Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Stop Stress With L-theanine

By Keith Woolley

Feelings of anxiety and stresses can regularly go together with our busy 21st century lifestyles. Whether it's sitting in rush-hour traffic, long days at the office or family pressures, as a society we rarely get time to unwind and relax as much as we should to benefit our well-being.

Some folks can cope better emotionally with stress, however for many it can take a heavy toll on health, work performance and private life. Excess stress could also affect sleep quality, mood, libido, concentration, immune health and weight-control.

Though there are several natural 'mood enhancing' supplements available to ease the side- aftermath of stress, a number of these are shown to contradict with other medicines and can also take a number of weeks to show benefit.

A relatively new, clinically investigated 'stress-reducing' natural supplement called L-theanine, has shown in controlled studies to enhance feelings of calm and relaxation ( without fatigue ) within 40 - 60 minutes of ingestion. This soothing remedy can be used as and when needed and has turned into a well-liked choice for managing hysteria, stress and scared defects, or merely to calm nerves and help the brain stay centered for job interviews, work shows, flying and even first dates!

Where does Theanine come from, and how does it work?

Well, it is an amino acid found in very small doses in green tea leaves and certain mushrooms. Please note, there is no caffeine found in L-theanine additions.

And it is absorbed easily in the digestion and then transported to the brain where it excites alpha brain waves. Alpha brain waves indicate that we're in an alert, yet relaxed and calm state - similar to meditation.

Also it is shown to reduce the brain's beta brain waves ; a surplus of beta waves are associated with nervousness, anxiety, scattered thoughts and hyperactivity.

Lift your mood : L-theanine influences the release of brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin. These 'feel good' chemicals are needed as a stimulant to raise mood and feelings.

Study and work performance : L-theanine has effects on the releasing of brain chemicals that support memory and learning ability. Studies indicate that L-theanine can help can be helpful for those that need to maintain mental clearness and perform under pressure.

Relax : L-theanine is excellent to help ease away work concerns and ease travels tensions at the end of a busy day. The calming properties of L-theanine won't cause direct drowsiness, although due to a more relaxed mind state, improved sleep quality may also be achieved.

Solgar L-theanine is acceptable for vegetarians ... vegans.

Other de-stress tips:

Reduce intake of tea ... coffee - look for caffeine free possibilities Eat three meals limiting ready-made foods Eat quality protein with each meal to keep blood sugar balanced Increase your ingestion of necessary fatty acids Take a B-complex with breakfast to revive energy levels and mood Walk for 20 mins every day and target breathing deeply. - 17268

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Why Fat Loss Pills Are Unsuccessful - Uncover the Secrets Now

By Josh Wintrop

Have you ever wondered why obesity and weight problems still affect hundreds of millions of people when there are literally thousands of weight loss products and solutions available today?

There are critics who place the blame on the overweight public, saying they are just stubborn. They will say that these people are complacent and like to live in the condition their are in. The "health experts" have it wrong and regular folks are not going to take their insensitivity any longer.

There certainly is a good reason why almost all weight loss products and solutions do not work. And to tell you the truth, there's really a secret that the weight loss industry does not want you to know.

That dirty little secret is that all of those pills, plans and programs are designed to fail. You see, it is matter of greed. If their products actually realized real results, then they would be out of business.

This is the dirty little secret that the healthy living, weight loss, dieting industry does not want you to find out about. They want you to have to buy more of their products, more of their pills, more of their jargon so they can become rich! This guarantees that they can continue to profit even as they lie to you about the effectiveness of their products.

And often, the products that they market can cause you to become sick or cause health problems years down the road. No matter what they say, you are still consuming chemicals and artificial additives that can harm your body. Some of these products have even recently been found to cause a multitude of health issues, even when they were purported to be safe!

The answer to obesity and weight problems do not lie in some fancy weight loss products. The top secret fat loss secret can be found closer than you think. In fact, get a mirror and take a look. You see, the top secret fat loss secret is inside you! The reason you can't lose weight and get in shape has to do with your chemical and physiological makeup. A lot of it has to do with what is in your intestines and your stomach.

