Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Back To Basics Detox Plan

By Tom Johnson

While many detoxification programs exist that can help you cleanse your body, many people don't have the time or the means to undertake them. However, here we present an easy detox plan that consists of small changes to your diet and lifestyle that will cleanse your body of toxins and make you feel better.

- Consume as many vegetables, fresh fruits, fish, seeds and nuts, as you can. Aim for organic foods whenever possible, so as to avoid eating foods contaminated with fungicides, herbicides, pesticides and hormones.

-Every few days, you need to drink at least half of your weight in fresh water (with a little lemon juice added to it if you want). The days in between, aim to take in at least 8 glasses per day.

- Sugar, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided at all costs. You can use honey, steva or agave nectar to sweeten foods, but not artificial sweeteners as they contain certain toxins that you're trying to stay away from.

- Take a fiber supplement, such as psyllium or flax (which can both be found in the health food aisle of most grocery stores) in the evening before going to sleep. Each capsule should contain about five to eight grams of fiber and should not have any food colorings or sugar added.

- Exercise on a regular basis to improve your blood circulation. Half an hour to an hour of exercise 3-5 times a week is recommended, but if you are just starting out, begin slow and build up to this goal.

- Take hot salt baths and saunas as they will help toxins sweat themselves out of your body. Remember to drink additional water before, during and after taking them to prevent dehydration.

This easy to follow detoxification process is achievable by anybody who is determined to make themselves healthier. On completion it will leave you feeling more energetic and vibrant. Use it 2 or 3 times a year to give yourself a boost after any prolonged feeling of not being at your best. Really, you have no excuse not to. By delaying or making excuses, you're only putting your long term health in danger. So, why not begin now? - 17268

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The 9th HCG Day: Still Waiting

By Amelia Handley

My buddy, Lisa, and I have decided to embark on the HCG diet. We've been doing a lot of online research so even though we haven't yet started the diet we've already identified a few problem areas. But since some of the online info contradicts we've decided to wait until our actual HCG Diet Direct protocol arrives per mail before we really start to stress it. Apparently it comes with a short and sweet instruction manual.

But for history's sake I thought I'd dedicate my daily article for today to the problems I foresee. I'm definitely going to have a big issue of diet soda isn't allowed. I figured it might be since it's zero calorie, but I've heard some say that you can't have it. I'm also going to really dislike it if I'm limited to just one kind of berry (the strawberry is great, but there are so many other yummy options out there to choose from). And I also heard that there is no approved ground meat. That seems difficult to me since there are really lean ground meat options out there. And lastly...what's this I hear about no substitutions?

Really? No diet soda? No Crystal Light? That's going to be tough for me. I mean...if it's true. I'm still hoping this one will fall on the rumor side of the scale. If it's actually listed in the HCG diet protocol handbook I'll have to deal, but until that point I'm going to be planning on using it to tide me over as I refrain from having Cheetos or chocolate cake.

Next I need to bemoan the removal of berries from the hcg diet protocol. I thought they were included, but we've found several comments from dieters online that suggest the only berry allowed is the strawberry. Could that be correct? There are so many wonderful berries out there to choose from and we're to stick strictly to the strawberry? I'm very disappointed in this possibility. (I'm still kind of hoping that it's not quite true...just give me my pipe dreams. They'll be blown out of the water soon enough).

The no ground meat thing won't really be an option until I get to the monthly barbeque gathering my brother hosts. He's going to be pretty bugged when I just have salad. But I suppose I can just tell him I'm sick and he might just let it go. Or maybe I'm wrong and ground meat is an option; there are all those really lean varieties available now.

The last thing I find myself worried about is the fact that some of the forums were discussing the fact that you aren't supposed to "substitute." For instance, I figured that if I didn't eat my fruit during lunch and dinner I could have it for a late night snack or always keep a bit of fruit portion set aside for breakfast. But I read a few reprimands from other dieters regarding this particular theory.

Basically...I guess I just need to suck it up and wait it out. When the instruction booklet arrives I'll study it from front to back and learn the rules and then follow them; mostly because I think it would be awesome to lose 25 to 50 pounds in 25 days and also because if I follow the rules perfectly that means my dieting buddy, Lisa, will owe me a brand new pair of jeans. I'm thinking I want a new pair of Big Stars. - 17268

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Food Lovers Fat Loss Diet: Is It For Me?

