Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, September 4, 2009

Agarikon (Fomes officinalis) - Oldest Medicinal Mushroom Nearly Extinct

By Dr. Markho Rafael

The medicinal mushroom Agarikon (Fomes officinalis) can live for 50 years or more, making it one of the longest living perennial mushrooms in the world. This is even more impressive in light of the fact that it starts growing on trees that are already old to begin with. In other words, Fomes officinalis can only survive in old growth forests.

The earliest written record of any mushroom used medicinally can be found in the Materia Medica from 65 B.C., where Fomes officinalis was listed by Greek physician Dioscorides as a tuberculosis remedy. [25] Other oral and written traditions from Poland and elsewhere in Europe indicate that Fomes officinalis was the most important medicinal mushroom in ancient Europe.

However, Agarikon (Fomes officinalis) is now practically extinct in Europe because of its dependency on old growth forests. Its current habitat in the wild may be entirely limited to unlogged land in Washington State. Fortunately, though, this is one mushroom that can be cultivated. Two companies that grow Fomes officinalis commercially are Paul Stamets' Fungi Perfecti out of Washington State, and the Ohio based Mushroom Harvest.

There is little modern research on the medicinal use of Agarikon extract but traditional use of this medicinal mushroom included tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and pneumonia (Bacillus pneumoniae and others). It's also been used topically as a poultice to relieve muscle and skeletal pain.

Supporting this information is a Polish article from 2001 by K. Grzywnowics titled Medicinal mushrooms in Polish folk medicine. While it was still common in Poland, Fomes officinalis was used to treat lung conditions like coughing and asthma, and skeletal conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, but also open bleeding and infected wounds. In Polish tradition, Fomes officinalis tea was considered a life prolonging elixir. [147]

Native Americans were also aware of the medicinal properties of Fomes officinalis. Oral traditions among certain tribes hold that it was used as a remedy against diseases brought by the Europeans, including smallpox. One such tribe was the Haida of the American Northwest, who even incorporated Agarikon into their spirituality where it was associated with the female creator spirit Raven, and by extension to female sexuality and fertility.

Two mentions in modern scientific literature include Agarikon extract with other mushrooms that elicit a strong immune enhancing effect in subjects. [148, 149]

Finally, it should be noted that in spite of its common name synonyms "Quinine Fungus" or "Quinine Conk," Agarikon does not contain the compound quinine and is not effective in the use against malaria.

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any medicinal mushroom or herb without prior approval by medical doctor.

Credit to Paul Stamets for research and source material. - 17268

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Electric Ice Cream Makers - My 8 Reasons For Making Home Made Ice Cream

By Mia Kane

I get asked a lot of questions about making my own ice cream. Besides the fact that I love it and enjoy it, I have found over the years that there are many more reasons that I stopped buying and started making ice cream. Here they are. I hope I can help turn you into an ice cream maker.

1. Ok I love ice cream and so do my children. As a family we eat a lot of it even in winter. It's costly to buy regularly. It all adds up. When I make it, I make it cheaper, so it saves on the food bill.

2. Having kids I am now more conscious of being 'green' and kinder to the planet. Making my own ice cream, is one way I can decrease my food miles. And instead of paying for ice cream to travel halfway around the country to me, everything I use for it I get on my own doorstep.

3. I get total control over what goes in. So I don't have to spend time reading the very small print on the back of the carton, to see what they have managed to sneak in there. Only good wholesome naturalness goes into mine.

4. I know so many people, my kids friends especially with allergies of all sorts. I can leave them out of the ice cream, so everyone get to enjoy it.

5. I bring my ice cream over to friends, or families houses for dinner. It beats spending a fortune on flowers. I bring along the dessert which we can all enjoy together.

6. I get the kids involved too. They love it and sometimes bring their friends over especially to make ice cream. It's great on a rainy day when they are hanging around the house looking for trouble.

7. I can get the kids to eat more fruit too, by serving it on top or beside the ice cream. Add some good nuts, and maybe some oats sometimes and they don't even know they are eating something really good for them. Result!

8. I try most of the time to make it lower fat than you buy. I use half and half or light cream instead. Great for the kids, but helps me and my diet out too.

So there you have it. The many reasons I make my own ice cream. I hope I have been able to convince you to have a go. - 17268

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The Quest For Six-Pack Abs

By Bill Caster

The more frequent mistake that people continue to make is to focus on ab workouts but forget about the nutritional requirements in their attempt to eliminate the fat surrounding the stomach. If that is what you are practicing, it is most likely that ninety percent of your efforts are going to waste. Why is that? Since as it comes down to building six-pack abs for men, or achieving a flat, toned, and firmer stomach for women, it is critical to understand that you have to avoid fat as much as you have to get rid of it.

