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Friday, July 24, 2009

The Best Diet for Diabetes

By Barb Hicks

Contrary to popular belief, a diabetic diet is also extremely healthy for everyone. In today's world, obesity has become an epidemic. It is also the number one risk factor for the onset of diabetes. Adopting this healthy diet whether you have diabetes or not can improve your health and help you in the fight against diabetes.

With daily life being subjected to fast food and larger sizes, it is no wonder that the food we eat and lifestyle we live contribute heavily to diabetes and heart disease. So it is only logical to think that adopting a healthier diet could greatly decrease the impact of these deadly diseases.

What foods are in a diabetic diet?

A diet rich in fresh fruits, green and colorful vegetables, whole grains such as cereal and pasta and lean meats such as fish and poultry are recommended to diabetic patients. All foods contain carbohydrates which the body requires for energy production; however it also increases glucose levels which is why it is imperative that diabetics monitor their carbohydrate intake as well as the time of day they are indulged in. For this reason, all patients with diabetes should eat their meals and coordinate their insulin injections for the same time everyday.

Fruits: Fresh fruits are cholesterol free, low in fat, sodium and calories. These delicious treats are also high in fiber and offer daily vitamins and nutrients as well as providing the body with cancer fighting antioxidants.

Vegetables: Raw and fresh vegetables are another healthy way to give the body certain things it needs such as folate, potassium, fiber and vitamins A and C. If these crunchy colorful delectables are combined with other high fiber foods, they can also assist in warding off other serious and chronic illnesses.

Whole Grains: Are excellent sources of fiber and other natural nutrients that help keep the digestive system functioning regularly.

Dairy Products: Drinking 2-3 servings per day of low fat or skim milk lowers fat intake and provides calcium, potassium, and vitamins.

Meats: Any lean meat such as fish, chicken or turkey is recommended. The Mediterranean diet suggests that eating red meat once a month is the healthiest things you can do for your body. Limiting the amount of red meat in your diet can be very beneficial as it is harder to digest and remains in the digestive system much longer than lean meats.

To get healthy and remain that way starts with a diet that is low in fat and cholesterol, and high in fiber. Seafood is great, but is known to be high in cholesterol, such as lobster and shrimp. Liver also has high cholesterol content and should not be eaten by those who have elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Following a healthy diet along with regular checks of your blood pressure and glucose levels can assist in fighting off many diseases. Having a harmonious balance among these factors battles against neuropathy, kidney failure, heart failure and cardiovascular disease and ensures a longer, healthier life. - 17268

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Stay Healthy, A Guide To Keeping Your Health

By Tina Peters

Our general health as a race and as a species should by far be our most important issue and something that we are always striving to fix. However it seems at times that we get distracted from the actual concerns and focus on only temporary solutions. Instead we find ourselves involved in things which we honestly cannot say that we are overly proud of. We are researching ways to protect ourselves but not from anything in which we can say we aren't a part of. When in fact we should always be focusing on furthering our technology, battling disease and increasing our general duration of life.

One way to remain healthy is to watch your food and drink intake as often as you can. For instance doing nothing but eating donuts for a week isn't going to do miraculous things to your stomach. Granted they may taste good and seem tempting still everything should be taken in moderation. This is one of the key elements of staying healthy actually, everything in moderation.

That is really true for everything you do in life. Besides eating healthy it is also important to get physical exercise for your body to stay in good shape. Regular exercise helps promote good health and keeps your organs and muscles working and running correctly.

Staying healthy also doesn't just refer to the physical aspects of health. There is also mental health that can be applied to this subject as well. It is important to stay in reasonably good mental health to avoid any problems that can harm your body as well. Not to mention even something as simple as stress can have really harmful effects on your body.

This is why it is extremely important to stay healthy. Doing so will help you live a better life. - 17268

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Why Cardio Does Not Work The Same For Everybody?

By Ricardo Daryans

Cardio exercise is such a strange thing. In theory, it should work so perfectly well for all men and women, but as anyone who has tried it knows, the practicality of it just doesn't add up.

After all, some men and women do cardio 6 hours, 9 hours, or more per week, and still have belly fat to burn. On the other hand, it works just fine for others. British researchers wanted to get more insight into this paradox, and studied 35 overweight men and women, who weren't previously exercising.

Subjects exercised 5 times per week for 12 weeks. That's a lot of exercise, but it helped the subjects lose an average of 8.2 pounds, which is great - I was positively surprised by the results. So cardio will work for some people, however, in my experience, it works best in young men, who need the help the least!