By Melissa Newton

Do you love to eat but need to lose weight? Are you conscious about your health now that you are gaining weight? Would you like to go on a diet that won't require you to die of hunger? You might want to try Food Lovers Fat Loss Diet. Created by Robert Ferguson, this diet is intended for people who want to lose weight but can't control themselves in eating. This diet consists of food that rapidly burns fat, so people using this diet program will not worry if they ate too much for that day. With this program, you are encouraged to eat smartly with your body's health in check.

This is a great program for people who have diabetes and heart problems, it's also great for vegetarians because it includes vegetarian options. Robert Ferguson is the owner of Diet Free Life in California, a program that has already helped many people lose a lot of weight.

Significantly, Food Lovers Fat Loss Diet concentrates not only on meals and recipes, but also motivates you to continue this diet along with exercise. These factors make this program healthy even for people with heart conditions and hormonal problems. For its author, Robert Ferguson, the simplest strategy in losing weight is to eat small portions. He also wrote important and effective food combinations that are best with exercise. Aside from his book and online articles, Ferguson is also on the air via his Fat Loss Friday Radio program where you can listen and jot down his lectures on losing weight. He also features celebrities that fought fat and weight gain using Food Lovers Fat Loss Diet.

The Food Lovers Fat Loss Diet is for people who are willing to combine determination and use their brain to lose weight. It's not just about losing pounds, but being healthier and accomplishing your goals easier.

Losing weight means relieving you of future health problems like stroke, type two diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. Dieting should not be rushed. A diet should be a tool to improve health, first and foremost.

If you are one of those people who love to eat, you are going to gain weight sooner or later. This is the problem that our country is facing. For the first time you can lose weight without worrying about starving yourself and reveal a whole new you. - 17268

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Fat Burning Furnace: Is It The Real Deal

By Melissa Newton

If you are planning to try another weight loss program because your previous plan did not work well, you should first read this Fat Burning Furnace review before finalizing your decision in selecting the next program that will finally help you achieve your desired weight. There are numerous similar products available in the market today. Choosing which one among them that is effective in helping you shed off excess pounds in your body is becoming difficult nowadays considering the wide variety of different products where each of them claims to be the best in the industry.

Therefore, this Fat Burning Furnace review will help you choose if this one of the most rated programs in the market today is really suited for your lifestyle and needs. One of the first few things which you should know about this program is that it consists of an excellent book written by Rob Poulos which deals with losing weight using well proven exercise methods which are very effective in shedding off unwanted pounds from your body by making use of resting metabolic rates. That will also gain healthy muscles for you. Additionally, it also recommends using its well planned healthy diet that will further help your body in burning more fats.

Most of the suggested workouts in this program will take only a few minutes of exercise using weights; ideally about 20 minutes per session for at least three times per week. This is not hard for you to do and it can easily fit in to your weekly schedule. The recommended workout techniques are easy to follow because it is fully explained in the book and further enhanced by illustrations and pictures in order for anyone to efficiently follow the suggested movements.

A lot of thought was put into the workout program, this is one of the best parts of the Fat Burning Furnace program. The workout routines were made to gradually work each body part to achieve long lasting results. You are instructed to only work one part at a time to prevent you from pushing yourself too hard. What's better is that there are different levels though out the program like beginner, intermediate and advanced, everyone has somewhere to start.

There is so much wonderful information in this program. It includes nutritional information, healthy recipes, planners and different exercise patters to make your body a lean mean fat burning machine. This Fat Burning Furnace review gives the program a five star rating. - 17268

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Weight Lifting Workouts for Weight Loss?

By Thaya Kareeson

Weight loss infomercials and ads always promote weight lifting workouts, but in reality, these weight lifting workouts are not designed to help you lose weight. Find out about this common misconception in this article.

Weight lifting workout routines usually activate a few specific muscle group at a time. Because of that, the body's heart rate and overall fat burning capacity remains low throughout the workout. More energy and fat can be burned off by activating more muscle groups in the same amount of time.

