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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Knee Pain and Loss of Knee Function

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

Knee pain is usually caused by arthritis. There are three common types of arthritis: rheumatoid, traumatic, and osteoarthritis.

When you injure your knee, it can cause traumatic arthritis. This is a condition that develops over time as damaged ligaments and or bones cause further damage to the knee structure and break down the articular cartilage.

Rheumatoid arthritis causes the synovial membrane to produce too much fluid. The fluid overfills the joint space, thickens, and becomes inflamed causing damage to the knees cartilage. This chronic condition causes loss of cartilage, stiffness and pain.

If the cushion of cartilage in the knee wears out, it leaves the bones to grind against each other. This extremely painful condition is known as osteoarthritis. It is usually a problem for people over fifty years old, especially those who have a history of osteoarthritis in the family.

Knee Replacement May Bring Relief

Talk over all your options with your family and your doctor. If it seems total knee replacement surgery may be a good idea for you, your doctor will refer you to an orthopedic surgeon, who can give you all the details about surgery and other options. Once you are fully informed, you can make a confident choice.

Click here for more on knee pain solutions .

Here are some good reasons to have total knee replacement surgery:

Exhaustion of Options: You have tried everything else without success. Once you have gone through physical therapy, cortisone injections, and other types of surgery to no avail, it is definitely time to consider total knee replacement.

Difficulty getting through each day without pain. If it hurts to stand up, sit down, walk, climb stairs, get in your car, get out of your car, and so on, it is time to try total knee replacement. This is also true if you are doing all these things, but you are using a cane or a walker to manage them.

The following symptoms indicate the need for total knee replacement:

Stiff knee joints that will not straighten or bend.

Your knee hurts even when you are resting it.

You are knock-kneed or bow-legged and it is causing pain and problems.

Your aspirin or ibuprofen dont work any more. Understand that these medications are good for early symptoms, but as your pain worsens, they cant keep up.

Your knee continues to be swollen, red and painful, even after you have taken medication and rested it.

It is important to realize that the effectiveness of medications may vary widely from patient to patient. The more severe your arthritis, the less effective medications will be. Over time, you may build up a tolerance to medications that prevents them from being effective, or you may develop complications that prevent you from being able to use them at all. - 17268

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Things to Know About Your New Knee

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

You will notice a few differences between your old knee and your new knee. Your new knee may feel a little numb and stiff. The numbness will be around the incisions. The stiffness will probably be greater if you do a lot of bending. You may also notice that your new knee doesnt move quite as freely as your old knee. Still, you are sure to find it an improvement.

You may also notice that you are having some trouble kneeling. Dont worry about it, though. It does not hurt your new knee to kneel. You may also hear clicking sometimes when you are bending and walking. This is just the metal parts moving against the plastic. It will become less with time. Most patients adjust to it quite nicely. It is surely less of a problem than the pain and restriction of activities experienced with a diseased natural knee.

If your were active before your surgery, you can be active again after your surgery. You will be able to straighten and bend your new knee well enough to perform common activities such as stair climbing and using your car.

Click here for more on new knee replacement .

Metal detectors may sound when you try to enter federal buildings and the airport. Be sure to let the security guards know about your new knee so there wont be any misunderstandings.

Here is an after surgery reminder list:

Take great care not to fall or become injured. If you hurt yourself after your knee surgery, you will probably need more surgery.

See your orthopedist about any problems you may be having. Your orthopedist is also an MD. He or she can prescribe both surgical and non-surgical treatments for recovery. Your orthopedist's training has given him or her a great deal of expertise regarding the tendons, nerves, joints, bones, ligaments and muscles that make up the musculoskeletal system.

When you go to the dentist, be sure he or she knows about your knee replacement. You must always take antibiotics prior to any dental procedure to prevent bacteria from traveling to the site of your operation and causing problems.

Be sure to participate in light exercise on a regular basis to maintain the mobility and the strength of your new knee.