Let's go back to the study. There was a huge variance in fat loss between individuals. Check this out...The best subject lost 32.3 pounds in 12 weeks, but the worst subject actually gained 3.74 pounds.

The scientists think they know where things went sour. They classified the subjects into 2 groups, called the "Compensators" and the "Non-compensators". The Compensators were hungrier, and as a result consumed an extra 268 calories per day, all but wiping out their cardio efforts. Therefore, the Compensators lost the least amount of weight, and scientists believe that was due to the huge "compensatory" increase in appetite experienced by this group.

Does your appetite increase when you do slow cardio? If it does, research shows it will ruin your cardio efforts. So if your cardio program is not working for you, check your appetite and calorie intake to see if you are "compensating" for your efforts. If you are, you might be better off using a program of high-intensity resistance and interval training (i.e. Turbulence Training) for your weight loss efforts.

The research of a professor in Australia (Professor Steve Boucher) has show that interval training increases hormones called catecholamines. If that hormone increases, causes fat-burning benefits like reducing appetite, among others.

In the real world, few people lose 33 pounds after 12 weeks of cardio. Heck, few even achieve an average weight loss of 8 pounds with aerobic exercise.

So again, check your appetite, and consider giving high-intensity exercise a go for your next workout program. Beat the curse of cardio with high-intensity Turbulence Training. - 17268

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ResV Pure And Resveratrol Effects

By Laura Lane

When it comes to health and anti-aging, it is hard to find better guidance than that offered by Oprah Winfrey. Several months ago, Oprah invited Dr. Mehmet Oz, a doctor originally from Turkey who specializes in cardiac problems and is known as an expert concerning reducing the problems caused by growing older, to speak on her show. What Dr. Oz presented was resveratrol; a scientific breakthrough in the fight against aging with which we all are forced to struggle.

Toxin Eliminators

Oxidants are toxins that attack the body's organs. These toxins are responsible for wrinkles, organ damage, and can even produce cancer. Antioxidants, as the name suggests, are the archenemies of oxidants. They protect the body's organs and cells, particularly its nervous system. Consequently, antioxidants at once destroy toxic oxidants and restore damaged tissue.

What is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is one of the most powerful antioxidants discovered to date. How does resveratrol work? This antioxidant activates "Sirtuins," a type of longevity gene capable of both reducing cellular decay and aiding the cells of the body to restore themselves. As a result, a person who takes resveratrol as a dietary supplement can expect to not only feel better on the inside as the health of their internal systems improves, but also to see a marked improvement in the appearance, tone, and coloring of the skin.

Hence there are a multitude of benefits generated by ingesting resveratrol on a regular basis. Resveratrol has been found to both fight against, and protect the body from, cancer. It can also protect the body if it is exposed to certain types of radiation and, of course, assist in weight loss.

Nevertheless, we have only begun to skim the surface of the possibilities that resveratrol has to offer! The pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has funded analyses of the antioxidant with close to a billion dollars, and there are no signs to indicate that we have come close to comprehending all resveratrol's beneficial aspects.

A Naturally Occurring Substance

Identified in 1963 as "ko-jo-kon," resveratrol has been used for a long time as a homeopathic remedy-derived from Japanese Knotweed-in Asia. While Japanese Knotwood would seem to be a rather obscure source of resveratrol, you might actually have some growing in your backyard! Knotwood has been identified as an invasive, virtually invincible weed in more than thirteen states. Its hardiness derives directly from the resveratrol it contains. Thus Knotwood is used by some in cooking, as a substitute for rhubarb, while companies have begun manufacturing supplements from it.

Peanuts, believe it or not, are an important resource for resveratrol. Think about that the next time you're at a bar, and snack away! Indeed, long-believed to be a danger due to its high fat content, the peanut has been redeemed through studies which exhibit that people who eat peanuts daily are healthier than those who do not. Eating fatty peanuts actually reduces the amount of fat in your body, and it does so by means of nothing other than resveratrol.

In 1992, resveratrol was discovered in both grapevines and the red wine produced by them. While the health effects derived from drinking a glass of red wine are becoming common knowledge, think about this: it takes somewhere around one thousand bottles of red wine to equal the amount of resveratrol found in a single day's dose of a resveratrol supplement! - 17268

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The Reality of Antioxidants and Aging

By Travis Van Slooten

Would you like to slow down the aging process? Wouldn't it be great if one of the anti-aging theories proved to be true? Has anyone actually found the Fountain of Youth? Well, research and studies have been conducted over and over again finding that antioxidants may work to slow down the aging process.