Weight lifting workouts really strengthen specific muscle groups and build muscle. This can actually lead to an increase in weight, particularly if it is not accompanied by fat burning exercises and targeted nutrition adjustments.

To maintain a balanced weight lifting workout routine, you should cycle through periods of weight lifting exercises and periods of fat burning exercises such as swimming or jogging. It is also advisable to give different muscle groups rest times to rebuild after straining them in strengthening exercises before working the same muscle groups out again.

The way you come up with your workout schedule will vary depending on your goals. If you are just starting to exercise and only have 3 days per week to exercise, you will have a significantly different schedule than a person that is in tip-top shape and is available to workout 5 days per week.

A general rule of thumb is that 2 parts of fat burning exercise with one part of muscle and strength building exercise will help people lose weight and lose weight and gain a better overall fit appearance.

For example, if you are working with a 3 day workout regime, you can perform two days of fat burning and conditioning, and one day of muscle building. If you are working with a 5 day workout regime, you can perform three days of fat burning and conditioning, and two days of muscle building. A good general rule of thumb is to alternate between fat burning and weight lifting days. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Tips, How To Perform A Safer Workout Routine

By Ricardo d Argence

1) Warm-up. Some may consider the quaint notion of warming up as being little more than an extended clich. This is not completely accurate as even though warming up is oft repeated by many, it is repeated due to the extreme importance of warming up. When you rush into the gym and decide to crank out sets and reps, you will be making a huge mistake.

A proper warm up leads to the increase of the body's core temperature which opens the door for your metabolism to get into high gear. This also aids in lubricating the joints which is also incredibly important. Basically, you will be getting your body ready to get into top shape prior to lifting heavy, excess weight.

Your warm-up should consist of 5-10 mins of moderate cardio on a treadmill or stationary bike, 5 minutes of light stretching and, as you get ready for the weights, 1-2 light sets before your "real" sets begin.

2) Stretch. Not taking the time out to properly stretch will lead to the muscles shortening over time and that will make you significantly less flexible. This might seem like a minor detail to some, the development of weakened and inflexible tissue will lead to potential injuries and lifestyle problems.

If a supporting muscle stiffens or becomes shortened, it will start interfering with the normal groove of your exercises. Not a big deal at first, but over time you train increasingly "wrong" and put a lot of extra stress on joints, ligaments and unintended secondary muscle groups. The cumulative effect over a couple of years can throw some serious curveballs at your bodybuilding efforts.

Stretching between sets flushes out lactic acid and byproducts while bringing in fresh nutrients, thus making your stronger for your next set. Finally, the post-stretching helps you recover faster between workouts. In a nutshell, you stretch slowly, without bouncing, for 30 seconds or more taking care not to inadvertently put undue stress on the joints.

3) Control. There is great temptation with loading up on heavy weights and cheat your way to the conclusion of a set. Controlled cheating is an intensity boosting technique many prominent bodybuilders advocate.

But, cheating should really only be performed at the end of a normal set in order to gain additional reps. Swaying or using momentum from the second rep on means you have selected too much weight and you can't workout effectively.

Another aspect of control is avoiding any type of bouncing, jerking or partial moves forced by necessity. In other words, if you stop halfway down in the negative phase of your biceps curls because you wouldn't be able to curl up otherwise, you're using too much weight.

4) Strong Abs. The midsection is home to the stabilizer muscles that hold the body together. When you fail to build a solid, balanced midsection, you will always be in danger of suffering a problem when performing overhead presses of other such exercise.

Think about a barbell military press. From feet to hips, you're pretty much standing straight. Then you lean backwards so that you can stay balanced while pushing up the barbell and the only thing protecting your spine is your abs. In fact, ab tension is a prerequisite for getting into the starting position.

5) Safety Precautions. People buckle their seat belts when they get into their car not because they expect an accident to happen. They do so just in case one occurs their injuries will be minimized. Take this attitude into the gym with you.

Likewise, attempting heavy barbell bench presses to failure without a spotter is little more than Russian roulette. You can even up the ante by using "monkey grip" (thumbs on the same side as the rest of the fingers) for the added thrill of potentially dropping 300 lbs on your face.

None of this is too difficult to comprehend and all of these 5 steps can help reduce the chances of an injury from occurring. - 17268

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