Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Benefits of Strength Training

By Michael Sherrow

Many people who want to get back in good shape decide to go the weight lifting route to lose weight and tone up. This is definitely a great idea, but sadly there are many people who lift weights that don't go with the right program for their specific needs.

All too often individuals go with a workout that is purely for cosmetic results. While this type of a workout provides quite a few benefits of it's own, strength training may be a better bet for many people. This would be more likely to help them reach the goals they have for fitness and their overall health.

So, what is strength training anyway? Well, it is a type of workout that works on increasing the size of muscles and makes it easier for you to do various physical tasks. It actually will provide you with more strength and power. You can do this by taking heavy weights and lifting them a few times to build muscle. Although many people don't immediately see the benefits in lifting heavy things, there is much more to it than just lifting.

First and foremost, there are obvious physical appearance benefits that come with strength training. When you enhance the size of your muscles, you will speed up your metabolism. That means you will develop an enhanced physique without a body building strategy. Best of all, you will dramatically increase your physical strength in the process. This, in turn, comes with additional benefits.

Another strength training benefit is that you'll increase the endurance of your muscles as well. This will allow you to more easily do tasks without as much fatigue as you would have before this program. This will provide you with a better immune system, and you'll fight off fatigue, lethargy, and even feelings of depression.

The actual process of strength training allows the person working out to burn off excess energy and anxiety. This aids in restoring a calmer sense of mind and significantly reduces the amount of stress one may feel. The many benefits that derive from this are legion.

You'll also reduce the injuries you get with quality strength training. When you engage in strength training, you'll work the body's ligaments in various ways that will increase their endurance and strengthen them too. This will make them less likely to get injured or to tear. This will improve your life in many ways.

Speaking of improving the quality of life, strength training works tremendously well in terms of its ability to enhance metabolism. That means the body will burn more calories as it repairs the muscles in order to make them grow. This, of course, means the bodys levels of stored fat will begin to decrease. While this would have a noticeable effect on physical appearance, it also would have an effect on improving heart health and reducing the risk of strokes.

There are many great strength training benefits to enjoy. This is one of the reasons that it is recommended for many people today. It will help you achieve better health and to get in better shape too. With just a couple days of strength training each week, you'll be able to enjoy these great results. - 17268

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Fitness Boot Camp Success: Fourteen Tactics

By Curtis Ludlow

In most fitness boot camps, almost everyone starts with the goal of weight loss, most of these people usually agree to change their habits, stick with the program, and begin a nutrition program.

Despite ample evidence from successful boot campers that the it works;

Despite the fact that boot camp is a challenging but still fun program;

And despite the fact that most bootcamps offer a supportive culture, there are some who don't change their habits.

Why? I have heard many excuses for not changing habits:

1. I do not have time. 2. I feel ok, why change? 3. I have other priorities now. 4. I know I need to change my lifestyle but I am not ready yet. 5. I do not feel comfortable doing the program. 6. I do not want to look stupid trying to figure out the exercises.

These psychological roadblocks can be overcome with commitment and support from family and friends. Many people start a diet and/or exercise program only to find themselves back at square one after just 3 months. Why do some people who are informed about the body changing benefits of starting a boot camp and a supportive eating plan often fail?

Because They Fail to Plan, They Plan to Fail.

Many initiate an exercise program at too high an intensity and then succumb to an injury, which derails their entire program. Others set unreasonable goals and expectations, such as losing 10 or more pounds per week, or getting in shape in 2 weeks. Still others may not consider obstacles in their life-styles, which prevent successful adoption and maintenance of an active way of life.

For instance, do you overlook time and place opportunities for workingout?

Are you a self-motivated or do you need a coach or friend to provide accountability?

The guidelines listed below may help you in picking your fitness bootcamp:

1. Write down reasons why YOU want to participate in a boot camp program.

2. Find a fitness boot camp you enjoy and feel safe doing.

3. Choose a fitness bootcamp that is within driving distance (less than a 15 minute drive in rush hour traffic).

4. Make sure the boot camp is taught by a certified fitness trainer. The top training certifications are NASM, NSCA, ACSM, and ACE. Make sure your instructor has one of these certifications.