Years of eating unhealthy food, and living in unhealthy environments leaves your gut filled with plaque, parasites and other unhealthy, undesirable microorganisms. These unwelcome intruders live in your intestines, colon and stomach. But you keep putting in the same stuff that you always have and those things start to compact your system.

Your digestive system is so backed up with all this junk that you could actually be getting sick from it without even realizing it. On average, you are carrying around approximately 25 pounds of junk in your system that you were not even aware of! So just imagine how much weight you can lose by flushing all these critters from your gut. Wouldn't it be nice to lose 25 to 30 pounds?

But the immediate weight loss is not the only benefit of flushing the organisms out of your body. There are many toxins, chemicals and other bad for you things trapped inside your digestive system. These things are constantly seeping into your system, causing all sorts of health issues.

An inefficient digestive system means that your body is not processing everything it consumes. The excess nutrients are converted to fats and stored in your body. And this is why it does not matter if you are taking the latest fat loss pill. If your body cannot process the ingredients, you are basically fighting a losing battle. The parasites in your gut will prevent you from losing weight.

If you want to realize real weight loss results, then you need to get all the gunk out of your digestive system. In a few days you will see and feel results, as you will be thinner and healthier than ever before. - 17268

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The Secrets of Diet Pills

By Josh Wintrop

It is amazing that obesity and weight problems still plague hundreds of millions of people despite the thousands of weight loss products and solutions available.

There are critics who place the blame on the overweight public, saying they are just stubborn. They will say that these people are complacent and like to live in the condition their are in. The "health experts" have it wrong and regular folks are not going to take their insensitivity any longer.

There certainly is a good reason why almost all weight loss products and solutions do not work. And to tell you the truth, there's really a secret that the weight loss industry does not want you to know.

That dirty little secret is that all of those pills, plans and programs are designed to fail. You see, it is matter of greed. If their products actually realized real results, then they would be out of business.

This is the dirty little secret that the healthy living, weight loss, dieting industry does not want you to find out about. The industry wants you to buy more pills and fat loss supplements. This way, producers of weight loss products can continue to fatten their pockets with your hard earned money.

And often, the products that they market can cause you to become sick or cause health problems years down the road. No matter what they say, you are still consuming chemicals and artificial additives that can harm your body. Some of these products have even recently been found to cause a multitude of health issues, even when they were purported to be safe!

The answer to obesity and weight problems do not lie in some fancy weight loss products. The top secret fat loss secret can be found closer than you think. In fact, get a mirror and take a look. You see, the top secret fat loss secret is inside you! The reason you can't lose weight and get in shape has to do with your chemical and physiological makeup. A lot of it has to do with what is in your intestines and your stomach.

Years of eating unhealthy food, and living in unhealthy environments leaves your gut filled with plaque, parasites and other unhealthy, undesirable microorganisms. These unwelcome intruders live in your intestines, colon and stomach. But you keep putting in the same stuff that you always have and those things start to compact your system.

They can reach a combined weight of 25 to 30 pounds if they are left. Now, if you could flush these impurities out of your digestive system, how much healthier would you look and feel? And on top of that, you could even lose up to 25 pounds? How awesome would that be?

But the immediate weight loss is not the only benefit of flushing the organisms out of your body. There are many toxins, chemicals and other bad for you things trapped inside your digestive system. These things are constantly seeping into your system, causing all sorts of health issues.

If you have an inefficient digestive system, then you can not process everything that you consume. The excess nutrients are converted to fats and stored in your body. So no matter how many pills you pop, you will still not lose weight. When your system is backed up, it does not help you and will actually make any weight loss attempts, fail.

If you want to realize real weight loss results, then you need to get all the gunk out of your digestive system. In a few days you will see and feel results, as you will be thinner and healthier than ever before. - 17268

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Stop Hair Loss And Appear Younger

By James Stevenson

If you are nervous with your need to stop hair loss, you will be content to learn that there are natural ingredients in Provillus. There is a naturally occurring substance, known as saw palmetto, that is relied on throughout the planet for treating loss of hair and helping regrowth of hair.

