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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fish Oil Supplements as Treatment Options for Dyslexia

By Michael Byrd

Dyslexia and fish oil supplements have a really intimate relationship.

What's generally described as a disability is believed by most to be a nutritional disorder. And although incorporating fish oil into the diet may not be called a "cure' for dyslexia, it certainly will make a large difference.

Fish oil supplements and dyslexia are best handled during the pregnancy and nursing stages. To prevent further complications, it's best to make sure that a baby will get optimum levels of omega 3 fatty acids from the mother.

Hundreds of studies have confirmed that fish oil is equally important in the development of the child's brain.

Generally, children born to mothers who consume lots of oily fish and take fish oil supplements are less likely to suffer from ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and many more developmental difficulties.

That is good news for mothers who are planning to have more children. But what if you already have a kid with dyslexia?

There is good news for you as well. Research has shown that omega 3 fish fatty acids offer great promise for dyslexic children and adults too.

It seems that almost all studies made about dyslexia begin by stating a widely-accepted fact, that developmental dyslexia is related to a deficiency of highly unsaturated fatty acids, which are exactly the same fatty acids seen in fish. And this surely indicates something about the disorder.

In a study made at the Oxford University Laboratory of Physiology, and also published in Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, it was noted that "children with high fatty acid deficiency ratings showed poorer reading and lower general ability" than children who did not have the deficiency.

In addition, these researchers went on to indicate that the results of their study "support the hypothesis that fatty acid deficiency may add to the severity of dyslexic problems." [Vol. 63:69-74]

Okay, so specifically what's there with fish oil supplements and dyslexia?

Here's wonderful news. Our buddies at the Laboratory of physiology have indicated through their research that dyslexia can be corrected, specifically through taking omega 3 fatty acid fish oil supplements.

The research findings are supported by other studies as well. For instance, S.M. Baker indicated in the Journal Of learning Disabilities that children with dyslexia have shown improved schoolwork after being treated with fatty acids. [Vol. 18:581-584]

B.J. Strody also wrote in Lancet that he found a normalization of visual deficits in dyslexic adults who had taken omega 3 fatty acid supplements. [Vol. 346:385]

What makes this truly significant is that visual deficits are a major component of dyslexia.

I agree with this! However it's kind of funny why scientists keep saying that they need to do more studies on this subject. I presume it's because they'll lose their research grants if they finally reveal the answer. Therefore, they keep on leaving an option for more funding.

However, if you have a family member who has to deal with dyslexia, wait no further. Begin by increasing your kid's intake of omega 3 fish oil.

And I should say, based on research that a dyslexic needs to ensure that they get around 1 to 4 grams daily. - 17268

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The Ins and Outs of Dinner Reservation

By Doug Schlette

Folks eat at restaurants. Some dine out almost every day, while for others it's a less frequent treat. Restaurant meals are common at lunch for white collar workers. Dinner out is common for some working families and in some industries where constant schmoozing happens. Often people can walk into an establishment and find a table. But at some times, and at some restaurants at all times, a dinner reservation is needed. Without a reservation a person won't eat there.

A lot of restaurants accept reservations, especially during peak times. Some high scale establishments require reservations months before a planned visit . Some are so special that even having a reservation is amazing. Is food that important that people will fight for coveted spots at the table? That's for the individuals to decide.

When making a reservation only make it for the number of people you're sure will attend, and make it in advance of the planned night out. As mentioned, some restaurants are in high demand. Waiting too long can mean missing out on a chance to enjoy a meal there on a particular day. It might also mean a small table can be had, so fewer people can join you. Keep in mind that making reservations too far in advance can result in a lot of no shows and wasted space at the table. Restaurants don't like this. The result could be the restaurant not being willing to let you reserve next time.

Sometimes the customers do the wrong thing when it comes to reservations. However, sometimes it's the restaurant doing the wrong thing. Someone makes a reservation for 7:30PM but isn't given a table until 10PM. Restaurants that do this too often find themselves losing customers. It's expected at some fancier locations. Those restaurants are expected to be discourteous. Some people like to pay to be treated like bums.

