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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Annika Sorenstam's Workout Routine Explained

By Jesse Regan

You most likely recognize Tiger Woods. Then most definitely an Annika Sorenstam would ring similar recognition. This is actually interesting as many people who do are not even big fans of the game of golf, nor any sport whatsoever.

So as Tiger Woods is known for those unbelievable pot holes and wins, you'd know that Annika Sorenstam is known for her acclaimed position. This is hardly unbelievable though when you know of the whys to it. It actually takes a lot of dedication to work on that skill, together with the determination, fortitude and persistence to stick to that routine. When a player is on the field, you don't ask how many practices nor how long he was on it, don't you? Simply because these players are merely recognized on that very field for those very practices performed, just as Annika Sorenstam is to her perfect swings.

And just as Annika perfected that swing and has been known for it, she has, as well, created a certain level of standard to fitness, especially when we refer to golf. As if it's a highly aggressive contact sport, her routine has been placed side by side with football and baseball routines. Yes, there's a lot of muscles in that equation. Why? Simply because the more toned and leaner the muscles, the better flexibility and well noted strength there is to the game.

Ten years ago when Annika first started out on her extensive physical workout, she has also started that certain note on the professionalism and excellence to it. She picked out about ten areas where she wanted to first focus on her work out, focused on it and worked on it accordingly, and improved her game. The more results she was able to get out of this focused set, the more driven she was later on on the other areas.

So what is in an Annika Sorenstam's routine and program that you can follow? You simply need to work on program that would focus on areas that you'd wish to get most results from. Are you most driven to get the drive distance? Would you want to better that strength? Or would you want to improve on your endurance, power and flexibility? Quite surely though, you'd most likely work with targeting those muscles, giving them a rather good workout. Designed to functionally work, Annika's routine works on defining fitness in goal as nurturing on the necessary areas most critical of the movement.

Yes, Annika is known for her strenuous workout program, but more notably, she is known for that certain level of dedication she commits to it. She becomes a model of that fitness conditioning that makes girls less queasy and actually more motivated in getting bulked up. Being more educated with the physiques of the body, Annika's workouts define the optimization where flexibility and strength are worked on. So how does one be even half of what Annika is? Get focused on a program one at a time and actually commit to it. Are you set to get that perfect swing at golf or just want to hone those muscles for other works? Then do it Annika Sorenstam style. Just be sure to stick to it until you perfect it, okay? You can access information about workout from home online for free. - 17268

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Learn What The Most Critical Things To Look For In An Acai Product

By Denise E Kelly

Antioxidants are necessary to our good physical condition because they shelter our body and our cells from the harm caused by oxygen free radicals. The acai berry from the rainforests of Brazil has one of the maximum antioxidant capacities of any food ever found in the natural world.

The antioxidant aptitude of food is calculated by a scale called the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity or ORAC scale. The acai berry has one of the highest ORAC levels of any singular food.

Antioxidants are a nutrient found in foods that aids in the pairing of free radicals. Free radicals are an unsteady molecule that is absent one or more electrons. This lack of the required electron makes the molecule vastly variable and destructive to our bodies. The antioxidant will attach itself to the free radical and give it the missing electron that it needs. This stabilizes the molecule. This replacement of missing electrons is a lifelong and unending procedure as even by stabilizing a free radical more free radicals are formed.

For that reason we must constantly restore the antioxidants within our bodies in order to preclude the troubles of oxidation. The oxidation process causes free radicals. When an apple that has been cut up is left out in the air, it will go brown. That is basically oxidation. This oxygen process is one thing that contributes to disease and difficulties with aging.

Our bodies need antioxidants to overturn and avert the problems from free radical and oxidation damage. However, our bodies cannot produce them and we can only get them from our diets. Antioxidants must be provided by our diet.

Many foods are high in antioxidants. Spinach, blueberries, cranberries, pumpkin and more are all plentiful in antioxidants. The deep colors of nature provide clues as to the antioxidant capacities of a food. The deep greens, luminous oranges and reds, and the deep red and deep purple colored fruits and vegetables are all high in antioxidants.

Acai berries are very high in an antioxidant called anthocyanins, which is the deep purple pigment accountable for the colors of berries, red cabbage, grapes and other foods. Purified anthocyanins have been proven to be beneficial for weight loss in controlled studies involving laboratory mice. They also offer many other wellbeing-promoting benefits.

