean meats, skinless poultry and low fat or skim milk dairy goods. Also, stay away from highly saturated tropical palm and coconut oils.

Trans fat is the most hazardous fat and should be eliminated from your diet. It has no nutritive value, but has been found to seriously increase the risk of coronary heart disease by raising artery blocking bad LDL cholesterol while lowering good LDL cholesterol.

Trans fat is created when plant oils are hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated. It is present in about all commercially processed foods like crackers, cookies, cake, candy vegetable shortening, margarine, salad dressing, fried food and snack food.

The fat list of good fats are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, particularly omega 3 fish oil trans-acids.

Monounsaturated fat lowers bad LDL cholesterol and raises good HDL cholesterol, additional virgin olive oil is the number one source. Monounsaturated fats are also found in canola oil, peanut oil, avocados, almonds, pecans and pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Polyunsaturated oils are not as highly regarded now as they once were. The reason is too many people were getting far too much polyunsaturated omega six fat from highly refined plant oils and not enough polyunsaturated omega three oils, especially the healthy EPA and DHA fatty acids from fish.

That's the reason why most nutritive authorities today recommend everyone eat fatty fish loaded in EPA and DHA omega three oils at least three times every week. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and sardines are all excellent sources of omega 3 EPA and DHA. The experts also counsel people use monounsaturated olive oil for cooking and salads and get their essential omega 6 oils from one hundred pc whole grain wheat, rye and oats, soybeans, walnuts and sunflower seeds. - 17268

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Fitness Workouts to Build Muscle Fast

By Emmanuel Palmer

Ever wanted a trimmed, toned and strong body? Of course you have - everyone wants this at one point in their lives. It doesn't matter if you're male or female; the inner superstar wants to be let out. So you take a step in the right direction and enroll in a gym; unfortunately results take longer than a couple of days to manifest. Don't quit. Do not let this discourage you - you will get that great physique with solid fitness workouts, the right diet and good sleeping habits. Learn the proper and healthy way to build muscle fast and be on your way to your dream body before long.

First of all, understand that aside from exercise, you will need to dedicate yourself in having a healthier lifestyle - primarily in terms of diet and sleep. A well-balanced food plan will do wonders in keeping you not only trimmer, but more active and energetic as well. Obviously, this will translate to having better exercise output during your training sessions.

In your workout plans, keep in mind that doing more doesn't necessarily build you more muscles. A person who goes 6 times a week will do less than one who does intense and proper training 3x a day. Sleep repairs muscles to be bigger and stronger - be wise and use this to your advantage.

This leaves us with the meat of the business of muscle building - exercise. Establish what exactly your goal is and chart your workout program accordingly. Are you looking to pack on serious muscles? Then you must increase your muscle mass and keep up the intense weight training program. For those who want to trim down, a regimen high in cardiovascular activities and moderate weight training will serve you best.

For those who are undertaking the herculean task, pun intended, of packing on massive muscles - be prepared to push your body to its physical limits. That's right; the no pain, no gain policy will be in high gear once you commence training. Whatever muscle group it is: chest, back, arms, legs or abdominals - if you want to accelerate muscle growth, you need to take on the highest weight load you can carry and regularly increase it for maximum efficacy.

Modify your fitness workouts frequently. The body gets used to the tension it is subjected to and will cope to come against this. This means that after several weeks of the same drills, the workouts you did will not be as effective as before. Avoid hitting this plateau by challenging yourself often.

Make sure that you stretch well before, during and after the drills you undertake. Doing so increases the body temperature and blood flow, optimizing the training session. Drink 10-12 glasses of water on the days that you are working out to take out the risk of dehydration. You can also consume protein shakes or recommended muscle building supplements to aid you in your goal.

The process on how to build muscle fast is not always easy but for the willing and indomitable; it is definitely worth it. Keep the course and stay motivated - a great body is not too far behind. - 17268

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Burn Belly Fat And Get Fit

By Kelani Lee

Having too much belly fat can be really embarrassing for a lot of people - men and women alike. Often women have the biggest problem with shifting belly fat, especially after having a baby. If you are a man or a woman who wants to know how to burn belly fat quickly here are some tips to help you.

Your first concern should be what you are eating. Having a diet that is full of junk food, saturated fat and calories will cause belly fat to build up. Too many people have diets that do not do them any good at all and create belly fat. So cut out any fat producing foodstuffs from your diet now.

Adding physical activity into your day will be a massive help to you in the fight against belly fat. It might seem strange at first but soon you will get used to it.

