Annika Sorenstam's Workout Routine Explained
So as Tiger Woods is known for those unbelievable pot holes and wins, you'd know that Annika Sorenstam is known for her acclaimed position. This is hardly unbelievable though when you know of the whys to it. It actually takes a lot of dedication to work on that skill, together with the determination, fortitude and persistence to stick to that routine. When a player is on the field, you don't ask how many practices nor how long he was on it, don't you? Simply because these players are merely recognized on that very field for those very practices performed, just as Annika Sorenstam is to her perfect swings.
And just as Annika perfected that swing and has been known for it, she has, as well, created a certain level of standard to fitness, especially when we refer to golf. As if it's a highly aggressive contact sport, her routine has been placed side by side with football and baseball routines. Yes, there's a lot of muscles in that equation. Why? Simply because the more toned and leaner the muscles, the better flexibility and well noted strength there is to the game.
Ten years ago when Annika first started out on her extensive physical workout, she has also started that certain note on the professionalism and excellence to it. She picked out about ten areas where she wanted to first focus on her work out, focused on it and worked on it accordingly, and improved her game. The more results she was able to get out of this focused set, the more driven she was later on on the other areas.
So what is in an Annika Sorenstam's routine and program that you can follow? You simply need to work on program that would focus on areas that you'd wish to get most results from. Are you most driven to get the drive distance? Would you want to better that strength? Or would you want to improve on your endurance, power and flexibility? Quite surely though, you'd most likely work with targeting those muscles, giving them a rather good workout. Designed to functionally work, Annika's routine works on defining fitness in goal as nurturing on the necessary areas most critical of the movement.
Yes, Annika is known for her strenuous workout program, but more notably, she is known for that certain level of dedication she commits to it. She becomes a model of that fitness conditioning that makes girls less queasy and actually more motivated in getting bulked up. Being more educated with the physiques of the body, Annika's workouts define the optimization where flexibility and strength are worked on. So how does one be even half of what Annika is? Get focused on a program one at a time and actually commit to it. Are you set to get that perfect swing at golf or just want to hone those muscles for other works? Then do it Annika Sorenstam style. Just be sure to stick to it until you perfect it, okay? You can access information about workout from home online for free. - 17268
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