A proper diet coupled with a proper full-body workout routine can do wonders for your abs. So, if you are told that you can eat whatever you wish as long as you train hard enough simply walk away, as this is not the kind of advice you should be listening to.

Anyone can have a great looking stomach, plain and simple. However, there is a lot of confusion when it comes to selecting exercises for your workouts. Keep in mind, that while crunches or leg elevations will certainly compliment to the strength of your stomach muscles, they will never burn the fat on their own.

For this training to be effective, you must adhere to a well built nutrition program which can provide the needs of your body. When undergoing a program it is important to remember that it should not just center on the quantity of nutriment needs but additionally upon the timing of these meals. That's fundamental in lowering fat as well as creating toned, firmer abs so to help you achieve your goal and carve out your six-pack abs, here are some rudimentary rules that you might utilize for a guide to selecting the proper nutrition curriculum.

High protein intake is what you are after when eating for either fat loss or gaining muscles. At the same time the consumption of carbs should be limited and the fat intake should also be kept at moderate levels. Keep in mind, that starving is definitely not the way to go.

Processed sugar, processed grains are simple carbohydrates that your body does not need often. What it needs are complicated and natural carbohydrates like brown rice, whole grains, beans, vegetables, yams, and oats among others.Fish fats, virgin coco oil, olive oil, flax oil, organic nut butter, avocado pears, seeds and nuts are some of the necessary and healthy fatty acids that your body requires to heighten the metabolic process as well as assist in burning fat. It is therefore important that you eat sufficient amounts of this variety of food.

Eating around one gram of protein per one pound of your body mass is likely to be the right choice. It is also advisable to split the consumption of the required nutrients into six smaller meals in a day instead of the traditional three. This approach will speed up your metabolism and make your body burn fat quicker.

Consume lots of water. It is critical for eliminating wastes and poisons and most significantly, is vital in the procedure of reducing fats - therefore, would help in achieving the six-pack abs of your dreams. - 17268

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New Discoveries on Fibromyalgia? - Your Diet and Exercise

By Christian Goodman

I have spent a considerable amount of time and research as it associates to ones diet and how it can affect health. In fact, Ive written several articles on diet as it relates to specific illnesses.

Since, there is not much research when it comes to diet and fibromyalgia. I have focused primarily on the feedback I have received from my clients.

While my program has shown them the most promise to alleviating their Fibromyalgia symptoms, many, if not most, stated that a change in diet was also key.

Fibromyalgia is a disease which affects both the muscles and connective tissues. Its main symptoms are chronic pain in addition to the extreme pain when touched even gently.

Other symptoms include: extreme fatigue, sleep disturbances which includes bruxism (tooth grinding), difficulty breathing and difficulty swallowing.

Fibromyalgia has also had a long history of not being accepted as an actual medical condition by many doctors. Many times my clients have written telling me their doctor told them, Its all in your head.

Thats an infuriating thing to read, let alone hear in person from a doctor who is supposed to care. Recent studies imply that could actually be the key. While no known organic cause can be found, many are now starting to believe that fibromyalgia is a psychological condition.

Thats not to say these are imaginary symptoms of pain. The same research also indicates that those who suffer from fibromyalgia have a heightened sense of pain, meaning, for those who normally dont register stimuli as pain, you will register it if you suffer from fibromyalgia.

As far as diet goes, it follows a pretty common sense approach. Key foods to avoid are: chocolate, coffee, alcohol, foods high in salt, fried foods, high fat foods, white flour or sugar, carbonated drinks, Nutrasweet or saccharine and tobacco (although not technically a food).

Remember that this is a preventative approach " avoid foods that can further inhibit an already suppressed immune system (like alcohol). Avoid high fat foods that are known to cause lethargy. Stay away from fried and high salt foods which can cause the body to swell, and lead to further pain.

Breathing and relaxation exercises are also recommended. Be careful though, with exercise. Overdoing it can actually trigger painful symptoms. I highly recommend my Fibromyalgia program. Its results have been amazing!

EL331004 - 17268

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Optimize Your Hair Growth

By Archie Benfeldt

There are all kinds of home remedies which have been used over the years to create a full head of hair. Starting with your diet is a good way to utilize nature. Since hair is made mostly of protein it makes sense that foods rich in this nutrient should be eaten on a daily basis.

