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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Vegan Diet Is One Of The Most Popular Diets

By Alexis Martin

People who follow the vegan diet plan eat mainly plant-based products. Because of it's strictness, veganism isn't just a diet, it is a complete lifestyle change. Vegans refrain from eating anything that comes from animals. In addition, they also refrain from using any products made with animal products. This could be things like clothes, beverages and household products.

Many people turn to a low fat vegan diet for moral and ethical reasons. Their main concern is the treatment of the animals that are being raised and processed for their food. This is not the only reason for veganism, however. Some people become vegans for spiritual or religious reasons, but the main reason is factory farming and animal testing.

A vegan is a step above being a vegetarian. A vegetarian will use some animal products such as milks and cheeses. They may wear products such as leather and may use makeup that contains animal fats. Vegans follow a more strict lifestyle.

While the vegan diet lacks in many important vitamins and nutrients, it is still a relatively healthy lifestyle if maintained properly. Vegans who properly plan and execute their diets can satisfy essential nutrient needs. Meats contain many vitamins that the body needs to survive, but there are other options.

Some main concerns are the lower levels of calcium, vitamins B & D and iodine. The best way to counter these concerns is to take a daily supplement that contains these essential nutrients. However, for the vegan it is important to choose supplements that don't contain any animal byproducts.

In case studies with adolescents, it has been shown that many vegan adolescents use the diet as a way to mask an eating disorder. However, on the other hand, a vegan diet does not lead to eating disorders. As a parent it is important to know why your child has chosen this lifestyle. Be involved and know what they are eating, as well as what they aren't.

Raw veganism and frutarianism are similar in concept to veganism. Raw veganism is a diet consisting of raw fruits and vegetables. It is basically everything a vegan eats, but without cooking the product over one hundred eighteen degrees Fahrenheit. Raw nuts, vegetables, fruits, herbs and fruit juices are high on the list of foods to eat. Uncooked, they retain much of their essential nutrients. The vegan who consumes at least seventy-five percent raw vegan food is considered a raw vegan.

The fruitarian vegan diet is probably one of the smallest niche groups of vegans. As the name entails, the main ingredients in this diet are fruits along with nuts and seeds, grains and vegetables. As with the raw vegans, people who consume fruit as seventy-five percent or more of their diet are considered fruitarians. - 17268

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Try Focus Factor Vitamins for Improvements in Your Memory

By Shawne J. Patrick

The average joe leads a very fast moving lifestyle. There is work and all of the stress that goes with it, not to mention the time that's taken up every week. There is friends and family, and there's also something that many folk cut out called free time. With all of the turmoil a day brings, it's no wonder that people struggle to remember even the smallest things that need to get done in a day, or that they try to recall those facts and details they need for their display at work. There is a solution that may help turbo-charge memory thru a patented blend of nutrients. That solution is named Focus Factor. This is a tablet, like a vitamin, that is taken once per day to improve memory and focus.

A few of the ingredients that you will discover in Focus Factor include: beta carotene, vitamin c, and many neuro boosters. The beta carotene is the same ingredient that is found in raw fruit and vegetables and it can help with focus and concentration. The vitamin e that is found in the product is the natural vitamin found in soybeans, instead of the manmade mix that is present in lots of other vitamin tablets. These 2 ingredients are a part of a healthy sensible diet that many people dont' get too much of every day.

There are six different types of vitamin c found in Focus Factor and there are patented neuro boosters that actually give the brain the boost it must focus, concentrate and improve memory. These boosters include things like DHA, and botanical extracts.

There are other things that folk can do together with taking supplements to help improve memory and brain function. Eating a diet that is rich in vegetables and fruit is the 1st step to actually making this product work at its highest level.

Getting enough exercise is also a good way to stimulate the brain. Exercise increases blood flow throughout the body and this helps with focus and concentration. Exercising your cortex is an alternate way to boost memory. Doing stuff like crossword puzzles or reading are great ways to keep your cerebral cortex stimulated. - 17268

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Natural Organic Foods Are Here To Stay

By Lee Reid

The food available in supermarkets is often packed with chemicals and in the conditions of a rapid health deterioration of the population, it's no wonder that more and more consumers turn to natural organic foods.

Although analyzes between non-conventional and conventional foods show great relevancy, the rule of the common sense is the one that influences the purchase decision. The dangers that lurk in non-organic foods are hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and fertilizers. The non-organic livestock grow in very harsh conditions, while the veggies in non-organic farms are synthetically boosted to look great and take the consumer's eye. By contrast, very little human intervention is manifest in the growth of natural organic foods.

