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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Anti Aging cure Expertise is exhilarating!

By Andy Felix

When it gets to anti-aging people are ready to do most anything to "inverse the clock". Everything exclude the easiest solution ' Prevention! We all recognize, by and large do to media ballyhoo, that the sun can cause us to age more rapidly. due to this information, individuals have started to be using more and more sunshine block as their anti-aging instrument. Did you experience that share of the anti-aging fight could begin with the foods you put in your body everyday? One of the best anti-aging tools we can get is food with antioxidants.

Among the many kinds of Anti-aging drugs in the market, anti oxidants are the most potent. These dietary supplements are commercialized to target peculiar toxins which the human body requires to flush out. These toxic substances could be UV rays-related or caused by strain and lack of exercise. The big constituent of anti-oxidants is fruit extracts. Taken by itself, anti oxidants are by and large Unhazardous and effective. It's suchlike to taking multivitamins. individuals undergoing medicine should, Nevertheless, research on the unfavorable results of each anti oxidant with their prescription medication. Should it examine to counter the results of the prescribed medicinal drug, an individual should cease use as early as potential. A long and knowledgeable talk with your doctor about Anti-aging drugs should be more than facilitative. The most famously noted anti-oxidant are vitamin C, E, and A.

There are various solid foods that grade high on the recommended listing for anti-aging solid foods because of their natural ability to rid the body of toxins. One that sustained coming up while searching this matter was Blueberries. Several other foods were numbered even numerous other berries. But blueberry bushes constantly appeared to top the list of anti-aging foods, because they are naturally loaded in anthocyanin. This is an anti-oxidant found in their blue pigment.

This is'nt only good for anti-aging, but it serve fight cell damage, which could stimulate cancer, heart disease and numerous other age linked disorders. It is even suggested that blueberries could contrary short -term memory-loss and assist in the improvement of motor skills.

This life is all about true-to-life it to the full but the natural way is incessantly the best. Attempting to evade it or struggle it will definitely cause resistance and one is in all likelihood to use megs of bucks attempting to repair it. Be careful then on how you go about opting the Anti-aging Treatments and you won't regret it. - 17268

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Black Tea vs Oolong Tea

By Jared Rothe

When it comes to teas, some people prefer black-tea over oolong-tea. Others might prefer green-tea, since it has received more attention for weight loss, anti-aging and anti-oxidants than the others. So which tea is better black or oolong?

Teas contain polyphenols which is helps with losing weight because they fight triglycerides. They contain vitamins A, B, C, E, and k and amino acids, proteins, and antioxidants.

Processes such as oxidation of the leaves and roasting, vary in both. All tea leaves are bruised when picked to allow some oxidation and release of the bitter oils and moisture to store the leaves.

Oolong tea isn't processed as much as black tea and retains a lot more minerals. A lot of the minerals and vitamins in black tea are lost in the roasting process. Compare this to cooking vegetables too long and eating them raw. The raw retains more minerals and vitamins.

The main difference is between their taste and flavors. Black tea and the additional processing tastes different than oolong tea because more of the bitter oils are gone. Black tea has a richer taste. Oolong is more bitter with a sweeter taste afterwards.

Oolong tea has a higher caffeine level than black tea but green tea has the highest count. This is also because of the processing time. The longer a tea is processed the more a tea loses its caffeine potency.

Black tea is very popular in the US because of its very robust flavor. On the other hand oolong and green teas are becoming more popular because of their higher levels of antioxidants and are overall more healthy for you. - 17268

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How To Gain Muscle In A Healthy Way

By The Buff Jerk

Hi! I'm sure you've been searching the net for a while now, trying to find information on how to gain muscle. Let me let you in on a little secret - most of the information online either is completely false or it is aimed at the genetically gifted few (people who find it easy to build muscle).

The only REAL way you can make sure your getting 100% correct advice that's going to work for YOU is if you download a professionally written muscle building program from the internet. A gain muscle program will show YOU how to modify and tailor your very own program so that there is no guesswork whatsoever and actually force your muscles to grow. Everyone has different strength levels, body fat levels and weight levels etc.

Everyone is different so everyone has a different starting point.

You may need to lose some body fat before you gain muscle, or you may just want to start gaining muscle straight away. Either or, you'll need to train and eat completely differently, as you can't do both at once, contrary to popular belief.

A top quality how to gain muscle program will show you how to eat properly. It'll tell you the things you should eat, how to cook them, at what times to eat and how many calories and nutrients to consume every single day.

The second thing it'll teach you is how to train. If you want to gain muscle straight away then you should be lifting heavy weights three times per week. It'll show you how to perform each exercise for each muscle group, how many sets and how many reps to perform.