5. If you are a beginner, start at a slow pace.

6. Boot Camp is a unique program so set realistic goals. Set a goal of attending camp everyday. That's it. No performance measures. Just set the goal of showing up every single day. I remember a boot camper, Jennifer, who had just returned after missing 1-year because of pregnancy. She told me her goal was to run faster than the most athletic woman in the entire camp, Monica, someone who had been attending camp multiple times per day for more than two years. She tried to pass her on EVERY run despite my warnings to her. She nearly killed herself trying to keep up. But most important, she couldn't maintain that pace everyday after such a long layoff. She injured herself. Learn from her mistakes.

7. Set realistic deadlines on your goals (i.e. comfortably fit into a size 8 by June).

8. If you miss a few days, just pick it up again. Do not use a lapse as an excuse to quit or allow other demands of life to distract you.

9. Keep daily diet/exercise records.

10. Find a buddy to workout with.

11. Do not use weather as an excuse.

12. Reward yourself weekly when you accomplish your goal.

13. Check with your physician before starting a bootcamp program.

14. Be more active ALL day long!

Finally, ask yourself, "how can I achieve my goals and enjoy the process?"

Just Do It! - 17268

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Somatotropin Anti-aging Supplement

By Claude Edwin Theriault

Hormones are very important chemical messanger substances produced by glands to do very specific and important health related actions. In the case of the pituitary gland and hgh,at 40 it is releasing only half of what it was at 25,at 60 years of age only one third. With degenerative cellular and tissue breakdown incurring as a result.

Not all gHP youth formula is created the same, so shop carefully for the one that has that hard to get world medical patent. Also absorption is critical since it is a large amino acid molecule. Research until you find that fountain of youth; as I have I done.

HGH or Somatotropin as it is called is certainly not just for bodybuilder types , all men and women can benefit from it. The injection type is long outdated, sub-lingual is not absorbable. The new cost effective therapy is the human growth hormone precurser, a safe natural ammino acid stack that makes own body produce own hgh as when we were 20 years of age.

Hormones are very important chemical messanger substances produced by glands to do very specific and important health related actions. In the case of the pituitary gland and hgh,at 40 it is releasing only half of what it was at 25,at 60 years of age only one third. With degenerative cellular and tissue breakdown incurring as a result.

Not all gHP youth formula is created the same, so shop carefully for the one that has that hard to get world medical patent. Also absorption is critical since it is a large amino acid molecule. Research until you find that fountain of youth; as I have I done. - 17268

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Benefits of the Top Acai Berry Product

By Becky Kay

If you have done a search of acai berry benefits you came up with a ton of stuff. There is a lot of fantastic benefits associated with the top acai berry products and supplements. I know first hand some of these benefits because I have experienced them. Read on to find out more.

One of the things I have noticed is that I sleep better and have more energy during the day. The acai berry is loaded with antioxidants and fiber which helps to cleanse the body of free radicals and definitely helps the digestive system.

One of my favorite acai berry benefits is an increase in my libido and sexual performance along with an increase in my stamina. I like that and so does my husband. You may also see a decrease in symptomatic depression and an increase of mental clarity and focus.

And of course the acai berry benefit that has been touted by everybody and their brother is the increase in weight loss. Yes, it really does work and it helps the metabolism to speed up and burns calories faster. Of course as with any weight loss you will also need to watch your diet and exercise but with the help of a top acai berry product you will lose weight faster and safer.

The berry has a natural amount of essential fatty acids, amino acids and fiber. These all work together to process what you eat quicker resulting in the loss of unwanted pounds. The fat dissipates at a faster speed without a bunch of extra work.

I ask myself often if it is the acai berry benefits that have improved my disposition. That has caused me to feel better and healthier. I guess I cannot say for sure but I have not done a lot of other things different than taking acai berry for the last year and a half.

I will say though that every day when I take the acai supplement I am reminded to eat right and get some exercise during the day. Personally I will continue to take acai berry because it just works. I have really been pleased with the results I have received.

Bottom line is that acai berry benefits far outweigh any reason for not taking what I believe is the top supplement out there today. It works, I like it, I use it. - 17268

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Tinnitus Remedies

By Matt Hellstrom

One of the most bothersome of problems a person can have is Tinnitus; this problem means that they have a distinctive ringing in their ears. Some may experience hearing loss when they have Tinnitus. People who usually get Tinnitus are older or elderly and it will get worse the older they get. Many people have reported additional sounds such as a humming sound or a constant buzzing.