Verify that you are eating a diet consisting of a range of extreme antioxidant foods that can benefit your fitness. The acai berry can be a huge supplement to your wholesome diet. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Tips to Increase Your Testosterone Production

By Ricardo d Argence

Testosterone is thought to be the only substance referred to as the "holy grail" of muscle growth. Testosterone, a vitally important muscle-building hormone, is a determining factor when you are trying to build muscle in your body. This is just a sampling of the numerous incredible advantages to elevated levels of testosterone: Increased muscle size and strength, decreased body fat levels, decreased levels of "bad" cholesterol, improved mood and increased sex drive and sexual endurance.

It sounds pretty good because it is great, and in this article I'm going to outline 10 simple steps to naturally increase your testosterone levels and achieve all of these incredible benefits. While these steps will not result in "steroid-like" muscle gains, they will definitely contribute to your overall bottomline results.

1) Use compound exercises as the cornerstone of your workouts. I'm talking about the basic, bread-and-butter lifts such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows, chin-ups, dips, lunges and military presses. These exercises will place your muscles under the greatest amount of stress in the gym and will force your body to increase testosterone production.

2) Always train with 100% effort and intensity. If you want to see real muscle gains, you must be willing to push yourself to the limit in the gym. Again, greater muscular stress in the gym translates to higher testosterone output.

3) Exercise your leg muscles just as hard as your exercise your upper body. You may already know that growth in the chest, back, and arms will be stimulated by intense training of the legs. The increased testosterone produced through leg training exercises is one of the reasons for this.

4) Increase your EFA consumption. Sources such as peanuts and avocadoes, will be the source of Essential Fatty Acids. One interesting way of naturally boosting testosterone levels is through the regular use of olive and canola oils in one's diet.

5) Minimize your consumption of soy. There is a direct negative effect on testosterone levels when the estrogen levels in the body increase, which can be caused by soy protein.

6) Do not drink so much alcohol. It has been revealed that alcohol has a remarkable affect on testosterone production, therefore try to limit the nights you might "binge drink" and consume alcohol in moderation.

7) Up your dietary consumption of cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, cabbage and brussel sprouts have all been shown to dramatically reduce estrogen levels, thereby raising testosterone.

8) Reduce your everyday stresses. When you have too much stress, your body releases the catabolic hormone "cortisol" and this makes your testosterone levels drop dramatically.

9) You should try to increase your amount of sexual activity. An increase in the production of oxytocin is brought about by sexual activity as well as causing more endorphins, which also increases testosterone levels.

10) Be sure that you are getting a decent amount of sleep each evening. Your level of testosterone will decrease when cortisol production increases, which can happen when you don't get enough sleep.

Start implementing these techniques on a consistent basis and you should experience a noticeable increase in your muscle size and strength gains. - 17268

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How To Find Good Detox Program

By Ferdinand Emy

When I began having pains in an area next to my stomach, I had to go to the doctor and get help. Fortunately, it was not as bad. There were some problems with my liver, but not enough to require hospitalization. In fact, I was able to go back home the same night. I was on medication for a couple of weeks, and when I finished it, I was instructed to go through a detox program.

I must admit that I was not exactly thrilled as regards it, but having escaped surgery, I decided not to take any chances, so I followed the detox program to the letter.

The first days of the detox program were the hardest. I was especially affected by the fact that I couldn't eat red meat. I utilized to eat meat almost daily, and having it taken away so suddenly was hard on me. Almost as bad was the prohibition of alcohol. More than once I was tempted to drink, but then I forced myself to do not forget the pain I had felt just a few weeks before and that somewhat assisted. I stopped hanging out with my friends for a bit, in order to reduce temptation.

On the other hand, having to do exercise was the most fun part of the whole detox program. At first it was problematic, but when I joined a group that played basketball, I in reality got into it. The first games I could not hold more than a quarter without having to call it quits. Nevertheless, I liked the competitive part of the sport and I placed trying harder and harder. Although I never became a great player, I started to look forward to each game, just for the fun of it. Today, I may outrun anyone else at the office, Although its not a skill that my boss especially values.