It'll also teach you other very important factors such as the importance of rest, how much sleep you should get and why, the importance of hormones and how to manipulate them and lots of other cool stuff that you've probably never even heard about before.

You can get a top quality how to gain muscle program online today for the price of a tub of protein or slightly more. So don't waste your time in the gym and your money on supplements. Learn how to gain muscle in a healthy way and then take it from there! - 17268

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Got Chronic Pain? Try A Massage Chair

By Claudine Balsells

Massage therapy is a treatment that has been used to treat sore muscles and to help the body relax. As the massage penetrates the muscles it helps to relax the mind as well. Massage therapy is used to help those with chronic also. New research studies are showing the many benefits of massage therapy. Various treatments have helped many patients with chronic conditions such as migraine headaches and chronic pain and the lumbar spine region.

Massage therapy has been found to provide better pain relieving benefits than acupuncture and self-care. A study conducted by the group health operative of Puget Sound Center for health studies found this to be true in a study conducted in 2001. The study found that after one year of research a back pain massage had greater pain relieving benefits that both acupuncture and self-care.

Chronic pain has two main impacts on the patient. One is dealing with the constant pain felt throughout the body. The other is dealing with the psychological impact of constantly having pain. Massage therapy has been shown to reduce one's stress by relaxing the mind as it sues your aches and pains.

Many chronic pain sufferers are afflicted with migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, arthritis and sciatica. These particular conditions affect the soft tissues of the body. Soft tissues such as tendons, ligaments, joints and muscles can be put under stress. In time the stress fatigues the muscles and other soft tissues. This makes them stiff and inflexible.

When you suffer from chronic pain, you may also have increased stress. Stress produces a reaction in the body that releases adrenaline. The adrenaline serves to give the body energy to protect itself. Under sustained stress, the energy starts to fatigue the muscles.

Massage chairs are designed to provide therapeutic benefits. A remote control is built into the massage chair. The remote control allows the user to set automatic programs or manual programs. Massage chairs come equipped with a multitude of massage techniques. Sophisticated software programs replicate many traditional and popular massage techniques.

Massage chairs are designed with additional therapeutic treatments. The application of heat is popular in sports to reduce swelling and to help blood circulation. Designers of massage chairs have included heating elements which can be applied to particular muscle areas.

Traction systems are being added into massage chairs as well. Traction is a way of pulling or stretching the muscles and soft tissues of joints. Massage chairs have lower body stretching systems which can stretch the body from the hips down to the ankles. This type of stretching can be very therapeutic for the lower body.

Massage chairs are designed to provide the same type of environment as you would get a regular massage. Normally, you would expect to listen to soothing music as to get your massage. Massage chairs are equipped with MP3 players and headphones to provide the same type of relaxing environment. Music helps to calm the mine by helping it to remain quiet.

Massage chairs are advancing rapidly with the integration of many new technologies. This is good news for consumers who can benefit tremendously from these features. Massage chairs for home use provide terrific convenience. If you suffer from chronic pain and you are symptoms flare up, then you can get a massage anytime you need it in your massage chair. - 17268

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Can I Lose Weight On The Zone Diet

By Ron C

The zone diet is considered a fad diet created by a biochemist named Barry Sears. In reality it's not a fad diet in that it is not planned to only be consumed in short periods, but rather to become the normal eating habits for a person. It is considered a low carbohydrate diet, however is more based on balancing hormones and therefore does not restrict carbohydrates as much as other low carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins diet.

The basis of the zone diet is a ratio of calories from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats all of 40 to 30 to 30. Some nonscientific studies done by various television shows have shown that the diet can indeed produce reasonable weight-loss. In fact, many of these nonscientific studies show that people gain muscle mass while losing weight on the zone diet. People included in the studies said it was very easy to stick to the zone diet as compared to other low carbohydrate diets.

The zone in zone diet refers to a hormone balance in which insulin levels are perfect, glycogen levels are perfect, and thus the body releases various anti-inflammatory chemicals similar to aspirin but without side effects. In addition, claims Sears, the natural anti-inflammatory help with heart health. The zone diet also creates a state in which the body stops storing fat. If the body isn't storing fat, it's losing weight. Fatty acids such as omega 3 were later added in the form of supplements such as fish oil.

Sears told people who were on the zone diet to eat a piece of meat that would fit in their palm, just enough carbohydrates to avoid feeling weak, and as much non-starchy vegetables as they could stomach.

