Vegan Diet Is One Of The Most Popular Diets
Many people turn to a low fat vegan diet for moral and ethical reasons. Their main concern is the treatment of the animals that are being raised and processed for their food. This is not the only reason for veganism, however. Some people become vegans for spiritual or religious reasons, but the main reason is factory farming and animal testing.
A vegan is a step above being a vegetarian. A vegetarian will use some animal products such as milks and cheeses. They may wear products such as leather and may use makeup that contains animal fats. Vegans follow a more strict lifestyle.
While the vegan diet lacks in many important vitamins and nutrients, it is still a relatively healthy lifestyle if maintained properly. Vegans who properly plan and execute their diets can satisfy essential nutrient needs. Meats contain many vitamins that the body needs to survive, but there are other options.
Some main concerns are the lower levels of calcium, vitamins B & D and iodine. The best way to counter these concerns is to take a daily supplement that contains these essential nutrients. However, for the vegan it is important to choose supplements that don't contain any animal byproducts.
In case studies with adolescents, it has been shown that many vegan adolescents use the diet as a way to mask an eating disorder. However, on the other hand, a vegan diet does not lead to eating disorders. As a parent it is important to know why your child has chosen this lifestyle. Be involved and know what they are eating, as well as what they aren't.
Raw veganism and frutarianism are similar in concept to veganism. Raw veganism is a diet consisting of raw fruits and vegetables. It is basically everything a vegan eats, but without cooking the product over one hundred eighteen degrees Fahrenheit. Raw nuts, vegetables, fruits, herbs and fruit juices are high on the list of foods to eat. Uncooked, they retain much of their essential nutrients. The vegan who consumes at least seventy-five percent raw vegan food is considered a raw vegan.
The fruitarian vegan diet is probably one of the smallest niche groups of vegans. As the name entails, the main ingredients in this diet are fruits along with nuts and seeds, grains and vegetables. As with the raw vegans, people who consume fruit as seventy-five percent or more of their diet are considered fruitarians. - 17268
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