One of the parts of the detox program that I had trouble complying with was getting enough sleep. Since the detox program did not include taking sick leave, I had to continue working and catch up with my tasks. And when I arrived home I Always felt like going to bed early was a waste of time that could have been used on watching TV or reading or expending time with my children. Fortunately, my wife was very supportive and took care of the children while I got some extra sleep.

By the end of the detox program, I felt like a completely different person. In fact, I placed a good number of the habits that I picked up with the detox program, like playing basketball. Except now I play with my children on weekends only. I keep drinking water, and even though I began drinking and eating red meat again, the quantities I consume now are much more moderate than what I utilized to consume in the past.

But most important, I feel good knowing that my liver is much less likely to fail and suffer a severe disease. I in point of fact recommend the experience to everyone who wishes to feel good and reside longer for the sake of his or her family. - 17268

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Best Abdominal Workouts

By James Statham

Don't you think it's time you knew about the most effective abdominal workouts? In this article, I will be telling you why some exercises, that target the abs, are actually harming your chances of cutting your fat down! I will also show you the types of exercises that have been proven to accelerate fat burn and reveal to the world your six pack!

Traditional abdominal workouts, such as crunches, leg lifts and sit ups, are what many of the fitness gurus', in magazines, rave about. They tell you that if you specifically target your abs, then you'll really get your abs muscly and they will suddenly be revealed. Well this just isn't true! In order to get rock solid abs that shine though, there are two things you need to do. You need to be lowering your body fat levels, and raising your metabolism. The reason why crunches are not a good exercise, is because they do neither of those two things. Traditional abs exercises are too isolated an exercise to burn fat quickly. Instead, you should be targeting different exercises.

So what are the really effective abdominal workouts? The types of exercises you should be performing are what's known as compound exercises. Compound exercises involve using free weights only, rather than machines. The reason for this is that when you exercise on machines, they support alot of the weight for you. Therefore, you aren't giving your body a full workout, and some of your muscles will not get developed.

Now with free weights, your muscles are supporting the weight, therefore you're involving lots of muscles. This leads to insane fat burn! Specifically, these are what's known as compound exercises. Front squats is a good compound exercise, because it is super intense and really works the body. When you are exercising, keep your workouts short and sharp. If you can get in the gym, blast your muscles in 45 minutes and get out, it will help shred fat much quicker than a slow, dull workout.

Now you know the basics of what good abdominal workouts contain, now you need to sort out another key factor, your diet. It's no good thinking you can get ripped by eating loads of junk food! Now you don't need to starve yourself, far from it. What you do need to do, though, is cut out the processed foods and fatty foods in your diet. If you don't, then all your hard work in the gym won't pay off, and you'll still have a layer of body fat covering up your abs!

You may have come across supposed magical fat burner pills and powders, that guarantee fast fat loss. If this were true, then there would be no need to eat healthily, as we could all just take this magic pill and be really lean! Avoid these expensive products and stay focused on your workout routine and eat healthily! - 17268

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Bodybuilding Programs, Back Workout Routines

By Ricardo d Argence

Increasing muscle mass and functional strength constitute the two main motivations for adopting a bodybuilding program. Building abdominal muscles, specifically the muscles of the upper, middle and lower back is the key to both of these.

Your back are the primary stabilizing muscles in your body, and the ones easiest to injure when lifting weights. From a biomechanical perspective, your back consists of the spine, the ribs, the scapula and the ligaments that string them all together, like parts of a mobile or kinetic motion structure.

Back injuries are almost always compression or rotation injuries, this is damage to the soft tissue, due to an over-extending movement of the back muscles involved. You can prevent back injuries by utilizing correct weight lifting techniques and muscle group isolation and you can also prevent physical problems from developing years later.

Traps, Lats, and Deltoids are some back muscle groups to work on, but take your time. Doing it slowly will prevent injuries. Sure, you are going to get a ripped back by overworking, but you should concentrate more on everyday strength over getting to big when working your back.

The trapezius muscles are the ones that form the bulk of your back. In Traps, the fundamental exercise is the shrug where you lift the dumbbells in both hands, shrug and hold then release.

