Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Body Fat Loss Technique for People With a Life

By David Suiter

A road map to body fat loss is something that is desired by the untold masses who are overweight around the world. Obesity is something that most every corner of the globe is affected by these days. Making a change for the better is something that many individuals are undertaking right now.

An absence of information on this subject is definitely not the case. An internet query of the words "weight loss" will return boat loads of results. Finding the right program for your needs may be a little more challenging.

With all the miracle diets, magic fat burning pills and weight loss potions it is no wonder many people feel confused. It seems like every body has an opinion on how to lose weight. There are so many weight loss books out there that contradict one another.

How come some of the body fat loss techniques help some people and not others? More than likely it would be that some were able to ride it long term while others fell off the wagon after a short time. A method that you can stay with on a long term basis is critical for your success.

Although some foods are more helpful with helping you lose weight than some other foods it is important to understand that calorie restriction is the key to weight loss. That's the part no body wants to hear but scientifically speaking, the proof is in the pudding (or maybe the yogurt). The formula is a simple one...burn more calories than you take in.

A method that has been working quietly behind the scenes for many years is one that only requires you to cut calories once or twice a week. You are allowed to eat normally for the rest of the week. No carrying around your "rabbit food" in Tupperware bowls.

This method for weight loss focuses on cutting calories from a weekly point of view, not a daily one. Now you can go ahead and get the calorie cutting business out of the way in one or two days and be finished with your "dieting" for that week. No need to be a calorie obsessed freak seven days a week.

24 hour short term intermittent fasting is the program that has been helping many people accomplish the body fat loss they desire. By incorporating one to two 24 hour fasts in your week you can effectively produce a calorie deficit that can help lead to permanent weight loss. Permanent weight loss is a great thing but this method also produces some surprising health benefits (anti aging effects is just one of them) that you may want to investigate further. - 17268

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Back Excercises Will Be A Central Fixture Of Your Exercise Routine

By Eric Normand

When working out, a lot of people forget about one of the most important muscle groups in their entire body: their back muscles. The muscles of the back are part of the body's core and strengthening these muscles through regular back exercises offers many benefits to those who perform them. The back muscles support the movements made by the body and when you have a strong back, your entire body becomes stronger and more flexible.

Additionally, a strong back will be much less prone to injury and proper exercise will enhance the strengthening of the back muscles. As such, it is always a wise idea to integrate a number of back exercises into your regular workout regimen. In general, there are four areas that back exercises can greatly improve. These four areas are as follows:


Our bodies naturally have a much wider range of motion than you may think. We lose a lot of our natural flexibility because we don't tend to use it as much as we could; for example, by spending our days sitting in one place in our offices.

By using regular back exercises, stretching and proper strength training, you can regain this lost flexibility and enjoy the wide range of natural flexibility which we inherently possess.


Relaxation is different from flexibility, though many people associate them. They can both be achieved with slow stretching exercises. Relaxation is the ability to reduce the number of nerve impulses that are sent to your muscles. What I'm referring to is the ability to consciously relax, independent of stretching.

When you learn to relax your muscle groups, you can relax one and allow the opposing muscle groups to conserve energy and work a little less hard. This allows this muscle group to work for a longer stretch of time without becoming exhausted. Back exercises, of course are particularly good for relaxing the muscles of the back which can relieve back pain and allow your entire body to perform more efficiently.


When you work out a muscle group, the muscles become stronger. So, when you engage in regular back exercises, you will discover your strength increasing significantly. Some may wonder what the benefits to increased strength may be if one is not looking to perform heavy lifting. The reason is that anytime you perform any activity you will need to use some form of strength.

There is basically no kind of lifting which doesn't rely on the back muscles, since they are engaged when almost any muscle group is called into use. When you strengthen your back muscles, all of your lifting becomes less difficult "and when you strengthen your back, you reduce the strain all around and significantly reduce the potential for injury to occur.