The levels of dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, have been reduced by the use of saw palmetto because that substance will block receptors on the outer surface of the applicable cells. New hair will grow well if you can reduce the DHT that usually causes male pattern baldness.

As the saw palmetto in Provillus blocks DHT, vitamin B6, biotin, zinc, and magnesium work to provide your scalp with the vital nutrients it needs to produce healthy hair. Gota Kola, Eleuthro, Uva-Ursi, pumpkin oil, and other extracts are also used to stimulate hair growth and assist with protein synthesis and energy metabolism.

This effective combination has made Provillus extremely successful in being able to stop hair loss and kickstart regrowth. In fact, this supplement is rated as the best hair loss treatment pill on the market!

When you decide to use this remedy for hair loss, it is not necessary to follow all the directions every day. This pill isn't as messy as a cream and there are no bad smelling hair products you have to use. To stop hair loss all you need to do is take the supplement, the natural ingredients contained will do the rest of the work.

As an introduction to the product you now get two free bottles of Provillus when you place your order. You can return it and get your money back if you don't see appreciable progress in 90 days.

The company makes this offer because it expects that Provillus will aid you. Many individuals have tried Provillus to get their hair back, so isn't it about time you tried the finest product to stop hair loss? - 17268

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Drop Off Weight and Reduce Fat

By Mick LLaleBeoufey

If you wish to lose weight and block fat, it is absolutely necessary that you ensure that you are not ridding of these special reservoirs of vitality. Primed to genuinely value the fact that these sources of energy are mandatory, we would now retrospect what each of these subject matters execute. So as to reduce weight and block fat, it is absolutely vital to ensure that you are getting the reservoirs of energy in light doses. This will ensure that your body does not store unneeded fat as a direct consequence of too many calories, or overmuch sugar in the blood.

There are many methods that you may use to lose weight and block fat The following would delineate some efficient strategies for assuring this. If you desire to lose weight and deflect fat, it would be a challenge, but not impossible.

1) The first strategy that you can use to lose weight and block fat is to buy healthy solid foods that are cultured in an nutritious manner.

Chief models would be various types of vegetables, an mixture of fruits, and unique types of grains. These food types are frequently very successful when it comes to dropping off weight.

2) The second thing that you can execute to lose fat and block fat is to Choose meats that are naturally lean when you grocery shop. This includes fish, poultry, and other meats which differentiate in a small fat content.

3) When attempting to reduce weight and block fat one of the best things that youmay do is to limit the amount of food which you take during each meal. You may Choose to consume from a tiny plate, or have a cup of water before a meal, and during a meal. This will serve to ensure which you are eating less on a regular basis.

4) while preparing your food, be Certain to cook with cooking sprays that are low in fat. Cooking with heavy grease or butter can upshot in your consuming a great amount of fat. Still, if you wish to lose weight and block fat, low or no fat cooking oils and sprays will make the magic!

5) If you desire to drop off weight and block fat, you must respect avoiding foods that are refined. Some of these foods are rich with fat and extra calories thatare not required by your body. Again, these foods may be stacked away as fat. - 17268

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9 Bodybuilding Tips For That Bikini Body

By Ricardo d Argence

1. While everyone wants to lose weight, the simple truth is that women with curves just look better in bikinis than a skinny size zero. So embrace your curves and try something bold this season. When you go looking for your swimsuit, think about trying on a bikini that will flaunt your curves and make people sit up and take notice of you.

2. Pretty much everyone will look better when they are sporting a nice, golden tan. It is no big secret that all fitness and bodybuilding competitor's lather on the tanning sprays before hitting the stage. Your muscles will be more defined and you will give off an overall leaner appearance. So either give yourself a few sessions in a tanning bed before summer, or if you are worried about the harmful effects of beds, try a tanning spray or cream.

3. Count your carbs! If you eat a lot of refined carbohydrates you're going to find yourself more likely to retain water, something that's not going to help you look your best when you head out in your bikini. Instead of indulging in the carbs, try eating more fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed grains to look your best.