Natural organic foods may also present traces of chemical residues, but these are usually drifted from nearby farms that use chemicals for crop production. Furthermore, with natural organic foods the amount of nutrients is significantly higher while the threats are considerably fewer. If we take the example of organic eggs, analyzes indicate that besides the lack of hormones and antibiotics, there is less saturated fat, less cholesterol, huge amounts of beta-carotene, superior levels of vitamin A, twice more Omega3 acids than in non-organic eggs. The difference is therefore huge, not to mention that the protein quality is incredible.

The word has traveled far about the positive aspects of natural organic foods, and since direct access to organic retails is not available on all geographic locations, it is good to know that one can order the various products from a close source online. If you want to buy natural organic foods, it is more likely to find them at the market than in hypermarkets. Moreover, in case you travel to the country side, the chances to find producers of natural organic foods is a lot higher. Make a bit of research and see where you find them and whether you can make some supplies.

The only problem with natural organic foods is their price, products will often be 10% or 40% more expensive than non-organic foods. When it comes to vegetables and fruits, the products are very easy to recognize by their look: there will be no huge perfect apples or strawberries, but various fruit sizes, some better than others. The same thing stays valid for meat, but you will only be able to tell which is which by shopping from the special organic sectors in markets or supermarkets. - 17268

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Yeast Infection Home Remedy - Get Rid Of Your Yeast Infection Fast, Here Is How

By Carole Bishop

Have you got a yeast infection but find it hard and intrusive to discuss the issue with your health practitioner and would prefer ayeast infection home remedy instead?

Or are you tired of taking the same drugs your doctor has been prescribing for you, which seems to work for a while only for the infection to return in as little as 14days, then you need to read on.

So what is the most effective yeast infection home remedy? The truth is there are few things that you can do to relieve the itching, irritation and burning sensation that comes with having a yeast infection.

1. Choose the right clothes to wear: What you wear can either encourage or discourage yeast growth. Things like pantyhose, nylon underwear, wet bathing suit, tight jeans, and synthetic materials all encourage warm moist conditions that yeast thrive in, so avoid them wherever possible.

Make sure you wear 100% cotton underwear at all time and go without where possible.

Secondly try not to wear any underwear to bed, this will ensure that the affected area stays dry and well ventilated while you sleep.

2. Some dyes and perfumes in soaps, bath gels, lotions, sanitary products and laundry detergents can cause a reaction in some people. This will in turn lead to irritation encouraging yeast growth. So steer clear of perfumed products as much as possible and use mild and fragrance free products at all time.

Finally one of the best yeast infection home remedy is the use of apple cider vinegar solution.

3. Apple cider vinegar is known to have antibacterial and antifungal properties. To use this solution simply fill a bath tub with warm water, add a cup of apple cider vinegar and soak in the solution for 20 to 30 minutes.

If you follow the steps highlighted above, then you should see a significant improvement is no time.

It is however crucial that you get to the root of your yeast infection. It is however impossible for me to discuss all you need to know in one article. - 17268

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The Brief History Of Massage And The Improvement Of Massage Chairs

By Valerie Beck

Perhaps you are aware that massage therapy is one of the oldest of healing arts. This ancient and ever evolving art has always been with mankind. In fact, massage is a reaction to bodily aches and pains. How often do you rub something after you hit it on something hard? Most likely every time. Massage therapy is a natural way to enhance the health of your body.

Perhaps you are aware that massage therapy is one of the oldest of healing arts. This ancient and ever evolving art has always been with mankind. In fact, massage is a reaction to bodily aches and pains. How often do you rub something after you hit it on something hard? Most likely every time. Massage therapy is a natural way to enhance the health of your body.

Perhaps you are aware that massage therapy is one of the oldest of healing arts. This ancient and ever evolving art has always been with mankind. In fact, massage is a reaction to bodily aches and pains. How often do you rub something after you hit it on something hard? Most likely every time. Massage therapy is a natural way to enhance the health of your body.

With the rise of scientific medicine, many physicians have gotten away from the importance of touch and massage. It seems it may be easier to write a prescription, then to relieve discomfort first-hand. This is perhaps why many patients feel alienated from their physicians that seem cold and distant.

Most of us are quite aware of finding a better balance with nature. We tend to eat more natural foods and pursue more natural ways of taking care of ourselves. Scientific medicine has advanced in an important direction but like everything it is just a part of the whole.