Go to your orthopedic surgeon for an examination and x-rays every year. - 17268

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Discover Nutritional Supplementation For Deluxe Health Now

By Susan Z Wilson

You can find shelves full of dietary supplements like multivitamins, single vitamins, minerals and even herbs at every grocery store, nationwide shopping chain and even thousands of online stores. Folks take supplements because they think that they are not getting the adequate nutrition from their daily diet and dietary supplements can fill in the gaps.

There is a apprehension about which dietary supplements are constructive to human health because of the body's capability to take up the fundamental vitamins and minerals from a pill or capsule. The Council for Responsible Nutrition has released some findings that regular and continuous consumption of multivitamins and other supplements can boost good health and put off disease and illness.

It has been revealed that the constant use of nutritional supplements like folic acid contributes to the substantial decline of neural tube birth defects in newborn babies. Other supplements such as calcium have shown definite effects such as improved immunity and the lessening of fragile bones in elderly adults.

Did you know that the Council for Responsible Nutrition released a report called The Benefits of Nutritional Supplements? They reviewed over 10 years worth of studies that looked over the health benefits of multivitamins and dietary supplements. Some of these nutritional supplements included Calcium, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, antioxidants, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6 and folic acid. Conclusion's indicate that extended consumption of nutritional supplements or multivitamins afford the top health benefits for humans.

Other exciting results from this report showed that if all females of childbearing age took a multivitamin or even just a folic acid supplement, it might be viable to diminish the incidence of neural tube birth defects by as much as 70%. And elderly patients who took supplements enhanced their immune systems and reduced the threat of hip fractures. Better health from taking nutritional supplements could set off considerable health savings by preventing or postponing illnesses and diseases by a matter of years.

In spite of this, not all of the reports on supplements is good. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that is found in many orange foods. It is in reality a precursor to vitamin A as it converts to vitamin A in the body. It has been found that beta-carotene from the diet reduces the risks of cancer and heart disease along with boosting immunity and sustaining good vision. Because of these extraordinary findings, some experts started recommending beta-carotene supplementation.

But shortly after that, two exceptional studies showed that beta-carotene supplements in fact did more destruction than good markedly in smokers. The studies took folks who were at a elevated risk for lung cancer-smokers, former smokers and people exposed to asbestos and gave them either the beta-carotene supplements or a placebo. The study was discontinued when it found that the individuals who were given the beta-carotene supplements actually had a higher ratio of lung cancer and a higher death rate than the placebo group.

Here is something else you might not know, Beta-carotene and other antioxidants and nutrients are harmless and beneficial when found in foods but not always when found in supplemental forms. Nonetheless, many of today's diets do not bestow adequate nourishment to maintain excellent health so supplementation may well still be a good solution. - 17268

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The Seven Capital Sins of Muscle Building

By Ricardo d Argence

Developing good habits is crucial to build muscle up on a long term basis. It is very important to be doing the right things regularly in order to build muscle continuously. Unfortunately often people get into bad habits without thinking about the danger they are risking or about how much they are adversely affecting their progress. Here we have outlined the top 7 worst muscle building habits and included a few build muscles tips too:

1) The worst of all! Taking steroids, this is dangerous for a whole variety of reasons take your pick from any of the following: different coloured spots on the body, acne, swelling of the legs and feet, bad smelling breath and yellowing of the skin, dizziness, trembling, nausea, vomiting, mood swings, premature balding, aching joints, liver damage, high blood pressure, palpitations, cardiovascular disease and reduction of your final adult height. If you want even more reason not to take steroids how about: testicular shrinkage, impotence, pain on urination, breast development and even sterility. Enough said.

2) Trying to lift weight that is too heavy. Yes, trying to beat you training partner is great motivation but be really careful. Lifting too much weight can cause you to lose form and increase the chances of injury and won't help you build muscles quickly. If you are unable to lift or lower the weight under complete control or if you have to use momentum to do so then you need to lower the weight.