Body Awareness

One of the less appreciated benefits of back exercises is their ability to promote a great understanding of body awareness. That is, you become much more noticeable of aches, pains, strain, and stress. Through being more aware of these problems, you will be able to take the proper steps needed to deal with them if a problem arises.

If you want to become stronger, more flexible and enjoy better health and well being all around, back exercises are a necessity. Any exercise program should include back exercises to support your strength, improve your range of motion and ensure better health. - 17268

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6 Week Body Makeover - Guide to Weight Loss

By Perry Simpleton

The basics of the 6 Week Body Makeover is, "stick to the plan, lose weight". It's a simple motto, yet hard for many people. The reason why some people cannot stick to the plan is because they become frustrated from the lack of fat loss. Here are some of the causes for you not losing weight.

Are you sticking to the program but and cannot eat all of the meals? Do you feel full all the time? This is a good thing! If you are not hungry and sticking to the plan, then the Michael Thurmond program is working for you. Many people think that they need to starve to lose weight. However, this is not the case. If you can, try to eat all of the meals based on your body type.

However, if you can, try to eat all your meals. If you stick to the plan and still have troubles eating all the meals, then reduce the portion sizes about 10%. Don't reduce any lower than this or you will start starving yourself. Some people are concerned that they didn't lose a lot of weight during the first week of the program. Remember that everyone's body is different and that results might vary among people. Some people might lose 10 pounds in the first week simply because they are already over fat and have a lot to lose. Don't despair if you aren't losing the weight that you expected. Stick to the program and you will naturally see results. Another way to compensate for your slow weight loss is to increase your aerobic exercise.

Do you FEEL like you lost weight? Does your scale tell you otherwise? If you feel and appear thinner, then you've lost fat weight. Use the scale as an indication of whether or not you've lost weight, but do not let it be the deciding factor. Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat and that you might have gained muscle weight and lost fat weight. Personally, I would rather have more lean muscle and shed the fat because I know the lean muscle will help me burn more fat calories in the future.

Don't use the scale as your weight loss benchmark. Instead use your before pictures and compare them to after photo shots of yourself in your shorts or bikini. If you can see a difference in your problem areas, then you've lost weight. Keep doing the program and you will lose more fat weight and in the future you will be able to fit into the jeans you wore in high school! - 17268

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Bodybuilding and Your Biceps

By Ryland Greg Brown

Biceps are one of the smaller muscle groups, they don't need the same rest period as the larger muscle groups like the quads or back. It is important to build up gradually, making sure that you develop your back muscles enough to carry the extra workout. Don't do this exercise too quickly, or build up the weights too fast.

The fundamentals to bodybuilding your biceps is the repetitions, rather than extreme weights. Working out with too heavy weights will make it hard to do the repetitions you need, which is not a good thing.

Another important factor is recuperation. Muscle builds when it is resting, not during training when it is being broken down. You need to give the biceps muscle enough time at rest to build itself to the max. One of the most important parts of recuperation is getting eight hours of good sleep a night.

Bicep exercises are satisfying because you can really see the muscle working. It is best to train the biceps together with the triceps, it is always good to work muscles on opposite sides of the body.

For bodybuilding your biceps, you usually use dumbbells, but muscles don't know whether the stress is being applied by free weights or a machine. Muscles respond only to the level of stress being placed on them.

Dumbbell curls are one of the easiest weightlifting exercises you can do and after a few repetitions you will feel your biceps being toning.

To make the most of your bicep workouts stand with your back straight, with the barbells in your hands, palms towards your sides. Take deep breaths from lower down in your lungs, not from your chest. Focus on your breathing, this can make a big difference.

Slowly pull the dumbbells up towards your chest, keep your elbows tight in next to your body. Don't get in a hurry, the slow pull on your muscles is what works best. Breath out fully, all the way to the bottom of your lungs.