Science and technology continue to advance with interesting impacts to massage therapy. One of the challenges of massage therapy is that it is labor intensive. Science has now advanced technology to where massage chairs can perform many of the basic massage movements.

Our modern physicians have lost some of their touch with their patients. Most of the hands-on treatment has simply disappeared. In extreme cases, such as physical injuries, then massage therapy is used more extensively.

The way of the world is balance in the long run. Many physicians have become distant to their patients, but technology may be here to aid them in unforeseen ways. This is the exciting opportunity of our times to see how solutions balance out.

The popularity of massage therapy has doubled in the last five years. This is certainly part of the trend toward more natural ways to maintain health. The healthcare industry is realizing the importance of preventative procedures and other ways to maintain their client's health.

The importance of patients receiving natural therapies is beginning to get more prominent in the press. All of us are looking for more natural and sustainable ways to live. Massage therapy is one of the great human traditions and best of all it is natural.

Many chiropractors are able to use massage chairs in their practice. Massage chairs are commonly used to provide a massage to different parts of the body. For instance, a chiropractor may warm-up patients back prior to making an adjustment.

Many health practitioners are using massage chairs to provide different treatments to their patients. Massage chairs are able to target a specific area with a specific technique. They also can apply consistent pressure and speeds. This is a big advantage over manual labor which tends to be highly variable.

Many massage chairs that are used in chiropractic environments are also available for home use. Massage chairs are a great way to get frequent massage therapy in the privacy of your own home. They are a constant reminder to take a break and relax to relieve your body and mind.

Massage chairs continue to advance with technology. Many of the most popular massage techniques are programmed and these advanced recliners. It is common to find shiatsu, reflexology, acupressure, deep tissue and even Swedish massage in today's advanced recliners. Massage chairs will continue to evolve and become more proficient add delivering more comprehensive massage therapy. - 17268

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Which Routines Do I Need To Pack on Muscle Mass Fast?

By Ricardo d Argence

Good. Then before we begin, know this: there is no rank and file for any of the following principles; they are all equally important. If your goal is to gain muscle yesterday, these are your commandments:

1) Hormonal Release: To build muscle, you need the following crucial hormones, testosterone and HGH (human growth hormone). Different exercises have been proven to stimulate the muscle more effectively and result in better release of these muscle building hormones.

Too much of a good thing is still too much, however, and weight training routines are no exception. Going too hard, too long or too often will result in the release of a muscle cannibalizing hormone known as cortisol. While not all bad in that this hormone helps facilitate muscle endurance, it's public enemy number one for adding bulk. The ideal routine to put gain on the fast track will therefore elevate levels of testosterone and HGH into the stratosphere, all the while keeping cortisol on the down low.

2) Focus: You're on a mission to gain muscle in a hurry, so there's no time to contemplate the inner workings of your naval when you're in the gym; with each rep and each set, put your goal front and center and keep it there until you make it happen. Ideally, you will work progressively harder with each exercise if you're focused on achieving maximum results. Push distractions out of your mind and go for the brass ring. The best routine to gain muscle mass fast will challenge you to break through your limits every single time. This kind of self-competition will keep you sharp and consistent.

3) Muscle Fibers: It's essential to stimulate both type I and type II muscle fibers in order to gain muscle quickly. Simply put, be sure to lift each weight as quickly as possible, and then lower the weight as slowly as possible. If you're able to consistently execute this technique, your odds of building bulk increase exponentially.

4) Schedule: When planning your routine to gain muscle mass quick you need to make sure you can stay strict to it. One of the biggest mistakes people make is starting a program that is not realistic with their busy day. It's much more important to be consistent than intense for a week and then slowly tapering off to a stall.

And there you have it - the components of the best routine to gain muscle mass fast outlined in four simple steps . Whatever you do, believe you can handle the challenge. It won't be easy, but if you find a program with these four elements that realistically fits your lifestyle, line up; you've found your starting blocks. - 17268

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Some Great Tips for Losing Weight

By Dyan Pascal

There's a lot of conflicting information on weight loss on the internet. Most people who follow traditional advice of avoiding high fat foods will find that it just doesn't help, period. Once you start eating unhealthy, your body starts to build up an ugly gum-like residue. Even if you switched to eating healthier, your body won't start to lose weight overnight, because of this buildup.