3) Eating too much protein. Everyone knows protein is good for you and helps you build muscle, but it's possible to consume too much. An average person's protein intake is about a gram or less of per kilo of body weight a day. A muscle building athlete consumes more, at about 1.7 grams of protein per kilo of bodyweight. Consuming more than this could lead to osteoporosis and irreversible kidney damage. You could even damage your heart over time, due to protein byproducts released by your body.

4) Taking stimulants such as ephedrine has dangerous side effects including heart palpitations, heart attack and stroke. Whilst these are not prohibited you wold be wise to exercise extreme caution and in fact would be much better off not using them. you may try a caffeine pill instead as these are far less dangerous. If any doubts exist make sure you get the opinion of a health care professional.

5) Some people seem to think that training on an empty stomach will make them burn off more fat. However your energy comes from carbohydrate therefore if you haven't eaten you will have far less energy and have virtually no chance of having a good workout. You will be unable to lift more than your previous best and you will probably be left shaking, jittery and even dizzy after your workout possibly due to low blood sugar levels. Instead have a pre-workout meal including thing like rice, vegetables and fruit.

6.) A failure to stretch properly. To prevent muscle tears, ligament strains, and debilitating cramps, be sure to get your body ready for your workout by stretching. Even taking ten minutes out of your day can help you improve your range of motion, your posture, and most importantly, your performance.

7) Not keeping a training log. A training log is an essential part of building muscle; you need it to measure your progress and keep track of your personal best lifts. A training log doesn't take much time and is very motivating at keeping you on track. Making use of one is a good idea.

By keeping the above pointers in mind, as well as a healthy dose of common sense, you should be able to enjoy a safe and productive workout. The important thing is to relax, be safe, and enjoy a great workout. - 17268

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Today's Fashion and Tomorrow's Pain

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Looking your best might not always be the best thing for you. Today's society is extremely fashion and style conscious. Unfortunately, clothing designers and stylists aim to please by creating unique looks that might not always be practical or even comfortable.

The look of the season shows runway models in high platform heels and tight skirts or pants. Models have perfected the runway "walk," but the popular looks and accessories are frequently impractical and could create leg, back, and spine or neck problems. "Sometimes I see a woman walking down the street with high heels and a two-ton bag, and I want to stop her and make her aware of what she is doing to her body," said American Chiropractic Association national spokesperson, Dr. Jerome McAndrews.

Women generally wear high heels to complement an outfit, not for comfort, but some might not realize that these shoes can cause serious discomfort in the feet and can also exacerbate back pain. High heels alter the balanced position of a person's body. When a woman wears high heels, a new dynamic equilibrium occurs. Dr. McAndrews compared the musculoskeletal system to a mobile, hanging in dynamic equilibrium, each part balancing the other. If one part becomes 'fixed,' the whole system will compensate with a movement or restriction. Wearing high heels for any length of time increases the normal forward curve of the back and causes the pelvis to tip forward. This alters the normal configuration of the pelvis and spine necessary for the body to maintain a center of gravity.

"The legs are the foundation of the musculoskeletal system, and a person standing flat-footed or bare-footed would be completely balanced," said Dr. McAndrews. "While standing, the hamstrings are taut and both parts of the pelvis are stabilized so that the support is normal. By bringing the heel up, you encourage the shortness of the hamstring muscles."

Women and men alike fall into the fashion trap. However, women, more than men, tend to wear clothes that are too tight. Stylish tight tube skirts and tight pants can be attractive, but are often too restrictive. Clothes that are too tight throw a person off-balance, and simple everyday tasks such as bending, sitting and walking become difficult. "Tight clothes restrict a person from moving comfortably, resulting in poor posture and misalignment of the spine," said Dr. McAndrews.

Another unhealthy fashion statement is the use of heavy purses, backpacks and handbags. Women and men tend to carry too many items in one bag, or briefcase, and are often not aware of the potential health risks associated with toting an excessive amount of "stuff." Carrying a bag with detectable weight-more than 10 percent of your body weight-can cause improper balance. When hiked over one shoulder, it interferes with the natural movement of the upper and lower body. "The person carrying the bag will hike one shoulder to subconsciously guard against the weight, holding the other shoulder immobile," said Dr. McAndrews. "This results in the unnatural counterbalance movement of one shoulder and little control over the movements of the arms and legs. Even worse, the spine curves toward the shoulder."