Some foods that are high in protein are nuts, fish, and dairy products. Gelatin, which is actually an animal product, is also a great source of protein for the hair. Eating gelatin every day can bring a big boost of protein to your diet. Were you aware of the fact that Gummy Bears are actually made of gelatin?

When you get a sweet tooth and need something to chew on why don't you try a Gummy product. It is a sweet way to get your protein. Eating cold water fish is also a fantastic way to increase your protein intake. They also contain high levels of omega-3 fats which are known to help in the manufacture of nails and hair.

Don't forget to take your vitamins. Mom was right when she said you needed your vitamins every day. You should take a good multi and be sure it contains Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Vitamin B7 also known as Biotin. All these vitamins are necessary for good hair growth.

You can get good levels of Vitamin A by eating foods rich in Beta-carotene. One food high in Vitamin A levels is liver but it is not a favorite of most people. You can also get good values of beta-carotene from carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and kale.

Another very easy method to help grow hair fast naturally is to limit the amount of stress in your life. Stress has been shown to decrease hair growth and can even cause massive hair loss in extreme cases. You should try to limit stressful situations whenever possible but sometimes things happen that are out of your control.

When you find yourself in a stressful situation is important that you deal with it in a healthy way. I used to be stressed out a lot until I had the realization that most problems weren't as big as I made them appear. Whenever your stress levels start to get higher, stop for a minute and breath deeply. Then ask yourself if this really is a problem you are willing to lose your hair over.

I have found that the things I used to worry about in reality were not very important in the big scheme of things. I also realized that projecting about how things might turn out bad was a waste of time. The vast majority of these concerns never came to fruition and if they did they weren't near as bad as I had thought they would be.

Learning how to deal with stress was one of the most important factors in my life. I no longer am literally pulling my hair out. Two other important factors for healthy hair are diet and exercise. Daily aerobic exercise will increase the blood flow to the hair follicles and stimulate the transfer of nutrients. - 17268

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Natural Herbs For Impotence: We have the answers.

By Anthony Freeney

Muira puama is a small bush/tree that grows to a height of 5 meters and produces small, white, jasmine-scented flowers. The plant parts used are the bark and root of this tree are used for medical purposes.

Among the natural basket of herbs, a section of the patients have gone for muira puama, for lowering blood pressure. To know more about good blood pressure information on muira puama and other blood pressure herbal remedy, read.

Its stimulant effect also makes it useful as a herb for depression. Women have used muira puama to treat the discomforts of menopause, as well as cramping associated with menstruation. Muira puama can be combined with other herbs, such as damiana, guarana, catuaba, and suma, to increase its effects.

Now the question is, why do people prefer natural treatment of high blood pressure? The reason is, herbal high blood pressure remedy is comparatively inexpensive than available high blood pressure medication.

Although many people are skeptical about sexual stimulants or "herbal viagra" as such, the muira puama herb has been shown by Dr. Jacques Lelu, a world authority on sexual functioning, of the Institute of Sexology in Paris, France, that it is effective in assisting in increasing sexual desire as well as attaining and maintaining an erection.

Indigenous tribes in South America have taken this herbal supplement by chewing the bark or brewing a tea using the bark, stems or roots. The common dosage used today is 1 to 1.5 grams of the bark, stem, and/or root. Muira puama is available as an extract or in powdered form in capsules.

Muira puama appears to be relatively safe at the dosages expressed above. Insomnia and restlessness have been noted with high doses. Due to lack of research with human subjects, women who are pregnant or lactating should avoid taking this supplement. Safety in children has also not been determined. There has not been any toxicity noted with long term use on muira puama. There do not appear to be any drug interactions with this supplement, although it may increase the effect of erectile dysfunction drugs and supplements.

Although some people maintain that muira puama is just a general tonic, there are far more confirmations out there in the real world from satisfied users, to the fact that it is great for assisting with erectile dysfunction and increasing sexual enjoyment. - 17268

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Your Washington, DC Personal Trainer Will Help You Look Great in 4 Weeks

By Josef Brandenburg

Ever felt hopeless after spending hours together on your exercise bike or treadmill without losing a substantial amount of weight? Did you ever feel distressed after doing rigorous exercises for more than 6 weeks with no visible results? Stop complaining and quit that treadmill or bike immediately. Your experienced personal trainer from Washington, DC can give you astonishing results within 4 weeks.