If you eat unhealthy, your body's digestive system starts to build up a gross, gum-like substance inside. The gum can then turn into plaque if it's not addressed over time. It can then become infestations of parasites. The plaque, gum and parasites have an effect on the body that can't be countered by eating low-fat foods.

A great way to think of it is like a yellow tooth. Say you've been eating sweets all your life -- then looked in the mirror one day, and saw that your teeth were turning yellow. Even if you changed your habits they wouldn't turn white overnight. Once you change habits, it takes a long time for the built-up damage to clear.

Luckily, the plaque and gum build-up in your digestive tract can be cleaned out much more quickly than whitening your teeth. How do you do this? You clean out your system using a specially-formulated diet that's designed to purge the plaque, gum, and parasites. After you clean your system, you'll find that losing weight becomes much easier.

Once you get the unhealthy "gunk" out, you have to keep your body in healthy condition. If you start eating unhealthily again, the gunk will come back just as quickly. Having a good, easy diet plan is the only way to make sure that your system stays in great shape. You need to construct an easy diet plan that you can follow for a long time without too much effort.

Most people who diet are looking to lose weight overnight, and never think about it again. Unfortunately, if the eating habits you've had so far got you where you are now, chances are if you went back to those habits, you'd just start gaining all that weight back again. Having a healthy, easy diet plan will make all the difference.

Using this natural method of dieting, you'll be able to lose weight without ever touching a diet pill. Most people don't realize that diet pills actually add to their digestive system's "gunk" rather than help remove it. Most diet pills promise to kill fat cells or reduce appetite. In reality, neither of these approaches are long term solutions.

To lose the weight and keep it off, it's important to adopt a diet system that really works in the long run. This ensures that not only are you losing weight, but you'll be nourishing your body as well. - 17268

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Looking For A Nutrition Tea That Will Transform Your Life?

By Aoife Joyce

Have you heard that Green Tea as a nutrition tea is hugely beneficial to your overall health? If so, do you know exactly why? After reading this, you will know all its major benefits and you may find it is the perfect tea for you!

Green Tea, Oolong Tea and Black Tea, were each derived over 4,000 years ago in China, and they have all been drank on a daily basis ever since to maintain whilst improving general health. However, it is only in recent years that the dietary properties and the effects these teas have on health as a whole have gained universal acknowledgment. Throughout the world, there have been massive amounts of scientific and medical studies completed in an attempt to learn just how significant Green Tea can be to you, and the overall conclusions to date prove that it prolongs and considerably improves vitality and life span.

The main ingredient found in Green Tea that gives it its 'magical' quality are catechin polyphenols, specifically epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Or as they are more widely known, antioxidants. The difference between Green Tea as a nutrition tea specifically and Oolong and Black Tea, is that Green Tea leaves are steamed during production, which prevents EGCG from oxidizing. Black Tea and Oolong Tea leaves however are fermented during production, which in turn results in the EGCG's being converted into other compounds. This is what makes Green Tea stand out on its own against any other teas.

Proudly holding 27% catechin polyphenols, Green Tea is confirmed to be 100 times more significant to you than its challenger Vitamin C and 25 times more precious than Vitamin E! You can now happily become a Green Tea convert on that piece of information alone!

Three Essential Health Benefits Of Green Tea You Did Not Know, Before Now... 1.Powerful as it is, EGCG effectively destroys cancer cells, at ALL stages of the illness! This is due to its ability to inhibit tumours from developing, eliminate tumour supporters, hinder chemical carcinogens and neutralize enzymes that yield cell construction. 2.In addition, these outstanding antioxidants lower LDL cholesterol concentrations in the blood, by affixing to the cholesterol droplets preventing them from becoming set to, for instance, the arteries linings. Furthermore, they deter blood clot development (Thrombosis), which in turn warrants prevention of strokes and heart attacks. 3.Electrons that are in an 'unpaired' state are called Free Radicals. Certain amounts are produced in the body naturally. Attributable to their 'free' state they are capable of harming cell membranes and as a result internal structures, allowing growth of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and also have the capacity of injuring DNA. In saying that, in frank terms, EGCG (antioxidants) has the remarkable ability of destroying Free Radicals!