Do not be tempted by any of the pills and supplements that are on the market promising to dissolve belly fat. These can ultimately do more harm than good as they restrict how the body absorbs vital vitamins and minerals.

Water is another key factor in losing belly fat. Drinking eight glasses of water each and every day will have a beneficial effect on your health. Your body needs water and by drinking enough you will help to shift your belly fat in no time.

Start to perform exercise that specifically target the belly area. These in conjunction with a healthy diet will soon have your belly fat disappearing before your eyes. Crunches and exercises that target the abdominal area are perfect for this. So check out some of the many exercises that fit into this category. Then soon you will be able to devise the ideal work out.

You should also think about cardiovascular exercises. These are exercises that raise your heart rate and get your body into the fat burning zone. Without these kind of exercises your work outs will not get results as fast.

Now that you know some of the secrets to burn belly fat you will be raring to go. Get your own routine worked out and refine your diet and you will be on the way to a slim new you. So what are you waiting for? - 17268

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9 Foods To Instantly Increase Your Metabolism

By Mitch Graves

You may say "Wait Mitch, I want to build muscle and gain weight. Why do I need to boost my metabolism?"

Here's why.

Slow metabolisms store fat and destroy muscle. When you starve yourself or aren't active, your body doesn't want to build muscle because muscle takes too much energy to maintain.

When you're trying to build muscle, energy is in high demand because you're lifting weights and doing intense cardio.

Muscles need a lot of energy to grow. The best way to increase your energy intake is to eat more. But if you eat more and aren't aren't active, you'll get fat.

If you want to minimize the fat you gain while eating so much, you must increase your metabolism. This will feed your muscle and starve the fat. Lifting weight and intense cardio alone will increase your metabolism.

In addition to your activity, you'll need a dietary boost in your metabolism. The following foods will increase your metabolism as well as help build muscle.

1. Fish - for the omega-3 (O3)

* Mackerel - 2.5g O3 per 3.5 oz of fish
* Bluefin Tuna - 1.6g O3 per 3.5 oz of fish
* Salmon - 1.5g O3 per 3.5 oz of fish

Omega 3 is a protein which can increase your metabolism by up to 400 calories per day. Talk about a burn.

Eating fish is better than taking vitamins because of the added nutritional benefits.

2. High Fiber Veggies

* Avocado
* Beans
* Broccoli

Your body can't digest fiber, but it'll try anyway and burn a lot of energy in the process.

3. High Protein Meat

* Venison - 34g per 100 grams of meat
* Chicken - 25g per 100 grams of meat
* Lean beef - 25g per 100 grams of meat

Protein increases your metabolism because it takes twice as much energy to digest and metabolize a high protein meal than it does for a high carb meal.

Incorporate these into your diet, and along with your weight training efforts, you'll benefit from a high metabolism around the clock.

Webmd supplied some of the information. - 17268

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How To Cure A Yeast Infection - Discover A Simple Yet Effective Cure For Yeast Infection.

By Carole Bishop

If you are wondering "How do to cure a yeast infection" well there is a natural yet very simple cure for a yeast infection but before we delve into the details, "what is a yeast infection?" and "what are the main causes of this affliction?"

A yeast infection is simply an infection caused by a fungus, usually of the Candida species, the most common one is called Candida albicans. It is a very treatable condition that tends to occur in moist parts of the body, most commonly the private areas.

What are the main causes of a yeast infection? There are many reasons why you may develop a yeast infection but the main causes are:

Pregnancy in women

Extended use of oral contraceptives

Continuous and prolonged use of antibiotics

In women, using soaps and douches, which disturb the delicate balance of the vaginal flora

Individuals who suffer from diabetes tend to have a higher incidence of yeast infection.

How To Cure a Yeast Infection

One of the most effective remedies for yeast infection is the use of live natural yogurt and you need to use this both internally and externally.

Make sure you eat ample amounts of live natural yogurt daily. This is because yogurt contains bacteria that will help to restore the imbalance that has helped the fungus to thrive and flourish

The use externally, simply dip a tampon into the yogurt and insert into the vagina. Change every 4 hours and you should see a significant improvement in no time.