Rotate your wrists so that when the barbells get to you chest they are facing the chest comfortably. Hold this for a couple of seconds before you let the weights down. Let the dumbbells down slowly. Take a breath in from the lower part of your lungs rather than at the top of your chest. Do up to 15 to 20 reps. Gradually increase the weight so you can gain strength without doing damage. Ryland Greg Brown - 17268

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Can I Help Prevent Bruising by Taking Up Clogging?

By Carolyn Cooper

As part of growing older, we are often reminded that we should work at staying active at all costs, and if follow that advice about following a good exercise routine, we have almost always realized beneficial results. Another function of growing older that is not as easy to overcome is the condition of bruising easily, but what most people aren't aware of is that our easy bruising condition can be somewhat offset by following a good exercise program in much the same way that a variety of other physical disorders can be positively impacted as well.

Once you become tired of finding bruises that seem simply materialize from no apparent cause, and when you are ready to commit to a different solution to the problem, you should consider taking up clogging. Clogging is a widely popular dance activity throughout most parts of the world, having originated in Africa and Europe before coming to America, and you will learn that clogging can be physically taxing while still being very enjoyable and providing a different means to help you reduce your incidents of bruising.

First, let's think about clogging and everything that it entails. Do you have a fun clogging group that is active where you are? Do you have several local groups, or do you have to drive some little distance to meet your clogging friends? In general, clogging involves musically striking the heel, or the toe or both to create an impressively in time percussive rhythm.

This dance activity known as clogging claims much of its popularity due to the high level of aerobic activity that is involved, and this activity is what will prove beneficial in your attempts to reduce your bruising easily.

Remember that bruises occur because as we get older, the walls of our blood vessels will often get frailer, and our skin can also become thinner. With cardiovascular exercise of the kind that you can get from clogging, you will find that you are going to strengthen these blood vessels so that they become less fragile over all, and they become more resistant to taking more than just a light bump before bruising.

Clogging also helps your body become stronger and more graceful; not only will you be less likely to bump into things in the first place, you will also be less inclined to bruise easily when you do.

Take a look around to locate some of the clogging groups in your area. There are so many different variations and styles that in many cases, it is like learning a brand new dance all over again every time you join a new group. This is a fun and exciting social dance activity that can benefit you in a variety of ways.

When you evaluate all of the healthful benefits that clogging can give you, you should also consider how combining clogging with a great daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which is uniquely designed and specially formulated to help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether, might be the answer you're seeking to overcome your easy bruising. - 17268

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Overtraining? You've Been Lied To

By Josh Scott

Has anyone ever told you that you're overtraining? It seems to be one of the favorite things to do for the so called Internet muscle building and fat loss experts. Those same so called experts will tell you that working a muscle more than once per week is overtraining. I guess they've never met the huge powerlifters and amazingly strong Olympic lifters that routinely work a muscle more than once per week... not to mention the many natural bodybuilders who work a muscle group more than once per week.

I cannot take it any more!!! No one can tell anyone they are overtraining without knowing much more about the person, their weight training program, their diet, their sleep habits, the stress in their life and much more. The nonsense must stop now.

Those so called Internet experts cost me years and years of my time, money, and effort. I could have made much faster progress if I wouldn't have taken their advice. I built my website and this newsletter to get the truth out there to as many people as possible. I don't want you to go through the same crap that I went through.

Don't Let Anyone Tell You You're Overtraining... They Don't Know

Do you have any idea why someone can't look at your weight lifting program and tell you that you're overtraining? I've even heard those experts tell people that working out more than 3 times per week is overtraining. Amazing I tell you. Simply amazing. There are WAY TOO MANY factors for anyone to tell you that you're overtraining... Way too many.

Here are some of the factors that affect recovery from weight lifting workouts:

1) Fluid Intake

2) Nutrition and Diet

3) Aerobic Exercise

4) Weekly Program Adjustments

5) Weight Training Intensity

6) Frequency of Workouts

7) Pre and Post Workout Diet

8) Supplement Intake

9) Sleep

10) Stress Levels

11) Genetics

12) Conditioning Level

The factors affecting recovery from workouts that I've listed above are still only a few... The list goes on and on. Your entire life and what you do each and every day affects your recovery from workouts and your muscle building and fat burning results. No one will ever be able to tell you that you're overtraining. It's something you're going to have to watch out for yourself.