Another workout that mostly works on your deltoids, but helps the traps a bit, is a straight-arm lift. Hold a dumbbell in your hand with your elbow at your side, and your forearm out level with the map. Extend your arm until it's at shoulder height, in one fluid motion, and look down your arm at the dumbbell, like you're sitting on a pistol range. Then bring it down slowly. This is a common exercise in martial arts groups that emphasize punching.

To build up the lower trapezius muscle, you're going to want a sitting down 'V-bar pull down', where you're pulling down against resistance. This is better than a straight pull up because it isolates the muscle thoroughly.

If you are targeting your back, specifically your lower back, one exercise that is important in helping you gain strength in your back is shoulder arches. By doing shoulder arches you will not only gain strength (this is the most important thing), but you will also work on definition of your back as well. Hold a light dumb-bell over the back of your neck and lay down on your front. Clasp your hands, then arch your back, lift, count to three, then lower slowly. It's very easy to overdo them, so, do these sparingly.

As with all muscle building exercises, it's important to do stretches and a bit of cardio before and after doing them to maintain flexibility. - 17268

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Excellent Food Combinations That Boost Your Nutritional Value

By Randall N Ramos

Nutrients can play a significant job in our healthiness and well-being. The foodstuff that we take in in our each day diets presents all of the essential antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are so essential to our good health and lasting well-being. It is advantageous to take supplements; however so far there are no supplements that have ever been created that can grant the exceptional nutrition that you get from a varied and healthy nutritional regime because of the synergy between the various foods.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients which when combined all together deliver even more efficiently. Eating a multiplicity of fruits and vegetables and combining specific foods concurrently can exponentially increase their healthiness advantages compared to eating the foods alone. The synergy of nutrients expands their health-promoting abilities.

The synergy of the nutrition from a mixture of fruits and vegetables appears to be something that can't be duplicated in a lab. Not even the most excellent multivitamin can duplicate this nutritional synergy. As of this time there is not a supplement on earth that can reproduce the efficacy of consuming an very nourishing diet because nature proffers the quality in nutrients that our bodies need.

Some very successful combinations incorporate broccoli and tomatoes. Both of these vegetables are decidedly nutritious on their own but when pooled they present advanced cancer-fighting capability. Broccoli has sulfur, which helps to eliminate tumor-causing toxins. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an essential antioxidant that is a innate cancer preventative. When they are combined at the same time they offer tremendous cancer-fighting properties.

Green tea and lemons are both very healthful on their own but if you include some lemon to your green tea you can end up absorbing up to 13 times the antioxidants that you would receive from the tea only. Lemons are full of citric acid and vitamin C, which help to add to the value of the catechins contained in the green tea. This boosts immunity, which in turn drops the possibility of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer's disease.

Spinach and oranges are both contemplated to be superfoods because of their antioxidant aptitude and advanced nutritional value. But if you truly want to improve your aptitude to take in the iron that is contained in your spinach salad, add some oranges to it. They taste delicious in concert but more significantly the vitamin C will assist your body to take up up to two times as much iron from the same sum of spinach.

Mixing apples with berries can be a very valuable nutritional stratagem. Apples are elevated in quercetin, a commanding antioxidant. When quercetin is pooled with the catechins in blueberries, grapes or acai berries, they respond together in the body and stop platelet clumping, which can prevent heart attacks and strokes. By combining the two you can realize much more of the nutritional value in a much smaller portion than if you were to devour either on their own.

And there are many other very nourishing fruit and vegetable combinations. The most imperative detail to keep in mind is that when you unite very nourishing and nutritious foods you get a synergy of the nutrients and the combinations are even more valuable as your body absorbs more of the crucial nutrition. - 17268

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Why Acai Berry?

By Lindsay Winn

Why is it that so much global attention is being given to such a small fruit from the remote regions of the Amazon Rainforest? How can a relatively unknown fruit become so praised, maligned and exploited? It real or a myth?

Having personally sampled Acai fresh in the rainforest along the banks of an Amazonian tributary I can confirm that the Acai fruit is real and is here to stay. The versatility of this fruit as it transforms from a savory dish to a sweet dessert to an amazing drink speaks to the uniqueness of this aptly deemed Super Food. The acai plant and its fruit has been around for an undetermined amount of time. However the fruit and its discovery have been documented.