More and more people carry their credit cards, ATM cards and personal identification in the back pocket of their pants. This might be a convenient way of carrying the necessary items with you each day, but carrying your wallet in the back pocket of your pants can cause discomfort. Dr. McAndrews suggested men and women remove their wallets or other items before sitting for long periods of time. "Sitting on your wallet or card holder for the entire day will create a pocket in the muscle lying underneath the wallet, and whether your pants are tight or loose-fitting, this can result in discomfort or pain."

In today's society, it might be important to you to look fashionable, but it is more important to choose clothes, shoes and bags that are comfortable and that suit your style. By following and remembering these simple steps, it is possible to look and feel your best.

Choose comfortable shoes. If you must wear high heels, bring a pair of flat shoes along with you to change into should you become uncomfortable. If you walk to work, wear flat shoes and change into your more fashionable shoes when you arrive to alleviate any pain or discomfort. If the shoe is uncomfortable while standing, chances are it will not be any more comfortable while walking. The wrong shoe can affect the body's center of gravity. Choose supportive shoes. Designer spikes or non-supportive loafers may look nice but do not allow for easy, symmetrical walking. While sitting, whether or not you are wearing heels, it is important to take frequent stretch breaks to alleviate atrophy of the hamstring muscles. Try to avoid excessive wear of tight pants or clothing. If you prefer tighter clothes, choose styles that allow you to perform daily tasks with ease. Select a briefcase or purse with a wide adjustable strap. Ideally, the strap should be long enough to place over the head. This evenly distributes the bulk of the weight across the body. When carrying a bag, or briefcase, switch sides frequently to avoid placing the burden of the weight on one side of your body. Take the time to empty unnecessary items from your bag. Place all necessary items-such as wallets and cellular phones-in the front pockets of the bag. Stretching around to reach for your wallet can result in a pulled neck or back. If you are driving or sitting for long periods of time, remove your wallet or card holder from the back pocket of your pants. Think about your daily tasks. If your clothes affect your movements, consider outfits that fit your lifestyle. Designers and stylists tend to be more concerned about the way something looks rather than the way it feels. Listen to your body. One of the most important aspects of being in style and looking your best is to maintain healthy judgement. By following simple suggestions, being fashionable can be comfortable. - 17268

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Choosing The Right Dumbbells

By Benedict Perez

Dumbbells are not doubt one of the oldest fitness equipments that are still a big hit even in this modern times. It has been there for many centuries yet these tools are still among the most favored in this new generation. People who want to shape up have varied reasons in using this fitness tools. Regardless of what reasons and motives you may have for using these fitness tools it is really important to carefully choose the right one for you.

It is really essential for you to have not only the best but also the right and perfect dumbbells suited to your need. But safety and efficiency should always be your top priority in choosing the right dumbbells you expect to address your needs. Being able to maximize these fitness tools to what it is being made for should be among your concerns when you need to purchase this stuff.

You can only make it a little easier if you have to set some important parameters in dealing with your choices. You do not need to seek assistance form fitness guru pertinent to this matter. But being laden with a wide array of choices of different types of modern dumbbells will surely create some confusions of picking up the right pieces.

You can always set your own parameters in choosing the right dumbbells for your needs. The durability and flexibility of this kind of fitness tool should also be taken in consideration. One important thing you need to consider is the amount of weight you need to work on.

Above all this you also have to take its price as among the top concerns when you need to purchase one. You must also take the kind of personality you have in choosing your own sets of these stuffs. Always remember that you need not have to drain your wallet just to shape up with this fitness tool. If you are on the go then by all means try to have one that you can tag along anywhere and one that you will be able to use anytime with all ease like the aqua dumbbells. - 17268

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The Benefit of Using Nitric Oxide Phendrexin

By Laura Croff

So, you seem to be looking for a great way to lose weight or build muscle or increase your metabolism to the point that you will be able to burn off those extra calories.