4. Add Some Intervals. To really get that fat-loss burning kicked up a notch, add some high intensity intervals to your cardio training routine. Studies have shown that these are far more effective in terms of burning body fat than puttering along for a longer duration but at an easier pace. Try for 30 seconds hard and a minute and a half easy for a period of 20-30 minutes. As you become more advanced either increase the hard period's intensity even further or increase the work interval while shortening the rest period.

5. Stand up straight. Excellent posture can really make you and your body stand out when you're wearing your bikini. Slouching makes you look uncomfortable, like you're trying to hide. But with your head up and your shoulders straight you not only look like you're confident, it also pulls in your stomach and smooths the curve of your back.

6. Try adding some squats into your workout routine. If there's any single routine that will do the most for your thighs and butt, this is the one. It's an intense workout that will really burn calories while targetting the muscles of your thighs and glutes, helping you add shape and definition.

7. Drink lots of water. Drinking water can help keep your skin looking clean and healthy, but it also fights bloating you may be suffering as the result of a diet. So, if you aren't drinking 7-8 glasses of water a day already, now's the time to start.

8. Next time you go for a walk, whether it's on the treadmill or outside, try adding an incline. No only does this make for a more intense workout, but it really helps shape and define your bottom while increasing your endurance at the same time. If you don't have an area to walk or hike that has hills, remember that treadmills can be adjusted to add an incline.

9. And don't forget to relax! Summer is a time to have fun, and it's easier to have fun and enjoy yourself when you feel confident in your own skin. Don't buy a bathing suit that makes you feel self conscious. Buy the one that makes you feel great, and if you're still not sure you can pull of a bikini, try buying a wrap until you do. - 17268

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The Healthy Wat To Lose Weight

By Christopher Rom

A low-fat diet involves the reduction of fat in a persons diet. Your calorie consumption is reduced for the purpose of ssing weight. Diets of this type include NCEP Step I and II. A meta-analysis of 16 trials of 2-12 months' duration found that low-fat diets resulted in weight loss of 3.2 kg (7.1 lb) over eating as normal. Some low carbohydrate diets such as Atkins and Protein Power are relatively high in fat and protein. They are very popular in the press but are not recommended by the American Heart Association. A review of over 100 studies did not find that low-carbohydrate diets cause weight loss, except when calorie intake was restricted. No adverse effects from low carbohydrate diets were detected.

The low-calorie diets will usually produce a average deficit of 500-1,000 calories per day, and may result in a 0.5 kilogram (1.1 lb) weight loss per week. They include the DASH diet and Weight Watchers among others. The National Institutes of Health reviewed 34 randomized controlled trials to determine the effectiveness of low-calorie diets. They found that these diets lowered total body mass by 8% over 3-12 months.Very low calorie diets provide 200-800 kcal/day, maintaining protein intake but limiting calories from both fat and carbohydrates. They subject the body to starvation and produce an average weekly weight loss of 1.5-2.5 kilograms (3.3-5.5 lb). These diets are not recommended for general use as they are associated with adverse side effects such as loss of lean muscle mass, increased risks of gout, and electrolyte imbalances. People attempting these diets must be monitored closely by a physician to prevent complications.

Loss of weight typically involves the loss of fat, water and muscle. Overweight people, or people suffering from obesity, typically aim to reduce the percentage of body fat. Additionally, as muscle tissue is denser than fat, fat loss results in increased loss of body volume compared with muscle loss. Reducing even 10% body fat can therefore have a dramatic effect on a person's body shape. To determine the proportion of weight loss that is due to decreased fat tissue, various methods of measuring body fat percentage have been developed.

Muscle loss can occur during weight loss but can be restricted by regularly lifting weights (or strength-oriented calisthenics or isometrics) and by maintaining sufficient protein intake. Those on low-carbohydrate diets, and those doing particularly strenuous exercise, may wish to increase their protein intake. The National Academy of Sciences states that the Dietary reference intake for protein is "0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight for adults." Over extended periods of time excessive protein intake may cause liver and kidney problems and may be a risk factor for heart disease. There is no conclusive evidence that moderately high protein diets in healthy individuals are dangerous, it has only been shown that these diets are dangerous in individuals who already have kidney and liver problems.

