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Monday, March 9, 2009

The Best Professional Clippers

By charlie reese

Because I shave my head, I use hair clippers a lot. I have always bought them at the drugstore. Usually, I can get a cheap one for 20 or 30 dollars. They all work well for a while, but they soon wear out. Although many of them claim to be professional clippers, I am definitely not convinced. I have seen the professional clipper at the barber shop. It is heavy, ugly, industrial, and straightforward. It never seems to choke on hair, always rings with a loud and powerful buzz, and works dependably.

The so-called professional clipper that I was using, however, was as different from this as night and day. First of all, it had this very slick, modern design. This isn't something to complain about per se, but it shows that appearance features prominently in the design of this professional hair clipper. It was slimmer, longer, and more curvy than the hair clippers in the barbershop. It was also quieter.

It did have some features that you couldn't get on a professional clipper. There were several different attachments to get different hairstyles. Some of them would allow you to cut your hair at a certain set angle or a certain distance from the scalp. On first appearance, they seemed like useful functions. I used the attachments all the time, and I knew if I tried a professional clipper, I wouldn't be able to anymore.

Nevertheless, when my hair clippers wore out, was finally fed up for good. I decided to look at real professional grade hair clippers. When I went to the barbershop supply store, I was a little bit disappointed at first. Every professional clipper was huge. The hair clipper set that I had last bought came with two appliances: a large clippers for doing the head and a smaller one for details. The smaller one was battery-powered and portable, a big convenience. By contrast, every professional clipper that I could find was big and clunky. I had seen people do extremely detailed work with professional clippers, but I couldn't figure out how. I supposed that I would just have to learn.

Looking back, getting a professional hair clipper was one of the best purchases I made in the past year. It forced me to depend on my own skills rather than a bunch of unnecessary attachments. I can now style my own hair quite attractively, and have even started giving haircuts to friends. Best of all, it still works! - 17268

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Does Acai Fruit Really Work?

By Lindsey Brandt

The acai fruit is taking the health food industry by storm. The benefits this little purple berry promises include, anti-aging, improved sexual performance, increased energy, and an improved immune system. Even Oprah has featured this product on her show. It can be easy to be skeptical when you hear all these claims, but is the acai berry the real deal?

Any long time user will tell you "YES!" the acai berry is the real deal. Thousands of people online have already reported their amazing results and how it has had a huge impact on their life. Many people swear that starting off their day with some acai juice is the perfect way to face all the day's challenges head on.

If you are a big energy drink or coffee user, then you have finally found the perfect replacement. With coffee or Redbull you either have to keep pumping your body full of them, or brace yourself for the inevitable crash. When you take acai juice, you get the same jump start to your day without worry about falling asleep just before lunch.

The best way to get your daily dose of vitams is to get it from a natural source. When you get all of your vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables there is little need for a multivitamin. When you take acai you are taking going to get tons of essential vitamins and minerals, just from this simple fruit. It is a great source of fiber, potassium, copper, magnesium, and zinc. It also contains more vitamin C than oranges, and high levels of B1, B2, B3, and E. On top of that is has 19 different amino acids, and is packed full of essential fatty acids.

One of the best benefits is acai's high levels of omega fatty acids. These fatty acids help you to lose weight, prevent heart disease, and improve general brain function.

The most publicized benefit is this superfood's high antioxidant count. In fact, when tested against nearly every other food on earth, the acai fruit came out on top. This means that this is one of the best ways to look and feel younger, improve hair and skin, reduce wrinkles, boost your immune system, and fight off cancer cells.

Acai's cancer fighting promise was recently tested at the University of Florida. That studied showed some promising results when the antioxidants helped trigger a self destruct response in many cancer cells.

Hopefully, there is no more doubt about whether acai berry really works. But hey, you don't have to take my word for it. All you have to do in order to find out if it really works is to try it for yourself. When you take an all natural organic acai product it is as safe as drinking grape juice, so you have nothing to lose by trying out acai. - 17268

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Mangosteen Juice as a Natural Thyroid Remedy

By Julieanne van Zyl

Taking Mangosteen Juice may help to alleviate the symptoms of an under active thyroid gland. The symptoms may be feeling really tired, dry skin, weight gain, irritability, memory loss and a number of other physical conditions. However, the worst dilemma with an under active thyroid gland is the inability to take off weight even when you're on a low calorie diet and you frequently exercise. Even if you are taking thyroid hormone replacements, you may still find that your metabolism is much more reduced than what it was before.

There's good news though - you can increase your metabolism and treat your thyroid problems naturally. You can give your thyroid the energy it needs, with these natural methods and it can start functioning properly.

The most recommended way to speed up your metabolism, is to eat all your meals, especially breakfast. Breakfast is the meal that gets your metabolism started for the day. Your body has been starving all night, which lowers your metabolism, so breakfast will get it going again. Also, it's a good idea to consume lots of smaller meals during the day to keep your glucose levels consistent.

To increase your metabolism and help your body function properly, water is absolutely necessary. Water increases healthy function of all your vital organs and assists in keeping your hormones balanced and it also assists in burning fat.

To promote a healthy thyroid, it is important to follow a healthy diet. Don't eat junk foods or empty calories. Ensure that you consume foods that are rich in iodine and B vitamins. It's important to consume more whole grains, seeds and nuts, and include fish and root vegetables in your daily diet.