Acai is indehiscent meaning that the fruit does not open on its own to release seeds. It is a fleshy or pulpy, indehiscent, superficially berry-like fruit in which one seed is encased in a stone as in cherries. It was first described as a berry in late 1769 by Joseph Banks, one of the worlds greatest botanists. He recorded in his journal and described Acai as "palm berries (that) appear much like black grapes but for eating have scarce any pulp covering a very large stone."

Acai is known to have been used as food staple since pre-colonial days in the Amazon rain forest. The local people of the area tell of the legend Acai that originated during the pre colonial era of northern Brazil. The claim that it was a fruit discovered by fate during very desperate times in the jungle. The legend declares that the discovery of Acai literally saved the tribes of Indians from death and disease. Acai has been documented in the writings of British, Portuguese and American explorers of the Amazon during the 18th century during the Age of Enlightenment. In each respective accounting of the discovery of acai by these intrepid expeditionary naturalists the fruit is described as being harvested and eaten in the same manner as it is today in that area. Acai was only recently introduced to the rest of Brazil in the 1980s.

During the 1980s Acai was transformed into 'Acai Da Tigela' or acai bowl. This form of Acai was not the raw earthy food staple of the Amazon but a more commercially accepted form of the fruit. To make it more commercially acceptable sugar and guarana a natural form of caffeine and a popular ingredient in guarana soda pop, were added to the Acai and then frozen into a sorbet like serving. The exotic purple sweetly energizing slushy treat grew in popularity along the beachside resorts in Rio. This popularity spread both south into the more business oriented Sao Paulo area and northward back toward its origin the Amazon. This spread of Acai as sorbets, jams and ice creams was mostly along the coastal areas of Brazil.

It was in the 1990s that a couple of brothers from southern California on a surfing vacation to Brazil first tasted the acai in this form. They fell in love with the taste. This love for acai fueled their fledgling entrepreneurial skills and soon acai was introduced into the US commercially. Since then acai has been adopted and promoted by many different companies. It has become widely available in powder, pill and juice forms. The fresh acai fruit is impossible to sell in the United States because of its tendency to spoil quickly after harvest. Many of these companies selling acai in North America are merely marketing firms cashing in on a generalized frenzy about acai stimulated by televised exposure on the Oprah show. Her then guru Dr. Oz spoke highly of the nutritional benefits of the acai and declared it the perfect super food. These companies have brought a bad name to the Acai fruit through overstating the benefits of the fruit as a magical weight loss solution and trapping consumers into costly credit card charging schemes. Many of these companies have been identified and are being held accountable for their illegal activities by the Attorneys Generals of many states and Oprah and Dr. Oz themselves.

Still there are many very good and reputable companies working very hard to continue providing very good Acai products to the public. Acai has many good and beneficial qualities that support good health. Just as the fruit sustained the wild Indian tribes of the Amazon Rainforest we too can enjoy the Acai fruit as a dietary supplement that can sustain us in our modern world. Remarkably the antioxidants (boosts immune health), monosaturated fats (the good ones) fiber (good for both cardiovascular and digestive health), phytosterols and amino acids (improves muscle contraction) all work together synergistically to provide an anti-inflammatory result. Many of our modern-day disease processes are inflammatory diseases. In our world of so much pollution and over exposure to unhealthy elements we have re-discovered the power of antioxidants. Acai is a very good source of antioxidants that have been proven to be readily absorbed into the human blood stream. It is truly amazing to realize that the old adage the more things change the more they stay the same is as true as in the case of Acai. A fruit that once gave life to a dying tribe of jungle Indians gives life to the modern world to those who will add Acai berry into their diet as a dietary supplement. - 17268

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Improve Abs Fitness

By James Statham

Looking for great abs fitness? I bet you didn't know that crunches are actually some of the worst abs exercises! In this article, I'm going to show you how you can get a strong set of abs without having to starve yourself or spend hours jogging on a treadmill. Magazines tell you to do crunches and lots of cardio, but this isn't the best method of getting ripped abs. By the end of this article, you'll have a much better understanding of how you can get results you want!