Many times a person with symptoms of tinnitus will also experience loss of sleep due mostly to the constant ringing sounds. These people need to find a cure to the situation so that they can get to sleep and get rid of the inconvenience of constant ringing.

There is no cure to the condition of Tinnitus, so these people must look for alternatives that will help them to relieve some of the symptoms. In some cases a person may try to drown the ringing out by using other sounds such as the television or by playing the radio.

A promising remedy for tinnitus is the "Tinnitus Masker", it is a tool that you wear the same way you would a hearing aid, and it gives you the sound of the wind rustling through the trees or the gentle hum of a fan. Since one of the major problems associated with Tinnitus is the inability to control sounds and thus calling agitation, having the masker is a great way to take back control of what you hear.

One remedy for tinnitus is to avoid alcoholic beverages, smoking nicotine, and drinking coffee or caffeine product, as they will slow down the flow of blood and cause the Tinnitus to get worse. Tinnitus is also affected by stress as well. If you experience a great deal of stress, it is a good idea to try acupuncture or yoga, these will help you relieve the stress you feel and help stop the ringing in your ear.

If you are able to, one important remedy for tinnitus is to avoid loud noises, by doing this you will be able to keep down the aggravating causes of Tinnitus. Visit your physician should Tinnitus get worse or if the ringing keeps you awake at night. Trying one of these many remedies will help you to keep Tinnitus from stressing you out with the annoying ringing in your ears and will bring back your ability to sleep.

When using any treatments or remedies for tinnitus, be sure to seek the advice of your physician beforehand and investigate all possible affects these product may have on your system. - 17268

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Shopping for Healthy Groceries Made Simple

By Alex Pastlin

With all of the money that goes into advertising junk food today, it might feel impossible to be able to walk into your local grocery store and purchase healthy foods. However, stores are ripe with healthy choices if you know where to look and how to shop for them.

Grocery stores offer a lot of choices when it comes to food and that can be overwhelming. It doesn't necessarily have to be, however.

To begin with, make a shopping list. You don't want to get home and find that you don't have all the necessary ingredients in creating your healthy meal.

As you're making out your list and planning your menu, remember the food pyramid. Making sure that you have the correct amounts of vegetables, whole grains, dairy, fruits, lean meat, poultry, fish, nuts, and beans is important to your overall health.

Take a trip to your local farmer's market in order to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. Do your best to steer clear of canned food. You don't necessarily have to eat organic; as it's just as important that you eat produce of the fresh variety.

If you eat a lot of pasta and rice, try buying whole grained. It might take time to get used to the taste, but overall it has more fiber and that's better for you.

For your meat choices, the best options are lean cuts. You also want to try to stay away from poultry with skins. For fish, salmon is generally a good bet because aside from being inexpensive, it does not usually have that "fishy" taste that can turn people off.

You don't have to fill your entire plate with protein, either, which is good for your budget. The USDA only recommends that of your plate be protein, with the rest being fruits and vegetables and whole grains. That doesn't even have to be meat-it can also be beans, tofu, eggs, or nuts.

When you're in the store, remember that most of the healthy foods, such as the produce, meat, and bread, are located around the edges. The junk food aisles tend to be in the center of the store.

If buying canned food, watch for items that do not contain a lot of salt. Canned fruit that is packaged in fruit juice is also a healthy choice.

When you're buying fruits and vegetables, try to purchase items that are in season. These are generally cheaper and have a better taste. When buying some fruits, you can always freeze them and use them later when they are out of season again.

Snacking might have a bad reputation, but it can actually be good for you, as long as you don't overdo it. When you pick out your snack foods, make sure you that you include both healthy and unhealthy snacks. Along with your ice cream and cookies, be sure to include nuts, apples, and bananas as well.