Another important thing for a healthy thyroid, is to exercise. It will make you slimmer and make all parts of your body work better.. The body parts that will improve with exercise, include the glands that produce the hormones we need to live a balanced healthy life.

A good quality multi vitamin will also assist your thyroid to function properly. It's important when purchasing a good multi vitamin to avoid purchasing them in the discount drug chains. They produce in bulk multi-vitamins, such as Centrum, and these do not have the potency or bio-availability that you need.

Look for a multi-vitamin that has adequate levels of minerals and vitamins, and contains trace minerals also. Ensure the multi-vitamin is as natural as possible without additives such as coloring and flavors. It's also important to take some extra vitamin C, or make sure the supplement has higher amount of Vitamin C than the recommended daily allowance.

Another critical factor for a healthy thyroid, is to look after stress. Try to avoid the stressors from your life and learn relaxation techniques. Practice meditation, yoga, tai chi or other relaxation.

See your medical practitioner for an accurate diagnosis, if you think you have hypothryoidism. The medical practitioner may want to run more extensive blood tests besides just a TSH. Try some of the above methods to get your thyroid into tip-top shape, if you do have a thyroid condition. - 17268

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Beat High Cholesteral

By Jared Hews

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance circulating in the blood. The body needs a certain amount to maintain cell membranes and perform other vital functions, but high levels lead to blocked arteries which can cause a heart attack.

One thing you should know is the difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol. Simply think of HDL as "healthy" and LDL as "lousy." HDL can actually help carry cholesterol out of your blood vessels while LDL allows it to deposit inside your artery walls.

In some individuals, high cholesterol levels can be due to a genetic disorder. Too much cholesterol in your blood will start building up in the artery walls, causing narrowing of the arteries. This increases your risk of developing heart or brain attack(stroke).

Whatever the cause of your high levels of cholesterol is, it is very important that you make efforts to lower your cholesterol levels by changing your lifestyle, here are 4 tips to get you started.

Cut back on consuming sugar, white flower, rich desserts and fried foods.

Stay away from foods like margarine, shortening, and processed foods containing partially hydrogenated soybean oil.

Limit desserts and try to eat only the healthier ones like angel food cake, graham crackers, Jell-O, and fat-free frozen yogurt.

Use the grill. If you're going to have steak or burgers, grill them at home and use lean meat. This practice avoids the grease, is fun, and the meat tastes great.

Avoid fast food like french fries and anything else from the deep fryer. Those foods will raise your cholesterol like crazy, so stay away from the burger joints if you can.

That was easy, wasn't it? Just make some of these changes and get plenty of exercise like walking, jogging, swimming, or playing basketball. You will have lower cholesterol in no time! - 17268

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The Acai Berry - You Won't Think About Fruit The Same Way Again

By Marcus C. Evans

You've no doubt heard about the acai berry; it's a small tropical fruit which has everyone abuzz. There are many ads on TV and radio touting the benefits of various brands of acai berry juice - the acai may be a newcomer to most of us, but the berry has long been an important and beloved fruit in South America.

The fruit of the acai palm, a member of the Euterpe genus, is native to the Amazon River basin region in Brazil and other South American countries. The acai berry is a staple of the diet in the regions where it is grown, as well as being an important ingredient in traditional remedies for everything from skin ulcers to diarrhoea. The particular acai palm which has everyone so excited however is the Euterpe oleracea.

The acai palm grows in a classic palm shape, reaching heights of as much as 80 feet. The long, thin trucks have fruiting branches near the top with long, narrow leaves. The branches, when fruiting will bear clusters of three to eight purple-black berries, each around the size of a blueberry. The fruit is mostly seed by weight; it is the pulp of the acai berry which contains the amazing health benefits of the fruit.

It has been only about seven years since the acai berry made its entrance to the world outside of the South American countries where the berry is native to. These berries are highly perishable, starting to spoil in only hours after harvesting. Because of this short shelf life, it is difficult to export the berry. Fortunately for the rest of the world, companies began processing the berries after harvest, making this fruit exportable for the first time.

Just 100 grams of freeze dried acai powder contain an astonishing 533.9 calories, 52.2 g carbohydrate, 44.2 g dietary fiber, 8.1 g protein, and 32.5 g total fat. While it's unusual to consume this much acai at once, it should give you an idea of just how rich in nutrients this berry is. Acai juice is a good source of fibre, antioxidant compounds and essential fatty acids.

The antioxidant rich berry has been the subject of a lot of research. Antioxidants are thought to prevent many diseases; acai extracts have been tested at the University of Florida for its effectiveness in fighting leukaemia. The result? Acai extract caused 86% of leukaemia cells to self-destruct. A University of Rio de Janeiro showed that acai extract may improve cardiovascular function as well.

Yet another study done on acai's antioxidant activity found that 12 volunteers given an acai extract had higher antioxidant levels in their system when tested one and two hours afterwards - with the antioxidant levels in their blood increasing between the first and second hour!

Other effects which have been reported include enhanced mental clarity, improved digestive function, a higher energy level and a slowing of the aging process on the cellular level, among others. Not every benefit of the acai berry which has been claimed has yet been proved, but many other high-antioxidant foods have been shown to have these effects.

There is another health benefit which the acai berry may be able to offer, this one unrelated to its nutritional properties per se. Acai berry pulp has shown some promise for improving the way that MRI exams are performed on the GI tract - this berry may make even medical testing healthier! - 17268

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