Strategy 1: Preparing and setting up data

The first step is to gather all important information that will be needed to draft a weight loss program. We begin to assess your present thoughts about your body, uncover your biggest frustrations, talk about your strengths and weakness, and establish the real deal between you and your commitment to getting fit.

You need to focus on important details like: Previous medical history. Earlier weight loss programs undertaken, if any and their impact. What kind of physical activity does you job entail? How much free time can you spare? What are your expectations from a professional trainer from Washington, DC? All this information is very vital. You will realize the importance of this information as you continue reading.

Strategy 2: Set Achievable Goals

What a client wants is really vital. This forms the basis on which a personal trainer has to design your entire weight loss program. This can be a very easy or a tough nut to crack for the trainer depending on how 'SMMART' your goals are.

Yup, I got the spelling right. Goals set should be - Specific, Meaningful and Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound.

Your Washington, DC personal trainer adds meaning to weight loss goal setting. Most individuals find the drive to stick to the program when they know their goals purpose or meaning.

Strategy 3: Designing the most appropriate weight loss program.

Now a question may arise as to what the most appropriate weight loss program is. Usually these programs are tailor- made keeping in mind the information that is gathered during the 1st strategy. A perfect weight loss program has to be developed keeping in mind your specific requirements and physical limitations.

Designing a personalized program and regularly checking how efficiently it works will help you achieve your weight loss goals within the set time period. Checking body weight on a weekly basis also helps to check if you are headed in the right direction with the program.

Strategy 4: Empowerment

I cannot emphasize the importance of empowerment in training. Aside from the fact that empowerment sounds like a good thing to learn, I want this stressed since most Washington, DC personal trainers avoid empowering their clients. Why? Because they are plainly motivated by pumping out money from them.

An empowered weight watcher is the next greatest thing a trainer can turn their clients into. It gives the client confidence and critical thinking skills that will enable them to keep their fit bodies for life.

When working with me as your Washington, DC personal trainer, a typical male client can expect to drop 10 pounds of body fat in the first 4 weeks (not the same as weight), and atypical female client can expect to drop a dress size in the first 4 weeks. - 17268

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Tips For Fast Recovery After Knee Arthroscopy

By Dr. Richard Edelson

Knee arthroscopy is quicker and easier to recover from than conventional open knee surgery. Still, it does take a bit of time, and it is important to follow your orthopedic surgeons instructions carefully during your recovery period.

The Best Ways To Keep Swelling Down

Your orthopedic surgeon is sure to instruct you to keep your leg elevated during the first few days after surgery. Additionally, you can use ice to keep pain and swelling under control.

How to Manage Your Bandage

When you come home from the hospital, you will have a bandage on your knee. Be sure to keep that on for the first 24 hours. After that you can take it off. Its alright to take showers after 24 hours has passed, but protect your knee from direct sprays of water. Dont soak in the tub until your knee has healed thoroughly.

In a few days, you will have an appointment to see your orthopedic surgeon for a followup appointment. At this appointment, the orthopedic surgeon will tell you about your surgical findings and review your treatment plan with you.

How Soon Will I Be Able to Bear Weight on My Leg?

Click here for more on knee surgery rehabilitation .

Your orthopedic surgeon may recommend that you use an assistive device like crutches, a walker, or a cane after your surgery, but this is unlikely. Usually, you can walk without assistance following arthroscopy. You may have a little trouble bearing weight on the leg at first, but this will resolve as time passes and your leg becomes stronger and stronger. You should avoid driving for about a week. Be sure to double-check with your orthopedic surgeon before you begin driving again.

Following Your Exercise Plan Closely Will Help

You will probably come home from the hospital with a list of exercises prescribed by your orthopedic surgeon. You may also have a referral to a physical therapist. Be sure to do your exercises and follow all instructions from your orthopedic surgeon and your physical therapist.

Managing Your Prescriptions

After your surgery, you will probably have two prescriptions. One will be for antibiotics to prevent infection. The other will be for pain medications to make your recovery more comfortable. Be sure to follow your orthopedic surgeons instructions closely regarding the use of these drugs.

Will There Be Complications?

Arthroscopic knee surgery rarely generates complications. If any occur, they are usually mild and easily managed. They include, an accumulation of blood around the knee, possible blood clots, and possible infection.

