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Friday, December 26, 2008

Build Muscle Quickly Using These Tips

By Caleb Lee

Whether you are new to weightlifting or not, you can benefit from these tips and learn how to build muscle quickly.

There are 3 tips you can use to get started that will help you to build the best quality muscle. Having these tips in your workout will help you prevent building fake muscle that isn't permanent.

Tip 1) Make it Short and Sweet

Your workout should not last more than one hour. As you work out, if you go past an hour, lactic acid will be produced. This will not benefit you at this stage as it is only hurting your workout program and also gives you more pain. One way to do this is by using more weight and less reps and sets. Also, using exercises that work many muscles at one time will benefit you the most and cut back on your total workout time. The most common are deadlifts and squats which also help you develop coordination and all around stability.

Tip 2) Regulate Your Food Intake

This does not mean a full fledge diet is needed to develop muscle. However you need to provide your muscles with certain amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. A good plan to eat around is 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 20% fat. Foods like fish, eggs, chicken, and beef are good sources of protein. Carbohydrates include fruits and oat meal. Good sources of fats are basic oils, for example fish oil and olive oil. There are also many other foods you can consume to get these nutrients.

Tip 3) Take It Easy

You must be able to give your muscles a break and time to rebuild. This is done with sleep. At least 8 hours of sleep a night with naps during the day will be the most efficient way to let your body build muscle quickly. Also, the less stress your body and mind has, the more it can concentrate on building your muscles.

If you follow these 3 easy tips in your schedules, you can expect to see muscle build quickly and more efficiently. - 17268

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Gym Workout Programs for Your Shoulders

By Ricardo d Argence

Shoulder development is very important when you are bodybuilding. A double back bicep pose not only makes you look great while doing it, but it also make you look wonderful while standing erect. If you develop your side deltoids in proportion to the biceps, the arms and biceps look large and well defined.

The shoulder area consists of the muscles of the posterior, medial and anterior deltoid. The rotator cuff muscles and the upper trapezius are included in the whole shoulder girdle.

To the back, side, or front of the humerus, the deep rotator cuff muscles connect several parts of the thoracic region. Upper trapezius muscles are the muscles that run from the back of the neck; extend to the medial deltoid, then downward to intersect with the middle trapezius. Going further back on the shoulder, below the lower portion of the upper trapezius, is the posterior deltoid muscle. The outer section of the shoulder is the location of the medial deltoid, while the anterior deltoid muscle is apparent on the exterior of the pectoral muscles.

Each shoulder has a specific function when lifting the arm. The anterior deltoid is responsible for bringing the arm forward, inward and for rotating the arm. The medial deltoid allows the arm to move away from the side. The posterior deltoid comes into play when the arm moves back or rotates outward. When the scapula is moved upward toward the ears, like shrugging your shoulders, the upper trapezius muscle does the job. Lastly, the muscles of the rotator cuff stabiles the arm during movement and allow the arm to rotate.

Coming to shoulder area, the military press, lateral raises, lying lateral raises, the Arnold press, behind the neck press, and bent-over lateral raises are just some examples of the exercises you can perfom to target those muscles. The upright row in addition to bent-over rows will also help you build the shoulder area to magnificent proportions.

Indicative to building massive shoulders is the knowlege of how they work and are kept healthy. Injuries can quickly slam the brakes on any progress you are making, so take extra care to avoid them. One of the most common injuries is to the rotator cuff muscles. Rotator cuff muscles are not particularly large or strong muscles. Try to prevent injuries by including some band work into your shoulder exercises.

To minimize injuries be sure that you are using the right amount of weight. You should be able to have control of the weight through the entire movement. If you find that you can only do partial reps or you need to shift the weight around, then the weight is too heavy. Using too much weight puts too much stress on the shoulder and is likely to cause injury. Be sure that you can maintain the proper technique and use the full range of motion before increasing the weight.

Even if developing your shoulders muscles can be a very difficult task, you'll see that results are really worth the effort. Experimentation and determination is important, since everybody's body will develop at a different rate. - 17268

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Are You Tired Of Wrong Information About Cooking With Seasonings?

By Ferdinand Okeke

Seasonings are mixtures of herbs, spices and condiments meant to flavor and boost the taste of your food. Experts say that seasoning and flavoring ones food is not exactly the same thing if we were to be more precise in definition. According to them salt should not be considered as having seasoning qualities because all it does is improve the flavor of the meat you are cooking. On the other hand, pepper and basil are to be included in the category of seasonings because they transfer a certain flavor the food you are cooking.

Assuming you can not find sazon seasoning in your local superstores then you can simply buy bulk herbs and spices and prepare your own mixture at home. The spices used in this seasoning can boost the flavor to more or less spicy food for the dish you are preparing. For instance, black beans and rice rely on the sazon seasoning which requires that you add to the dish olive oil, chopped onions, chopped bell peppers, oregano and paprika, salt, black and cayenne pepper. Black beans and rice is a specific Mexican dish and sazon seasoning is quite recommended in order to obtain the original taste. Other dishes for which you can use sazon seasoning are chicken cutlets, crock pot roast, kidney bean and rice, and so on. The list can go on.