The Zone diet boasts an amazing weight loss story to its credit a man who once weighed in at 1200 pounds. He lost 400 pounds on the zone diet after a series of failures with almost every other diet imaginable. He now eats about 2000 calories a day, filled with foods recommended by the zone diet.

Exercise care when taking up the zone diet. - 17268

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Review of ResVer Xp resveratrol suplement.

By Casandra James

ResVer XP Review - Resveratrol has been taking the world by storm as being THE BEST natural anti-aging substance known to man. With the benefits of Resveratrol recently being featured on Oprah with Dr Oz, you know there is hype for a reason.

ResVer XP has a special, limited time bonus for all new free trial users of the ResVer XP supplement. Make sure you scroll down to the bottom of this post to find out what it is!

Features of ResVer XP

Free Trial includes 2 Bottles of ResVer XP

Brighter and younger looking skin

Remove wrinkles and look ten years younger

Erase up to 10 Years from your Face

Protect your body against the effects of time

Boost up your energy levels

Add extra protection to your heart and fight cancer at the core.

Resveratrol is rich in anti-oxidants which has the effect of reversing the build-up of these toxins. Within days of use, Resveratrol can show results in your tummy, waist, legs, and other hard to slim areas.. without reducing caloric intake or exercise! - 17268

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Acai Berries and Green Tea Extract For Weight Loss

By David Cakenholf

Weight loss can be a particularly difficult pursuit to take up. It is hard to lose weight once you have put it on.

Luckily, there are some answers to your weight loss problem that can help boost your weight loss and make you feel better.

One of these solutions is Acai Berry Select, a weight loss supplement packed with the world-renowned "superfruit" acai berry.

What is the Acai berry and how can it help you?

The Acai berry has been harvested in the Amazon for hundreds of years and has been known in that area for its detoxifying and rejunvenating properties.

In recent years, Acai became very popular and has been studied and shown on various news outlets. Celebrities and sports stars have also begun to adapt the fruit into their diets because of its great benefits.

However, the Acai Berry Select product doesn't just stop at Acai berries... it also features other ingredients that are known to help weight loss including green tea extract.

Acai Berry Select can increase fat oxidation, increase your metabolism, fight fatigue and increase your energy levels quickly to help you lose weight faster.

It is filled with many nutritional elements including Omega-3, 6 and 9 oils as well as vitamins and more.

If you want to start losing weight today and taking advantage of the Acai berry, then take a look at Acai Berry Select today. At the time of this writing, Acai Berry Select is even offering a free trial so that you can try it with no risk and see the benefits for yourself. Give it a try today! - 17268

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The Nuts and Bolts of Creatine and How to Make it Work for Your Fitness Needs

By Henrick Scofers

If you are someone who is into regular exercise, then you've probably heard a lot about creatine. In order to understand how creatine can benefit your workout, it is important to understand what it is and how it works. Creatine is an amino acid compound that takes advantage of your body's existing amino acids and the food you eat in order to help store energy. Red meats and fish are creatine rich foods. In the human body, you will find creatine stored as phosphocreatine. What this does is works with your body's natural system for storing energy in the muscle, and in this way provides energy for muscle contraction. It also contributes to the ATP (adenosine triphosphate) regeneration process.

What is the ATP regeneration process? You may remember this from your biology classes in high school. When a muscle contracts, ATP loses a phosphate molecule and converts it to energy, turning it into ADP (adenosine diphosphate). In order to replenish the body sources of ATP, that ADP molecule needs to be turned back into an energy rich ATP molecule. This is where creatine can help. What does, in a nutshell, is convert ADP to ATP. So the more creatine in your body, the faster your body can turn ADP into ATP. The benefit of this is that your muscles contract much more rapidly and effectively when your body is able to quickly convert ADP back into ATP. As a result, when exercise enthusiasts know they need extra energy, for example they are doing something like bodybuilding or sprinting and they need to have short bursts of energy for exercise, they take creatine.

Also, taking creatine helps reduce fatigue and aids with protein synthesis. In this way creatine promotes the development and growth of muscles.

What's even more exciting about creatine is you don't have to wait any significant time after taking it for your body to be able to have access to this extra energy. For weightlifters and sprinters, as well as other fitness enthusiasts, creatine is a supplement that is essential for their fitness toolbox. Not only does it allow for an easier time doing exercise that requires frequent or sudden burst of energy, but it also improves energy overall and helps your muscles recover after doing exercise.