Unfortunately although applying yogurt works very well indeed, it does not get to the root cause of your yeast infection. There is a lot more to curing a yeast infection and it is impossible to discuss all you need to know in a single article. - 17268

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Goji Berries In The Form Of Juice

By Rachel Clark

Goji is a special berry that is not found very easily. However, it can be used to make a special juice known as Goji juice. Goji berries generally have a very mild tangy taste that can be termed as slightly sweet and slightly sour. However, they have a shape that is very similar to chewy texture of the raisins. Earlier, in a traditional Chinese's medicine system, these Goji berries were eaten raw, or sometimes were brewed in tea. However, now, they are also available in the form of juices and are sometimes added to the Chinese soups in the form of liquid extracts.

Importance of Goji berries can be seen from the fact that they are now used in all major snacks of North American food. Goji berries can interact with many anticoagulant drugs that are commonly known as blood-thinners, like warfarin. One can easily find Goji berries at all the Chinese herbal shops. Goji berry juice can also be found at various health food stores, and online stores. These days, Goji juice is available in the form of 32-ounce bottles. Although, Goji berries that were used in traditional Chinese medicine were not very expensive but these days, since they are available in the form of juice, this has added to some extra cost. Most people prefer to have raw Goji berries because they are cheaper as in comparison to Goji juice.

Till today, side effects of regular Goji consumption are yet unknown.
Currently, Goji juice has become an important product in the market that is resulting in the advancement of science and technology. There are many western health and food companies that are now regularly promoting Goji juice. Himalayan Goji berry Juice is thought to contain many important nutrients like phytonutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and polysaccharides. These days, Himalayan Goji Juice is seen as the only tried, well tested, and a proven way to get the complete benefit from Goji Berries. Goji berry juice is made using a spectral signature technology that helps in selecting perfect Goji berries from many strains that are available. Himalayan Goji berry juice is seen as the most nutritious and well-balanced juice.

Goji berry juice helps in strengthening the heart and also helps in alleviating heart palpitations. Besides this, it also helps in fighting against insomnia and forgetfulness. Polysaccharides that from main constituent of Goji berries helps to control pituitary glands that are mainly responsible for producing HGH or human growth hormone that is seen as a powerful anti-aging hormone. Since many years, Goji berry juice has been in use by the pregnant women as it alleviates morning sickness. From the research and clinical trial, it has been proven that it can be used in the partial reversal of various kinds of sexual dysfunctions prevailing in seniors.

This juice is very helpful in boosting proper functioning of the immune system. It also has anti-cancer properties that make it perfect to be used for the treatment of cancer. Apart from its use for body weight loss, it also helps in treatment of hepatitis-B. It is believed that due to its rich nutrition content it can make metabolism strong, can create a significant difference on the life period. From many researches that have been carried out it has been concluded that Goji berry juice can significantly influence growth rate and can contribute towards long and healthy life. - 17268

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Eagle Muscle Building: Let The Experts Show You The Way

By Tim Johnson

Muscle building goes way back in time all the way back to the twelfth century where in India were found the first techniques of training as well as were found bodybuilding specific nutrition. A few centuries later, bodybuilding was an Indian national pastime with people from all over the world also getting bitten by this bug and taking to lifting weights in order to have better physiques.

In America, however, bodybuilding became more popular when famous bodybuilders such as Eugene Sandow made their appearance in the late 1800s. By the early 1900s there were also national as well as international championships taking place and Sandow was a prominent personality of the early bodybuilding era being called the Father of Modern Bodybuilding.

Learn From Mick Hart, A BAWLA Olympic Grade A Certified Instructor

If you want to learn more about eagle bodybuilding there are many veteran bodybuilders such as Mick Hart who will let you in on the secrets and show you the way to get huge muscle gains in a safe as well as quick manner. Using steroids safely is of great importance and you should get the facts from a person such as Mick Hart who is an expert on the topic being a BAWLA Olympic Grade A certified instructor.

With proper guidance as far as eagle bodybuilding is concerned, you will be able to avoid the pitfalls and also achieve impressive results and get the looks that you want so badly. There are no crazy cycles as well as no health risks, no acne as well as no water retention and it is totally risk free. Using eagle bodybuilding techniques intelligently as well as safely in combination with proper training as well as rest and nutrition should show dramatic results in a safe as well as quick way.

With proper eagle bodybuilding you won't be taking any risks with your health and smart anabolic steroid use will be revealed in the bodybuilding regime. You won't be subjected to complicated scientific explanations, which can often be quite incomprehensible, and you should not fall for media hype as well as not be taken in by lies told by other athletes or champions. You need the useful anabolic steroid knowledge when choosing an eagle bodybuilding regime, and this should be available to you so that you can use steroids effectively as well as safely. There are dangers to eagle bodybuilding, which you need to be aware of and also know how best to avoid them. - 17268

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