Just like any other flavorer, sazon is for those who want to make their meals a wonderful experience. People like eating and trying foreign cuisines and this is no longer restrained because of the space and distance factor. If you want Latino taste, then all you need is sazon seasoning which is a whole lot cheaper than buying a plane ticket to Spain or Mexico.

Fish dishes are also very common, although today much of the fish is imported since the fisheries of the Mediterranean Sea are no longer what they used to be. Seafood is still prominent in many of the standard Mediterranean dish recipes. It is quite apparent that certain types of meats and fruit or vegetables, as it is the case with Mediterraean cuisine, ask for specific/typical seasoning, in this instance, mediterannean seasoning. Mediterranean foods and dishes include barbecue or grilled meats, pita bread, hummus and falafel which normally ask for special seasonings which are to be found in the area of Mediterannean seasoning obviously.

Celestial seasoning tea production dates back to 1969. In Aspen, Colorado it all started with collecting herbs from the Rocky Mountains and using them to prepare tea. This action was led by Mo Siegel and his friends who later decided to make their own shop in Boulder. Whatever came after is only the logical course of events related to a growing business. The celestial seasoning tea became popular all throughout North America because they have created many categories and types of teas meant to suit an entire population. - 17268

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Zrii News and a Healthy You

By Tony Clair

What is Zrii? The very meaning of Zrii is light, luster, splendor and prosperity. Zrii make healthy supplement drinks with an array of healthful ingredients, much like the definition of the word.

For the first time ever the very elite Chopra Center for Wellbeing endorsed a product. This product is the zrii supplemental nutritional drink, which is chalked full of healthy and energizing zrii ingredients.

No other company in the history of network marketing has created such massive momentum, sales and excitement as Zrii in less than 60 days. This is unheard of and proves the validity of the company.

Are you wondering if being a Zrii seller is right for you? You can meet with Zrii to discuss Zrii news and find if selling Zrii is right for you.

There is plenty of scientific and medical data that proves the health benefits of Zrii ingredients.

Current scientific and medical research shows that the nutritional benefits of Zrii are many.

The healthy zrii ingredients are a gift from nature that we can use to obtain good health. This immediate health benefit is a great incentive for people to join the Zrii family.

Zriis positive news makes now a great time to get infvolved with the zrii team. Become your own boss and sell healthy zrii ingredients. - 17268

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What exactly would you like to know regarding the Acai Berry?

By I Russell

The South American Amazon forests are where most Acai palm berry is located. To be precise, it is grown in Peru and Brazil. This berry has properties normally found in most super foods from around the globe. Despite having a large seed but little flesh, it possesses increased amounts of antioxidants which can do the human body good. Due to its beneficial properties, a lot of people include it in their diets.

Oprah Winfrey has endorsed Acai products as dietary supplements for healthier and fitter bodies. Consuming Acai regularly increases the level of antioxidants in the body, aids digestion and improves the regeneration of cells. Research has also shown that it helps destroy carcinogens and is hence beneficial in fighting cancer. The berry has high carbohydrate, protein, calorie and fiber content but has little fat, so that consuming it regularly can help control weight. Therefore, do start immediately if you are thinking of consuming Acai berry regularly. Drinking the juice everyday provides more than half the daily nutrition content of other food.

Acai is one of the strongest healers you can find in the rainforest of the Amazon. The Aci has higher antioxident levels than most wine and blueberries and looks similar to that of a grape fruit. Aci berries can assist in losing weigh, reduce cholesterol, boost energy and improve vision. There are many benefits to eating the Aci Betties.

If you are using the Acai fruit to lose weight, it is important to remember that a balanced diet will help you much more than any new food alone will. An appetite suppressant will be a good addition to increase the process of losing weight, which should be done with a balanced diet plan. The acai berry can help you keep weight off, in addition to a healthy diet and a regular exercise program. The Acai capsule products available today that claim to be diet products don't contain enough acai to balance your diet by themselves, it would require 12 pure acai capsules to get the necessary amount. For a true diet plan an appetite suppressant is still necessary, the acai berry diet is a two part process involving both acai berry juice and an appetite supprssant.

With the freeze dried powder you can make juices, mixes and even protein shakes. The fruit can also be fund in frozen yogurt. It is also availabe in bulk powder form, which is fast gaining popularity among nutritionalists. The berry along with its supplements and juice are equally beneficial to your health. The best part about eating the berry is that it is available in convenient forms. Not only can you eat it as a berry fruit fresh from the forest if you live in the Amazon region, but anywhere in the world you can get its pulp in freeze dried form or acai berry juice and drink it straight out of the botttle.

Adding Acai berry in your every day diet means that your body immune system is improving, you will yourself trimming down naturally, your heart is getting important omega oils, and your digestive system is also increasing its strength thanks to this fruit. The level of antioxidants is the highest of all foods. This makes the fruit a superfood.

Americans are getting more and more acquainted with consuming the Acai berry in all its forms, including juice, powder, yogurt, and shakes. There is also an American presence of cosmetics and oils made from the berry. - 17268

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