Did you know that you could workout 7 days per week for years and not overtrain? All you would have to do is start out easy, keep intensity low, increase your conditioning, and continue to increase workload and intensity as your body adapts to the increased workout load. Now I don't recommend 7 days per week... I just wanted to make a point.

What's my point? My point is no one and I mean no one can tell you that you are doing too much without taking into account all the factors that affect recovery between workouts. They need to know how your progress is coming along, how much you've been sleeping, the stress levels in your life, do you stretch, do you perform low or high intensity cardio, do you go to failure every set of every workout, etc. So never listen to someone who tells you that you're overtraining without taking into account all the factors.

How Do You Know if You're Overtraining?

The easiest way to watch for signs of overtraining is to measure your strength gains from workout to workout. If you're making progress from workout to workout, you are definitely not overtraining. When strength gains come to a halt, you should start paying more attention to the factors that affect recovery between workouts. Are you drinking plenty of water? Are you eating enough of the right foods? And so on...

If you're building strength each workout, you don't have to worry about overtraining.

But if progress slows, you first need to make sure you're drinking enough water and eating plenty of healthy and nutritious foods. A simple increase in water intake and improvements in food and amounts of that food will turn everything around for you.

If you have soreness in a muscle group for more than 4 to 5 days, you overdid it at your last workout. You may need to take an extended break if the soreness persists... especially if you've been lifting weights consistently for more than a few months. Take a week off and let your body recover before starting your next weight lifting program.

How The WLC Program Prevents You From Overtraining...

An entire section on Rest and Recovery is included in the WLC Program Package. You will not only leanr how to prevent overtraining, but you'll learn how to optimize recovery between weight training workouts which leads to faster and bigger gains in muscle size and muscle strength.

Learn how to decrease stress levels. Stress is one of the bigger factors that can prevent you from making progress. If you don't decrease stress in your life, you'll never make optimal progress.

Sleep is another very important factor. Do you do anything to help you get better sleep at night? Have you ever had trouble sleeping at night? If so, you must realize that you need better sleep to get better results. You'll learn how to improve sleep with the WLC Program.

I even have a few special tactics in the WLC Program that you can use to increase recovery from workouts even more. You won't find information like this anywhere else. Use this information, and you'll never have to worry about overtraining again. You'll know you're doing everything you can to get the best possible results.

An important tactic for preventing overtraining that you can use immediately is to take a full one week break after every weight training cycle. A weight training cycle can last anywhere from 8 to 15 weeks. Then, you need to take a break. No strenuous activity is allowed during the break so your body can fully recover.

This break not only prevents overtraining but allows you to make unbelievable progress the following cycle by deconditioning your muscles. - 17268

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Body Building Nutrition Tips, How To Design Your Pre-Workout Meals

By Ricardo d Argence

The saying says, "if you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail", and the same holds true for each and every one of your workouts. Every session in the gym should be treated as a battle, and just like any other battle in life you must enter it with proper mental and physical readiness.

When you are planning to work out you need to ensure that the meal you eat before going to the gym gives you the nutrients to battle the weights effectively.

There are three basic goals of the pre exercise meals. The first is: Achieve your maximum strength possible. Second: The meal you eat before working out must accomplish three things: making you as strong as possible. Third: Cooling down after a workout is an important step in order to minimize muscle breakdown.

Making sure you are properly hydrated, is the first thing you should do before a workout. Liquids are essential in maintaining strength and stamina, so be sure to drink a sufficient amount of water several hours before your workout.

Around 30-45 minutes prior to entering the gym you should consume your pre-workout meal. The first component of this meal is, you guessed it, protein. Protein will keep your body in an anabolic state throughout your workout and will help to prevent muscle breakdown as you train.

