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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Before You Try Out a New Green Superfood Product, Read This

By Lenette Nakauchi

Elements for Life, a 100% raw organic superfood company, has come together with Dr. Jameth Sheridan, founder of Healthforce Nutritionals, to create Revitaphi. Adding this superfood green powder to your diet can make getting in all those super vegetables, super herbs, and more into your diet easy and convenient. Revitaphi is an organic and wild-crafted (meaning beyond organic) food containing over 21 raw, dried, and powdered foods in addition to enzymes, probiotics, and six incredible ancient herbs known for their adaptogenic properties. Benefits of this superfood are an increased body PH, a higher flow of oxygen to the blood and brain, a buffer of stress protection, weight management, a feeling of rejuvenation, and an increase in physical energy.

Green superfood supplements like Revitaphi play a crucial role in today's mineral deficient standard American Diet. Products like these that are the highest in quality without fillers such as lecithin, apple pectin, apple fiber, brown rice germ, barley malt, are a lot like taking a while-food multivitamin. International expert in nutrition and health sciences Gary Null, has commented that these super green food powders are vital because they're the only way to reverse nutritional deficiencies of the past, to make sure you're getting enough nutrition for today, and the build your nutritional reserves for tomorrow.

Revitaphi is a stand out product among others because of its special alkalizing blend, over 40 probiotics, and six adaptogenic herbs: Moringa Olifera, Indian Tulsi, Ashwaganda, Gotu Kola, Ginko Biloba, and Ho Shu Wu, also known as Fo-Ti. Adaptogens are natural herbal products that have the ability to increase the body's resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue. They can fill the gaps the body needs. For example, if the body needs more energy, they can provide that energy; on the other hand, if the body is over-stimulated, they can calm it down.

Moringa Olifera is a small, fast-growing tree found in the tropics. It was recently identified by the World Vegetable Center in Taiwan as the vegetable with the highest nutritional value among 120 types of food species studied. They found that 100 grams of fresh Moringa leaves provide the same amount of protein as an egg, more iron than a steak, as much Vitamin C as an orange, and as much calcium as a glass of milk. The leaves also have 4-6 times as much calcium as spinach. Moringa Olifera grows throughout the developing world and has been used to reduce child malnutrition in India.

Another Ayurvedic herb used in Revitaphi is called Indian Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil. Tulsi is considered the number one adaptogen in the entire Ayurvedic medicinal system which has 10,000 herbs in it. Ashwaganda is the third adaptogenic herb and is often thought of as the ginseng of Ayurvedic medicine. It is closely related the the Goji Berry and grows throughout the world.

Two amazing brain foods in this superfood blend are Gotu Kola and Ginko Biloba. Gotu Kola nourishes lobes of the brain, and can improve memory. Ginko Biloba is the last surviving member of a family of trees that once dominated the entire earth. These trees can live to be 1000's of years old. The hardiness of this plant is what tells us it is an adaptogen. Bi-loba can actually refer to both lobes of our brain. The leaves of the Ginko tree used in Revitaphi.

Ho Shu Wu, or Fo-Ti, is also included. Ho Shu Wu is known as a shield against stress, a bliss-enhancer, and prized adaptogenic herb in China. The blissful feeling from certain neurotransmitters neuroepinephrine and dopamine in the body such as being raised.

It's easy to add in a superfood such as Revitaphi into your daily routine. You can add it to juices, water, coconut water, green smoothies, or fruit smoothies. You can sprinkle it on top of your salad and soups. Or you can make a salad dressing using some Revitaphi, oil or avocado, agave nectar, lemon juice, and a dash of salt. 1/2 to 1 tablespoon is plenty per serving. Revitaphi is stored at room termperature, no need to keep it in the fridge. - 17268

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Secret to Good Health and Longevity Found in Rare Exotic Berry

By Marcus C. Evans

It's tough these days to look and feel great. Staying healthy is more difficult than ever with exposure to numerous toxins that no one knew anything about just a generation ago. We also experience intense levels of stress far different from that of our ancestors who came before us.