Now to get ripped, you don't need to go out and buy the next best abs fitness equipment. What is far more important, is lowering your body fat, and learning exactly how to do this. Even if you had the most muscly abs around, if there is a layer of body fat over your belly, you won't be able to show them off! Therefore, you need to get your diet sorted. Cutting out the foods which are high in fat, is essential. Also, cut out the rubbish, processed foods and sweets such as cakes and biscuits. If you don't, then you're only adding to the layer of belly fat, and you won't get the six pack you desire! Also, instead of eating three large meals a day, try spreading your meals out up to six smaller sized meals per day. This way, you'll take out the snacking you do between meals, as you won't feel as hungry!

When your diet is up to scratch, you need to have a solid workout routine in place. To get much better abs fitness and get a six pack quicker, aim to perform short, sharp and intense workouts. Jogging on a treadmill for hours on end is not the best way to do this. This is because this type of workout is not very intense, and doesn't really work the body as much as other exercises. What a long cardio exercise also doesn't do is help raise your metabolism. If you know how to raise your metabolism, then you'll burn fat much quicker! The higher your metabolism is, the more fat your body will want to burn whilst resting! A workout, under an hour, that involves compound exercises which target lots of muscles, are not only super intense, but will help burn the fat so much quicker! This is because when you exercise, you burn fat from all over your body, and not just from one specific area.

However not all cardio is bad. For optimal abs fitness, combining strength training and effective cardio is a must. For instance, swimming is a great cardio exercise. If you swim intensely for half an hour or so, you're working every single muscle in your body, and burning a ton of fat in the process! Combining cardio with strength training also gives you a break from the weights, which will allow you to recover.

By applying these three key fundamentals, you will start to see your abs fitness really improve! Stay dedicated. Don't give up after a few weeks because you haven't got perfect abs. If you stick to a good routine, then you will get awesome abs that you can show off! - 17268

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How to Enlarge Mens Arms without Equipment

By Jesse Regan

Mens arms have been known to be symbols of virility. It is a well-known fact that every time a woman encounters the members of the opposite sex, she always manages to give a longer than usual glance at the arms. Those that are not covered with sleeves can certainly catch her attention and can be subjected to her feminine discriminating tastes.

You just have to understand why women think that mens arms are like gauges to their virility. It might be Freudian but it could be true that their subconscious considers these limbs as phallic symbols. If you are some guy who has arms that look lithe and lean, they may just place you their unfortunate prejudice. However, do not be too desperate about it. What you should do are just some exercises to make them grow without too much costs.

Having a pair of muscular and strong arms is not solely a product of a natural genetic process. Men of lesser brawns can still have it if they just sweat out a little everyday. The key is to tone the muscles in that part of the body and doing routines that would prioritize that area. Going to the gym for workouts and using the equipment can be advantageous. Not only does it have the equipment, one can also get the expert assistance of a fitness trainer there. The routines should not just be of fitness training though. It should be of bodybuilding, growing muscles in the arms area as well as those of the other extremities.

For someone who does not have the resources or time needed for gym workouts, there is also another option of having the arms enlarged. Since buying these for home use can still be expensive nowadays, he may also employ a method that would not require him any equipment. What would be asked from him is just some degree of discipline, motivation, and perseverance. Of course, he should also learn the right techniques in order for him to avoid any injury. Otherwise, he will only backslide to being contented with his lanky arms.

A frequently used exercise in developing the muscles in the arms is the push-up. Except for a level, flat and, if possible, a rubber-matted floor, this certainly needs no other piece of equipment. However, to get the best results, one should do this in the correct manner, with most of the bodys weight felt by the arms. He should start with a few reps and increase it regularly depending on the growth of muscles in the arms area.

Another routine he can do is the pull-up. With an upper door jamb or any horizontal bar that can support his weight and has enough height, he can do the exercise also in progressing reps. This is more tedious than push-ups because the full weight of the body is on the arms. However, this routine certainly develops effectively the biceps area.

This is just tip of the iceberg when you are looking for great tips about workout routine online. - 17268

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Get Muscle Abs Fast

By James Statham

Getting muscle abs is what so many people try and fail to do. This is because they are fed the wrong information! All you need to get visible abs is the right knowledge, followed by the desire and dedication. In this article, I'm going to reveal the top 3 myths that people think are how to get a ripped six pack quickly, and how you can avoid these myths and get a great set of abs!