Here is the main information about antioxidants and aging: there are a lot of benefits that can be obtained from antioxidants found in food or in high quality supplements. These benefits include the delay of the aging process and prevention against diseases. The aging process slows down aging in the cells, tissues, organs and skin.

Fruits and vegetables have natural antioxidants. They have been shown to protect the human body cells from damage against oxidation. The immune system is also strengthened against protection against viruses, flu, and diseases. Cancer patients even benefit from antioxidants in their diet. They lower the risk of cholesterol problems and heart diseases for those who have high antioxidant intake, and also work to prevent macular degeneration and glaucoma. Overall, the entire body reaps the full benefits of antioxidants, which also slows down the aging process.

Free radicals, which are the substances that cause damage to our cells, are caused by our mere breathing, eating, and all other activities that we do on a daily basis. They can also increase the more we get exposed to the pollutants in the environment. While free radicals in lower levels are not harmful to us, when they start to increase their damaging potential grows too. They can cause illnesses and poor health. Antioxidants are the best defenses against free radicals in the body. Some of the common antioxidants found in food sources are Vitamins A, C, and E, and the minerals zinc, beta-carotene, selenium, and all of the phytonutrient carotenoids.

Antioxidants eliminate oxidation in people's bodies by working in the organs, cells, skin and tissues. The more phytonutrient carotenoids that you have in your body, the healthier you will be.

Even if you already know what to eat, the problem is that people just don't consume enough natural foods to actually get the amount of antioxidants they need. It is vital that you choose a high quality supplement that contains all of the daily vital antioxidants you need in order to get them to the cells and other parts of the body so that the aging process is slowed down.

A list of the vegetables and fruits that are the most antioxidant rich foods are: broccoli, spinach, greens, Brussels sprouts, beets, red peppers, carrots, tomatoes, berries. oranges, pink grapefruit, apricots, plums, peaches, papaya, and red grapes.

Try to get as many of these healthy foods in your diet everyday to get you much needed dose of antioxidants. An anti-oxidant supplement will also go a long way in strengthening your body and slowing down the aging process. - 17268

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What You Never Knew About Cystic Acne Treatments

By Jason Cartwright

Severe acne can be really sore and affect your self-esteem, so it natural for you wanting trying various cystic acne treatments. Cystic acne can damage various areas of skin on your body - not only your face.

This skin condition also attacks your chest, back, arms, and stomach, making it hard for any individual to deal with. Although you could try a homeopathic acne cure, some of us try various ointments and over the counter medicines first without the skin getting any better.

A lot of people are now striving to look for current cystic acne treatments to confront their problem since they are afraid of taking drugs. Many people are concluding that to take care of the difficulty at hand, using a usual acne cure remedy is the most excellent option for them.

Although doctors will not suggest something like that for healing, the measures that are taken for usual cystic acne treatments are fine for you whether it solves the cyst trouble or not. Doing a few changes in your life to seek the usual cystic acne healing is not as difficult as you may believe when initially learning concerning what is required to be done.

Any kind of acne is believed to be a poison and that the poisons come from inside you and spread through your pores. By evading poisons such as soda, caffeine, dairy, rice, sweets, and too much meat, you are on right track of having the natural cystic acne cures working for you.

Other than cutting down on the "bad stuff" you should increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, nuts and fish. Another part of a homeopathic acne cure is to become more physically active.

Exercise is not only a way to help release toxins in your body but it can help you with stress levels which is something known to help cause acne of all sorts. By simply adding some walking, jogging, or yoga into your daily routine, you will be getting a nice head start on completing your acne cure remedy plan.

And last but not least, you want to drink a lot of water and as any doctor will tell you, this will not only help you cleanse yourself of toxins for the cystic acne treatments to work, but can help with managing a healthy weight as well. - 17268

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Eating Your Breakfast Foods Makes You Healthy

By Dr. Grandma

Growing up, I was always told it was important to start the day with a good breakfast. While that rule was not always followed, it seems that today it's incredibly more common for people to skip breakfast. Being always on the go, most don't realize they're being unhealthy.

For some it's the appeal of an extra few minutes of sleep and others really don't like to eat until they have a few miles under their belt for the day. There are many reasons people use to justify abstinence from that first meal. However, time tested practices show that a good meal at the start of your day has more good reasons to partake than forsake.