The last thing to remember is that although pre-packaged food is quick and easy to fix, it is almost always filled with saturated fat and sodium. If you buy the ingredients and prepare the meal yourself, it might take a little bit more time, but you'll come out ahead in the long run knowing that you've made the healthy choice. - 17268

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Organic dog food

By Karol Wariala

Other Authors: Honey Dressing. Lots of people choose to buy organic dog food out of concern for their four-legged friends. The offer for organic dog food is incredibly large. The health issues affecting improperly fed animals are just as serious as those in the case of humans. A pet fed on organic dog food will show a lower incidence of skin diseases for instance. The reason for the positive health effect is the absence of additives, chemicals, colorants or pesticides. Instead there will be just grain extracts and high quality proteins as ingredients of organic dog food.

Organic dog food also brings more nutrients, and this aspect is reflected in the most relevant of ways in the higher levels of energy and the healthy weight of the pet. Regular dog food often causes diabetes and overweight with all the adjacent problems that accompany these illnesses: back ailment, organ failure and decreased mobility. What's the trick about organic dog food here? Well, organic food items for pets do not contain bulk fillers, these products are packed with nutrients to generate energy and not fat.

Yet, it is best and a lot easier to prevent health issues than to treat them afterwards.

The summary of the benefits brought by organic dog food are a good immune function and a better and healthier digestive system. While the chemicals in dog food often make the dog vomit or cause it diarrhea, such problems will no longer be the case with organic dog food. A healthier metabolism is thus what you will mainly achieve with a constant healthy diet.

Then, the risk of infections is also much lower thanks to the stimulation of the immune system by the nutrients available in organic dog food.

All in all, veterinarian experts claim that with organic dog food, your dog will gain in longevity and the ravages of old age will not be that difficult to cope with. In the majority of cases, pet owners who choose organic dog food, normally use organic products for their meals too. You can inquire about organic dog food with the pet food supplier, and if you don't find what you need with the local shop, try the online order. Lots of web sites sell organic dog food for very good prices. - 17268

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Diets and How to Use Strategic "Cheat" Meals to Triple Your Results

By J. Marion

Did you know that you can enjoy all foods as part of a healthy diet as long as you don't overdo it? Success at fat loss only requires a minimal lifestyle change--not "a diet". It has been proven that one of the best ways of doing this is known as carbohydrate cycling. And it does not require starvation, deprivation, or a diet" but the program I am about to show you does work require some specific actions.

If you've ever hit a plateau, if you've ever struggled to see the number on the scale change, or if you've ever felt guilty after eating something you "shouldn't have" while dieting, then you need to keep reading.

You see, for the last six years I have has been teaching people how to strategically "cheat" on their diet (with their favorite foods) to literally TRIPLE progress beyond what is possible with "restrictive" dieting.

I'm talking cupcakes, pizza, ice cream, burgers " you name it. Believe it or not, you can actually use *these* foods to lose fat at a faster rate. INSANE, I know, but it's true.

And even more, as you'll see in the examples, there's enough science to back it up 30 times over.

But even beyond the proof, the sheer number of people who have already benefited from the techniques I teach is pretty unreal " literally thousands of men and women all over the world how to do this.

I will prove it to you with 28 perfect examples of how it works. I have detailed the experiences of my biggest "fat loss losers", one of which lost 30 lbs DURING the holidays while never having to turn down a holiday meal, party, or dessert!

I really believe that with this information we're getting ready to experience a new era in the realm of dieting " one with more fun.

But the story begins with a hormone you've probably never heard of. Its name is Leptin (derived from the Greek word leptos, meaning thin), and its without a doubt the most important hormone you probably never heard of. - 17268

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Body Building Exercises

By Andy

I was accustomed to be that only working out was adequate. You would looking better, feel worthier, and have full degrees of energy. foremost of all, it would get you look more some attractive to the ladies, and if you played sports, would return you the endurance you require to run ahead of the pack. But this only is not so any farther. Nowadays, if you do not take Physical Structure Building Supplements, you well-nigh might as well not be working out at all in some circles. Measures have change, and right away humans demand Body Making Add-on to get to the big sizes they want, or to obtain the gargantuan muscle effectiveness and speed demanded by master plays.

A free weight leg squat needs your both to control you personal Body as you proceed up and down, and to check and balance the burden. You are creating neuromuscular stimulation in almost every part of your Physical Structure. A leg press, then again, doesn't drive you to balance the burden, and totally the core muscles which are engaged in a spare weight leg squat can take it more or less easy.