So, what is nitric oxide exactly? It has been shown to greatly aid all people in getting quicker recovery times from sports activity as well as help people lose weight and maintain a particular shape.

For these reasons, nitric oxide has been known to give the athletic edge that athletes often desire. This is the key to unlocking the great sports success that many athletes are able to obtain.

Nitric oxide is often used by champions of sports because it is so effective in doing its job of increasing metabolism and boosting the energy levels of anyone who uses it.

So, to get started, all you need to do is get your hands on a nitric oxide supplement and then continue to take it daily. You will then begin to notice how your body responds to it and in particular how your metabolism will speed up and give you the weight loss that you have been desiring.

If you want to get the great benefits we have been talking about in this article, continue to take it day after day and in no time you will be seeing the improved body that you want.

So, go ahead and get your hands on some nitric oxide and begin today! Nothing is stopping you from beginning now. If you take this into your hands now, you will experience the benefits that it can bring you and then you can begin to move on to other accomplishments like starting a new schedule in your life that you know is right for you. Doing so will lead to greater achievements that you will begin to enjoy and will only propel you on further. - 17268

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Start Your 6 Pack Abs Workout In The Kitchen

By Jace P. Andersen

There are basically two types of males - those with a six pack and those without those alluring clump of muscles lining their stomachs. These two groups also live different lives as the guys that stick to their 6 pack abs workout routine spend most of their time shirtless and the others stay fully dressed.

Magazines and movies brought about the idea that the ultimate male had a six pack and the world still believes this today. It may be a bit of a shocker to learn that six packs are actually formed in the kitchen - not so much in the gym.

The answer lies in the layer of fat that covers the abdominal muscles and yes, all of us actually have a six pack. Some of us just have a covered up version, as the belly fat completely hides the underlying muscles. You may train these muscles until they are rock hard, but whilst there is fat covering them, they will hardly be visible.

To keep a fat percentages at zero on your belly you simply must eat right. Even guys with six packs that let go of their good eating habits, soon join the group on the permanently shirted side. The secret is simple - eat the right foods at the right time and you are on your way to that muscled look.

Choose any of the thousands of eating plans guaranteed to show a six pack, but ensure that the basic foodstuff and the portion control of your chosen diet falls into some simple guidelines. The most important one being to eat at least 6 small meals a day!

Serving sizes on your plate can be calculated from your body measurements. Protein servings must be able to fit into the palm of your hand, whilst vegetables portions resemble your fisted hand. Add carbohydrates for energy; sizing these up to a quarter of the protein serving and your plate is set.

Mealtimes come around six times a day, so spread them evenly with the same time lapses between each meal. By eating less volume but more meals a day, your metabolism will increase significantly. Now that your diet is sorted, move onto exercises.

Hate them or love them, but the only exercises to build a six pack are crunches. A crunch reverts to a contraction of the muscle by putting strain on it. Keeping the muscle tight and then slowly let the muscle relax. Repeat until you simply can not lift any body part any more and stop.

By repeating this exercise as often as you can daily, you break down the fibers inside the muscle which then grows back harder and thicker. The result - a six pack to show off on your next beach holiday! Use the machines you see on television to help you in the beginning as they do make these exercises a bit easier, but soon you will be crunching on your own to gain maximum results.

Eat right and throw away your TV remote and you are on your way to that alluring look that makes women swoon. - 17268

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Tricks To Toning Abs Easily

By Jace P. Andersen

Toning abs is not always an easy thing to do. It takes dedication, routine and a well balanced workout. Many people spend weeks on toning their abs and receive little result. What is the trick to achieving and keeping toned abs?

The abdominal region is hard to tone for most people because it is covered in fat. Starting a workout routine focused only on abdominal exercise does not address this. In order to have tone abs, the fat must go away first.