In light of this, it may seem odd that a remedy for such seemingly new problems is one that has been around for millennia. The acai berry is a fruit native to the Amazonian rain forest, and has been used for its health-giving and medicinal purposes by indigenous peoples of the region. The rest of the world is finally learning about the amazing benefits of this miracle berry. Make sure you don't miss the opportunity to benefit from this superfood.

The first thing that you should realize is that the acai berry is chock-full of antioxidants. When free radicals are released in your body, they can do all sorts of damage, ranging from premature aging to even promoting certain types of cancer.

The acai berry is a famous provider of antioxidants, with several times the amount of antioxidants found in the much praised blueberry. In addition to this, you will find that it also has excellent levels of fatty acids, that are similar to those found in olive oil and that it also has more than its fair share of amino acids. These factors all combine to help make the acai berry a winner when it comes to promoting health and longevity in humans.

You might be surprised to learn that the acai berry is an excellent aid to digestive health. First of all, it has often been used to suppress the appetite. The acai berry can help you avoid what seems like inevitable failure of a diet when hunger pains flare up. Because of its relatively low glycemic index, the acai berry fills you up and staves off hunger. The acai berry tastes great; an added benefit if you can't stomach the thought of bland, tasteless, or horrible tasting diet food. Try the acai berry for a great-tasting natural diet aid that is sure to get you results.

When combined with a sensible diet and exercise program, the acai berry can help you achieve phenomenal results. As a digestive aid, it helps you process food more efficiently, maximizing your nutritional benefits from a healthy diet.

Efficient digestion aids in weight loss by inhibiting the absorption of calorie-laden fats as food passes through the digestive tract. The properties of the acai berry help digest your food efficiently for maximum health and weight loss.

All over Australia, people are singing the praises of the acai berry for its health benefits and the many ways in which it has improved the quality of their lives. Try acai berries in a number of healthy ways - in juices, smoothies, or dried acai berry capsules - and you will be amazed at what this powerful miracle berry can help you accomplish. - 17268

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Some Important Things You Need To Know About Acai Berry

By Ron Duckett

Special things are not revealed in a special way and they somehow get unearthed suddenly and catch on. Acai berry as a fruit has been growing in the Amazon region of Brazil for centuries with the people there aware of it's great energy boosting properties. But in recent years Acai berry juice has caught on after researchers unearthed some of the most vital ingredients present in the Brazilian berry that can do wonder for the health. It is very rich in anti-oxidants and that makes it very special.

Acai berry juice is available online along with other Acai berry products like Acai berry pills and Acai berry powder. But the benefits do not go away when it is taken in juice form, pills or powder. You cannot get Acai berry benefits in raw form sitting here in the United States. Raw vegetables and fruits have a very short shelf life that does not allow them to be transported from Brazil and delivered Amazon-jungle-fresh to homes in America. But you can get the same benefits as you get from grape, apple or any other fruit juice. They, like Acai berry juice, loose none of their health giving properties when raw fruit extracts are presented in the form of juice.

Some of it gets lost when extracts are processed into pills or powders or even jams for use on pancakes and breads, but in the Acai berry juice, the potency to battle ill health and combat the ageing process, none of them gets lost. Buying Acai berry juice or Acai juices are a better option than other products of its kind as it contains the ingredients that are known for some of the startling health benefits in recent years. Studies conducted by the University of Florida have revealed great Acai juice benefits in stalling the spread of cancer. Even if it cannot cure leukemia, it has been seen in researches that the extracts when applied to the leukemia cells, they get destroyed.

They all maintain that the preserved extracts of Acai berry fruit contain nearly 99% of all that is contained in the Acai berry fruit in its raw form available in the Amazon region in Brazil. Aware of the great Acai berry benefits like weight loss, improved health and arresting the ageing process, manufacturers are making more of the preserved stuff available to Americans.

Acai berry juice is a dietary supplement that has got Americans hooked in no time after the startling revelations of University of Florida study findings that it can arrest the cancerous leukemia cells by leading them to self-destruction. Acai berry shot to fame after Oprah Winfrey said volumes about Acai berry benefits in a TV talk show. She also endorsed Acai berry benefits in a book written by the famous dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone. Hailing its properties to lend a healthy looking skin, the doctor put Acai berry on top of the list of super foods in the world. - 17268

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