The energy intake from food is limited by the efficiency of digestion and the efficiency of utilization. The efficiency of digestion is largely dependent on the type of food being eaten, while efficiency of utilization is affected by individual factors, including body weight and hormones. Also the effects of chewing, especially in elderly people, have been shown to affect the intake of micro-nutrients. However, there was no significant effect on the intake of macro-nutrients, such as sugars, fats, and proteins.

A bodies nutrients are provided from six separate classes: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, dietary minerals, and water. Carbohydrates are metabolized to provide energy. Proteins provide amino acids, which are required for cell construction, especially for the construction of muscle cells. Essential fatty acids are required for brain and cell membrane construction. Vitamins and trace minerals help maintain proper electrolyte balance and are required for many metabolic processes. Dietary fiber is another food component which influences health even though it is not actually absorbed into the body.

Many diet's that fail to meet minimum nutritional requirements can threaten general health (and physical fitness in particular). If a person is not well enough to be active, weight loss and good quality of life will be unlikely.Check out the National Academy of Sciences and the World Health Organization because they publish guidelines for dietary intakes of all known essential nutrients. Sometimes people on a diet will ingest excessive amounts of vitamin and mineral supplements. While this is usually harmless, some nutrients are dangerous. Men (and women who don't menstruate) need to be wary of iron poisoning. Retinol (oil-soluble vitamin A) is toxic in large doses. As a general rule, most people can get the nutrition they need from foods. In any event, a multivitamin taken once a day will suffice for the majority of the population.

Weight-loss diets which manipulate the proportion of macronutrients (low-fat, low-carbohydrate, etc.) have not been found to be more effective than diets which maintain a typical mix of foods with smaller portions and perhaps some substitutions (e.g. low-fat milk, or less salad dressing). Extreme diets may, in some cases, lead to malnutrition. So please be very careful with these types if this is what you choose. - 17268

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Best Summary Of Resveratrol Benefits

By Thomas Sinclair

Before finding out about Resveratrol benefits majority of people will want to find out what it is. For a more meticulous type mind, Resveratrol is a polyphenol compound that is found in plants. For everyone else, it's that stuff in red wine that has been talked about for years to lower heart attack risk. Turns out, it has more benefits than just that.

Resveratrol is a polyphenol compound. It is a natural phytoalexin or plant antibiotic. Many plants produce the compound when they are attacked by fungi, bacteria, or pathogens. Besides being in grape skins and seeds, it is also found in peanuts, peanut butter, and Yucca.

Research on humans are being conducted because Resveratrol has had amazing results in the studies done on rats and mice. Research is being done at this moment to see if the ingredient will be beneficial on colon cancer and melanoma in humans because it has had dramatic effects in studies done on rats.

Using Resvertrol in a topical cream has showed positive results on many types of skin cancer. The cream also has a positive effect on eczema, psoriasis and other types of skin issues that are viral or bacterial based.

The element has been found to reduce plaque formations in the brain and aids people such as Alzheimer's. As a health supplement it diminishes blood sugar, helps the skin, assists with weight loss, and boosts the metabolism. Resveratrol also works as an anti-inflammatory and assist in anti-coagulation.

The doses required to get the best results are being studies because different conditions respond better to different doses of Resveratrol. However, they have shown that the amount of the compound that one gets from drinking a glass of red wine each evening is not enough to have a significant effect.

While formal studies continue on Resveratrol benefits, there has been enough positive data compiled to make it worth consideration as an additional supplement. The studies which are done on rats and mice show that there are many benefits to this compound that cannot be ignored. - 17268

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Staying Well in Winter

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Simon and Garfunkel [and later, The Bangles] had it right. Winter light is hazy - it's more diffuse. The sun is lower in the sky and the sun's rays reach the Earth at an angle, losing much of their power. And of course, there's less sunlight during each 24-hour day of winter than during the rest of the year.