The pros far outweigh the cons when it comes to eating breakfast everyday. Eating a good breakfast helps people to eat more vitamins and minerals while eating less fat and cholesterol. Having food in your belly at the beginning of your day will help keep you from eating something you know you shouldn't while waiting for that next meal.

Starting the day with breakfast improves concentration and memory. Those men and women who think skipping breakfast will help them lose weight are actually making it much more difficult to control their waistline. Several studies have shown that eating breakfast actually helps control weight better. Hungry people on the go generally consume poor quality foods.

A balanced breakfast has whole grains, low-fat protein, low-fat dairy, fruits and vegetables. Just think, if you ate a hard-boiled egg, a whole-wheat pancake, some fruit, and a glass of skim milk, you'd have a great start to your day. If you just take a little time to think about it, you'll find its not much trouble at all to find healthy breakfast foods you enjoy and take only moments to prepare.

Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are not going to provide your body with the sustainable energy levels you are going to need. Depending on how hard you work your body you may need more or less than the recommended daily values. You should learn what works for your body and activity level. If you find yourself getting hungry eat more whole grains that will last longer.

In addition to finding the right breakfast foods, make breakfast a habit. Realizing the benefits of eating breakfast will take a little time to notice, but if you stick to it you will find that the habit of a healthy breakfast will help you be healthy in other areas of your life.

Now is the time. Make that first meal your best meal. Wake up a little earlier and enjoy the morning. Or, if you really aren't a morning person do some planning the night before. Know what you are going to consume in the morning. Fill your body with the good stuff that will last and leave those fattening teeth rotting snacks behind. Formulate new habits that will help you both mind and body. You'll learn how rewarding good health can be. - 17268

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Weight Loss, Some Of The 6 Biggest Lies Ever Told About It

By Ricardo d Argence

There is plenty of inaccurate data going around the weight loss industry and many people who are getting on this platform and looking for ways to lose weight have fallen victim to such myths.

Some of the more popular stories going around about the industry are these.

1. Forget about carbohydrates. The Atkins, South beach, and many others that say you must keep carbohydrates low and proteins high, perpetuate this. These type of yo-yo diets are usually quick to get results,but as soon as you go back to your regular routine, the weight returns,at times, even worse than before.

2. Genetics is the principal factor. It's true that heredity can play part in determining your metabolic rate, but that doesn't mean you should just give up because your parents and grandparents are obese. The most important factor in determining your success in any weight loss program is the number of calories you eat and the amount of physical activity you get in a single day.

Genetics also affects your metabolic rate, so if you have inherited a slow metabolism you will have to keep much more active to raise your metabolism and burn the same amount of calories that someone genetically inclined to a high metabolism would burn without any extra effort. There are ways you can rev up a slow metabolism.

3. Fat is to be avoided. Some people believe that cutting down on fat is necessary during a weight loss program. But the key to effective fat control is cutting down on the dangerous fats and increasing your intake of the good fat. At all costs, do avoid Trans fat and saturated fat and increase the intake of healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and Omega-3 that are abundant in foods like fish, olive oil, and avocados.

4. Skipping meals. Skipping meals can lower your metabolism and makes it more difficult to lose weight. Regular meals are important, and what you need to do is to consume more of the foods which are good for you, which means more salads, vegetables, nuts and fruits. Snack on a large slice of juicy watermelon instead of reaching out for the next scoop of your favorite chocolate ice-cream.

5. No white food. Regardless of myths, there are "white" foods that are healthy, what is important are the nutrients not the color, examples are pears, avocadoes, and nuts.

6. The Grapefruit Miracle. This is one myth which is not based on reality. There is a group of individuals who are promoting grapefruit as a way to lose fat. In fact there is one small isolated research that states that there is a a magic fat-burning enzyme that can help you lose weight simply by consuming this fruit.

However the validity of the claims is yet to be questioned and whether the citrus industry did play a role in funding those researches. Grapefruits are rich in lycopene-a good source of ingredients that can help provide nutrient and care for the cellular health-prevents cancer and heart diseases.

So, there you have the top 6 myths of weight loss that you may have been familiar with. Now that you have the knowledge to separate fact from fiction, the path to weight loss and a healthier lifestyle is open wide for you. - 17268

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For Best Results Combine Acai Berry With An Exceptional Good For You Way Of Life

By Lester Sims

There are thousands of folks who profess to have had great victory with acai berry supplements for everything from weight loss to anti-aging and more. There are excellent reports universally.