Here Some Signs To Look Out For

Tell your orthopedic surgeon right away if you have:

1) Fever

2) Periods of chills

3) Redness or a hot feeling around the knee

4) Pain that persists and/or increases rather than decreasing

5) Unusually prominent swelling in the knee

6) Persistent and increasing pain in the calf - 17268

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Massage Chair Treatments

By Tom Peacock

Massage chairs continue to keep pace with the overall advance of technology. You can now find many different types of therapeutic massage treatments which were not available just a few short years ago. Massage chairs have replicated many of the most popular massage techniques found around the world. These are now available in a massage chair at the touch of a button.

Most of us are familiar with the stretching and pulling of muscles. This is usually done by a massage therapist. They are working the stiffer muscles to restore flexibility in relief stiffness. These types of hand movements have been replicated in massage recliners.

Massage chairs are advancing rapidly to replicate mechanical hands. Currently, a roller system is used to provide massage treatments to the back areas. These roller systems are effective and penetrating deeply through the muscle tissue and stretching them also.

The versatility of a roller mechanism is in the variety of massage movements available. These sophisticated roller systems are able to make many different movements. Some typical movements are kneading, swaying, rolling, tapping, chopping, and gripping.

These software use programs the massage chair is very sophisticated. The typical program runs a full body massage. This activate many different systems in parallel be massage chair.

Sensor technology is also another important element of today's massage chairs. These sophisticated sensors can create virtual maps of the body. Programs can then use this information to tailor the massage to exactly fit your needs.

Another popular technology being integrated into massage chairs is air compression. In air compressor is used to pump air to air bags located throughout the chair. These airbags are specially designed for different muscle areas.

In air compression system works off a central air compressor. This delivers air to different air bags located throughout the massage chair. A system of the valves is used to regulate and direct the airflow. This enables the programmer to have precise control over the air bags.

Stretching is an important part of your total health program. Stretching helps to keep the muscles flexible and retain their elasticity. Massage chairs have integrated stretching systems and to their recliners.

You can now find lower body stretching systems and some of the high-end massage chairs. These stretching systems are perfect for stretching the lower body. These stretching systems cover and stretch from the hips to the ankles. This is very relieving and soothing.

Heating systems are being integrated into many massage chairs. Heat has been used by athletes for many years. It is helpful to reduce swelling and to increase blood flow to a particular area. Generally, heat is applied in short durations and usually after physical activity.

You can still find vibration massage and some massage chairs. Vibration is a very effective way to relieve tension and tight muscles. It also has great penetration through the muscle tissue. This helps to provide greater relief.

Massage chairs contained advanced remote controls with built-in LCD screens. This enables the user to precisely target different parts of the body. You can also follow the massage treatments on the LCD screen. There is an amazing variety of great massage chairs available on the market today. - 17268

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What Cholesterol Really Is

By Kim Bailey

Today's health gurus spend plenty of time talking about cholesterol. You might be surprised to find out that this substance is actually necessary for the body. It is used to build cell walls that help the body produce necessary substances like hormones and bile. However, the body doesn't need much cholesterol to function properly. When it begins to build up, it can have a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system specifically and the rest of the body overall.

Too Much of a Good Thing

The good cholesterol becomes a problem when there are too much and the body is unable to eliminate this excess from the system. The excess cholesterol then builds up as a plaque in the arteries and in doing so blocks the flow of blood.

Hindering the blood flow cause our heart to work harder to keep blood flowing through the body. The additional strain on the heart is what causes the risk of a heart attack.

This is why monitoring cholesterol levels becomes so important throughout adulthood. When high levels are detected, a doctor and patient can work together to bring amount back down through diet, exercise and medication. The good news is that most people can prevent or reverse high levels through these methods, allowing the heart to return to normal function. The key factor is to track cholesterol on a regular basis, so you know if levels are beginning to rise as soon as possible.

What Types Are There

There is more than one type of cholesterol found in the body. The first is low density lipoproteins, or LDL. LDL delivers cholesterol to the body, so the lower the number of LDL, the better for the patient. High density lipoproteins, or HDL, help remove cholesterol from the bloodstream.

Needless to say that a higher HDL will therefore mean lower cholesterol and a healthier cardiovascular system. Experts figure the two numbers together to work out what an overall healthy cholesterol reading is.

Understanding cholesterol is an important step in keeping your cardiovascular system working in top condition. Regular monitoring of levels will let you know if you are on the right track with your health or if you need to make modifications to your diet and lifestyle for a healthier heart.