A program to reduce fat around the abdominals generally helps most people achieve tone abs. Once the fat is gone, you are able to see the muscles. At this point you can focus on sculpting them.

The best way to reduce fat on the body is to reduce how much goes in. A nutrition program is a great way to deal with this problem. A good diet will help reduce fat and increase productivity from exercise. Exercising without nutrition sometimes defeats the purpose of exercising in the first place.

It is also important to include lots of water. Drink water not just because you're thirsty. Water transports nutrients, and lubricates tissues and joints. It even helps with digestion which can help you lose the fat.

While nutrition reduces the amount of fat going in, aerobic exercise burns the fat that is there. Aerobic exercise burns calories and increases the heart rate. Aerobic exercise can get rid of the fat around your abs. An effective abdominal workout will include aerobic exercise.

Now that we've discussed the fat, here is how you tone the actual muscles. Below are some specific abdominal exercises that can help you tone your abs.

The Bicycle Crunch: The Bicycle Crunch exercise looks like you are riding a bicycle while lying on your back. The legs are brought to the elbows and alternated. This exercise targets the rectus abdominus.

The Ab Crunch: This exercise is done on an exercise ball and is a great workout for the rectus abdominus. With an exercise ball supporting your lower back, raise your center. In order to stretch your abdominal muscles use only you abs while keeping your feet firmly on the ground.

The Vertical Leg Crunch: This abdominal crunch is done on the floor. It targets the external obliques. To do this, lay on the floor and raise your legs. The knees should be slightly bent. Staying flat, use your abs to bring your shoulder blades up from the floor.

The Reverse Crunch: This floor exercise uses the oblique muscles of the abs to raise your hips. To do this one, lay on the floor and place your hands beside you. Next, raise your legs and bend them ninety degrees. In this position, use the abdominal muscles to raise your hip.

All of these specific exercises should help tone the abdominal region. They, however, cannot be done alone. Nutrition and aerobic exercise must be included to have a well balanced routine. The three must be routine, and maintained for a reasonable amount of time in order to see results. Staying dedicated to a diverse abdominal workout will bring you the results you seek. - 17268

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Hollywood's Anti-Aging Secret

By Alex Ariel Sanders

The public first came to know about the significance of Resveratrol after a study on French men, who drink a good amount of red wine, and despite their rich diet, they do not suffer from the illnesses that come with age. It was found out later that Americans of the same age level are trying their best to deal with such illnesses. These studies served as the introduction on how Resveratrol can help us slow down the aging process.

First, resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are compounds that reduce the number of free radicals, which are waste products of cellular functions in our body. Therefore, Resveratrol has been associated for many years to weight loss and has been also sold as a dietary supplement to help people burn fat. Its ability to slow the aging process has not been proven until recently.

Resveratrol resembles the effects of caloric restriction diet in more than one way. Its effect on aging is basically parallel to that of being on a restricted calorie diet, which has been proven to slow down the aging process and help avoid a number, if not all, of age-related illnesses.

The main belief is that resveratrol aids out in keeping certain fats from entering the body and in flushing them out. Aside from that, it has a bonding property that acts with certain bad cholesterol and triglycerides in order to stop them from building up within the body.

In other studies on resveratrol, there are evidences that support that idea of the said compound working on the genetic level by rendering the aging gene useless. These studies are currently ongoing and have not yet been full-proofed. However, resveratrol is at its running to be the ultimately desired fountain of youth should these studies be able to prove its real potential. Other evidences show its capacity to inhibit and even prevent some cancers, with more emphasis on breast cancer in women.

It has been found that we cannot fully rely on red wine, berries, grapes and other fruits as the source of ample resveratrol for the body. High dosage of this element has to be taken in order for the effects to be possible. This can be found in the form of dietary supplements.