But the truth is that for all of the victory tales there are still many complaints from people who feel like the products were over-hyped and they did not deliver. So what are the details?

The fact is that the acai berry is one of the most nutrition foods ever found in nature. It has one of the premier antioxidant capacities of any fare. It is tremendously beneficial and nutritious and of course, that fact alone can make it exceedingly advantageous.

But, it is not a phenomenon supplement that will heal all that ails you. No substance is. Nature is planned to work in accord. There is no marvel supplement that you can take to magically take the weight off and iron out the wrinkles and give you a protection from disease.

If you consume a huge, 1000 calorie plus, feast consisting of a bacon cheeseburger, French fries and a high-sugar soft drink, then top all off with a titanic cinnamon roll for dessert and you live a desk bound lifestyle where you never exercise or move very much the acai berry supplement that you take will just be a waste of cash. You must also do your part of the equation.

But, you can get exceptional results if you function in harmony with nature. That means consuming a healthful and nutritious food intake that includes extremely nutritious foods that have a full-range of basic nutrients. If you merge your acai berry supplement with high nutritious foods like spinach, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, blueberries, lean proteins and an great quantity of good for your health fluids like water and green tea you will be able to see some outstanding results.

If you want to have the most triumph with the acai berry, whether you are interested in weight loss, anti-aging or just all-around excellent health, you need to appreciate that the supplement is not a magical substance but rather a exceedingly nutritious supplement to an already healthy daily life that includes a nutritious diet and a consistent exercise program.

Pooled with a good for you routine, an acai berry supplement can give you some good outcomes. The high nutritional content can be extremely valuable for weight loss, anti-aging and the prevention of sickness. But it must be part of collective healthy daily life choices because nothing in the world works single-handedly. - 17268

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Type 2 Diabetes - How to Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Levels!

By Brian V Shortt

Sufferers of type 2 diabetes at times walk a fine line between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia simply because their bodies cannot process blood sugars as effectively and efficiently as non-diabetics. However, don't despair concerning this because balanced blood sugar levels can be achieved although, it must be emphasized, it will still be relatively elevated when compared with non-diabetic levels.

Hence, you must consult with your health care provider to determine the target blood glucose range appropriate for you.

Three of the most basic steps to help you include:

1: With the aid of your individual glucose meter, regular blood sugar level testing at times agreed with your health care provider, will help you determine the pattern with which your levels rise and fall. Of course your activities, foods consumed and time of day will make a difference. Don't forget issues like stress, depression, pain, poor mobility and illness come into play as well.

After you have determined your personal pattern your diabetes management plans will be easier to tailor to your needs. In other words, you can then make the needed changes to your lifestyle to stabilize your blood sugars.

2: Various conditions, like type 2 diabetes, send you warning signals when something is not quite right. You must learn to listen to your "body talk" ... Your body will continuously show you but you must be aware of the symptoms of high or low blood sugars. For examples an unquenchable thirst, frequent urination and extreme tiredness are all signs your levels are high. If you are taking insulin and maybe missed a meal, you would exhibit signs of a "hypo" and they could include pale sweaty skin, palpitations, confusion, slurred speech or maybe a headache.

As soon as you know your signs and symptoms take immediate action, i.E. Monitor your blood sugar levels, inject insulin, take glucose tablets, and/or eat food. Don't wait for your symptoms to go away as your capacity to remedy the situation may fade quickly.

3: Even after you give your type 2 diabetes your complete attention, blood sugar levels can be unpredictable. So it is really essential for you to know the level you should be aiming for. Most people who have diabetes should aim for:

* an HbA1c of less than 7 per cent * a pre-meal blood glucose level of 4 to 6mmol/l (72 to 108 mg/dl) or 3.5 to 6mmol/l (63 to 108 mg/dl) if you are not taking insulin or diabetic medications * a level of 4 to 8 mmol/l (72 to 144 mg/dl) measured two hours following your meal.

Don't overlook to share with your relatives and friends the steps you would like them to take if you are unable to help yourself. Position your health care provider's telephone number in conspicuous places so they can contact him when emergency situations occur.

By keeping your blood sugar levels in a healthy range you can slash your risk of developing complications and live a long and healthy life even with type 2 diabetes.

Running consistently high blood sugar levels when you have type 2 diabetes increases your risk of developing complications such as heart problems, stroke, macular degeneration and other circulatory conditions, besides recurrent infections. - 17268

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Benefits From Losing Weight

By Bernard Adkins

Weight loss can do some great things for people. That's why doctors are always telling us we need to lose weight and exercise more. As your body gets into shape you will feel some great benefits to your weight loss.