After soaking up the main benefits above, you may now understand why for over 4,000 years Green Tea has been consumed as a nutrition tea for healing purposes with general well being, in countries throughout the Far East. After learning of how advantageous Green Tea can be to you, you may be prone to assuming that it will fail to bring a desired aroma, however differing from this, it actually delivers an exceptional zest and is wonderfully light and invigorating as compared with standard coffees and teas! - 17268

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Article 18: Day 4 on HCG's Low Calorie Diet

By Amelia Handley

First things first...have you ever heard of or I have. And let me tell's kind of a big deal for a site to get noticed by them in a positive way. And I got a google alert letting me know that HCG Diet Direct not only got ranked #1 in the diet and weight loss category at, but they're also awarded 10 out of 10 on the Trust Gauge scale. That's impressive. So, of course, I forwarded the info to my diet buddy, Lisa's, husband. He was a hater from the start and I think this will really bug him. I love being right.

But enough of that extra chatter. We'll get right on to the basics of how I did on Day 4. And actually I feel I need to clarify that it's actually Day 6 of the diet. The first two were loading days so I've been on the low calorie portion of the diet for 4 days. Loading was so different from the low calorie portion that I tend to blow it off as if it wasn't part of the diet, but it's apparently a very important part of the program.

So...instead of saying Day 4 I'll say it's Day 6! I got up and weighed myself. I went up, dang it! I'm at 164 pounds now. It's only fair, I suppose. I did fall off the wagon on Saturday (only for 5 minutes, but it was 5 minutes that involved Chick-Fil-A and Panda Express and that's substantial even if it's only a few bites). As punishment I'm no longer allowed in the mall food court until the diet is complete. I'm honest enough to admit that I'm not strong enough to sit and watch the kids eat their lunches and stick to water. Yikes! Don't hate me; at least I admit it!

But I'm not depressed. It's just one pound. And the HCG diet reviews say sometimes that happens. I drank a lot of water today. For lunch I had Turkey Chili again. Individually packaged leftovers are a lifesaver. I just whipped it into the microwave and presto! I had an almost instant HCG approved meal. I paired it with Melba Toast (Spicy 3 Pepper variety) and an apple with lemon.

I continued to try to drink a lot of water (I even went to the nearest Walmart to buy huge, plastic cups that I could keep filled up and cart around the house with me). I took my HCG again about 6 and then got ready to try a new HCG recipe. This time I tried the Rosemary and Chicken. It was alright. But then...I didn't notice that I was supposed to marinate the chicken until it was almost time to eat so I kind of skipped what was probably a pretty vital step. So I'll have to try that one again.

The other "new" thing I tried today was Red Zinger tea. I'm still struggling to find an herbal tea that I can get attached to; so far no dice. This one was better than Green Tea, but nothing I'd smile about. I'll have to check out some more HCG diet reviews and see if there's some type of herbal tea out there that everyone loves. Too bad I can't just substitute hot chocolate, but that would be defeating the entire purpose. - 17268

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Massage Chairs Contain Effective Acupressure Massage Treatments

By Anthony Jenson

One of the oldest forms of Chinese medicine is acupuncture. The Chinese discovered that the body responded to healing itself when certain trigger points were activated. One branch of this is the use of acupressure in place of needles. Acupressure uses gentle pressure to stimulate the energy flow throughout the body. The most advanced massage chairs have now incorporated many new technologies based on these ancient forms of Chinese medicine.

Acupressure massage is based on sets of meridian lines that run through the body. These meridian lines have certain junctions called trigger points. The trigger points can enhance or hinder the energy flow in the body. Acupressure utilizes certain methods to stimulate these trigger points to control and regulate the energy flow in the body. There are a number of definitive techniques that help to control the energy flow and to restore balance back to the body.

We are now seeing technology being developed by some of the top manufacturers in the world for Acupressure. Companies like Panasonic, Sanyo and Omega have integrated methodologies to perform acupressure massage therapy. The massage chairs built by these companies have tremendous technology that can identify your unique trigger points. The technology identifies your points and then it targets specific areas for relief.

These massage recliners take a reading of your back as the acupressure massage is activated. The computer in the chair takes in all the information. It will then, processes it and then create a program just for you. The recliner knows how to manipulate the most critical trigger points and knows the precise location of your points. The massage recliner runs a customized massage just like a massage therapist. These acupressure massages are very effective in revitalizing your body and spirit.

Some people love massages to just tune out the world. It is a peaceful and relaxing experience as you close your eyes and listen to the soft music. Let its undulating rhythms and tempos take you to your special place. Just slip on the headphones and use the recliner's MP3 player to make your own spa environment. Close your eyes and let your mechanical masseuse work their iron fingers to your heart's content.