Chances are if you are someone who bodybuilds, runs, or participates in other related exercise programs, you may have heard of creatine already. If you haven't, you need to try it out! Not only is creatine and excellent supplement for bodybuilders, it's also good for anyone who wants to increase their muscle efficiency as it helps maintain hydration in the muscles. Creatine is derived naturally from an amino acid of the liver, pancreas, and kidney, from glycine, arginine, and methione. Water is well retained in the muscles when a person takes creatine. Not only does this help build strength, but also increases your muscular endurance.

If you are taking Creatine to help you build muscle and you understand what Creatine does and how it helps you build muscle then you will not be disappointed. Research has shown it to be both safe and affective for those wishing to increase muscle mass and performance in fitness activities requiring short and explosive burst of energy. On the other hand, if you take Creatine and hope it will grow you bodybuilder's muscles without putting in any work then you are sadly mistaken. It helps to develop body when you do exercise with Creatine.

You are still going to have to put in a lot of effort and hard work in order to help your muscles grow. It's not that by simply taking creatine, your muscles simply burst out fully formed the skin as though your life was a science fiction movie. What creatinine does is work with your exercise routine and enhance the efficacy of it.

If you use weights on a regular basis to work out, or use a personal trainer, you should start taking creatine. As you work out, with time, you'll see muscle growth, and you will also see maintenance of definition because your muscles will not become dehydrated. The way creatine works is that it goes to the muscle tissue via the bloodstream. If you take a supplement of creatine, your muscle cells will also become better hydrated. This will create an appearance of fuller and bigger muscles. Most of the body's creatine -- over 90% -- is stored in the tissues of the muscle. You'll also find a little bit in the brain, testicles (of men), and heart as well. About 120 g of creatine are found in an average adult. Your daily recommended amount of creatine is about 2 g. Make sure to bear that in mind. If you suddenly stop your creatine regimen, you will lose the expansion as well as the water gain in your muscles. But you'll still keep the muscles that you worked so hard for. It's not that creatine builds large muscles, its that it helps the muscles you build remain strong, so long as you do the hard work and put in the proper amount of effort. - 17268

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If You Have Diabetes Can You Eat Popcorn

By Jason Lee

Diabetics need to keep their blood sugar levels under control at all times. Without a healthy they put themselves in severe health risks. The diet is everyones main component of a healthy lifestyle.

You need a basic understanding of what you can eat. No longer ask yourself can I eat cheese, candy, breads, or even Popcorn. With the following information you will be able to determine what you can and cannot eat.

Carbohydrates are a big part of our diets, and are not necessarily bad by definition. However, you must note that there are simple and complex carbohydrates. When putting together your diet, you will want to be sure that it is one that has a higher component of complex carbohydrates as opposed to the simple carbs that are so prevalent in our food choices today. Simple carbs are basically sugar, and diets that are full of these sugars are exactly the type of diets that can lead to type 2 Diabetes. However, complex carbohydrates are a good choice to add to your diet because they are more difficult to digest. Therefore, your body has to work harder to process them, and that will give you a longer lasting energy source.

You should also eat a lot of protein. A great source of energy is from lean proteins. This helps your metabolism and fuels your body to burn calories at a faster rate, and helps to build more muscle mass at the same time as you are burning fat.

You also need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits that contain a good source of antioxidants. These provide the nutrients your body needs to keep its immune system healthy. These foods help to prevent food cravings because they give your body a since of being full.

Discovering what type of diet will work for you is always a constantly changing challenge. However, when you are dealing with the added complication of Diabetes you are faced with those basic and human questions like can you eat popcorn with Diabetes? Well, the truth is that yes you can. Your diet can include those favorite foods that you have. The key is to indulge in those with moderation within a diet that is rich in the healthful nutrients that your body needs. - 17268

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What are the Benefits to Strength Training?

By USGSF Staff

Strength training is an important element of fitness and exercise. If you are trying to lose weight then it is essential that you incorporate some strength training activities into your routine. Losing weight is about burning calories. It is about burning fat and one way to do that is to build your muscles. Basically the more muscle you develop the more energy you burn, resulting in greater weight loss.

Strength training does not have to be a daily grind. There are many classes or exercise programs you can follow that will help with building your muscles. Most gyms have classes like total body fitness or group power lifting. Typically these types of classes use many types of weight training equipment including barbells, hand weights,resistance bands and my favorite....Kettlebells. The typical class lasts for about an hour.

Over all it seems to be women seem to enjoy these types of strength training classes more than men. Men typically enjoy working out the muscle groups by adding bulk. Strength training classes help to shape and tone your muscles into lean mass without the bulk. In addition, since the instructor pushes you along during the class at a very rapid pace, there is a bit of cardiovascular benefit as well. If your goal is to have both strength training as well as muscle endurance, then you should consider a "cross fit" type class that can focus on both of those areas. Keep in mind that those types of classes not only build strength...but they melt away the love handles much faster.