There are now even companies that manage restaurant reservations. Many of these are on the Internet and have a lot of positive feedback. One customer said she made reservations for her son's graduation. When they arrived at the restaurant it was all on the computer, and a special room had been set aside for the occasion.

Make a dinner reservation to ensure a spot at the table. Hopefully the restaurant honors it. If not, express your displeasure. Stop giving them your money and tell your friends to do the same. - 17268

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The Acai Berry: Where Sports Champions Get Their Energy

By Marcus C. Evans

What do Layne Beachley, World Surfing Champion, and Chris friend, the Runner-up ISA Amateur World Surfing Champion have in common? Besides a love of their chosen sport, these are just two of the athletes that attribute at least some of their success to the power and energy that can be had from consuming acai berry.

Long a secret energy food of the athletes in Brazil, the acai berry is making its way from the remote Amazon rain forest onto the world stage. Many are finding that its power and energy not only help athletes, but can help anyone through the powerful energy boost that this berry provides. Once only available in Brazil, the acai berry is now available in many countries, in different forms and supplements.

There are many reasons that people who participate in sports love the acai berry. The first thing that you will discover is that it provides the people who consume it with a powerful energy boost.

This berry is one way to put some caffeine in your system without resorting to a sugary soda or frighteningly coloured sports drink! It also helps your body process the food that it gets more effectively. When you are in training, you want to turn your body into an effectively functioning machine, and when it comes to helping you get the most out of your food, the acai berry is the way to go.

The acai berry is not meant only for athletes, but for many others too. All people who want a natural boost in their energy level can gain a lot from this wonderful Amazonian fruit.

Some major ingredients of the acai berry include vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin B1. These can keep you working at a high energy level through the day, and along with the fibre and protein that are a part of the berry as well, you will find that it is much easier for your body to repair the damage that occurs daily.

People who are interested in making sure that their bodies do not age prematurely find that the acai berry is an impressive resource when it comes to helping fight off arthritis and other types of swelling. Thanks to the fact that you will also find that minerals calcium and potassium in the berry, you will be able to help strengthen your bones and keep your skin looking young and resilient. Many people find that not long after they start enjoying this berry they are feeling healthier, fresher and much more ready to take on the world!

Life in modern times is full of challenges and difficult situations; any person living in Australia would definitely agree to this. Life is packed with tensions that never existed five or ten years ago. You have to be strong to tackle all these problems. Like many other Australians, you can take advantage of the acai berry to get the strength and energy you need to be the best you can be. Besides a good taste, the acai berry also provides you with that additional boost of energy. Don't fail to benefit from it! - 17268

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Beginners Workout " Need Ideas on Where to get Started?

By Dan Lawsenn

I began my path to fitness at an early age, 18 to be exact. I can recall the first time I entered a gym, I was like a kid in a candy store. Although I was excited, I was a little intimated by all the machines and equipment.

It can be a bit intimidated, stepping into the gym for the first time. One of the biggest obstacles beginners face is where to begin. I was fortunate to have a good friend who was an experienced weight-lifter, so he helped guide me through my introductory period.

I should have been better prepared for walking into the gym, with some kind of beginners workout. However, I was just too excited... If I knew then, what I know now, I definitely would have planned it out a little better.

Coming up with a beginners workout can be both exciting and rewarding. You can very easily do this if you have good information. Begin with the internet, but be sure you're taking advice from credible sources, and not the average Joe.

Being a beginner, it's very important that you pick a fitness program that is outlines to help you get the level of fitness you desire. There can be many goals, like pump up, tone up, or shed pounds, you should consider these when looking for your beginners workout routine.

Cardio and weight training should be a staple in whatever fitness goal you may have. Other things will vary, such as weight being lifted, exercises performed, and concentration. As a beginner, you should test a few different exercises and choose the ones that you feel best performing. You want to stay clear of those exercises which could get you injured.

It's absolutely critical that a beginners workout program include a nutritional program, a workout regiment, and a driving motivational factor. If you don't have these 3 areas covered, you're not going to see the results you want.

The internet can be a great source to help pick a beginners workout program, but remember to avoid websites which are just after your money and provide less than substantial advice. Be picky on your sources... - 17268

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