There are many benefits derived from an acupressure massage therapy. It can help increase circulation to promote greater oxygen carrying capacity. This helpful before and after exercise. Some other benefits also include:

Reduction in blood pressure; Reduction in stress; Increased awareness; Increased energy

Acupressure massage has been used for centuries in many ancient societies. Now technology has made acupressure massage both cost effective and accessible to everyone with massage chairs. Massage chairs are actually a very cost effective means to obtain acupressure massage. The real benefits of acupressure massage come with receiving it on a periodic basis. Just like any health related treatment, it must be performed through time. Having a massage chair recliner in your home provides you with access and a low cost means of obtaining acupressure massage on a routine basis. - 17268

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Reduce Lower Back Pain And Trim Your Lower Half - Wear The Right Shoes

By Fiona Saunders

Whilst walking barefoot through a Korean rice field, Swiss engineer Karl Muller noticed that his back pain - which was a perennial problem for him - was very much reduced. Curious, he performed a little research and found that the Masai tribesmen of Africa are famous for their excellent posture and do not suffer from back pain.

Muller came to the conclusion that walking barefoot on soft ground was better for your back and joints than walking on a hard surface. He decided to design a shoe which would mimic the effect of walking on a soft yielding surface such as grass or sand.

What he finally came up with was the Masai Barefoot Technology (MBT) range of footwear. It is, according to the company website, so different to standard footwear that it deserves the title of "anti-shoe".

MBT shoes incorporate a specially developed curved sole without a heel, which produces a rolling action when your foot makes contact with the ground. It's just like walking on sand in your bare feet in fact. The use of materials of different densities also contributes to the effect by further lowering jarring and impact shock.

Independent trials have now proven that this is genuinely much better for your back and joints. There are additional proven benefits over and above improved posture. Whilst walking normally wearing MBT shoes for example, the wearer's muscles are active for a longer period of time (in comparison with normal walking wearing conventional shoes). The duration of muscle use is increased by around 16%. Wearers also tend to take shorter steps. Both of these effects maximize the amount of work carried out.

The result of this is that each step you take wearing MBT shoes will provide you with additional exercise. It's like a lower body workout when you walk around. So, as well as improving posture and lowering back pain, MBT shoes can help to firm up your buttocks and tone your legs.

You might think that that would be enough. In spite of all these benefits, some people find MBT shoes to be a bit chunky and less than pleasing to the eye. They also cost a little more than standard shoes - although you might be more than happy to pay a little extra if you suffer with back pain of course. Luckily, there are now other options available which work along the same lines and which are more pleasing to the eye. Both Fitflops and Skechers Shape Ups use similar curved soles which promote increased muscular activity and help to trim and tone both legs and buttocks whilst engaged in nothing more exhausting than normal walking activity.

Whichever brand of footwear you go for, the opportunity to reduce back pain and trim your lower body at the same time - all whilst doing nothing more energetic than walking normally - seems to be very attractive. - 17268

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Yeast Free Living - Do B-Vitamins Come From Yeast?

By Matt Bournston

If there's one thing that many health conscious people are interested in, that's supplements. If you've recently started on a yeast-free diet, you may be wondering about B-vitamins. It's well known that brewer's yeast is a rich source of B-vitamins. But does this mean that all B-vitamins come from yeast?

The answer is: no. Although brewers yeast is itself very high in B-vitamins, this does not mean this is the only source of them. They are also found in liver, whole-grain cereals, nuts, rice, eggs, milk, fish, meat, leafy green vegetables, fruits, and many more foods. So it's more about where you get your B-vitamins from, rather than B-vitamins themselves being made from Yeast. If you avoid Brewer's Yeast, then you should be fine.

More information about B-vitamins:

The Vitamins B Complex category contains 8 different water soluble vitamins. They were originally thought to be just one single vitamin when they were first discovered. But then they realized they were in fact chemically different substances that happen to exist in the same foods.

The 8 B-vitamins are:

Thiamine B1, Riboflavin B2, Niacin/Nicotinamide B3, Panthothenic Acid B5, Pyridoxine/Pyridoxal/Pyridoxamine B6, Biotin B7, Folic Acid B9, Vitamins B12.

Health Benefits of B-Vitamins

* Metabolism and energy.

* Healthy skin and muscles

* Nervous and immune systems.

So hopefully this has put your mind at rest regarding B-vitamins, and you can rest assured that you can have any vitamin supplements you want even though you are on a yeast free diet. Vitamins come in a variety of different forms, many of them free from yeast. In fact, most supplements sold in health food shops are free from most common allergens, so it really won't be a problem. - 17268

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