Whey protein makes for a great pre-workout choice because it helps to prevent muscle catabolism during your workout. Mixing your whey with milk is a good idea because this will slow down the release of the protein and provide your body with a steady stream of amino acids throughout your workout.

You should have one to two servings of low-glycemic carbohydrates with your protein shake. Before working out, consume low glycemic carbohydrates. As you exercise, your body will break these down and absorb them into your bloodstream, helping maintain a constant level of energy.

Your body responds to consumption of high glycemic carbohydrates, which are quickly released into your bloodstream, your body responds by releasing a surge of insulin to help your system even out your body's blood sugar. Rapid fluctuation in insulin levels is the last thing you want in the middle of high intensity workout so choose carbohydrates that will not cause this.

Pre-workout carbohydrate choices such as oatmeal, apples or brown rice will provide your body with a steady stream of sugars throughout the workout and will keep your energy levels peaked at all times. This pre-workout meal should be fairly small to allow for easy digestion and to prevent you from feeling sick when you train. You should never workout without having a meal in you first. - 17268

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Acne Problems

By Gail Jones

Acne is one of the commonest skin problems afflicting the human race and it it can be present in all people irrespective of age, caste, colour or gender. Acne is an extremely embarrassing and burdensome problem, because it is so obvious and off-putting. Acne can be described as red eruptions on the skin, sometimes filled with a white puss, causing discomfort and irritation. The most common type of acne is called acne vulgaris or puberty spots.

Acne vulgaris can be defined as: an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland) . Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots or zits - [source: Wikipedia]. It is a problem over which we do not have complete control. There are different ways to treat acne; one can go for medication from a skin specialist or one can also try home or natural remedies.

Natural remedies are less time consuming, less costly and have no side effects. However, they do require a little more patience, because the routines have to be followed diligently in order to get rid of the problem once and for all. A natural cure for acne is just as effective as medication. Here are a few natural remedies to cure your acne. To start with, your daily consumption of water should be at minimum of eight to ten glasses. This helps you to detoxify your system and destroy the harmful bacteria that cause acne.

An over-balance of oily food also leads to acne, therefore fried, oily and spicy food should be religiously avoided. A near complete abstinence of fried and fatty food will have a marked, beneficial effect on any acne outbreak. Furthermore, if you eat more chromium and zinc in your diet, it will help to eradicate acne. There needs to be the correct balance of diet and skin care.

A solution of grated nutmeg with unboiled milk regularly daubed on the afflicted area also helps to eradicate acne. Cinnamon powder mixed with honey is just as efficacious in treating. The cooled liquid from boiled Neem leaves applied to acne works as a disinfectant. [The Neem Tree is a tall, usually evergreen East Indian tree (Azadirachta indica) widely cultivated in tropical Asia for its timber, resin, bitter bark, and aromatic seed oil, which is used medicinally and as an insecticide (source: 'Free Online Dictionary')].

The infected area should be cleansed with anti-acne soap at least three or four times a day. Make-up should be strictly avoided when suffering from acne. Make-up makes acne worse. Acne must never be squeezed as it may cause infection or / and make it spread. Squeezing your acne can also lead to permanent marks on your skin, which leaves your skin looking unsightly. Don't let your hair touch the acne-affected area too.

Hair should be kept tied back to prevent touching the acne. Pillow covers should be washed on a daily basis to avoid the germ spreading. The regular cleansing of your skin should be observed to keep it free from germs. Apart from this, a healthy lifestyle should be followed with a proper balance of food, exercise and sleep. Remember if you take proper care of yourself, ailments will have trouble afflicting you, especially such a small thing as acne! - 17268

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The Last Thing To Do To Lose Stomach Fat Is...

By Tim Williams

The one special abs exercise that is the best for losing belly fat is

None! Ab workouts alone don't create enough of a metabolic response in your body to create fat loss.