Lets say you do not care for classes there are many exercises that you can do from home using just simple hand weights will do just fine, and there are many strength exercises that require no equipment like the simple pushup. Find a DVD to follow along to help you with your exercise. A good program to follow will help keep you on track, motivated and more likely to do the exercises correctly without injuring yourself.

Many people go to the gym to lift weights. Typical regimens include alternating days of upper body work with lower body work. For example, on Monday and Thursday you might work your upper body, while on Tuesday and Friday you might work your lower body. This gives the muscles time to repair and grow between workouts. The days off are critical in the time your body needs for muscle recovery. During this recovery period is when your muscle structure develops and grows...its your body's way of saying "Hey I need to be read for the next time that physical event happens. - 17268

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Some Basic Gout And Uric Acid Information

By PJ Easton

There is a family history of gout and uric acid being an issue with my in-laws, and I was educated in a very slight way what foods might cause a gouty episode. Foods that have high purine content and alcohol are important to avoid. Since we have children now, we are watching ourselves for possible symptoms to avoid getting gout.

It came to my attention during questioning with my doctor on what types of illnesses my family members had. One of the questions was does anyone suffer from gout. I figured that we should do some research to understand this illness a bit better.

What the experts say is that there are normal amounts of uric acid in people normally. Uric acid is a waste which comes from cells dying and then releasing purines, which also comes from food. If you have an excessive amount of uric acid flowing in your blood then you can get hyperuricemia.

If a person has hyperuricemia for many years usually more than 20 years then too much excess uric acid gets stored all through the person's body and then it's possible for the uric acid to crystallize into sodium urate. Then what can happen is that the crystals can accumulate in the persons joints which then sets them up for a painful attack of gout.

It is important to then seek ways to lower uric acid to a level that is considered normal so that they don't end up getting the terrible results of gout or hyperuricemia. They must seek help from a physician who can advise them how to lower their uric acid.

A doctor will know that a blood test will be needed to find out the amount of serum uric acid that is present in the persons body.

To avoid getting gout you might need to go on medicine, or just change some habits that could be making gout symptoms arise.

Sometimes a person who is considered obese, which is when the body fat ratio is out of balance with the height of a person. This overweight condition means that the person is around 4 times more likely to end up with gouty condition than a person of normal weight. Keeping weight off will reduce your risk of getting gout.

It is important to watch your weight for other reasons as well, such as lessoning your risk of blood-pressure problems and decreases risk of heart disease. It is important to note that researchers are connecting the possibility that kidney disease, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, is being cause by the high uric levels of acid in people. - 17268

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Great Dirty Trick Beats Fat Loss Plateau

By geanor fremooor

I had a training partner once that always snuck on more weight on the bar. For example, when I plan on doing 210 lbs for 7 repetitions, he would slap on an extra 10 (220). The big thing is I end up doing it just as easily as I was doing 210. The point to his dirty trick was my partner knew that I was stronger then I let myself think. If planned on doing this at home make sure you have a spotter.

How exactly can you receive a benefit from his dirty trick? You can receive a benefit In 2 ways.

1. Change the way you think (mindset) and your self image (what you think about yourself)

If you have the problem where you are stuck on a plateau within your workout and arent getting the results youre looking for and is brainwashed that youre supposed to be fat and wont ever lose weight or build the muscle your craving, youre not going to get anywhere.

Instead of doing that tell yourself that you are meant to lose the fat and build the muscle. Believe it when you say it so its in your head. Picture buying a bunch of clothes for your new, hot body or going to the beach and not being embarrassed to take your shirt off or put a bathing suit on.

Here is an awesome example of a good fat burning mindset shift mentioned by someone I know.

Yesterday went great. I decided to not eat a plate full of fries and didnt even bother eating a burger like I normally do. I did the mindset change and now overall, Im a healthy person. A healthy person doesnt get involved with greasy burgers and fries, doing so is just asking for trouble.

So eat a turkey burger/sandwich instead. Its low in fat and high in protein. Have a strong, positive thinking mentality and you will be on the road to your success.

2. Break a new record every time in your workouts

Your body will only change if you are improving and putting more weight on each time. My workout partners dirty trick made sure I was getting the most out of my workout every time and guaranteed to receive gains.

When it comes to your fat loss muscle building workout youre going to want to pick an area where you want/can improve on for each workout you do. No matter if its just one more rep, 5 pounds or more added to the workout or faster intervals. Beat the old record and make a new one every time and just like that you will reach success. - 17268

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