All these facts make it more important during winter to ensure you're getting your daily dose of sunlight. Humans depend on sun exposure to satisfy daily requirements of vitamin D.1 Vitamin D deficiency is classically associated with loss of bone mass, and is also associated with rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and type 1 diabetes.2

Humans need sunshine. It's not just a matter of aesthetics or a personality quirk like being a sun-worshipper. In Southern California and the rest of the Southwest there's plenty of sunshine all year round. Everywhere else in the United States, though, direct sunlight is much harder to find.

Humans also need exercise. As time is a precious commodity for all of us, it makes sense during winter to exercise and get your daily dose of sunlight at the same time.

Doing aerobic exercise outdoors perfectly fulfills our requirements. Walking, running, and cycling get us out into the fresh air and sunshine. If you are used to riding a stationary bike or walking or running on a treadmill at home or at the gym, winter is the time to take it outside.

Your bones will benefit greatly by increased contact with direct sunlight. And, interestingly, your entire body will benefit from your new outdoors focus. Machines such as treadmills and stationary bikes are great. They make it easy to exercise. But there's a big difference in terms of overall benefit when you're actually riding a real bike up a real hill or running on a real surface that changes configuration on almost every step.

The difference relates to proprioception3 - your body's response to physical changes in three-dimensional space. Bottom line - the more overall use you make of your body, the more you will benefit. Exercising outdoors provides whole-body training in ways machines never can.

The need to actively seek out sunshine during winter creates a wonderful opportunity to broaden our exercise horizons. Make sure to dress appropriately and to wear UV-protecting sunglasses.

Many affordable brands of high-performance sportswear are available that wick moisture away from your skin and provide good insulation. Layering is the way to go. You can remove layers as you get warmer. Wicking-and-insulating caps and gloves are also available. It's better to be a little too warm than a little too cold.

Be sure to consult with your chiropractor about the most effective forms of exercise for you. He or she will be able to help you design a customized exercise program that works for you.

1Holick MF: Sunlight and vitamin D for bone health and prevention of autoimmune diseases, cancers, and cardiovascular disease. Am J Clin Nutr 80(6):1678S-1688S, 2004 2Mohr SB, et al:The association between ultraviolet B irradiance, vitamin D status and incidence rates of type 1 diabetes in 51 regions worldwide. Diabetologia 51(8):1391-1398, 2008 3Buccello-Stout RR, et al: Effects of sensorimotor adaptation training on functional mobility in older adults. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 63(5):P295-300, 2008 - 17268

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Treating Persistent Coughs Is Essential

By Kenny Huang

Coughing is mostly accompanied with common cold and flu, and results in acute pain and dryness in throat. It is important to seek suitable medical help and get it treated appropriately.

The defence mechanism of the body instigates coughs to clear the passage of air in the throat which prevents proper flow of air to the lungs. They not only happen because of physical problems and ailments but also can be caused due to psychological problems. Cough due to bodily ailments happens generally when external agents and environmental pollutants like smoke, pollen, dust etc attack the body or if you are down with some disease. The latter is a habit of sneezing or coughing in an individual without any concrete physical reason, and it is called 'habitual coughing' or Streruphilia in medical terminology.

Cough can many times be acute or chronic, depending on its typical nature and on the basis of the period for which it continues and its intensity. Acute coughs which continue for not more than 3 weeks at a stretch can be caused because of diseases that are either infectious or non-infectious. Complications such as pneumonia and sinusitis result in acute coughs while chronic diseases like asthma cause chronic coughing problems.

It is important that you consult a doctor and get a proper diagnosis of the root cause and severity of your cough diagnosed so that proper treatment can be done. Based on the identified root cause, doctors can prescribe several kinds of medicines such as antihistamines, antibiotics or other cough suppressants. However, chronic coughing might need the sufferer to resort to prolonged therapies, that can go on for months at a stretch until the problem is alleviated.

As with any other ailment, prevention of cough is much better than having to cure it later when you are badly suffering from it. Positive lifestyle changes can keep you away from cough problems and for that you should not smoke and intake a good, balanced diet. - 17268

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