There seems to be a misconception among those who want to lose belly fat. They believe that they way to losing belly fat is to do abs workouts 5 days a week. This is not so, abs workouts alone are not going to help shed the fat around your belly.

The thing is... they are going about the problem entirely the wrong way! The truth is that you don't lose stomach fat by doing ab workouts. This is not how to get flat abs.

Doing only abs exercises may seem like the right way to lose belly fat and get flat abs but it is not. Focusing all of your exercise time to abs exercises is actually preventing you from achieving your goal of flat abs. Want to know what exercises then are better to do? These are a few better alternatives to regular abs exercises:If I were to choose an answer as to what the best exercises are for losing belly fat, my answer would include full body exercises such as the following: clean & presses, snatches, and swings.

These are the kinds of exercises that you should be doing if you want to lose that belly fat. The way you combine those full body exercises into a strategic workout that maximizes your metabolism is also very important.

Now, this is not to say that you should no longer do any abs exercises at all. Rather this is a reminder to be sure to focus more on full body workouts as your time spent doing these is going to give you faster and more efficient results. There still is some residual work out in the abs when you do full body multi-joint combo exercises. Youll be working out your abs directly through these indirect abs exercises.

One thing we havent brushed on yet is the importance of a well balanced diet and healthy nutrition. If your diet is full of junk food and fried foods, no matter how much you work out you are not going to shed that excess belly fat.

So let's clear this up for good... Stop spending so much of your time focusing on situps, crunches and, leg raises and all those silly worthless "ab contraptions" in your efforts to try to develop ripped abs. Lose the belly fat in a faster amount of time by focusing on fully body workouts at high intensity. Combine that with a well balanced diet and youll be seeing results in no time! - 17268

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Body Type A Blue Print - Six Week Body Makeover

By Steve Oberman

Do you have loose droopy flesh and little lean muscle mass? Have you tried to lose weight your whole life and have been unsuccessful? Have you given up hope on losing weight? If you have answered "yes" to these questions, you are a Body Type A.

If you haven't taken the Michael Thurmond Blue Print questionnaire, take it and confirm that you are an "A" body. Body Type "A" are classified as having the slowest and most sluggish metabolism and are more often considered "obese" than overweight.

Genetics are a main factor for you being fat. Many times, Body Type A people have worked the hardest to lose weight but are always unsuccessful. They have given up on losing weight because each diet that they have participated in has lead to miserable failure and weight gain.

Understanding your body composition is an important part of losing weight. The Six Week Body Makeover is the way to understand how to lose weight for your body type. Your body's metabolism is very slow due to very little lean muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is the building block to losing weight and burning calories.

Many times you are classified as obese rather than overweight. The time is now to change your obesity and to make yourself health and beautiful. Take the Six Week Body Blue Print Questionnaire and get started to losing weight.

Foods that will make you lose weight are fish, chick, turkey breast and complex carbohydrates. Red meat should be avoided as this will make you bulk up. Complex carbohydrates include brown rice, squash and sweet potatoes. - 17268

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Rising Cost of Health Care

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Health insurance costs are out of control. We are all painfully aware of this inflationary spiral. Monthly premiums are through the roof. Co-payments keep going up and up. Out-of-pocket expenses are so high we often wonder what we're saving by purchasing health insurance at all.

Every family has been hit hard by these financial burdens. If you're self-employed, your health insurance premiums for adequate individual coverage are close to $1000 per month. These bills are too high for many small business owners, so they opt for catastrophic coverage. These policies still cost $4000 to $5000 per year. If you encounter medical problems, you have to pay up to $5000 or more in out-of-pocket expenses.

What solutions, if any, are available to U.S. citizens? The Federal government may or may not address our crumbling health care system in the next presidential administration. Individuals and families need to take steps on their own to ensure better health. Improved health and well-being always translate into reduced health care costs.1,2

Health-affirming lifestyle choices make a real difference in both short-term and long-term well-being. Old habits may need to be broken. New habits will need to be nurtured. The outcomes will be better health and increased savings by reducing health care expenditures

Nutrition and fitness are often the primary categories needing improvement. Obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes are a few of the main culprits raising our national health insurance costs. Each of these can be positively impacted by achieving a better diet and engaging in regular exercise.