The 1st myth is that if you do lots of cardio on the treadmill, you'll burn away the belly fat and reveal muscle abs. To get a six pack that are visible, you do need to burn the fat around your belly. Although cardio is not the best way to do this. Infact, doing hours of cardio can actually harm your attempts at burning fat quickly! This is because a cardio workout is what's known as a catabolic workout. Catabolic means tissue destroying, therefore you're burning away more muscle than fat! Your body will then slow your metabolism gradually to stop this from occurring. If you slow your metabolism, your body burns less fat. Not good! To burn fat efficiently, you need to do a short, sharp anabolic workout. Anabolic means tissue building, and will force your body to build muscle! As you build muscle, your body will release hormones to raise your metabolism, meaning you'll burn fat like crazy!

Myth number 2 is that crunches and sit ups are the best exercises because they work the abs lke crazy. Well I'm going to tell you why this isn't true. Like I have mentioned, the most effective method to get muscle abs is to lower body fat levels, and target high intense exercises. Crunches are just too small an exercise, and won't burn no way near as much body fat as say a front squat exercise. People seem to think that by targeting a specific area, they'll be able to burn fat in that region alone. Imagine how strange some people would look if this was true! When you exercise, you burn fat, in equal amounts, from all over your body. This is why you should do exercises that will really work out your body!

The 3rd myth is starving yourself to lose weight quickly, thus revealing muscle abs. Yeah this a really good idea isn't it! Of course not! The reason why you can't see your abs is because you're eating foods that contain empty calories, such as crisps, biscuits, fizzy drink etc. If you want really great abs that you could see a mile off, you need to cut out these foods, as they only add to the layer of fat around your stomach. Instead of starving yourself, eat six small meals a day, that contain high protein. Having six small meals not only helps your body as there is a constant supply of nutrients, but will make you less likely to snack as you won't be as hungry!

Ignore what you read in the magazines about fat burner pills and powders. These products are generally a waste of money and will only leave you with a hole in your pocket! Stick to a good workout routine and meals, and you will get muscle abs! - 17268

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Everyday Regimens and Health-drinks

By Anker Arkady

How many bodies do you have? I don't know about you, but last time I checked I only had one. It's impossible to go to the store and buy a new one if we were not able to take care of it. There's simply no substitute for regular exercise and a good balanced diet. You'll lose your health if you don't take care of it.

The market is abundant with the latest diet, the latest exercise, the latest fad, the latest gimmick well you name it. It's almost as if you'd have to have the latest exercise regimen coupled with supplements vitamins and a health drink or two. My question is, aside from the compulsory exercise, do we really need those supplements and health drinks?

Just the bare essentials please, no more, no less. Consumers were doing more than just fine before those health drinks and supplements came out. Other parts of the globe don't even give it much thought as long as they keep themselves healthy the right way. And they're doing more than OK. There are even others that live long lives.

However, there are also people who have the exercise plus supplements and a health drink lifestyle that seem to be doing as good too. I don't see anything wrong with that lifestyle as long as you are satisfied and your expectations are met. I have experienced both of those ways of living. And now, I can say that I am somewhere right in the middle.

My daily routine starts with exercise. I don't make excuses. I forbid myself to do so. But I might want to add a little supplement every now and then. And a healthy drink won't hurt either. After rigorous exercise, it is good for the body to replenish with a good health drink. My health drink should be fresh and all natural as much as possible.

So when I saw Yoli Blast Caps, I was interested in the beverage in an instant. That fact that it is not pre-mixed caught my attention. Meaning, I get to mix it just before I drink the beverage. It couldn't simpler: the ingredients are stored in the cap. And they stay in the cap until you release them to infuse the liquid. By the way, infusing the liquid looks cool and space-age like.

Activation is the process of infusing the liquid with the ingredients. Well, at least that's what they call it. Three simple steps: activate, shake and drink. Great innovation: simple yet very effective. This alternative to having health drink is really a welcome addition in the beverage industry. As a consumer, I get hyped up to see new and innovative products such as Yoli Blast Caps.

So, to top off my daily cardio, I can have a freshly activated drink. Once in a while, a brilliant product like Yoli Blast Caps comes to the market. I keep asking myself, why hadn't I thought about it in the first place? Blast, shake and drink everyone! - 17268

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