In pill or capsule form, it takes a minimum of 250 mg to produce a measurable amount in the blood after 30 minutes. All traces of resveratrol are gone after 4 hours. This seems to indicate that, in order to maintain sufficient levels in the blood to be of benefit for slowing the aging process, supplementation with resveratrol should be taken at regular intervals that do not exceed 4 hours. - 17268

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Understanding The Secrets of Muscle Gaining - Muscle Gaining Secrets In Review

By Ted Webers

A lot of people routinely visit their workout facilities and exercise for many hours, and still don't see a lot of improvement. Wouldn't that be awful to work out so often and for so long and get nothing in return? Personally, I wouldn't continue a routine that required that much devotion if I weren't seeing positive improvement so that I can tell if I am performing the exercises correctly or not. There are certain Muscle Gaining Secrets to increasing muscle mass that are now available to you. With these tips, you can see the positive results you desire and not have to workout constantly.

1. What Do Muscle Gaining Secrets Do For Me?

The Muscle Gaining Secrets will help you build the sturdy muscles that you have always longed for without having to make the mistakes that so many people make along the way. Incorrect training can sabotage your body-building plans and rob you of nearly 90% of the muscle you are trying to gain.

2. You Can't Try To Train Exactly Like A Bodybuilder

The biggest error that people commit when working out is that they attempt to lift weights just as an expert does, rather than they way that's best for them. If you try to keep a professional pace, your body will not be able to increase your muscle mass because you will be overusing your muscles without giving them the proper recovery time that is necessary to build muscle.

3. Working Out for an improper length of time

Also, you should never work out for more than 45 minutes; if you do this, your body goes all out with cholesterol production, making you just store more body fat and reduce muscle tissue. If you don't diet correctly, either, you might end up making your body produce estrogen and other hormones; you'll work out to make yourself look more manly, when you'll just end up looking more feminine, which is extremely counterproductive to your efforts.

4. What Are The Advantages of Gaining Muscle Secrets?

Muscle Gaining Secrets contains priceless information and tips for putting together exactly the right plan for turning your body into the finely tuned muscular machine that you desire without making mistakes that would sabotage your plans and keep you from the results you want. Try Muscle Gaining Secrets for yourself and experience the results on your own.

Jason Ferrugia isn't pushing some quick fix kind of program that makes promises that it doesn't deliver. With some effort on your part, he can show you the correct way to build muscle and sculpt your body into the body you have always wanted.

With the proper application of willpower and effort, you can get bigger faster and simpler, not to mention more effectively. You'll get great results, and could even lessen your gym visits. There's no better authority on bodybuilding and gym exercise than the acclaimed Jason Ferrugia. He'll be able to show you the way. - 17268

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Non Meat Protein For Vegetarians

By Wayne Truter

Many vegans quit eating meat, eggs, milk, honey, and yeast for one very specific reason: they have a deep reverence for all living things and subsequently want to prevent all living things from suffering on their behalf.

This reverence for all living things drives some vegans to what nonvegetarians might consider extremes. Some live greatly restricted lives, but for a noble cause: to prevent suffering and death wherever possible.

In order for vegetarians to absorb a healthy amount of protein, they must consume a variety of plant proteins to form complete amino chains. By eating vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts, fruits, and whole grains, vegetarians can increase the amount of complete proteins they create by combining a number of varieties of amino acid chains.

Fruits and vegetables also contain high amounts of fiber, which helps flush toxins out of the body, further contributing to better skin health.The last health advantage vegetarians enjoy is an increased natural consumption of antioxidants.

In addition to natural sources of protein, vegetarians should also seek foods that are "protein-fortified"-- or artificially-infused with protein.

Vitamin C can be found in berries, tomatoes, citrus fruit, kale, kiwis, asparagus and peppers.

Vitamin E can be found in wheat germ, seed oils, walnuts, almonds, and brown rice--all foods that are commonly a part of a well-balanced vegetarian diet.

So what does this all mean for you as a prospective vegetarian?

For some vegetarians, wearing wool is just as bad as eating meat; and for others, it simply isn't an issue because they do not believe it causes an unreasonable amount of suffering. Which are you? - 17268

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