Stopping smoking. Reducing alcohol consumption. Replacing soda with water. Cutting-down on snacks. Cutting-down on processed carbohydrates - white bread and white rice. Reducing portion size. Taking all these action steps, progressively and over time, will improve your overall state of health.3

Be in it for the long haul. Change doesn't happen overnight - it's a process. We're talking about a lifetime of good health supported by good habits.

Chiropractic health care is a very important part of the process of restoring well-being and reducing health care costs. Regular chiropractic visits help a person stay active and are a key component in returning to fitness. Chiropractic treatment helps to improve flexibility, balance, and stability, increasing your ability to exercise and making it more fun.

You can use your chiropractor as a resource as you work on improving your health. Your chiropractor will have many valuable recommendations regarding healthful nutrition and healthful exercise, and will be glad to offer guidance and support in your journey to good health.

1Fronstin P: Health promotion and disease prevention: a look at demand management programs. EBRI Issue Brief 177:1-14, 1996 2Parks KM, Steelman LA: Organizational wellness programs: a meta-analysis. J Occup Health Psychol 13(1):58-68, 2008 3Pearce PZ: Exercise is medicine. Curr Sports Med Rep 7(3):171-175, 2008 - 17268

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Alternative Therapies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

By Michael Roberts

Do you often get tired? If you do, then you may be having a condition that is referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Based on the data provided by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), there are more than a million of Americans who are suffering from this debilitating condition and around an estimate of 80% are not aware they have it. Could you be one of them?

But then again, you or someone you care for may already be diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). For me, the best way to begin overcoming this problem is through the use of highly potent alternative treatments.

You cannot necessarily have CFS just because you get tired often. Dr. Julie Gerberding, CDC director, explains that symptoms of profound exhaustion, problems with concentration and sleep can differentiate a simple case of exhaustion from CFS. Symptoms of pain in the joints and muscles, headaches, flu-like symptoms and sore throats and tender lymph nodes are also manifested.

Symptoms of CFS are also similar to other diseases that can cause fatigue, according to Dr. Gerberding. These diseases include Fibromyalgia, neurasthenia, chronic mononucleosis, encephalomyelitis and multiple chemical sensitivities. Poor nutrition can also be a factor for tiredness, as well as poor digestion, food allergies, obesity, tension, depression, sleep problems, drug abuse, alcohol and smoking.

No amount of rest can make a person who has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome feel much better. In fact, it can wear a person physically and mentally that it prevents them from performing their usual day to day activities. But a change in lifestyle and a diet rich in whole food nutrients helps in preventing and even reversing the symptoms of CFS.

Primarily, a change to a more wholesome diet that must include lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help. For a source of protein, use cold water fish that is high in omega-3 oils and lean, free ranging poultry. Take in a lot of pure and clean water and try to avoid processed, salty and sweet foods. As much as you can, try to avoid sugar, alcohol, coffee, tea, sodas and fruit drinks. If you are a smoker, quit it.

Stay away from stressful activities and events and make sure you have enough rest. It is also needed that you start an exercise program and do it regularly. Exercise can relieve you of stress and is really an essential part of your alternative treatment. Start by setting a moderate goal. Do not push yourself too hard. Take it slowly and gradually.

Even if you do all of the things that you must do, you may seem to fall short of the nutrients that you get from the food that you eat. The CDC recommends that you include supplements in your diet. I would recommend the use of natural, whole food supplements which includes essential oils that is important for a healthy body.

I have time and time again seen how these alternative treatments have worked wonders for those having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia or simply tiredness. The results have actually been amazing for those who followed all the guidelines. They just felt better and have started to have fun and bid goodbye to fatigue. - 17268

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