Different ways you need to look at will be a gym, boot camp, or even just a workout program you can do at home. Diet pills can be considered as an option, but in the long run you will still need to add in exercise too. So you have those options that were first mentioned to help you lose weight quickly.

Also when you want to lose weight quickly you may look at hiring a personal trainer to help motivate and drive you a bit harder. Fast weight loss can be noticed through the assistance of the right personal trainer who is good at their job.

So you should start by comparing all these options when it comes to how to lose weight quickly. Pick at least a couple from each category and look them up in your area. Obviously if you don't have a boot camp that is close enough to you that option would unfortunately need to be left out. But for this article a boot camp will be considered to be a choice that can happen.

Gyms may offer a special when you join them which will have you able to use a personal trainer along with your fee. If this is the case, you should seriously consider this as a top option in your weight loss program. But be careful because these may only be a few sessions that are offered, and after you will need to pay separately for the trainer. Meaning your fast weight loss program has now two costs of a personal trainer and a gym membership.

As mentioned above you can consider diet pills, but it would be wise to only use these after speaking with a doctor. To make sure your body doesn't have some serious reactions to a diet pill don't buy those over the counter pills without first discussing it with your physician.

When you look at how to lose weight quickly one of the best options would be a boot camp. With an intensive workout and a personal trainer pushing you, this option will see results quickly. In these four to six week programs you will have a thorough workout and your body will love you for it. Building lean muscle mass in your body, and giving you more energy than you've had in a while are only two of the benefits of this weight loss program. Though the cost in many cases is going to be a lot more than a gym membership.

In closing, when you want to lose weight you should look at many different ways. Don't limit yourself to only one choice. Compare the cost and whether you will actually be able to afford it. Pick a program that will not only help you lose weight, but one that you will be committed to doing. A workout program will only work to help you if you put your all into it. - 17268

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George Washington Weight Loss Expert Takes on Weight Loss Myths

By Josef Brandenburg

Losing weight is all about numbers; this myth is now being taken on by a person from the George Washington University area who is an expert in weight loss. For a long time you have been told that one pound lost on the weighing scale is equal to one pound of fat lost from the body. It is a myth and the worst misleading weight loss concept that if you weigh less, you will look better in a bikini. Look at it this way, a baseball is heavier than a beach ball, but a beach ball is pliable and soft, whereas the baseball is firm and hard. Now how would you like your body to be?

The truth about looking good and being healthy is less about how much you weigh and more about what comprises that weight. You can be 150 pounds but have 50% body fat and you can rest assured you will not look great naked! People have been so misled when it comes to weight loss that they will try unimaginable things just to get the scales lower. Thankfully, a George Washington weight loss expert has uncovered the truth about how to lose weight effectively.

It is completely true that the muscle mass determines the metabolic rate of ones body and in turn decides how you look in your swimsuit. Most of the weight loss plans make you weigh less on the scales, however one might not be sure whether it is muscles loss or fat loss. This is a very fundamental mistake which needs to be corrected. One should not loose muscle mass as it helps in burning more calories and makes you look much more fitter in shorts than the fat would. If you loose fat, for example five pounds and in turn gain equal pounds of muscle mass then it would appear as if you have lost 10 pounds, but the weighing scale would not show weight loss.

In case you want effective weight loss my advice would be to follow the instructions of the weight loss experts from the George Washington weight loss centers. These weight loss experts advise their clients to measure their body composition, which can be done with a simple tape privately in your home. All you have to do is measure yourself regularly. Keep an eye on the inch loss rather than a drop on the scales.

An inch lost off your waist for example equals a 4-5 pound fat loss for men and 3-4 pound loss for women. Your goal is to maintain your weight while losing inches of fat all over your body. To do this you will have to measure all areas and then get to work on building muscle. Women can begin by measuring three basic areas, hips, waist and thighs and men should measure just their waist as this is the area men typically store fat. Ladies measurements should be done as so:

*Hips- Take the measurement while standing with feet your apart of about the hips width. Measure along the widest part of your hips.

*Thighs- Measure up six inches from the knee and then measure around your thigh

*Waist- Position the tape so that it hits you at the naval, then mark the numbers.

One should take all the measurements on a weekly basis but on the very same day. A visit to the washroom must be made just before taking the measurements to ensure getting accurate results constantly. A lot of George Washington weight loss centers use this method of taking measurements because is indicates actual fat loss. - 17268

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