For a while, it was thought that there was an simple solution. Many contents were thinking to be sound and legal Body Building Add-on, and were accessible on the marketplace to increase musculus volume and operation. One of the nigh general Physical Structure Constructing Supplements was androstenetrione, otherwise known as andro. It was thought to increase muscle mass and operation safely by promoting testosterone yield. It doesn't really do those matters, even so, and is immediate a regular steroid. In humans it can get contracting of the testicles,the evolution of bosoms, acne, and reduced sperm cell count.

Fats are also really essential in Body Making Nutrition. Trust it or not, fats actually do good in our trunks offering insulating material for Body sections like the heart and lungs as well as taking energy when the fats pass. Of course, you will wish to take the good fats as fought to the bad ones so that you do not profit weight through fat inlet. Intense fats are the profoundest fats to take in. These are fats as animal embellish and butter. Pure fats are those that stay solid at room temp. Unsaturated fats are the "good fats, but they also should be consumed in easing. Buff oil and flaxseed oil are well polyunsaturated fats. They check liquid when at way temp.

There are also many principles which most right Musclebuilder follow when doing their Body Making Exercises. Their workouts normally last between forty-five and seventy-five minutes, with a hour the desirable duration. Anyone who remains past seventy-five minutes is promising to get a drop in his or her muscle Building endocrines, and uttermost effort will not only do small good, it will continue convalescence time. Known Bodybuilders will also rest for less than ninety moments between sets of Physical Structure Building Physical Exercises, and the lower time they rest, the to a greater extent efficient their exercise will be. A physical exertion with less time spent resting implies a physical exertion with more time spent on Physical Structure Building Exercises, and to a greater extent cardiovascular gains. - 17268

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Life Fitness Announces The Life Fitness 9500 HR Crosstrainer

By John Andrews

The Original 9500 HR Total body crosstrainer will offer you a full body workout. This crosstrainer will speed up your metabolism and send you quickly towards all your goals!

What ever your fitness needs is this machine will certainly handle them. The Life Fitness 9500 HR will work more muscles in less time. This machine is one of the first to actually deliver what it says, a total body workout.

The 9500 HR Total Body Crosstrainer delivers an amazing upper and lower body work out while keeping track of your heart rate, your exclusive ideal targeted heart rate. The machine will assist you in keeping pace and track of your work out. The first ever of it's kind.

So if it's an amazing body you're looking for, then it's the life fitness 9500 HR for you. This machine has a place for everyone. The life fitness 9500 HR is one of the most sought after fitness elliptical of the top fitness facilities in the world.

The CT9500 HR gives you cardiovascular/muscular benefits of running and the low impact of walking. With more than 25 fitness programs to choose from, the Life Fitness 9500 HR is definitely a high selling exercise machine.

Users can work out large groups of upper and lower body muscles at the same time as well as alternate between backward and forward motions for total body fitness. This trainer gives you the exclusive Lifepulse digital heart rate monitoring system, the most accurate way to calculate each individual heartbeat.

This unit will keep you peeked and motivated for your next workout. The 9500 HR will give you amazing results in the littlest time possible. All of this is done through smooth low impact striding and upper body synchronized motion.

If you want to check your heart rate levels will working out, you can with this unit. It comes with a Lifepulse Contact Heart Rate. It's also equipped with the Heart Rate Zone Training. With the way it's designed it makes it easy to use and you can practically leave it any where. Know matter how much stress and strain you put on this unit; it will remain to run smooth every time.

Some models can be remanufactured. This can be a big savings when it comes to your wallet. Don't let the word remanufactured scare you away. GFI has very strict rules when it comes to selecting units for remanufacturing. All units must have a history of excellent performance and condition to be chosen.

Most of the units chosen often have minimal refurbishing needs. By buying one of these units it will drastically cut your cost down. So if you're looking for a top of the line equipment at a fraction of the price then the Life Fitness 9500 HR crosstrainer is the choice for you. This unit weighs in at around 275 pounds. - 17268

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Are You Aware of These False Claims for Healing Bruises?