You can talk to your doctor about what good cholesterol levels are and how you can achieve or maintain them. - 17268

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Foot Reflexology Massage Now In Massage Chairs

By Barbara Lipscomb

There many different types of alternative medicine that are available today. One particular type of alternative medicine which has been practiced for centuries is reflexology. Reflexology utilizes different movements such as massaging, squeezing and pushing different parts of the feet. Reflexology has evolved in our knowledge of it with it. Although the concept of reflexology is not new its availability in massage chairs has occurred in just the last few years.

The concept of reflexology is to stimulate particular trigger points which are related to other major parts of the body. Not only do you get a great foot massage but it is believed that these trigger points also induce relaxation in its corresponding related organ.

Reflexology involves two main components. One part is to massage thoroughly the feet. The other is to stimulate these trigger points located on the soles of the feet. Reflexology is known to have no negative side effects.

The manufacturers of massage chairs have extensively studied many of these alternative medicines including reflexology. Many of the concepts of reflexology have now been duplicated with technology in massage chairs. This is a convenient way to receive reflexology foot massage on-the-fly.

Most massage chairs use reflexology plates or reflexology nodes attached to airbags. These are located in the foot wells of the leg rest in a massage chair. The reflexology nodes are designed to stimulate particular trigger points and the feet.

An air massage system is also used to provide soothing relief to the feet. Specially designed airbags are used to provide a compression massage. This provides squeezing, massaging and pulling of the feet to relieve tightness, soreness and stiffness.

A computer in the massage chair coordinates the activity to deliver a reflexology foot massage. Typically, these airbags are located on the sides of the feet. They are activated by and air compressor which will start to fill them up with air.

The airbags will compress against the feet providing a gentle squeezing action. This type of compression massage helps to relieve tight and aching feet. As the airbags squeeze the feet, the reflexology plate then stimulates the soles of the feet.

Massage chairs with airbags that have reflexology nodes stimulate the feet by inflating the air bags located underneath. Other massage chairs use reflexology plates. Airbags are used to push the feet down onto a plate to stimulate the bottom of the feet.

A variety of different reflexology foot charts have been developed. These charts are visual representations of where the trigger points are located on the soles of the feet. By stimulating these different areas, it helps to relax its corresponding organ.

Massage chairs have incorporated these two features in order to provide an effective reflexology foot massage. Receiving a reflexology foot massage does two things. It helps to rejuvenate tired and aching feet and also to induce full body relaxation.

The top massage chair manufacturers such as Sanyo, Omega and Panasonic have developed foot reflexology massage in their recliners. These massage chair recliners utilize sophisticated controls to provide relieving and relaxing foot massage.

These companies provide a number of different therapy and treatment options in addition to foot reflexology. Most of their models now contain reflexology foot massage. They clearly understand the importance of the feet in providing a complete massage experience. - 17268

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Body Building Tips to Gain Weight Fast

By Ricardo d Argence

Weight gain is something that isn't easy to do and you probably know this already. The key to weight gain is to do everything big. You have to eat big, to lift big, to get big. Say that over and over again in your head until you fully understand it.

Weightlifting is an integral part of gaining weight. But, when it comes to gain weight, it is also important to focus attention on your diet.

Count how many calories you eat in a normal day. Don't change anything, just eat like you normally would and count how many calories you consumed. This is an extremely important step, so try to be as exact as possible.

On the second day of a calorie counting program, you should add 500 calories to your daily intake. So, lets pretend that the day you counted calories you counted 2000. For the rest of the week, you would now eat 2500 calories a day. Spread your calories over a number of meals, for instance, eat 5-6 small meals rather than 3 large ones. Eat one meal every 2 and a half to 3 hours. All you have to do is be discerning, and add calories in the way of healthy foods.

The key to obtaining muscle mass is protein. It is impossible to gain muscle without sufficient protein because weight training requires the use of amino acids, which are derived from protein. You should daily eat about 2.2g of protein per kilogram of your weight. Eat foods that are high in protein. Ideally, you should receive your protein from foods and not supplements.

Some folks have the idea that beer will help them put on some weight. But this is untrue, it accumulates in your abdominal region, making it fatty.

And, yes, get into the gym so that you can lift. This step is important in helping you gain weight, always make sure you are following it correctly. Some thin people think that exercise is not good for them. The metabolism stays high, so that isn't true. Remember that diet will not do all the job. Exercise is critical if your goal is to gain lean muscle mass, and not just fat.

Resistance training exercises will help to increase your muscle mass, which in turn will increase your metabolism. Learn to distinguish between weight gaining exercises and weight loss exercises.

If you desperately want to change your physical appearance to look leaner and more muscular, know that by the combined force of these factors alone you will reach your desired self. - 17268

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