By Carolyn Cooper

Once you decide that you want to eliminate bruising, you may be at a loss or at your wits end. There are many people out there who are forced to deal with bruising easily on a daily basis, and if you discover that you are bruising with very little interaction or for no obvious reason, you absolutely need a solution that will make your bruises fade or just disappear. The truth is that there are positively some cures that work wonderfully and can make your bruises vanish as though by magic, but there are unfortunately a variety of so-called remedies that originate from fairy tales and lousy advice. In other words, there are a lot of wrongly advised treatments out there.

The primary thing that you should understand is that heat should not be applied to the bruise. An application of cold may help, but heat is only going to increase the inflammation of the area, and in most cases, cause it to be worse. Although it is true that applied heat can help circulation, and although circulation is very important, this is not the tack you should take when dealing with a freshly formed bruise. Consider that a bruise is the result of the breaking of tiny blood vessels under the skin's surface, and the last thing that you would want to do is to encourage is supplying more blood to the area. Heat application can actually foster a bruise that is much more pronounced.

Do not rub onions on the bruise. This is one of those old folks tales that gets circulated a great deal. Someone's mother or someone's best friend might have told you that cold slices of onion laid against your skin will help reduce the bruise, but the truth of the matter is that you are going to do is end up smelling like an onion. The cold feels nice, but a cold pack, if the bruise is hurting you, is going to be a much better option. Stay away from this supposed cure, it actually does no good.

Another old wives tale that has been widely told is the idea that dairy products can help reduce a bruise. Well, milk may do a body good, but in almost all cases, this happens when used internally, not externally. Bathing in milk might be good for your skin, but there is not nearly enough lactic acid that is going to soak into your skin to make a difference in your bruising. Use the milk and cottage cheese for healthy bones, but keep it away from your bruising.

Stay away from using Orajel (kids teething pain medicine) or any other like type of product on your bruise. Find out what are the ingredients. Normally, products like these are created to take down specific swelling, and they could give you a pleasantly cool tingle at the application site, but the real true story is that they are in no way meant for this purpose, and while they might help eliminate some pain, they aren't going to provide any benefit for the bruise itself.

For all of the people dealing with bruising issues, it seems that each person has their own favorite way to heal their bruising. Their individual remedy may work very well for them individually, but keep in mind that we all bruise uniquely, and that our bodies are all react differently. In the course of determining a cure that is best for you, always make certain that you are aware of why the cure should work, and what the thought process behind it is. - 17268

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Your Motivational Guide to Health II

By Taiana Camarado

The first thing to imprint on your mind is that success only comes to those who actively seek it, and in order to achieve something you have to desire it first " you have to be able to taste it and feel it! You can do this my learning how to visualize, so you know what it will look like and feel like when you reach your dream. This joyful feeling will motivate you to create and live your vision. This is one of the first lessons in the book and you will receive a beautiful visualization audio tape to help you.

To be truly happy in life, you have to visualize your life as you want it to be and work to reach the goals you have set for yourself.

I have modeled my life on this motto: The more you wish, the better life you'll have. Create wonderful expectations for yourself. The universe resonates with those who are actively seeking. The universe will align itself with you.

Once you have a positive, healthy mindset and a vision for your life, you will automatically want a healthy lifestyle and a healthy body. In my book I talk about the importance of eating natural, nourishing, high energy foods and I provide delicious and healthy recipes. A healthy mind and a healthy body work together.

In Break the Barriers " Dramatically Improve Your Mind and Body" you will learn: How to create positive thoughts, How to create the expectation of success, How to go from positive thoughts to positive action, How to focus on what you really desire, How to live in the moment, How to make open-mindedness a way of life, How to attract good things and people into your life Simple steps to find the joys of life Powerful ways to find your purpose, How to channel the positivity of the universe to you, How to introduce more natural foods into your diet, How to choose nourishing, high energy foods, How to prepare healthy, delicious meals

I wish you all the best in this journey and I know my book will make a big difference in your life! Focus your mind and your body on what you want and who you really are.

Taiana is 26 yrs old. She practices Reiki in her work as a professional body worker, with study and experience in Holistic methods. Taiana is also personal trainer, and has extensive experience with coaching individuals to make the breakthroughs in life, that theyve waited for " all their lives. She believes in rekindling the flames of inspiration in life's first step for motivation. Taiana lives in Australia, where she relocated to 16 yrs ago. - 17268

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